Mark Levin Podcast show

Mark Levin Podcast

Summary: Mark Levin is one of the hottest properties in Talk radio today. He is also one of the leading authors in the conservative political arena. Mark's radio show on WABC in New York City skyrocketed to Number 1 on the AM dial in his first 18 months on the air in the competitive 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM time slot. Mark's latest book, "Unfreedom of the Press," is out now. When your books are endorsed by Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity, you know you have a winner on your hands. In a short period of time, Mark has become one of the most listened to local radio Talk show hosts in the nation.

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 Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 3/1/19 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6893

On Friday’s Mark Levin show, there are some in the Democrat Party claiming they will use democratic socialism to run America. This will never succeed because it’s tyranny; what will succeed is liberty. I Pencil and Milton Friedman are the best ways to explain our economy. When you hear this think of how hard it is to run an economy and who in federal government will run our healthcare system? We need to fight for what belongs to us, fight against democratic socialism which should be called police state socialism. Also, the democrats have their sights on President Trump’s financial info and his children. Trump must say no and bring this all the way to the Supreme Court. Later, it's been 2 years of the Russian investigations and we have had nothing come from it. None of the arrests or criminal proceedings have been related to the President and any sort of collusion. Finally, just weeks before the FBI raided Michael Cohen office, he pitched a book praising Trump. He painted Trump in a positive light by saying the President wasn’t dumb, crazy or a liar.

 Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 2/28/19 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6825

On Thursday's Mark Levin Show, The most immediate threat we have in America today isn't Iran China, or Russia, it’s the modern Democratic Party! They want to destroy whatever unity we've achieved with reparations. They want to destroy our sovereignty by subverting our immigration laws with sanctuary cities. They seek to destroy our healthcare system. The Democratic Party is a wrecking ball. Who's rooting for the Democratic Party? Our enemies. Is America really so bad that we need a party like this? Some say the Democrats led the civil rights movement, but it was African Americans that led this movement to defend their Constitutional rights and they did it from their churches. It was people of deep faith and conviction that brought about change not some federal bureaucracy. If we leave it to the democratic socialists they will destroy whatever aspect of our lives that they cannot control. Just imagine how far they'd go if they had total control. Later, high paid athletes earning hundreds of millions of dollars are rarely attacked by Bernie Sanders, Kamala Harris, Cory Booker, and the others. They always critique corporate CEO's for earning that kind of money, but athletes are off the table. Afterwards, the attack on Prime Minister Netanyahu continues despite his record of achievement.

 Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 2/27/19 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6861

On Wednesday's Mark Levin Show, we now have politicians performing for the media in the case of the Michael Cohen hearing.. The greatest thing we can do is ask the networks to stop 24/7 news because they are under so much pressure to deliver new content every hour, every minute and We The People lose out on quality. Our national legislature held this hearing today under the guise of oversight to perform for the media and trash President Trump for 7 hours on live television. Only the most radical kook democrats care what Cohen had to say. Meanwhile, President Trump was in Vietnam working to get the nukes away from North Korea, while the media was running their circus with Cohen at the Capitol. Then, even though Trump hasn't behaved like Bill Clinton in the Lewinsky affair, or like JFK, or, LBJ, yet he's still skewered in the media despite his good behavior as president. Later, Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu has moved the Israeli economy from weak under socialism to thriving under a free market. But now the politically motivated Attorney General of Israel is leading a witch hunt on Netanyahu for allegedly accepting cigars and champagne in exchange for political favors. The crime is not accepting the gifts, but accepting too many cigars and too much champagne. Justice isn't blind if you're Netanyahu.

 Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 2/26/19 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6788

On Tuesday's Mark Levin Show, Republicans are buckling on President Trump's National emergencies Act declaration because they are ignorant. Do any of these so called constitutionalists claim that the Administrative State is unconstitutional when the massive federal government leviathan writes more regulations than Congress does? How many of them proposed a repeal of DACA? President Obama issued this executive action knowing that he couldn't legislate from the oval office, but he did it anyway. Not a single one of these constitutionally critical Congressmen said a word. Congress issues statutes allowing the president to move funds from one account to another. Trump is citing the actual statutes that Congress voted on, DACA was dictatorial—plain and simple. The question to them is: Is it constitutional for people to pour in at our border? Also, Michael Cohen, and his attorney Lanny Davis, admitted liar and confessed criminal will take the witness stand in congress Wednesday to spew lies to the fake news media; nothing he has to offer has any legislative consequence to our Congress, but their goal is to sabotage him. So the show must go on. Later, Democrats defend infanticide, yet again by voting against the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act. Healthcare cannot be a right because we don't have the right to a doctor's services whenever we want. Finally, Gary Sinise calls in to discuss his new book: Grateful American: A Journey from Self to Service.

 Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 2/25/19 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6677

On Monday's Mark Levin Show, Sens. Kamala Harris and Elizabeth Warren are supporting reparations. Since history reveals that the Democrat Party has historically opposed abolitionists, and civil rights leaders, it is the Democrat Party that ought to pay reparations to the distant relatives of former slaves. Being that the Ku Klux Klan was an outgrowth of the Democratic Party, and being that this party supported slavery and the confederate south in the civil war and it was this party that supported Jim Crow laws and segregation. After, the Green New Deal is pushed out by Democrats and quacks in the media that support the confiscation of your hard earned dollars. This a full scale attack on capitalism hiding behind concocted terms like "over-industrialized" and "de-growthing" but it’s nothing more than the old red communist movement now draped in "green." The left has gone from shouting that "the government has to stay out of the bedroom" to requiring the government to be involved in every single aspect of our lives. This is the iron fist of communism rearing through our republic and it’s being led by "old red's" like Sen Bernie Sanders and new green ones like Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Then, kudos to President Trump for bringing the fight to the media, when they take shots at him he takes shots right back—good for him! Finally, a Judge ruled that a men-only military draft is unconstitutional. These judges are becoming more and more like activists. No, women should not be in any combat roles.

 Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 2/22/19 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6733

On Friday's Mark Levin Show, what is liberty? We're pushing back on socialism, big government and collectivism. We need to get back to the fundamentals because there's no debate. The Conservative intellectual movement is all but dead. The mindset of the country has changed; we should have a revolution for individual liberty, not centralized government control. We are handicapped by national populists that want to help certain groups over others. Could you imagine someone telling the founders that we'd one day have the federal government controlling healthcare, childcare and higher education? John Stuart Mill taught that some modern reformers that opposed the religions of the past never considered the long-term effects of their teachings on the populace; to encroach on one's individuals liberty and support the collective group is evil because it feeds power to the state. To reiterate Isaiah Berlin’s positive liberty is the capacity to act upon one's free will, while negative liberty is freedom from external restraint on one's actions and internal constraints. Berlin theorized that the pursuit of utopia thrives on discord. People need to be engaged in these debates because to ignore these warnings is perilous. Then, Bernie Sanders' socialist policies are the perfect example of tyrannical governance, totally disregarding our negative liberty. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez misrepresents a 91% marginal tax rate (which no one ever paid, due to tax breaks) in her latest attempt to appear morally superior in her argument to tax earnings of over $10M. However, taking 70% of a family's earnings through AOC's tax plan is the real act of immorality here.

 Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 2/21/19 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6823

On Thursday's Mark Levin Show, free healthcare, free college, free childcare, free Universal Basic Income and now reparations are being proposed by 2020 candidates including Sen. Elizabeth Warren. The reason is to raise the income levels of black households. Yet in 2019 most people in this country are generations removed from slavery. Sen.Kamala Harris recently supported similar legislation rooted in race. However, Democrats rarely support school choice which actually can equalize opportunities for all people, irrespective of race. The truth is that people succeed in spite of their race and history not because of it. So spending trillions on universal basic income, Family Medical Leave, a national sales tax, wealth tax, and reparations will not improve society, it will ultimately only enslave it. These policies have no respect for individuals. Yet, the bigger story is our ballooning national debt which no one in the media cares about. Some experts expect the debt to grow to 148% of the gross domestic product. Then, CAIR is defending the ISIS bride that wants to return to America despite her lack of legal status to here.

 Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 2/20/19 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6706

On Wednesday's Mark Levin Show, Freedom of the Press is an extension of free speech which was revolutionized by the printing press. Printers were suppressed by the colonial governments through restrictive regulation on critical speech and matters of religion. As James Madison contemplated the revolution and America's founding and came up with 12 Amendments to the new Constitution, of which 10 were ratified—becoming the Bill of Rights. These amendments only applied to the new centralized federal government, not the states. Jefferson disagreed with how libel laws would be upheld and prosecuted at the state level. The Supreme Court eventually ruled on this creating a test for libel laws that opened Pandora’s box. The Supreme Court's test has limited public officials from virtually any protection or relief from a dishonest media with no checks and balances. In effect, this creates a monopoly on truth in the media because they cannot be held accountable for lying. Quite simply this rejects the notion of liberty found in the other amendments of our Constitution. Then, why should America strive to be more like Scandinavia? Leftists like Sen Bernie Sanders point to European socialism as an example of success because they have no success to point to here in the U.S. America is the most successful country on the face of the earth in spite of the left. Sanders said that breadlines are a good thing because it means that there's actually food for poor people. Afterwards, President Trump calls the New York Times the real enemy of the people and their publisher denies it. Meanwhile, the media continues to focus on the Robert Mueller report despite no charges being filed against the president despite FBI agents like Andrew McCabe are jobless because of the mere existence of this report—which in and of itself is the problem.

 Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 2/19/19 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6811

On Tuesday's Mark Levin Show, the media has finally caught up and are reporting on, what was described on this program as, a "silent coup." In March of 2017 this program deduced from the media leaks that a rogue operation within our own government was working to prevent, and then remove, a President of the United States! The fallacious basis they laid out for the investigation is unraveling as each of them turns on each other. Rod Rosenstein is a coward and a liar, Andrew McCabe is a leaker and a liar just like James Comey and FBI attorney James Baker who is under criminal investigation. Then, 16 states are suing the president over enacting a national emergency for the border wall. They will lose in court and they will lose badly. There is no violation of the separation of powers, no violation of the Constitution, and no statutory violations either. Unlike President Obama's executive overreach creating DACA, this act was authorized by Congress 43 years ago when they authorized the President of The United States to use it as part of his executive authority. Afterwards, capitalism is about individuals making decisions for themselves, it’s about individualism. Socialism is about the government making decisions for us, it’s about collectivism. How many have died at the hands of capitalism? How many police states were created by capitalism? Exactly. Later, the 25th Amendment is not under the purview of the FBI, it’s under the executive branch led by the President of The United States. Finally, Bernie Sanders is a racist and a sexist that lines up with anti-Semitic bigots, supporting Rep. Ilhan Omar's hateful stance on Israel, yet he's still running for president and the media is silent on his misgivings.

 Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 2/18/19 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6703

On Monday's Mark Levin Show, Rich Zeoli from WPHT fills in for Mark. Was former FBI Assistant Director Andrew McCabe's discussion of the 25th Amendment a joke? If he and the others in his cabal loved America so much why did they circumvent all of her laws? The 25th Amendment was created for the cabinet in the event of the death, incapacitation, or extremely ill health of the President—not for rogue FBI officials to circumvent an election they disagreed with. The FBI wasn't created to stop campaigns, candidates or sitting presidents. The only part of our government that is charged with removing a president is the US Congress through the Constitutional process of impeachment. Yet McCabe threw Rod Rosenstein under the bus several times in his 60 minutes interview continually saying he offered to wear a wire on several occasions to secretly record the President inside the White House. Then, Actor Jussie Smollett continues denying any involvement in what is now beginning to look like a hoax attack that may have been staged.

 Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 2/15/19 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6765

On Friday's Mark Levin Show, Brian Mudd from WJNO fills in for Mark. President Trump declares a National Emergency for the border wall because we need to start with border security. Trump had modernized and fixed 654 miles of wall so far which covers a third of the border and there's 280 miles of the border that is desperately in need of a barrier and or repairs to existing fences. The number one priority is a 55 mile stretch along the Rio Grande River. The current continuing resolution expires just before the next election and Trump's Art of The Deal secured enough funding to cover the most precarious part of the border. If Trump wins in court defending the National Emergency he won't need to negotiate with Congress anymore, if he doesn't then we'll be taking up this issue again just prior to the 2019 elections. Then, Socialism is simply a system of shared misery for a fifth of the U.S standard of living. Whichever veneer they use, 21st Century Socialists, Democratic Socialists, and their comrades fail to realize that their system crumbles without capitalism fueling it.

 Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 02/14/19 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6877

On Thursday's Mark Levin Show, Rich Zeoli from WPHT fills in for Mark. Make no mistake we're living in a police state! Former Assistant Director of the FBI Andrew McCabe considered a soft coup on the presidential campaign of Donald Trump, by leaking information they know to be false to their accomplices in the media. When Mark Levin said they spied on Trump— he was right! Although the media labeled Mark Levin as a conspiracy theorist, it turns out that his analysis was spot on in March 2017. The Barack Obama hold-overs in the FBI used surveillance on the campaign. By spying on Trump the rogue FBI and DOJ officials tried to legitimized their investigation. They debated coercing cabinet members to invoke the 25th Amendment to undo the legitimate election of Donald Trump as President of the United States. Today CNN posed the question: "was it a coup or a concern?" The real concern is that the media is not concerned that any of these subversions occurred at all. Despite no evidence of conspiring with Russia, this bias against President occurred for eight days, yet no one has paid the price for the perversions of justice displayed in this failed coup. Later, ABC News in Chicago is reporting that police are investigating whether Jussie Smollett staged his alleged MAGA attack with help of other actors from the TV show "Empire." Afterwards, Speaker Nancy Pelosi says the border crisis is a manufactured emergency and that future Democratic Presidents might tackle gun control as a national emergency. Of course Pelosi is wrong on this as she usually is, and her limitations on the border barrier compromise bill only helps foreigners entering illegally—not We The People of the United States.

 Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 2/13/19 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6812

On Wednesday's Mark Levin Show, Fox News Contributor Dan Bongino fills in. The budget compromise is not a good deal and President Trump knows this. While this may have been a bad deal, it’s certainly the best deal he can get right now and Trump has a new section of the wall to prove it. Trump has moved the needle from zero miles of fencing and zero dollars for it to today he is poised to get 55 miles of border barrier and $1.375 Billion to pay for it, with no legislative cap on bed space at border detention facilities. It's no wonder why Trump's approval rating is now at a 23-month high. The Democrats on the house side are doing whatever they can to hurt Trump and they don't care if you get hurt in the process. Their only goal is regaining power in the swamp that Trump's residency has threatened since winning his 2016 election. Then, the Senate Intelligence committee has found the same results as the House Intelligence committee —no collusion, or obstruction by Trump toward the Russians. The Skolkovo project reveals that the real collusion was with the Hillary Clinton and the Democrats supporting Russian weapons technology like the hypersonic missile. Robert Mueller is investigating a hoax and its damaging the country.

 Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 2/12/19 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6700

On Tuesday's Mark Levin Show, Rich Zeoli from WPHT fills in for Mark. We might have a deal and we might have a border wall, or barrier. Democrats are being held hostage by the radical fringe leftist in their party that think it’s immoral to defend the border. Will the President sign-off on this compromise, shut down the government again, declare a national emergency, or both? President Trump has to deliver on this issue or risk losing a portion of his base. The big question is: will Trump accept the reduced offer of less than $2 Billion for a barrier and decreased beds at border detention centers. Then, drug lord Joaquin "El Chapo" Guzman was found guilty in federal court. Under the federal laws of criminal asset forfeiture, the federal government can seize the $14 Billion in cash that El Chapo is known to have. Sen. Ted Cruz has introduced a bill to use these federally-seized funds to build the wall to curtail the flow of drugs into the U.S at our southern border. Later, the Senate finds no Trump collusion with Russia and Robert Mueller is believed to have nothing to report as his investigation winds down. Afterwards, Michael Cohen has postponed his testimony for a third time, this time citing a shoulder issue; this works well for Trump and just proves that the democrats and the media just keep coming for him.

 Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 2/11/19 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6679

On Monday's Mark Levin Show, Brian Mudd from WJNO fills in for Mark. Newly-elected Congresswoman Ilhan Omar has been called out by Democratic leadership for her anti-Semitic comments. They insist that she apologize for her statements regarding Israel and her support of Boycott Divestment Sanctions (BDS) movement, whose mission is to paint Israel as oppressive occupiers and denying the Jewish State's right to exist in the area they call the West Bank. Other Minnesotan's making headlines is Amy Klobuchar who announced her candidacy for President amidst a snowy backdrop in Minnesota. The only thought that came to mind was that she didn't have a snowballs chance in hell of winning, despite being characterized as brave for weathering the snowy weather. Then, illegal immigration continues to be hotly debated and the democrats argument that all we need is technology is a complete fraud. The moment that border apprehensions increase, the truth is that we don't have the infrastructure to process all these people. Usually more than 30,000 people and averages a cost of $4.5 million per day to house illegal immigrants at the border. Finally, the Hispanic vote is in doubt as it is no longer considered a safe democratic voting bloc. Florida, for example, has for the first time in a very long time a Republican Governor and two Republicans in the U.S Senate, this, at a time when Florida has its highest population of Hispanics ever.


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