Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 11/14/18

Mark Levin Podcast show

Summary: On Wednesday's Mark Levin show, It’s outrageous that all other news outlets have joined forces with CNN. CNN and Jim Acosta are protecting themselves not freedom of the press. It’s irrelevant that the media is reporting on itself that fellow news organizations are filing Amicus briefs--these are all pseudo events. Notice that none of these other media organizations have filed suit against the White House, they simply signed on to support CNN because they have no case. They wouldn't tolerate Acosta's behavior in their studios and judges wouldn't allow it in their court rooms. CNN and the others need to be reminded that they are there for the American people, to report the news not debate the president. The media no longer reports the news, they create the news and that is not protected by the first amendment. Then, it seems there's no Constitutional Crisis after all, as the White Office of Legal Counsel has concluded that the appointment of Matthew Whitaker as Acting Attorney General is in fact legal, Constitutional, and in compliance with federal law under the Vacancies Act. Also, CNN’s Jake Tapper’s demanded evidence of voter fraud in Florida. Here’s his evidence - the Florida Department of State has asked federal prosecutors to investigate altered election documents tied to the Florida Democratic Party. Why wasn’t this story broken on CNN? Because CNN’s not investigating. Finally, Michael Avenatti was arrested by the Los Angeles Police Dept for alleged felony domestic violence as reported by TMZ entertainment news.