Worship Ministry Catalyst show

Worship Ministry Catalyst

Summary: David and Kevin have been running the Worship Ministry Catalyst Podcast for over 6 years now. If you haven't joined the conversation, we invite you to come sit at our table!

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  • Artist: David Lindner and Kevin Kruse
  • Copyright: Copyright © Worship Ministry Catalyst 2008-2014


 WMC Podcast – 0136 – “I” songs vs. “global” songs | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0:31:50

“I” Songs Vs. “Global” Songs “I’ll stand, my soul, Lord, to You surrendered.” “I’m sorry Lord for the thing I’ve made it.” Have you ever struggled with singing that line of “Heart of Worship”? Maybe you don’t feel like you’ve made it something it’s not supposed to be, but here you are in a corporate setting being forced to sing those words. Or maybe you don’t feel like your soul is completely surrendered to God, but if you don’t sing… In this episode of the Worship Ministry Catalyst Podcast, David & Kevin talk about the difference singing personal, “I” songs in a corporate worship setting and singing songs that have a more global theme and approach to them. Why don’t you chime in? TWITTER: @wmcatalyst FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/worshipministrycatalyst VOICEMAIL: 360 818 – 4339 Email: david@worshipministrycatalyst.com or kevin@worshipministrycatalyst.com Don’t forget you can subscribe to our podcast through iTunes as well. Show Notes & Links: – If you would like more information on having someone give you this outside perspective, contact david@worshipministrycatalyst.com or leave him a voicemail at 360-818-4339.

 WMC Podcast – 0135 – Building A Strengths Based Team | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0:30:18

Building A Strengths Based Team In this episode of the Worship Ministry Catalyst Podcast, David & Kevin talk about the ideas behind the books, “Strengths Based Leadership” & “Strengths Finder 2.0”. As we talk, we discover that the principles of the book are built on a principle of teams that the Holy Spirit inspired Paul to write about thousands of years ago. Why don’t you chime in? TWITTER: @wmcatalyst FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/worshipministrycatalyst VOICEMAIL: 360 818 – 4339 Email: david@worshipministrycatalyst.com or kevin@worshipministrycatalyst.com Don’t forget you can subscribe to our podcast through iTunes as well. Show Notes & Links: – If you would like more information on having someone give you this outside perspective, contact david@worshipministrycatalyst.com or leave him a voicemail at 360-818-4339.

 WMC Podcast – 0134 – Keeping Up in the Technology Race, Is It Worth It? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0:32:36

Technology The pace at which technology is advancing is astounding. Since the start of this podcast, technology has exploded. What does this mean for the church, how do we keep up and should we? Why don’t you chime in? TWITTER: @wmcatalyst FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/worshipministrycatalyst VOICEMAIL: 360 818 – 4339 Email: david@worshipministrycatalyst.com or kevin@worshipministrycatalyst.com Don’t forget you can subscribe to our podcast through iTunes as well. Show Notes & Links: – If you would like more information on having someone give you this outside perspective, contact david@worshipministrycatalyst.com or leave him a voicemail at 360-818-4339.

 WMC Podcast – 0133 – What Does It Mean To Trust? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0:34:31

Trust Trust is a big deal, but it can be hard to live in a trusting relationship all the time. How can we trust? Why don’t you chime in? TWITTER: @wmcatalyst FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/worshipministrycatalyst VOICEMAIL: 360 818 – 4339 Email: david@worshipministrycatalyst.com or kevin@worshipministrycatalyst.com Don’t forget you can subscribe to our podcast through iTunes as well. Show Notes & Links: – If you would like more information on having someone give you this outside perspective, contact david@worshipministrycatalyst.com or leave him a voicemail at 360-818-4339.

 WMC Podcast – 0132 – The Coming Worship Revolution | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0:34:06

We Are On The Verge People have been saying this for years, but we are really starting to feel like there is a revolution beginning. One of the facets of that revolution is worship. We are seeing more and more churches turn from a focus on using worship as the wrapping paper for the sermon and the bait to get people in the doors. What’s it going to look like? Let’s talk about it and see. Why don’t you chime in? TWITTER: @wmcatalyst FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/worshipministrycatalyst VOICEMAIL: 360 818 – 4339 Email: david@worshipministrycatalyst.com or kevin@worshipministrycatalyst.com Don’t forget you can subscribe to our podcast through iTunes as well. Show Notes & Links: – If you would like more information on having someone give you this outside perspective, contact david@worshipministrycatalyst.com or leave him a voicemail at 360-818-4339.

 WMC Podcast – 0131 – The Blessings of America | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0:28:50

The Blessings of America As Kevin talks about his recent trip to the Dominican republic, we talk about how blessed we are to live in America. All this discussion sets up our next episode of the podcast where we will be talking about the coming worship revolution in the American church. Why don’t you chime in? TWITTER: @wmcatalyst FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/worshipministrycatalyst VOICEMAIL: 360 818 – 4339 Email: david@worshipministrycatalyst.com or kevin@worshipministrycatalyst.com Don’t forget you can subscribe to our podcast through iTunes as well. Show Notes & Links: – If you would like more information on having someone give you this outside perspective, contact david@worshipministrycatalyst.com or leave him a voicemail at 360-818-4339.

 Worship Ministry Catalyst Podcast – 0130 – In Ear Monitors – Part 2 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0:36:34

In Ear Monitors, Part 2 In this episode of the podcast, David & Kevin talk about their recent, unintentionally simultaneous transitions to In Ear Monitors and personal mixers. In part 2 we talk a bit about the benefits and what we call the theory of using the monitors. If you want some tips on how to maximize your in ear monitor use and mix, be sure to listen! You’ll especially want to listen if you’ve thought about making the switch, or heard others talking about it and wondered what the big deal was! Why don’t you chime in? TWITTER: @wmcatalyst FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/worshipministrycatalyst VOICEMAIL: 360 818 – 4339 Email: david@worshipministrycatalyst.com or kevin@worshipministrycatalyst.com Don’t forget you can subscribe to our podcast through iTunes as well. Show Notes & Links: – If you would like more information on having someone give you this outside perspective, contact david@worshipministrycatalyst.com or leave him a voicemail at 360-818-4339.

 Worship Ministry Catalyst Podcast – 0129 – In Ear Monitors – Part 1 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0:33:45

In Ear Monitors, Part 1 In this episode of the podcast, David & Kevin talk about their recent, unintentionally simultaneous transitions to In Ear Monitors and personal mixers. Listen in as we talk about what we’ve learned. You’ll especially want to listen if you’ve thought about making the switch, or heard others talking about it and wondered what the big deal was! Why don’t you chime in? TWITTER: @wmcatalyst FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/worshipministrycatalyst VOICEMAIL: 360 818 – 4339 Email: david@worshipministrycatalyst.com or kevin@worshipministrycatalyst.com Don’t forget you can subscribe to our podcast through iTunes as well. Show Notes & Links: – If you would like more information on having someone give you this outside perspective, contact david@worshipministrycatalyst.com or leave him a voicemail at 360-818-4339.

 Worship Ministry Catalyst Podcast – 0128 – Take It All Review | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0:42:38

Passion: Take It All In this episode of the podcast, David & Kevin talk about the newest album from Passion – Take it all. We spend some time going through the songs, talking about the ones we think will work really well for you in a church worship setting. Make sure to listen in! Why don’t you chime in? TWITTER: @wmcatalyst FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/worshipministrycatalyst VOICEMAIL: 360 818 – 4339 Email: david@worshipministrycatalyst.com or kevin@worshipministrycatalyst.com Don’t forget you can subscribe to our podcast through iTunes as well. Show Notes & Links: – If you would like more information on having someone give you this outside perspective, contact david@worshipministrycatalyst.com or leave him a voicemail at 360-818-4339.

 Worship Ministry Catalyst Podcast – 0127 – A Different World | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0:27:33

A Different World… In this episode of the podcast, we talk about doing worship ministry in a world that is constantly changing. It’s a challenge to adapt to culture, especially with the pace at which it is changing. So, what do we do? Why don’t you chime in? TWITTER: @wmcatalyst FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/worshipministrycatalyst VOICEMAIL: 360 818 – 4339 Email: david@worshipministrycatalyst.com or kevin@worshipministrycatalyst.com Don’t forget you can subscribe to our podcast through iTunes as well. Show Notes & Links: – If you would like more information on having someone give you this outside perspective, contact david@worshipministrycatalyst.com or leave him a voicemail at 360-818-4339.

 Worship Ministry Catalyst Podcast – 0126 – We’re really Back This Time! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0:31:47

FINALLY! After months and months of waiting, countless commutes and veritable unquestionable irritation caused by the lack of new WMC episodes, we are now back on the air! I know you’ve adapted to a new lifestyle without us, but we’re here to let you know we’re back and we’re going to force our way back into your lives whether you want us there or not! Why don’t you chime in? TWITTER: @wmcatalyst FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/worshipministrycatalyst VOICEMAIL: 360 818 – 4339 Email: david@worshipministrycatalyst.com or kevin@worshipministrycatalyst.com Don’t forget you can subscribe to our podcast through iTunes as well. Show Notes & Links: – If you would like more information on having someone give you this outside perspective, contact david@worshipministrycatalyst.com or leave him a voicemail at 360-818-4339.

 WMC – 0125 – WE ARE BACK BABY!!! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0:29:11

I bet you thought you had finally gotten rid of us didn’t you? Didn’t you?!?! Well, WE’RE BACK!!!! Why don’t you chime in? TWITTER: @wmcatalyst FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/worshipministrycatalyst VOICEMAIL: 360 818 – 4339 Email: david@worshipministrycatalyst.com or kevin@worshipministrycatalyst.com Don’t forget you can subscribe to our podcast through iTunes as well. Show Notes & Links: – If you would like more information on having someone give you this outside perspective, contact david@worshipministrycatalyst.com or leave him a voicemail at 360-818-4339.

 WMC – 0124 – What is the Whole Point of Church (And your Worship Ministry?) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0:35:39

What is the reason we bother with church? And why does the way we do church affect how we do worship ministry? These are some of the questions we begin to deal with in this episode of the podcast. Why don’t you chime in? TWITTER: @wmcatalyst FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/worshipministrycatalyst VOICEMAIL: 360 818 – 4339 Email: david@worshipministrycatalyst.com or kevin@worshipministrycatalyst.com Don’t forget you can subscribe to our podcast through iTunes as well. Show Notes & Links: – If you would like more information on having someone give you this outside perspective, contact david@worshipministrycatalyst.com or leave him a voicemail at 360-818-4339.  

 WMC – 0123 – Practical Advice for Sound Techs | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0:31:45

You’ve been there. You work for weeks on a big Christmas production, Easter production or even just a big weekend service. You and a team of volunteers pour hours into the service, you work your hearts out, play your hearts out on the day of and then comes the feedback: “I couldn’t hear the vocalists” or “The drums were too loud” or “There was a guitar playing?” And your heart sinks. All that work for nothing. Yeah, God knows your heart was in the right place, but if people couldn’t hear it or experience it in the right way, then what was the point. That’s exactly the issue we discuss in this episode of the Worship Ministry Catalyst Podcast. As always, we love your feedback, and you can use the links below to get in touch with us! TWITTER: @wmcatalyst FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/worshipministrycatalyst VOICEMAIL: 360 818 – 4339 Email: david@worshipministrycatalyst.com or kevin@worshipministrycatalyst.com Don’t forget you can subscribe to our podcast through iTunes as well. Show Notes & Links: – If you would like more information on having someone give you this outside perspective, contact david@worshipministrycatalyst.com or leave him a voicemail at 360-818-4339.

 WMC – 0122 – Review of Chris Tomlin’s New CD – “Burning Lights” | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0:35:40

Today we are happy to be reviewing the latest from Chris Tomlin. His CD, Burning Lights, is set to release on January 8th. In this episode you will hear us discuss all the things we love about the CD. Make sure to check out the episode. Also, as you heard on the podcast, we are thrilled to be doing a giveaway! We are fortunate enough to be able to give away 5 copies of this album. (It’s actually not us who will be giving away the CD’s but we get to host the giveaway and you, our listeners and readers get them! Stay tuned for details on how to enter!!! As always, we love your feedback, and you can use the links below to get in touch with us! TWITTER: @wmcatalyst FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/worshipministrycatalyst VOICEMAIL: 360 818 – 4339 Email: david@worshipministrycatalyst.com or kevin@worshipministrycatalyst.com Don’t forget you can subscribe to our podcast through iTunes as well. Show Notes & Links: – To purchase a copy of David’s Christmas album click here. (Or go to iTunes) (Or Amazon) – To download the videos for your Christmas Services, Click Here. – To Get your Copy of David Santistevan’s Book, “The Worship Songwriter,” Click Here.  – Praise Charts – If you would like more information on having someone give you this outside perspective, contact david@worshipministrycatalyst.com or leave him a voicemail at 360-818-4339.  


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