Worship Ministry Catalyst Podcast – 0126 – We’re really Back This Time!

Worship Ministry Catalyst show

Summary: FINALLY! After months and months of waiting, countless commutes and veritable unquestionable irritation caused by the lack of new WMC episodes, we are now back on the air! I know you’ve adapted to a new lifestyle without us, but we’re here to let you know we’re back and we’re going to force our way back into your lives whether you want us there or not! Why don’t you chime in? TWITTER: @wmcatalyst FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/worshipministrycatalyst VOICEMAIL: 360 818 – 4339 Email: david@worshipministrycatalyst.com or kevin@worshipministrycatalyst.com Don’t forget you can subscribe to our podcast through iTunes as well. Show Notes & Links: – If you would like more information on having someone give you this outside perspective, contact david@worshipministrycatalyst.com or leave him a voicemail at 360-818-4339.