WMC – 0123 – Practical Advice for Sound Techs

Worship Ministry Catalyst show

Summary: You’ve been there. You work for weeks on a big Christmas production, Easter production or even just a big weekend service. You and a team of volunteers pour hours into the service, you work your hearts out, play your hearts out on the day of and then comes the feedback: “I couldn’t hear the vocalists” or “The drums were too loud” or “There was a guitar playing?” And your heart sinks. All that work for nothing. Yeah, God knows your heart was in the right place, but if people couldn’t hear it or experience it in the right way, then what was the point. That’s exactly the issue we discuss in this episode of the Worship Ministry Catalyst Podcast. As always, we love your feedback, and you can use the links below to get in touch with us! TWITTER: @wmcatalyst FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/worshipministrycatalyst VOICEMAIL: 360 818 – 4339 Email: david@worshipministrycatalyst.com or kevin@worshipministrycatalyst.com Don’t forget you can subscribe to our podcast through iTunes as well. Show Notes & Links: – If you would like more information on having someone give you this outside perspective, contact david@worshipministrycatalyst.com or leave him a voicemail at 360-818-4339.