Explore Your Spirit with Kala show

Explore Your Spirit with Kala

Summary: Explore Your Spirit with Kala Ambrose at ExploreYourSpirit.com and listen to a new show every Tuesday at 8pm Eastern. Kala speaks with authors, artists and researchers delving into ancient mysteries, metaphysical explorations, and new discoveries from the science and spiritual arenas!

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 Energy Healing for Everyone with Brett Bevell (Explore Your Spirit with Kala Radio Show) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 56:16

Presented as a teaching manual for all levels of interest, Energy Healing for Everyone: A Path to Wholeness and A wakening by Brett Bevell (Monkfish Book Publishing, August 2014) can serve as a primer for individuals wanting to increase their connection to the Divine. The technique can be used for self-healing, as well as for those who want to teach others this ancient form of energy healing that has its roots with the Essenes, a mystical, egalitarian, peace-oriented sect of Judaism that existed at the time of Jesus. While there are many forms of energy healing, most being traced to Eastern spiritual traditions, including Reiki, acupuncture, and other popular forms, Brett Bevell empowers people all around the world to take charge of their personal well-being on the physical, emotional, and spiritual levels with this simple yet profound technique he has taught since 2006 called Light of the Eternal One. Light of the Eternal One has one primary hand position and is easy to learn. Daily use of Light of the Eternal One is like “bathing your mind in a light that continually reminds you of your connection to the Divine.” The desired goal of this basic treatment is a state where there is no sense of separation between you, the Divine, and all creation. Bevell suggests a forty-day cycle to learn this powerful technique, which has many functions – including healing past traumas, planetary healing, improving relationships, creating more abundance, or simply making your day better. Light of the Eternal One is an energy that is focused to shift our consciousness in any given issue, relationship, or situation, back into a place of oneness with the Divine. Topics Bevell explores include: Turning on the Light of the Eternal One The Basic Treatment Creating a Forty-Day Cycle for Connecting to the Divine Long Distance Healing The Importance of a Mindful Diet and Mindful Action Creating an Abundant Life

 You are Smarter than You Think with Renee Mollan Masters (Explore Your Spirit with Kala Talk Show) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 57:47

When, Renee Mollan-Masters was in second grade, her best friend was moved to third grade because the teachers thought this child was much smarter than the rest of the class. And then during their freshman year of college, both had a botany class together which was taught experientially. It wasn’t just a lecture class–you experienced it! And the course’s tests were given in the same way. The outcome: Mollan-Masters received the highest grade in the class and her “smarter” friend received a “C.” What happened was not a matter of intelligence. It was a matter of how the ideas were presented. One way lined up with one of the girl’s brain talents and the other way lined up with the other child’s brain talents. Today Renee Mollan-Masters, MA, teaches people that YOU ARE SMARTER THAN YOU THINK. Her internationally renowned book, teaching program andnew online Journey helps people discover their best way to learn and how to maximize it. Mollan-Masters’ own journey began when she encountered the research done by Harvard’s Dr. Howard Gardner and his book Frames of Mind. He had discovered that brains are different and they need different experiences in order to learn, and he observed that typical schools could not meet everyone’s needs–thus illuminating Mollan-Masters’ own experience. She was so excited, that she began lecturing about these findings at colleges in Southern California, with students helping to create the You Are Smarter Than You Think program. Eventually she introduced it to the National League of Nursing and nursing programs saw their retention rates go from 20% to 80% when using the You Are Smarter than You Think book and program. In 2011 and 2012, a study was conducted with 100 students at the University of Minnesota, with the following results: 98% stayed in school, students on probation improved enough to get off of probation, and those students that could not get into their major because of low grades were now able to do so. If you or your listeners have ever wondered if you were “stupid” because you were unable to keep up in school or when competing with others in learning situations, this will be an eye-opening interview…one that goes to the heart of what people feel about themselves and one that goes straight to the learning mind. That nagging little doubt, I am not very smart, will disappear. Renee Mollan-Masters’ brand new addition to her extraordinary You Are Smarter than You Think program is the online Journey. The You Are Smarter than You Think system gives the participant two self-evaluations. The first is based on Dr. Gardner’s 7 brain talents. The second evaluation is based on language processing abilities. This is where Ms. Mollan-Masters’ program is different. She shows the participant how to transform any situation into something that works for them. The participant learns how to use his or her brain talents when listening to a lecture, reading a text-book, studying for a test and taking a test. If you’d like to explore yourself before the interview, she invites you to take a free visit inside the Journey at http://m.rapidintake.com/yastyt/39027/ She will also advocate a new approach to teaching in the schools today that will embrace these multiple learning talents–a key to potentially dramatically shifting the current levels of education performance. This program also has implications for the HR departments in business–when employees know how to learn, productivity will improve–as Mollan-Masters can talk to how this enables people to advance in their careers and companies to be more successful.

 Future Science Technology with Dr. Elliot Maynard (Explore Your Spirit with Kala Talk Show) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 59:37

Elliott Maynard believes his new master paradigm [Future Science Technology] is the quantum-field science for the future. He is convinced that integrating traditional, linear science with non-linear consciousness technology will yield new breakthrough solutions for the global problems we face as citizens of Planet Earth. Future Science Technology is a unique system which supports the development of a new and superior human mind – a master paradigm containing 25 keys to personal and planetary enlightenment. To this end, Dr. Maynard has invented an entirely new paradigm format, which – unlike linear paradigms of the past – is flexible, evolvable and timeless. He calls his living paradigms "enlightened pathways into the future." Although he admits that opening Pandora's Box entails accepting responsibility for dealing with the gifts inside, and that any pioneering effort will have its share of detractors and unintended consequences, he quips, "Even the turtle will not get ahead unless he sticks his neck out." Dr. Maynard defines his master paradigm as "a new operating system for the human race." But how does Future Science Technology assist in upgrading our mind to the mind of new man (Homo novus)? What are the characteristics of this new man? How do we access this quantum mind? Maynard skillfully highlights an array of seemingly unconnected subjects from which he weaves a "Living Tapestry." This tapestry contains both the threads of the future science world that are already in place, as well as threads that exist in the future. By embracing this new mindset we can work collectively to birth a new era of effective fixes for a world in which our established institutions are teetering on the brink of collapse or are already broken. In his interviews, Dr. Maynard reveals: * Who and what we are becoming, and how this is important for the ultimate survival of humans and Planet Earth. * How to shift from a linear to a non-linear [quantum] thinking mode to acquire the brave new mind of Future Man, Homo novus. * How conventional science has already laid the groundwork for non-local consciousness effects, and how we can develop entirely new fields of Science, the Arts, Medicine Advanced Technology and Global Peace. * What this means in terms of improving the quality of our lives, and for legitimizing quantum methods which exceed the boundaries of conventional thinking. * How it is possible to be an incurable optimist during these trying times by re-inventing ourselves and learning to work with the quantum information and energy fields? Within this context Dr. Maynard suggests we all need to "get with the program" and shift from a reactive, revolutionary mindset into interactive "re-evolutionary" mindset. * How we can embrace this new science that bridges conventional and alternative sciences to bring out the best of both worlds? Dr. Maynard highlights the creation of "win-win" scenarios in all aspects of life, but has evolved this concept into what he refers to as "Win-win to the X-power." * How do we create an educational system that prepares our youth to operate effectively in the present and future realities? Dr. Maynard presents his new educational system: "The University of the Future." * Descriptions of Future Science Art, Music and Medicine, New Energy Technologies, Super-Nutrition and hitherto unrevealed revelations in the fields of After-Death Communication, Channeling, Earth Energies, Exopolitics, Interspecies Communication, Psychic Technology, Tesla Technology and Weather Modification.

 The Global Consciousness Project with Dr. Roger Nelson (Explore Your Spirit with Kala Talk Show) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 52:22

In 1993, building on years of laboratory experiments, Dr. Nelson began using random event generator technology in the field to register correlations of data with special states of group consciousness. This work led to the world-spanning GCP network, designed to look for indications of a global consciousness responding to major world events like destructive earthquakes, the beginnings of war or terror attacks like 9/11, as well as worldwide holidays and celebrations like New Year. After several years of purely scientific focus, with careful research yielding increasingly persuasive evidence, Dr. Nelson has begun to make public presentations about the GCP. The findings imply that we can be creative participants in determining our future, and that we have the capacity and responsibility for conscious evolution. Dr. Nelson is the upcoming president of the international Parapsychology Association. Original Air Date: 4/25/2007. More information at: http://noosphere.princeton.edu/index.html

 Exploring Love, Angels and Vampires with Becket Ghioto (Explore Your Spirit with Kala Talk Show) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 56:31

Becket Ghioto joins Kala Ambrose on the show to discuss his new book - The Door to Heaven. Dominic and Pascala were eleven years old when they met in grade school. They are both suffering. Dominic’s dad has just died. So has Pascala’s mom. To cope with their grief, Dominic starts speaking with The Door to Heaven while Pascala receives guidance from her guardian angel. Neither knows the other’s secret, not until many years later, soon after they fall in love.

 Do You Quantum Think with Dianne Collins (Explore Your Spirit with Kala Talk Show) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 50:21

Dianne Collins is a modern visionary, an original thinker, an authority in the new world view thinking and the creator of the QuantumThink® System of thinking, an unprecedented body of knowledge based in the principles of quantum science and universal laws applied as practical wisdom in all areas of life. She is the author of Do You QuantumThink? New Thinking That Will Rock Your World, a bestselling book which delineates this new system of thinking. The 21 principles of QuantumThink leap us from the outdated “old world view” limits of the Industrial Age – to begin thinking from the more accurate and up-to-date “new world view” of our Quantum Age. As Dianne puts it: “Old World View = Circumstance rules; New World View = Intent rules. Whatever you do in life you have to deal with your mind. When you master your mind, you master your life. This is what they didn’t teach you in school. ” In her book, Do You QuantumThink? which prominent attorney and TV commentator, Roy Black says “should be required reading for all literate human beings, ” Dianne shares an ingenious discovery that reveals a critical missing link to make sense of our changing times. This entertaining and thought-provoking book asks us to question many of the fundamental assumptions of our own worldview, and offers a multidimensional “new world view” of thinking for the betterment of our lives and our world. QuantumThink takes us straight to the core – what are the dynamics of creation that we as ordinary people have been endowed with by divine birthright, and most importantly, how do we master those faculties of creating and manifesting. Even as a teenager her “inner knowing” told her that living our highest potential would only happen through a leap in consciousness––free and able to transcend limited thinking that keeps us stuck and society’s woes in place. Renowned quantum physicist and author, Dr. Fred Alan Wolf says, “Dianne Collins has fully felt the ‘quantum’ impact and has dedicated her life to teaching others basic principles that impact their lives and solve old problems with a new way of thinking called and invented by her, QuantumThink®. ”

 Mysteries of the Supernatural with Darrin Owens (Explore Your Spirit with Kala Talk Show) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 50:51

Take a peek behind the veil with psychic Darrin William Owens as he offers us a rare look at dimensions beyond our physical world and explains how they work. From angels to UFOs, everything is covered! Also included is an explanation of the supernatural realms, which consists of: * Nature Realm: Earth Folk * Nature Spirits, Paranormal Realm: Ghosts * Hauntings, Spiritual Realm: Human Souls * Spirit Guides, Divine Realm: Ascended Masters * Angelic Beings, Multidimensional Realm: UFO’s * Cryptid Creatures, Dark Realm: Demonic Beings * Fallen Angels, Source Realm: Mother/Father God: Source of all Creation. The veil between our worlds is thinning and Owens will reveal the meaning of this to our spiritual growth and evolution.

 Return to the Brain of Eden with Tony Wright (Explore Your Spirit with Kala Talk Show) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 47:33

Tony Wright’s book – Return to the Brain of Eden: Restoring the Connection between Neurochemistry and Consciousness is an exploration of our fall from the pinnacle of human evolution 200,000 years ago and how we can begin our return • Explores recent neurological and psychological research on the brain and the role of plant biochemistry in human brain expansion • Explains how humanity’s prehistoric diet change led to a neurodegenerative condition characterized by aggression and a fearful perception of the world • Outlines a strategy of raw foods, tantric sexuality, shamanic practices, and entheogens to reverse our mental degeneration and restore our advanced abilities Over a period of a million years the human brain expanded at an increasingly rapid rate, and then, 200,000 years ago, the expansion abruptly stopped. Modern science has overlooked this in order to maintain that we are at the pinnacle of our evolution. http://ExploreYourSpirit.com/radio

 A World Full of Gods: An Inquiry into Polytheism with John Michael Greer (Explore Your Spirit with Kala Talk Show) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 47:33

A World Full of Gods: An Inquiry into Polytheism. In this book John Michael Greer turns his attention to the intellectual underpinnings and superstructures of the Pagan and magical movements. Pagan religions have tended to be more concerned with practice that with theory and in a system that has no dogma - no legislated doctrine - that is as it should be. Yet as movement grows and matures, it is inevitable that people will begin to think in a more abstract way about our models and systems. John Michael Greer has provided a primer on the kinds of ideas and themes that must be included in any discussion of the theology and philosophy of Neo-pagan religions. Original Air Date: 12/19/2006.

 Magic Practices of the Faery Tradition with Orion Foxwood (Explore Your Spirit with Kala Show) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 44:05

Faery Seership the truths we seek can only be found within ourselves, within nature, and within our relationships to nature. At the center of the Faery Tradition lies the Tree of Enchantment: the symbol for these relationships and for the threefold life of humanity. At each level of the tree, there are attending spirit forces that vary from beings of light to beings of shadow, from the ancestors of humanity to the architects of form and nature, from the destiny of our planet to the creation forces of the universe. The tree’s roots grow through the lower world, where all life originates and the dead travel, its trunk and lower branches reach out across the middle world, where elemental forces and the four directions guide us, and its highest branches reach the into the upper world and the Star realm. Kala speaks with Orion Foxwood, who shares folk tradition and extensive academic research into the Old Religion of Faery Seership. Based on Appalachian traditions, Wiccan studies, Celtic oral traditions, and the Craft from Western and Northern Europe, The Tree of Enchantment (Weiser Books, October 2008) offers the student of Faery Tradition both introductory and advanced visionary practices and authentic tools to learn to navigate the three realms of humanity. With diligence and an open heart, the reader will learn to cross The River of Blood, pass through The Gate of Awakening, and over The River of Stars. Original Air Date 1/29/2009.

 The Convoluted Universe with Dolores Cannon (Explore Your Spirit with Kala Show) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:06:54

Kala speaks with Dolores Cannon, author of The Convoluted Universe. Join us on a voyage through time and space into the world of the strange and unusual and unfathomable, as hypnotherapist Dolores Cannon's Convoluted Universe series continues. Suspend belief as you explore worlds and dimensions where your dreams become reality and your reality is only a dream. Open your mind to a myriad of possibilities that have previously only dwelt in the imagination. More mind-bending concepts for those with open minds and eager curiosities. * Other lives as animals, plants and in strange, otherworldly bodies. * Everything is alive. Everything has consciousness. * Help from beings of faraway worlds. * The three waves of volunteers who are coming to help the world go through its transition. * What is God? The true nature of God or the Source, where all come from and all must go back to. * Lifetimes as Creators of universes, the Earth and everything on it. * Different laws of creation and physics where universes obey other rules. * The New Earth and the effects on our bodies as we move into it.. * Who will be left behind when the Earth moves into the next dimension. * A totally new alternative to a walk-in. * The Final Solution Energy that can destroy the world if it becomes necessary.

 Magdalene's Lost Legacy - Symbolic Numbers with Margaret Starbird (Explore Your Spirit with Kala Show) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:04:12

Kala speaks with Margaret Starbird about her book - Magdalene's Lost Legacy: Symbolic Numbers and Sacred Union in Christianity. Margaret decodes the symbolic numbers embedded in the original Greek phrases of the New Testament-revealing the powerful presence of the feminine divine. Original Air Date 12/25/2009.

 Magic When You Need it with Judika Illes (Explore Your Spirit with Kala Show) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 56:17

Kala speaks with Judika Illes about her book: Magic When You Need It. Many spells and charms can take days or even weeks to complete. In Magic When You Need It, Judika Illes offers a collection of super-powered magic to help you right now. Is your career in a slump? Are you being visited by ghosts? Short on cash? Magic When You Need It can help with these problems and more. Original Air Date: 2/19/2010.

 Shadow World with Brad Steiger (The Explore Your Spirit with Kala Show) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 57:57

Who inhabits the Shadow World? We're not just talking about spirits of the dead. And "friendly" is not a proper description of their character. Having conducted research through five decades and across four continents, investigator Brad Steiger concludes that a richly populated Shadow World exists all around us. When it impinges on our ordinary plane of shared reality, this dark dimension is sometimes frightening, occasionally menacing, but always worthy of cautious exploration. Spirits of the dead are but one of the many types of beings that inhabit in the Shadow World. Others appear to be multidimensional beings, some of whom may be benign, while others seem to be cosmic tricksters or troublemakers bent on mischief. And unfortunately some of the beings that seem to have our best interests at heart may in fact have entered our world with the intention of possessing our bodies or capturing our souls. Journey with Kala as she explores the depths of the Shadow World with Brad Steiger. His book is: SHADOW WORLD True Encounters with Beings from the Darkside. Original Air Date: 10/9/2007.

 Lost Lands and Forgotten Realms with Dr. Bob Curran (Explore Your Spirit with Kala Show) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 57:05

There are places that turn up in literature or in film - mystical and legendary places - whose names may be familiar but about which we know little. We nod knowingly at the reference, but are often left wondering about places such as Atlantis, the lost land overwhelmed by the sea or El Dorado, the fabulous city that vanished somewhere in the South American jungles. Other names are more evocative Mount Olympus, the Garden of Eden, the mystic Isle of Avalon and Davy Jones' Locker. But did such places actually exist and if so, where were they, and what really happened? What are the traditions and legends associated with them? In "Lost Lands, Forgotten Realms", historian, Dr. Bob Curran, sets out to find the answers by journeying to the far-flung corners of the world and to the outer reaches of human imagination. Inside you will: climb the high mountains in search of the mythical Shangri-La; navigate the deep swamps and jungles in a quest for the Seven Cities of Cibola; travel to the depths of the dark oceans to look for sunken lands such as Lemuria and Lyonesse; experience unspeakable danger in a realm rarely visited by men - the subterranean lair of Judaculla; and discover the secrets of Heliopolis, Yggradsil, Hy Brasail, the Kingdom of Prester John, Llyobia and the Hollow Hills. Original Air Date: 1/5/2008.


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