The Global Consciousness Project with Dr. Roger Nelson (Explore Your Spirit with Kala Talk Show)

Explore Your Spirit with Kala show

Summary: In 1993, building on years of laboratory experiments, Dr. Nelson began using random event generator technology in the field to register correlations of data with special states of group consciousness. This work led to the world-spanning GCP network, designed to look for indications of a global consciousness responding to major world events like destructive earthquakes, the beginnings of war or terror attacks like 9/11, as well as worldwide holidays and celebrations like New Year. After several years of purely scientific focus, with careful research yielding increasingly persuasive evidence, Dr. Nelson has begun to make public presentations about the GCP. The findings imply that we can be creative participants in determining our future, and that we have the capacity and responsibility for conscious evolution. Dr. Nelson is the upcoming president of the international Parapsychology Association. Original Air Date: 4/25/2007. More information at: