Energy Healing for Everyone with Brett Bevell (Explore Your Spirit with Kala Radio Show)

Explore Your Spirit with Kala show

Summary: Presented as a teaching manual for all levels of interest, Energy Healing for Everyone: A Path to Wholeness and A wakening by Brett Bevell (Monkfish Book Publishing, August 2014) can serve as a primer for individuals wanting to increase their connection to the Divine. The technique can be used for self-healing, as well as for those who want to teach others this ancient form of energy healing that has its roots with the Essenes, a mystical, egalitarian, peace-oriented sect of Judaism that existed at the time of Jesus. While there are many forms of energy healing, most being traced to Eastern spiritual traditions, including Reiki, acupuncture, and other popular forms, Brett Bevell empowers people all around the world to take charge of their personal well-being on the physical, emotional, and spiritual levels with this simple yet profound technique he has taught since 2006 called Light of the Eternal One. Light of the Eternal One has one primary hand position and is easy to learn. Daily use of Light of the Eternal One is like “bathing your mind in a light that continually reminds you of your connection to the Divine.” The desired goal of this basic treatment is a state where there is no sense of separation between you, the Divine, and all creation. Bevell suggests a forty-day cycle to learn this powerful technique, which has many functions – including healing past traumas, planetary healing, improving relationships, creating more abundance, or simply making your day better. Light of the Eternal One is an energy that is focused to shift our consciousness in any given issue, relationship, or situation, back into a place of oneness with the Divine. Topics Bevell explores include: Turning on the Light of the Eternal One The Basic Treatment Creating a Forty-Day Cycle for Connecting to the Divine Long Distance Healing The Importance of a Mindful Diet and Mindful Action Creating an Abundant Life