Explore Your Spirit with Kala show

Explore Your Spirit with Kala

Summary: Explore Your Spirit with Kala Ambrose at ExploreYourSpirit.com and listen to a new show every Tuesday at 8pm Eastern. Kala speaks with authors, artists and researchers delving into ancient mysteries, metaphysical explorations, and new discoveries from the science and spiritual arenas!

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 Key of Life with Randy Rogers (The Explore Your Spirit with Kala Show) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 37:00

In just about everyone’s life, there comes a time when they may question their reason for existing. For Randy that journey began on a day in June of 1995, shortly after he had moved into his new home. A feeling swept over him that an old friend from grade school, Kathy Lynch, had passed away. He had not seen Kathy since 1973 but now he couldn’t get her, or the feeling that she was gone from this world, out of his mind. His former news background was one of many forces pushing him in an intense search to find what became of her. His investigation quickly turns into an obsession, driven by dreams and a pattern of synchronistic events. Along the way,heI find that he, Kathy, and a mysterious author named L.W. Rogers, are somehow all linked together in the past. The pieces of a larger puzzle begin to emerge and prophecies he's foretold are revealed to be the truth as he uncovers a story about past lives, present circumstances and reincarnation. Through a series of acupuncture induced regression sessions, his life follows a metaphysical journey along a cryptic path that has him, at times, questioning his own sanity. The emotional ride that develops threatens to tear apart everything he had worked so hard to accomplish. The only thing sustaining him is my undying belief that events will occur to prove he is on the right course. This is a true story, about who we are, why we are here and how we are all connected. That connection is meticulously documented as you follow his quest for the truth and then proven in an ending, that is really only the beginning, in The Key Of Life.

 Angel Guides with Karen Paolino (The Explore Your Spirit with Kala Show) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 43:36

Kala discusses The Everything Guide to Angels with author Karen Paolino. With faith, trust, and belief in the impossible, miracles can happen. You will begin to experience more joy, happiness, and peace in every aspect of your life: your relationships, your home, your career, your finances, and overall well being. In Paolino's guide, she shares the history of the angels in various cultures and religions and how to communicate with the angels and receive messages, healing, and protection.

 It's Never Too Late with BJ Gallagher (The Explore Your Spirit with Kala Show) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 38:44

Inspired by George Eliot's famous quote, BJ Gallagher has written a simple, straightforward, upbeat and effective guidebook to getting the life you've always wanted. The author asks: "What are your passions and talents? Do you have gifts to share with the world? Have you ever deferred your dream because it seemed impractical? Do you long to pick up that dream again?" If your answer to any of those questions is "yes," then this is the book for you! You only go around once in this life, so why not live a life you love? Start now. Live now. Love now. Laugh now. Give full expression to who you really are. Go for that deferred dream - whether it's a new career, a new love, a new sport, or making yourself wealthy. You were put on this earth to be the best YOU that you can be. If you don't do it, nobody else can. Whether you've lost your job, recently graduated from college, or reached the point where you want to start a new chapter in your life, this book is the perfect guidebook. It's a wonderful combination of practical advice, step-by-step guidelines, and pure inspiration. Don't just seize the day - seize the rest of your life!

 Life Beyond 100 - Secrets of the Fountain of Youth with Dr. Norm Shealy (The Explore Your Spirit with Kala Show) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 57:31

Kala speaks with Dr. Norman Shealy, who holds 10 patents for innovative discoveries, has published over 300 articles and 24 books, the latest of which are LIFE BEYOND 100—SECRETS OF THE FOUNTAIN OF YOUTH and SOUL MEDICINE. In 2008 his book PONY WISDOM FOR THE SOUL and MEDICAL RENAISSANCE--THE SECRET CODE, a movie on the benefits of Complementary and Integrative Medicine, will be released. In his book, Life Beyond 100 - Secrets of the Fountain of Youth, Dr. Shealy discusses leading-edge therapies and breakthroughs in the science of longevity. By following commonsense habits, we can expect an average lifespan of one hundred years. Adding the life-enhancing effects of natural DHEA restoration, stress reduction, meditation, reduced caloric intake, and a range of mind/body techniques may, however, give us another forty years of active, healthy living. Therein lies the available "fountain of youth." These are the conclusions of Dr. C. Norman Shealy after a long career in medicine and, in recent years, as one of the leading spokesmen of alternative medical treatments. The result of years of clinical practice and research, Youthful Aging also exposes the fallacies behind many of the claims of the medical profession and the pharmaceutical industry. These two groups, says Shealy, rather than increasing people's life expectancy, create the opposite effect, consigning hundreds of thousands of people to an often miserable and premature old age. As a counterpoint, this revealing book provides the most ambitious-yet medically grounded and practical-longevity program available.

 NASA Conspiracies with Nick Redfern (The Explore Your Spirit with Kala Show) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 46:17

The National Aeronautics and Space Administration--NASA--was established on July 29, 1958. Ever since that day, NASA has been at the forefront of efforts to explore outerspace, resulting in the Apollo missions to the moon, the Skylab space-station, and today's space shuttle. But behind the open face of NASA, there is a much more mysterious world. Redfern reports that NASA has been linked to a wealth of high-level cover-ups, including: Claims that the Apollo moon landings of 1969 to 1972 were faked as part of an effort to demonstrate military and technological superiority over the former Soviet Union. NASA's role in hiding the truth about the controversial face on Mars--which many believe to be a carved structure, created in the remote past by long-extinct, indigenous Martians. NASA's deep and longstanding involvement in the famous UFO crash at Roswell, New Mexico, in the summer of 1947. Deep Throat--like NASA sources that have attempted to blow the lid on NASA's most guarded secrets concerning the U.S. Government's interactions with aliens. The NASA Conspiracies throws open all the doors that the Space Agency has kept closed for so long.

 Awake in the World with Debra Moffitt (The Explore Your Spirit with Kala Show) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 52:54

Kala speaks with Debra Moffitt, author of Awake in the World: 108 Practices to Live a Divinely Inspired Life. Everyone needs an anchor in this fast-paced and chaotic world. Awake in the World offers 108 easy ways to weave soul-nourishing peace and divinity into each day. This engaging and practical guide was inspired by the author's own personal quest for spiritual enrichment. The practices she brought back from a journey around the world changed her life—and can transform yours. Drawn from an array of wisdom traditions, these 108 bite-sized exercises—involving meditation, labyrinth walking, inspired lovemaking, mantras, and ritual—are quick and simple to do. By sharpening your spiritual awareness, you'll learn to cultivate calm in a crisis, focus on what is truly important, and recognize the divine in everyday life. To support and encourage you on this exciting journey of self-discovery, the author shares her own personal, moving stories.

 Enchanted Birthdays with Amy Zerner and Monte Farber (The Explore Your Spirit with Kala Show) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:05:25

Amy and Monte return to Explore Your Spirit to speak with Kala about their new book - The Enchanted Birthday Book. The Enchanted Birthday Book incorporates everything Amy Zerner & Monte Farber have learned and taught about individual character analysis and cosmic guidance in their more than thirty-year study of astrology, archetypal symbolism, and channeled messages from the beyond. Fun, friendly, and easy to use, this unique guide uses your birth date to access the secrets of your true nature. In its pages they have put only the most perceptive insights into the distinctive vibration of each birth date. One page is devoted to each day of the year, so the reader can easily look up his or her birthday and the birthdays of others to learn and compare.

 2012 with Drunvalo Melchizedek (The Explore Your Spirit with Kala Show) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 50:08

Kala speaks with Drunvalo Melchizedek about the Serpent of Light: Beyond 2012. The Movement of the Earth’s Kundalini and the Rise of the Female Light, 1949-2013. In this interview, Drunvalo Melchizedek explains and how every 13,000 years on Earth a sacred and secret event takes place that changes everything. Mother Earth’s Kundalini energy emerges from its resting place in the planet’s core and moves like a snake across the surface of our world. Once at home in ancient Lemuria, it moved to Atlantis, then to the Himalayan mountains of India and Tibet, and with every relocation changed our idea of what spiritual means. And gender. And heart.

 What Does That Mean? with Eldon Taylor (The Explore Your Spirit with Kala Show) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 58:48

Kala speaks with Eldon Taylor about his book, What Does that Mean: Exploring Mind,Meaning and Mysteries. Enlightenment is not something that can just be handed to you. The closest thing to it that you can receive are thoughts and questions that can lead you inward in the search for meaning. What Does That Mean? is full of thoughts and questions that do just that. Some insights you may have thought of and then forgotten, and others you may have experienced but simply haven’t appreciated. An old saying asserts that the value of a book is not in what it says but rather in what it does.

 The Bushman Way with Bradford Keeney (The Explore Your Spirit with Kala Show) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 39:20

Kala speaks with Bradford Keeney about his new book - The Bushman Way of Tracking God. The Kalahari Bushmen are the keepers of the world’s oldest living culture. In spite of colossal challenges and never-ending crises, they have survived for over 60,000 years with joy and peace—yet their spiritual teachings, the source of their enduring wisdom, have never been fully presented. For the first time, these ancient oral traditions have been put down onto paper by a researcher so unique, he was featured in American Shaman: an Odyssey of Global Healing Traditions, which won a Best Spiritual Book award from Spirituality & Health magazine. Bradford Keeney takes the reader through the veil of original spirituality, connecting the fragments of world religions to a source that is unlike any other. Through this wisdom, readers can find the deepest meaning, fullest purpose, and highest joy in life. The Bushman’s Way to Tracking God is articulated through twelve original mysteries, including: activating the non-subtle universal life force (what the Bushmen call n/om), heightening emotional experience, vibratory interaction, direct downloading and absorption of sacred knowledge, extraordinary healing, activation of the ecstatic “pump,” spontaneous ways of rejuvenation, attending the spiritual classrooms, so-called telepathy, an uncommon range of mystical experiences, and last but not least, total bliss.

 Living in Every Day Love with Judy Ford (The Explore Your Spirit with Kala Show) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 32:33

Kala speaks with Judy Ford about her book, Every Day Love: The Delicate Art of Caring for Each Other. Falling in love is easy; sustaining love is difficult. Judy Ford shines a beacon on the kind of love that comforts and flourishes. Judy Ford is a nationally recognized family counselor, bestselling author, and inspirational speaker who has appeared on Oprah and in many other media outlets. She knows that—from the euphoric twinges of a new romance to the comforting reassurances of fingers entwined and connected—our longing for love is universal.

 Psychic Development with Sandy Anastasi (The Explore Your Spirit with Kala Show) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:02:25

Kala speaks with Sandy Anastasi, a professional psychic and astrologer since 1979. Sandy’s writings include books on Astrology, Kabbala, and Tarot, as well as psychic development and she teaches workshops on how to tap into your psychic and medium abilities. Sandy has also appeared on many radio and television shows over the years, most notably Crossing Over and Cross Country – both television shows hosted by her good friend and former student, John Edward.

 The SoulMate Secret with Arielle Ford (The Explore Your Spirit with Kala Show) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 36:00

Kala speaks with Arielle Ford about her book, The SoulMate Secret: Manifest the Love of Your Life With The Law of Attraction. As someone who didn’t meet her soulmate until the age of 44, Arielle Ford became something of a heroine for single women. But her journey to that place wasn’t easy. In her early 40’s, despite Ford’s career success, she was a self-described ‘failure’ in romantic relationships. When she did meet and marry her husband Brian, Ford began to get so many questions from people in similar stages of life that she decided to share her story. In The Soulmate Secret, the woman who helped launch the careers of Deepak Chopra, Neale Donald Walsch, and Jack Canfield tells readers how she found her happily-ever-after in her husband Brian and reveals that finding true love is possible at any age if you’re willing to prepare yourself—spiritually, mentally, and physically—to become a magnet for love. Arielle uses a series of processes that have to be felt in every cell of your being to create the outcome you desire. This practical guide also includes prayers and techniques to help clear out emotional baggage from the past and make room for true love to manifest itself. With helpful chapters on readiness, belief, “the List,” self-love, and more, The Soulmate Secret will guide the reader to find lasting love.

 Cosmic Karma with Marguerite Manning (Explore Your Spirit with Kala Metaphysical Talk Show) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 54:25

Kala speaks with Marguerite Manning about her book: Cosmic Karma: Understanding Your Contract With The Universe, a spiritual guide to true self-awareness because it’s an astrological self-help book for the soul. By teaching you to study your birth chart in the same way ancient astronomers believed it should be studied - as a universal birth map of your soul's chosen energies for this lifetime – this book compels you to discover the most empowering universal secret of all: your birth energies only reflect your ability to be great and shine bright in this lifetime because they’re actually a celestial documentation of your soul’s promise to aim higher and do better than it did in the last one. In short, your birth chart is your soul’s Contract with the Universe. It can’t help but reveal where you’re destined to succeed in the material world because it illuminates your soul’s promise to evolve in the spiritual one. Who knew? Certainly not us, and that’s our dilemma. We humans have no conscious memory of our unconscious past. Who then, is responsible for keeping this contract? Certainly us, and that’s our even bigger dilemma. Learn why your Sun sign was critical to your soul’s growth yesterday, and why your Sun house is pivotal to yours today. Better yet, learn how to finally stop avoiding Saturn's depressing karmic classroom; accepting Neptune's blue-green invitation to the Twilight Zone and leaving hair-trigger Pluto alone in the complaint department. After all, you can’t ignore your soul’s commitments to the cosmos and then wonder why life won’t sparkle, love won’t sizzle and you won’t dazzle. Your destiny is waiting.

 Mars and Venus with John Gray (Explore Your Spirit with Kala Metaphysical Talk Show) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:01:22

Kala speaks with John Gray about his newest book, Why Mars and Venus Collide. The enduring message from John Gray is that men and women are indeed from different planets. This truth has not changed since the publication of Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus. In fact, the differences between the sexes have become more evident in today's hectic, fast-paced world. Except now, the monster known as stress has become a main ingredient in our lives and it has successfully invaded our relationships. Once upon a time, there was a lifestyle where men went to work and women stayed home. In today's society, you're more likely to find the power couple. They both go to work (for longer than just 9 to 5) and they are overworked, underpaid, and overstressed. They both struggle to excel in the same status-hungry society and hectic, competitive, career-oriented environment. Couples come home to each other -- and instead of being comforted by each other, a new set of problems begin. And most of these challenges can be chalked up to one main ingredient: stress.


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