Enchanted Birthdays with Amy Zerner and Monte Farber (The Explore Your Spirit with Kala Show)

Explore Your Spirit with Kala show

Summary: Amy and Monte return to Explore Your Spirit to speak with Kala about their new book - The Enchanted Birthday Book. The Enchanted Birthday Book incorporates everything Amy Zerner & Monte Farber have learned and taught about individual character analysis and cosmic guidance in their more than thirty-year study of astrology, archetypal symbolism, and channeled messages from the beyond. Fun, friendly, and easy to use, this unique guide uses your birth date to access the secrets of your true nature. In its pages they have put only the most perceptive insights into the distinctive vibration of each birth date. One page is devoted to each day of the year, so the reader can easily look up his or her birthday and the birthdays of others to learn and compare.