Bible Answer Man Podcast with Hank Hanegraaff show

Bible Answer Man Podcast with Hank Hanegraaff

Summary: Welcome to the podcast of the Bible Answer Man broadcast with bestselling author and CRI President Hank Hanegraaff! On the Bible Answer Man broadcast, Hank answers your questions with well-reasoned answers to equip you in the essentials of the historic Christian faith and strengthen your walk with the Lord. When it comes to the essentials of Christianity, there must be unity: "In essentials, unity; nonessentials, liberty; and in all things, charity."

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 St. Patrick and Q&A | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:55:00

Hank shares his thoughts on St. Patrick's Day. Patrick was born a Brit in the fifth century, but when he was 16 he was captured by Irish pirates and taken to Ireland as a slave. After escaping, he later returned as a missionary. Although all analogies for the Trinity ultimately break down, Patrick supposedly explained this doctrine by using a shamrock. Tradition credits him as the founder of Christianity in Ireland and its first bishop. Certainly many came to faith in Christ through his ministry. Hank also answers the following questions: Have you heard of the New Apostolic Reformation? Are IHOP and Bethel Church in Redding associated with it? Must one be baptized prior to taking Communion? When I think of the old song that talks about power in the blood of Jesus, I wonder what power Jesus ran on. Can you explain the doctrine of predestination? When we get to heaven will we remember this lifetime? Is Oneness Pentecostalism and their denial of the Trinity a heresy? Could you give me some insight on the teaching of Ray Hagin and this idea of Afrocentrism?

 Why Climate-Change Models are so Flawed and Q&A | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:55:00

Hank comments on an article by Jeff Jacoby in the Boston Globe titled, "Why are Climate-Change Models so Flawed? Because Climate Science is so Incomplete." When asked about human impact on the climate, Scott Pruitt, Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency said we don't know if CO2 is the primary control knob for climate change. There's a tremendous amount of disagreement about the degree of impact so the science is far from settled. Despite what we are being told, we must all learn discernment skills. Hank also answers the following questions: My wife and I are wedding photographers and we're not sure if we should photograph gay weddings. Do you have any input? Why did one third of the angels rebel against God? Can you explain the kingdom suffering violence in Matthew 11:12? What are your thoughts on who the 144,000 are? Can you give me some insight on speaking in tongues? Why did God create people knowing most of them would end up in hell? Can you help me have assurance of my salvation?

 The Biblical Metaphor of Fire and Q&A | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:55:00

Hank discusses the biblical metaphor of fire. In the Scriptures fire is can be both real and metaphorical. God's throne is said to be aflame with fire. John tells us that the seven lamps of fire symbolize the seven spirits of God. James tells us that the tongue is a fire and is set on fire by hell. The Bible uses the word fire to describe jealousy as well as unbridled passion. So when we read the Bible literally, it means we must read it in the sense in which it's intended. Hank also answers the following questions: I wanted to thank you for giving believers an alternative to Christian Zionism. My eight-year-old daughter wants to accept Jesus; what do you think about this? What are your thoughts on contemplative or centering prayer? Is the throne mentioned in Revelation 20 the only throne in heaven? Will we all see the white throne? Why do you think the previous caller thought his daughter couldn't be saved? My church never comments on anything political, either good or bad. What is your position on this?

 Historical Evidence for Jesus and Q&A | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:55:00

Hank begins with a Facebook question from Jesse whose faith has been shaken and asks if there is really historical evidence for Jesus. While there is spin that has been produced by second and third century documents, there is also early, credible evidence from historians such as Josephus, Tacitus, Suetonius, and Plinius. Tacitus, one of the greatest Roman historians of the first century, provides authentic historical evidence for the crucifixion of Christ at the hands of Pontius Pilate. In fact, we can piece together highlights of the life of Jesus completely apart from the biblical text. Hank also answers the following questions: Do the Old Testament dietary laws still apply to us today? Should we remove pork from our diets? Is it okay to hate Satan? What is your opinion of Eastern Orthodoxy? Is it true that discerning the body and blood of Christ encompasses healing? Can you explain what it means to discern the body and blood of the Lord? My wife and I are struggling with Pentecostalism. Have you heard of people being raised from the dead? Can you clarify the idea of life and death being in the power of the tongue in Proverbs 18:21? When Jesus said we will do greater works in John 14:12, was He only talking to the disciples or to all of us? Can you address the idea of a flat earth? I can't find any Scriptures that say the earth is spinning.

 The Importance of the Church and Q&A | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:55:00

Hank augmented what he said in answer to several questions last week concerning the church. The Christian life is to be lived in the context of the family of faith. We are born into a body of believers with Christ as the head. As Hebrews 10:25 tells us, we should not forsake assembling together because spiritual growth is impossible apart from the life of the church. We must emulate the early Christians who devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers. Hank also answers the following questions: Does Revelation 21:24 support universal reconciliation? What does it mean to not love the world? Doesn't everyone love something in the world? What will happen to my unbelieving ancestors who lived in a country where they didn't hear about Jesus? What is your take on Marilyn Hickey's idea of the gospel in the stars? Could you speak to the spiritual abuse of the Charismatic and Word or Faith movements? Must Christians repeatedly confess their sins to God? Is there a time when Christian interests aren't always in the interest of the nation of Israel? Since God called everything He created good, is medical marijuana good?

 Best of BAM: Surviving New Atheism with Graham Veale | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:55:00

Hank welcomes Graham Veale, head of the Religious Education department at City of Armagh High School, Northern Ireland, to discuss his book, New Atheism: A Survival Guide. Graham explains the difference between science and scientism, the supposed conflict between science and faith, and how apologetics goes hand in hand with evangelism. Hank and Graham also address Richard Dawkins and the distinguishing aspects of new atheists, what it means to really believe in a God who has unlimited power and freedom, as well as Graham's reasons for writing the book.

 Global Warming, Consensus Science and Q&A | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:55:00

Hank notes that EPA Chief Scott Pruitt is questioning the facts concerning climate change. Al Gore considers global warming to be the single greatest threat facing our planet. Hank reminds us that consensus science can be wrong, just like Y2K. We need to be willing and able to ask the correct questions in the correct order. Hank also answers the following questions: A caller yesterday said she read the bible, prayed, and shared Christ with others. She was concerned that her mother didn't. What about her mother? Does she need to do these things as well? How is the activity of the Holy Spirit different since Pentecost vs. in the Old Testament? I have friends who have seen The Shack. What is your take on the book and the movie? The bible says somewhere that man will try to take the credit or blame for things that happen in the end-times, but global warming is something that happens periodically. Doesn't this seem to be a denial that God is in control? I'm a first time caller, but have been listening for over 15 years. My husband is a new believer and asks: Since Noah's ark preserved all the animals, what about the fish? How were the fish preserved? There is a ministry in Thomaston, Georgia called Be In Health. Do you know anything about this ministry? In Matthew 11:23-24, Jesus mentions cities where miracles occurred. If Sodom could have been saved, why didn't God provide them with the things necessary to bring them to repentance and salvation? Is there an application for today? I saw the movie The Shack last night. I think there are some missteps, but overall it's a beautiful story. What is your perspective?

 EU Nations Funding ISIS and Q&A | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:55:00

Hank discusses an article in USA Today titled "European Welfare Benefits Help Fund ISIS Fighters." Islamic extremists are bilking European nations by using money from unemployment funds, disability pensions and housing allowances to wage war in Iraq and Syria. Countries like Denmark, Sweden, Belgium, France, and Britain have paid thousands of dollars to terrorists through their welfare systems. The EU countries are in trouble; they are experiencing migration without assimilation. Hank also answers the following questions: Is it possible that I could be reading the wrong version of the Bible? Can you explain Genesis 6:4? If someone who once professed faith in Christ has backslidden, have they lost their salvation? My mom professes to be a Christian, but isn't involved in the lives of her grandchildren and she doesn't go to church. How can I deal with her? If the Holy Spirit was already present in the Old Testament, why did Jesus say He would send the Holy Spirit in the New Testament? What is happening to those in Hades? My husband is struggling with the age of the earth; what are your thoughts on this? Is the first chapter of Genesis supposed to be taken literally?

 Theotokos and Q&A | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:55:00

Hank shares his thoughts on the quintessential woman, the Virgin Mary. On International Woman's Day, instead of focusing on modern women, think of Esther, Ruth, and Mary. The first woman, Eve was deceived, but Mary conceived the One who would undo the curse. She is considered the greatest woman of all time-chosen to be the mother of our Lord whom all generations are to regard as blessed. Although she was not immune to sin, Mary gave herself completely to the will of God. Hank also answers the following questions: What happened to those who were raised in Matthew 27:51-53? Did they die a second time? In light of 1 John 2:15, do you think it makes sense for pastors to sell tickets to luxury cruises? What is your opinion of John Eldredge and Ransomed Heart Ministries? Is baptism necessary for salvation? When Jesus told Nicodemus he couldn't enter the kingdom unless he was born of water and the Spirit, is that like a child in amniotic fluid and then becoming a believer? Can you explain Ezekiel chapter 13? Why did God make people? Could you articulate your view on why it would be a problem if we had the original manuscripts of Scripture? Since God imputes the righteousness of Christ to us, does that mean we don't have to confess our sins?

 Down's Syndrome Babies Deserve Love and Q&A | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:55:00

Hank highlights an article by Lauren Bell titled Babies with Down's syndrome Deserve Love, Not Eradication. According to the article, in Iceland 100 percent of babies diagnosed with Down's syndrome are aborted. Denmark also hopes to be a Down's syndrome free country within the next ten years, and 90 percent of babies diagnosed with Down's syndrome in Great Britain and the US are aborted. This raises the question: what makes a Down's syndrome baby less valuable than a supposed designer baby? The fact is, both are created in the image of God and that should make all the difference in the world. Hank also answers the following questions: What are your thoughts on theistic evolution? Is saying the "Sinner's Prayer" necessary for having a relationship with Jesus? Do you think extraterrestrials exist? What is your view of Ezekiel chapters 40-48? What are your thoughts on the different approaches to science taken by Ken Ham, Kent Hovind, Hugh Ross, and Francis Collins? Do I need to explain all the details to unbelievers or just tell them to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ? What is your view on the state of public education regarding evolution?

 The Lenten Season and Q&A | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:55:00

Hank shares his thoughts on the Lenten season, which is marked by Christians through prayer and fasting. These disciplines train us for our eternal inheritance. As Paul says, "Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way as to get the prize" Like a coach, Paul urges his young protege, Timothy, to train himself in godliness. Paul himself practiced disciplines like fasting because he was emulating Christ so that he might not use his own energy, but be empowered by God's energy. Hank also answers the following questions: How can I respond to people who claim to be Christians but are pluralistic and think I'm imposing my beliefs on them? Is there any evidence that the Tree of Life was a literal tree? How can I forgive my ex-wife for cheating on me? Will there be death in the new heaven and the new earth? How do I answer a friend who believes she should observe the Old Testament feasts and commandments? Will people in hell literally burn? What should our expectations be regarding the kingdom of God on earth? What is our role on matters of social justice? How should we understand Leviticus chapter 25 on slavery?

 Best of BAM: Living for Eternity and Q&A | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:55:00

Hank shares his thoughts on living the Christian life in light of eternity. We all live in that tiny dash between the date of our birth and the date of our death. Whether you are young or old, rich or poor, male or female, you light the sky for a brief moment and then enter eternity. What we do now will have direct consequences for all eternity. While the culture seeks to focus your gaze on greatness, Christianity focuses on grace and holiness. It is amazing to think that Christians are mediators of God's kingdom; we are being honed as stewards of a restored Garden. Hank also answers the following questions: My sister and I were saved at the same time, but now she's rejected Christianity. In light of the doctrine of predestination, is she lost or will she come back? Is there a difference between the soul and the spirit? Do you think it is right to allow Muslims to bring their destructive religion into this country? In your study do you find any Scriptural basis for or against the rapture of believers? What does the Bible say about remarriage? Am I permitted to separate and never get married again? I was talking with a Roman Catholic friend who said the elements of Communion are the actual body and blood of Christ; can you help me explain this? What is the biblical model for giving? Should I give a tenth of my gross or net income? How should I reconcile the Bible saying God will visit the sins of the fathers on the third and fourth generation with the idea of generational curses, and my own sin?

 Surviving New Atheism with Graham Veale | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:55:00

Hank welcomes Graham Veale, head of the Religious Education department at City of Armagh High School, Northern Ireland, to discuss his book, New Atheism: A Survival Guide. Graham explains the difference between science and scientism, the supposed conflict between science and faith, and how apologetics goes hand in hand with evangelism. Hank and Graham also address Richard Dawkins and the distinguishing aspects of new atheists, what it means to really believe in a God who has unlimited power and freedom, as well as Graham's reasons for writing the book.

 Encore: Jesus in Islam with David Wood and Q&A | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:55:00

Hank welcomes Christian apologist and philosopher Dr. David Wood to discuss his article in the CHRISTIAN RESEARCH JOURNAL titled "Jesus in Islam." Hank and David talk about President Trump's supposed Muslim ban; the points of both agreement and disagreement Christians have with Muslims; the biblical understanding of Jesus as the Son of God, and the role Jesus plays in Islamic eschatology. Hank also answers the following questions: How can Hebrews 1:5 be about Jesus when the passage being quoted was referring to Solomon? Is 2 Peter chapter 3 speaking about 70 AD or the 21st century? My friend says she sees shadows or evil spirits; how can I help her? If God was able to save Jews in the Old Testament, why can't He save Jews today who don't believe in Jesus? Can you address the Islamic interpretation of Matthew 19:17?

 A Meaningful World with Benjamin Wiker and Jonathan Witt - Day 2 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:55:00

Hank welcomes back Benjamin Wiker and Jonathan Witt to continue their discussion of the beauty, meaning, and genius of nature. In their book, A Meaningful World, Wiker and Witt refute the nihilism permeating our society by exploring evidence from biology, physics, mathematics, and the arts to show the majesty and purpose of God's created handiwork.


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