Bible Answer Man Podcast with Hank Hanegraaff show

Bible Answer Man Podcast with Hank Hanegraaff

Summary: Welcome to the podcast of the Bible Answer Man broadcast with bestselling author and CRI President Hank Hanegraaff! On the Bible Answer Man broadcast, Hank answers your questions with well-reasoned answers to equip you in the essentials of the historic Christian faith and strengthen your walk with the Lord. When it comes to the essentials of Christianity, there must be unity: "In essentials, unity; nonessentials, liberty; and in all things, charity."

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 Sounding the Alarm and Q&A | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:55:00

Hank recounts his emotional reading of the article by Sophia Lee, "Sounding the Alarm" which deals with issues faced by Transgender people. The article subtitle explains: "Many transgender persons regret what they did to their bodies and souls, and some are pleading that others not repeat their mistake." Hank also answers the following questions: In the NBA, a female assistant coach is up for a head coach position. What are the principles in the Bible regarding single men and single women interacting? Is it our job as Christians to make people aware of their sins? What are the doctrinal distinctives of the Eastern Orthodox church, and what are your thoughts on them? How could a just God command the utter destruction of people groups, including children? Should Pastors should only be paid if they travel like evangelists, and not if they stay in the community? How can I improve my prayer life? What is your biblical perspective on a woman being the president of this nation, and secondly, on a woman whose husband has been unfaithful being the president? What is your viewpoint on the Black Lives Matter movement?

 The CHRISTIAN RESEARCH JOURNAL and Q&A | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:55:00

Hank mentions the new resource for April, the CHRISTIAN RESEARCH JOURNAL. The current issue includes articles exploring the life and writings of C. S. Lewis. Hank also answers the following questions: The issue of tongues has been on my plate for some time. Where are you on tongues? A couple of women in my church go to the abortion clinic and hold up pictures and hand out tracts. What would be a better way to get women at the clinics to see Jesus? Is it wrong to continue to attend services at a church that has accepted gay marriage? Is there life after death in the sense that the departed one can contact the living, or are these experiences demonic? Is it possible for miracles, evangelization, and conversions to occur in places that have not heard of the Lord?

 Best of BAM: Ever Increasing Gender Fluidity and Q&A | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:55:00

Hank discusses an article in Time Magazine titled, "Beyond He or She," which tells how a growing number of young people are rejecting merely two forms of gender. Many are identifying as gender fluid, and the idea that God made us male and female has been abandoned. Those who are on board with this notion are considered experts and enlightened and those who disagree are considered to be trolls. So with as many Christians as there are in the culture, why isn't there a more significant impact? The Bible is clear on gender; therefore, we must not yield our consciences to political correctness. Hank also answers the following questions: With things as dark as they are, has the end of the age come? Is the Holy Spirit still at work in the world? Do you think it would be a simpler solution to all the gender options to just have people identify as having male genitalia or not? My sister is engaged to a male who is transitioning into a "female." Do you have any advice? I have always lived with fear and guilt because I left a particular group. Am I allowed to reject this spirit attacking me? If a man wants to be identified as a woman, would it compromise my testimony if I address him as a female or would that be an example of loving my neighbor? My son is turning eight and my ex-wife wants him to be baptized in the Mormon Church. As a Christian, would I be condoning Mormonism if I allow him to be baptized? We stopped tithing to pay off our debts, but I feel guilty. I have been struggling with fasting; can you help me?

 VP Mike Pence, Sharia Law and Q&A | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:55:00

Hank shares the news that VP Mike Pence is under fire for his personal choice to avoid dining alone with women other than his wife. Many are accusing him of discrimination and misogyny, and his views and actions have been compared to Sharia law. Based on this, Hank lists Sharia law's view of women, and points out how needful it is that we get back to biblical wisdom. Hank also answers the following questions: What are your thoughts about the seven churches of Asia Minor in the book of Revelation? Is there such a thing as modern-day prophecy? What does the "indwelling" of the Holy Spirit mean? Is that literal or symbolic? I got the Word of God Audio Bible and it has been a real blessing. Thank you for making it available! I was watching a program called Mysteries of the Bible and they mentioned a letter supposedly from Paul called The Apocalypse of Paul. Is this genuine? I'm 59 and a believer, but I've struggled with alcohol and drug addictions all my life. Can you pray with me? A church I've been going to for 6 months has communion every single week. Is this a proper practice? Is there any way woman living in America today can read up on Sharia law? Once we are born again, we become new creatures in Christ. Although we were sinners, is it proper to still refer to ourselves as sinners?

 The Silent Holocaust and Q&A | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:55:00

Hank soberly reminds listeners of the silent holocaust in our midst. In 2015, undercover videos showed that Planned Parenthood was engaged in the gruesome harvesting and selling of baby parts. One would think that this evidence would warrant indictment, but instead, the undercover investigators are the ones being charged and it seems that Planned Parenthood will be exonerated. As David French has said, "It's becoming increasingly clear that in the state of California, the right to abort a child is the chief liberty in the land, and all other liberties must bow before it." Hank also answers the following questions: Can you speak to the idea of Christians who read books about the Bible without actually reading the Bible? Is the soul and spirit the same or separate? When Solomon dedicated the temple, why did he sacrifice so many animals? Did God make the animals out of dust like He did with Adam? Can you explain Luke 22:36-38 and the discussion about swords? In 1 Corinthians 11:7, what does it mean that woman is the glory of man? Are women created in the image of God? Do you know anything about the Shepherd's Chapel and their teaching?

 The Necessity of Confessing Sins and Q&A | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:55:00

Hank laments the fact that so many today have lost the ability to think biblically. Having lost this ability, post-truth moderns are being quickly transformed from change agents to cultural conformists. One example is that many Christian leaders are telling their devotees not to keep confessing their sins. Yet in the Lord's Prayer, Jesus instructs us to confess our sins. In Psalm 51, David asks God to cleanse him from sin, and James tells us to confess our sins to one another and to God. And we know that, "If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness." Hank also answers the following questions: I know the Old Testament prohibits eating pork; does the New Testament say anything about this? How can I forgive and honor my parents when they were abusive? I heard Andrew Wommack say he raises people from the dead. If a Christian immediately goes to be with the Lord when they die, why would anyone want to bring them back? How much can one preach the gospel correctly and yet be incorrect on the necessity of confessing their sins? What do you know about John Paul Jackson? Is it true that under Sharia law Muslims can stone women to death? Acts chapter 15 says we should abstain from eating blood; would that include blood pudding or blood sausage? Why does the church have such a hard time ministering to the intellectually handicapped?

 Debunking The Miracle Myth and Q&A | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:55:00

Hank discusses a book titled The Miracle Myth: Why Belief in the Resurrection and the Supernatural Is Unjustified by Larry Shapiro. In the book, Shapiro paints a portrait of Christ that rules out the supernatural. His pseudo-historical information is garnered from Bart Ehrman and Richard Carrier, a fringe scholar who believes the historical Christ never existed. Shapiro ignores the apostle Paul and the creed found in 1 Corinthians chapter 15, which is early and free from legendary contamination. Here we have a man who wins the "Jesus Game," but loses the week that changed the world. Hank also answers the following questions: Will there be time in eternity or will we always be in the present? What are your thoughts on Rahab's lie? The narrative seems to indicate that she wins favor with the Lord. When people die are they really in the presence of the Lord? What happened to Lazarus? What are your thoughts on Sozo prayer ministry? Can you clarify the issue of lying? Was Jacob right to deceive Isaac into giving him the birthright? What are the eternal promises for women in Islam? Is there a consensus on Paul's authorship of the New Testament epistles? Did God take Ananias and Sapphira to heaven or were they lost church members?

 The Jesus Game and Q&A | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:55:00

Hank highlights the importance of his book: The Third Day and the DVD The Week That Changed the World by Dr. Paul Maier. In past decades we have seen an outpouring of sensationalistic books, movies, and TV shows that make the life and ministry of Jesus barely recognizable. Dr. Maier calls this the "Jesus Game." Winning or losing this game depends on how radically different the portrait of Jesus is from the historic Gospel narratives. The prize is maximum coverage and recognition, and any frowns from the faithful are ignored amid the skyrocketing sales. This is the culture we live in and the antidote is truth. Hank also answers the following questions: Is there a verse of Scripture where Mary says that Jesus is her Savior? My son rejected Christianity and now says he's agnostic, and I'm wondering about his soul. Do Muslims and Christians worship the same God? One of our deacons addresses the congregation as priests; what are your thoughts on this? Can we calculate how long humans have been on earth from the genealogies in Genesis? Did God originally create us to be vegans? What does the Bible say about having a tattoo if it is in good taste? In John 19:26-27 Jesus commanded John to care for His mother Mary; what happened to Joseph? I have been listening to Irvin Baxter teach on eschatology. But couldn't Jesus return at any moment? Would the name Jehovah be another way to describe Jesus Christ?

 Best of BAM: Historical Evidence for Jesus and Q&A | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:55:00

Hank begins with a Facebook question from Jesse whose faith has been shaken and asks if there is really historical evidence for Jesus. While there is spin that has been produced by second and third century documents, there is also early, credible evidence from historians such as Josephus, Tacitus, Suetonius, and Plinius. Tacitus, one of the greatest Roman historians of the first century, provides authentic historical evidence for the crucifixion of Christ at the hands of Pontius Pilate. In fact, we can piece together highlights of the life of Jesus completely apart from the biblical text. Hank also answers the following questions: Do the Old Testament dietary laws still apply to us today? Should we remove pork from our diets? Is it okay to hate Satan? What is your opinion of Eastern Orthodoxy? Can you explain the kingdom suffering violence in Matthew 11:12? What are your thoughts on who the 144,000 are? Can you give me some insight on speaking in tongues? Is Oneness Pentecostalism and their denial of the Trinity a heresy? Could you give me some insight on the teaching of Ray Hagin and this idea of Afrocentrism?

 The Week that Changed the World with Paul Maier | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:55:00

Hank interviews Dr. Paul Maier, former Russell H. Seibert Professor of Ancient History at Western Michigan University, about the DVD The Week that Changed the World. Hank and Dr. Maier discuss the significance of Holy Week; those who erroneously deny the fatal torment of Jesus; the actual shape of the cross; extra-biblical evidence for the life of Christ that corresponds to Scripture, as well as the many questions and misinformation surrounding the most important week in history.

 Thoughts on the London Massacre and Q&A | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:55:00

Hank shares his thoughts on yesterday's massacre in London. We now know the perpetrator was fifty-two year old Khalid Masood. Prime Minister Theresa May emphatically pontificated that it would be wrong to classify the London attack as Islamic terrorism, but rather a perversion of a great faith. This of course begs the question: what makes Islam great? Is Islam great because it subordinates women and allows men to beat their wives? Or is it great because it has advanced by the sword for fourteen generations? While there may be millions of peace-loving Muslims, Islam is anything but peaceful. It is not a great religion. Hank also answers the following questions: We tend to classify some sins as worse than others, but isn't the punishment for all sins the same? Did Satan set up Islam as an alternate religion to draw people away from the truth? I am gay and I also consider myself a Christian, but I've heard that gay people be can't be saved. Is my salvation invalid? Are Muslims worshipping Muhammad the same way we worship Jesus? What do you think of the book Heaven by Randy Alcorn?

 Q&A: Free Will, Angels, and the Trinity | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:55:00

Hank answers the following questions: In Acts chapter 5, was the punishment of Ananias and Sapphira too severe? I have four children; how do you handle twelve? Do angels have free will? I'm an atheist and I hear Christians talk about free will. Do you believe God punishes those who freely choose to disobey Him? What are your thoughts on the book Experiencing God by Henry Blackaby? If God created the angels with free will and one third of them fell, did He already know our world would be fallen? Can you explain why a Unitarian god is morally deficient? Is there any book we should analyze and study as much as the Bible? Why do people analyze The Shack? Does one have to believe in the Trinity to be saved?

 Clarity on Transgenderism and Q&A | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:55:00

Hank relates several news stories of transgender individuals including a he who was in the process of transitioning into a "she." Unfortunately, the silicone augmentation surgery ended up killing the person. Despite this, however, all such transgender stories are being glorified by the media and considered enlightened. In light of this, the question that needs to be asked is: will the church remain silent in the midst of this cultural upheaval? We must be able to speak out on transgenderism with clarity and substance. Hank also answers the following questions: Was Mary thirteen or fourteen years old when she married Joseph? What about the ethics of this? Do you think the rise of women leaders in the church is affecting our response to the issue of gender identity? Is it possible for a Christian to be demon possessed? Have you seen the movie The Trans List? LGBTQ people claim they are born that way, but aren't we all born sinful? I work as a nurse in Canada where they have recently legalized euthanasia; what are your thoughts on this? I am an army officer and there is a new transgender policy. As a Christian, what should I do; should I stay or leave? How should I talk with these people?

 Ever Increasing Gender Fluidity and Q&A | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:55:00

Hank discusses an article in Time Magazine titled, Beyond He or She, which tells how a growing number of young people are rejecting merely two forms of gender. Many are identifying as gender fluid, and the idea that God made us male and female has been abandoned. Those who are on board with this notion are considered experts and enlightened and those who disagree are considered to be trolls. So with as many Christians as there are in the culture, why isn't there a more significant impact? The Bible is clear on gender; therefore, we must not yield our consciences to political correctness. Hank also answers the following questions: With things as dark as they are, has the end of the age come? Is the Holy Spirit still at work in the world? Do you think it would be a simpler solution to all the gender options to just have people identify as having male genitalia or not? My sister is engaged to a male who is transitioning into a "female." Do you have any advice? I have always lived with fear and guilt because I left a particular group. Am I allowed to reject this spirit attacking me? If a man wants to be identified as a woman, would it compromise my testimony if I address him as a female or would that be an example of loving my neighbor? My son is turning eight and my ex-wife wants him to be baptized in the Mormon Church. As a Christian, would I be condoning Mormonism if I allow him to be baptized? We stopped tithing to pay off our debts, but I feel guilty. I have been struggling with fasting; can you help me?

 Best of BAM: The Lenten Season and Q&A | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:55:00

Hank shares his thoughts on the Lenten season, which is marked by Christians through prayer and fasting. These disciplines train us for our eternal inheritance. As Paul says, "Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way as to get the prize." Like a coach, Paul urges his young protege, Timothy, to train himself in godliness. Paul himself practiced disciplines like fasting because he was emulating Christ so that he might not use his own energy, but be empowered by God's energy. Hank also answers the following questions: How can I respond to people who claim to be Christians but are pluralistic and think I'm imposing my beliefs on them? Is there any evidence that the Tree of Life was a literal tree? If someone who once professed faith in Christ has backslidden, have they lost their salvation? My mom professes to be a Christian, but isn't involved in the lives of her grandchildren and doesn't go to church. How can I deal with her? If the Holy Spirit was already present in the Old Testament, why did Jesus say He would send the Holy Spirit in the New Testament? What is happening to those in Hades? Will people in hell literally burn? What should our expectations be regarding the kingdom of God on earth? What is our role on matters of social justice? How should we understand Leviticus chapter 25 on slavery?


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