Bible Answer Man Podcast with Hank Hanegraaff show

Bible Answer Man Podcast with Hank Hanegraaff

Summary: Welcome to the podcast of the Bible Answer Man broadcast with bestselling author and CRI President Hank Hanegraaff! On the Bible Answer Man broadcast, Hank answers your questions with well-reasoned answers to equip you in the essentials of the historic Christian faith and strengthen your walk with the Lord. When it comes to the essentials of Christianity, there must be unity: "In essentials, unity; nonessentials, liberty; and in all things, charity."

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 The Sanctity of Life and Q&A | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:55:00

On today's Bible Answer Man broadcast, Hank reads an encouraging letter from a supporter, Eric, expressing his continued support for Hank and CRI. Eric and his wife Kris adopted a frozen embryo (Snowflake # 94). When their child was born, they named her Alysse. Hank met Alysse in 2015, when she was 9 years old. Hank also answers the following questions: Can you help me understand Paul's reference to angels in 1 Corinthians 11:10? Do you know anything about Pastor David F. Middleton and the Jesus Is Lord church in Peoria, AZ? Also, are David Jeremiah, Michael Youssef, and Charles Stanley people I should listen to? Are angels looking over us on our behalf, like a guardian angel? When did Jesus actually die, and when did He actually rise? Was there an extra sabbath that week? I just wanted to call and say that I have been listening to the broadcast for 20 years and you have been a blessing to me. Is it unbiblical for couples who cannot have children to use medical science to have them? Is it a problem that there are so many denominations, and how can we decide which ones are good? What is your opinion of the Roman Catholic and the Eastern Orthodox churches?

 The Death, Burial, Resurrection, and Ascension of Jesus, and Q&A | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:55:00

On today's Bible Answer Man broadcast, Hank mentions that questions are flooding in from all over the world. As believers celebrated the death, burial, and resurrection, now we celebrate His ascension. The veil has been rent, and through Christ we have access into the heavenlies. Let's fix our gaze on the things above. Hank also answers the following questions: I tried witnessing to a dying person, an unbeliever, and his eyes were black. The doctors could not tell me why. Do you have any insight on this? Some Christians who believe in Christian Zionism see Palestinians as sub-human. How does this line up with the command to love our enemies? In the recent presidential inauguration, several clergy men prayed, including a rabbi who quoted Psalm 137. Why would someone quote that Psalm at this event? I'm missing your broadcast in my area, and need to listen to the broadcast archives at I so deeply appreciate you and all the staff at CRI. What happens when a person dies? My understanding is that the Eastern Orthodox view of the doctrine of justification is radically different than the Protestant view. Could you address this? My question regards Saint Anthony. A friend told me that I should only pray to God. Another person recently said that you don't pray to the saint, but simply ask him to pray to God on your behalf, so that two of us would be praying. What does the Bible teach about this? Why don't you think that the smart phone that everyone carries around today is the Mark of the Beast? Revelation 19:16 says the Jesus has written on His robe and on His thigh, "King of Kings and Lord of Lords." Does this mean that Jesus had a tattoo?

 Allah of Islam, The God of the Bible, and Q&A | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:55:00

On today's Bible Answer Man broadcast, Hank compares the Allah of Islam, with the God of the Bible. Hank points out the Islamic cry, "Allahu Akbar" means God is greater, not God is great. Hank also answers the following questions: I've listened to you for over 20 years. May I pray for you for your needs? When I get to heaven, will I see my lost loved ones who are Jewish? I've always believed that salvation is like a light switch. Once it's on, it's always on forever. In 1 Corinthians 1:18 I understand that the Greek word indicates "being saved" rather than a point in time. Could you help to explain this? What would you say are the top three ways to dispute the doctrine of the pre-tribulational Rapture? What should we think about 1 Corinthians 14:34-35 that says women should be silent in church? It's known that 80% of this planet is in poverty. How do we resolve that in our heads? How do we address this as Christians?

 Mercy, Truth, and Q&A | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:55:00

Hank quotes extensively from Proverbs 3, emphasizing verse 3 which exhorts believers to remember mercy and truth. Hank also mentions that the Bible Answer Man program was dropped from a number of radio stations as a result of him joining the Orthodox church. Hank also answers the following questions: At the great white throne will sinners be judged for every sin they've committee or just unbelief? Do you view the doctrine of the "real substance" as an essential doctrine? My question is about Proverbs 30:4. What is the Old Testament understanding of God having a Son? Do you believe that the Trinity, or God-head were broken when Christ was crucified? Is there anything redeemable in the movie The Shack? I recently lost my father. Friends tell me I can talk to him, but this makes me feel weird. What are your thoughts on this? Would you speak about how someone can come to know Jesus, not just know about Him? How can we cultivate the Life of Christ?

 Jesus' Death, Burial, Resurrection, and Q&A | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:55:00

Hank starts the broadcast by addressing the question, Have I "Left the Christian Faith"? Hank also answers the following questions: I called you a year ago when I was diagnosed with terminal brain cancer. I wanted to encourage you and thank you for your ministry. I found a bunch of You-Tube videos that are 5 or 6 years old dealing with the assurance of salvation. Do you still hold to the views you expressed in these videos? I've been memorizing the gospel of John. What is the identity of the prophet in John 1:21? An ossuary is claimed to have contained the bones of Caiaphas. Wouldn't those bones actually belong to a son of Caiaphas? Could you explain the saints who were raised from their graves as mentioned in Matthew 27? Have you heard of the phrase "Lordship Salvation"? Can you tell me what that is? I don't understand how God's chosen people didn't accept Jesus Christ and what that means for them. Could you help me with that?

 Best of BAM: Sounding the Alarm and Q&A | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:55:00

Hank recounts his emotional reading of the article by Sophia Lee, "Sounding the Alarm" which deals with issues faced by Transgender people. The article subtitle explains: "Many transgender persons regret what they did to their bodies and souls, and some are pleading that others not repeat their mistake." Hank also answers the following questions: In the NBA, a female assistant coach is up for a head coach position. What are the principles in the Bible regarding single men and single women interacting? Is it our job as Christians to make people aware of their sins? I have a good friend who believes in the Flat Earth view, and I'm losing the ability to pray with her. What are your thoughts on this? My brother holds to the Serpent Seed beliefs and listens to Steve Quayle. I'm trying to find a way to show him that the bible does not teach this. What are the Nephilim? I've been thinking about Mark 16:9-20. Should that passage be in our bibles? How do you answer those who are offended by the violence recorded in 2 Kings 2:23-25? Sins are not all the same, are they? How was the bible put together in the form it is? I am having a difficulty with the concept that Jesus is God. What are your thoughts on this?

 Encore: The Week that Changed the World with Paul Maier | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:55:00

Hank interviews Dr. Paul Maier, former Russell H. Seibert Professor of Ancient History at Western Michigan University, about the DVD The Week that Changed the World. Hank and Dr. Maier discuss the significance of Holy Week; those who erroneously deny the fatal torment of Jesus; the actual shape of the cross; extra-biblical evidence for the life of Christ that corresponds to Scripture, as well as the many questions and misinformation surrounding the most important week in history.

 Have I "Left the Christian Faith" and Q&A | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:55:00

Hank starts the broadcast by addressing the question, Have I "Left the Christian Faith"? Hank also answers the following questions: I am thinking of leaving the Roman Catholic church and joining the Orthodox church. Could you provide any evidence against the supremacy of the Pope? When you recited the Nicene Creed recently, I believe you left out the word "catholic". Could you mention why you did this, and also explain the meaning of "catholic" in this context? Are there any particular scriptures you could point me to that deal with addictions-specifically the addiction of smoking? Could you explain the portion of Ephesians 5:26 that deals with cleansing by the water of the word? Where do you find in the scriptures that Jesus fell three times while carrying the cross? After the resurrection when Mary encounters Jesus, what does He mean when He tells her not to cling to Him? Where did the giants after the flood come from? Have you heard of the Hebrew Roots movement? The scriptural references to the Passover indicate that it is to be kept forever. Why don't we observe the Passover?

 Jesus Cleansing the Temple and Q&A | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:55:00

Hank mentions that we are in the midst of Holy Week. The gospels record Jesus entering the Temple area and driving out the money-changers, and those selling animals. John records Jesus cleansing the Temple at the beginning of His ministry. Matthew, Mark, and Luke mention Jesus cleansing the Temple at the end of His ministry. How do we account for this? The gospel writers present complementary narratives, not identical narratives. None of these writers even hint that Christ only cleansed the Temple once. Not every action Jesus took was written down. Hank also answers the following questions: Can you clarify Psalm 139 for me? It says that all of our days are planned for us. How does God's knowledge play into our choices? Could you recommend a book for study on this issue? I understand the Nicene creed predates the New Testament scriptures. What scriptures were this creed based on? How can I know if I have truly forgiven my estranged friend? Two-thousand years ago when Jesus was on trial, were there other people besides the Jews who wrote about Jesus? I don't want to argue with family at a gathering for Easter. Do you have any advice on how to avoid this? What message was Jesus wanting to convey during His cleansing of the Temple? Does this message have any application to churches today? I am being pulled in two different directions regarding which church I should attend. Do you have any advice? Have you changed you views on the nature of the elements in the sacrament of the Lord's Supper?

 The Body of Christ, Denominations, and Q&A | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:55:00

Hank discusses an issue in response to many calls he has received. Hank was asked if, by becoming a member of the Orthodox church, he had walked away from the faith, and is no longer a Christian. His views have been codified in 20 books, and have not changed. Hank and his family, have found a church that has greatly benefited by the work of CRI. Hank also answers the following questions: From what I understand, the Greek Orthodox church does not hold to the doctrine of justification by faith alone. Do you? What are your thoughts about Jews today rejecting Jesus Christ? I need some clarification as to why the Jews will rebuild a temple in Jerusalem during the Millennium. Would you clarify for me the differences between the Orthodox church and Roman Catholicism? Is there are particular verse in scripture that we can look to in order to say who is in the faith and who is not? What did Jesus mean when He said the days would be shortened for the sake of the elect?

 Islamic Terrorism, Persecuted Christians, and Q&A | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:55:00

Hank mentions his sadness over the terrorist attacks in Egypt on Palm Sunday, as ISIS vows that all Egyptian Christians are their prey. Not long ago, Islamic terrorists slaughtered Christians in Syria. Pray for the persecuted church of today. Hank also answers the following questions: When we die and go to heaven, will we be able to ask God or Jesus about the things that happened in the past on earth? I am having some good discussions with my Eastern Orthodox and Catholic Christian friends on praying to the saints. What is your view on Sola Scriptura? Would you respond the claim that you have "left the Christian faith," and have become a member of the Eastern Orthodox church? I've been raised in as a Baptist all my life, but I don't find any church in my area that holds a high view of the sacraments. Would it be wrong for me to join the Catholic church since they do hold a high view the sacraments? I tend to notice that you maintain that Protestants and Catholics hold to the essentials of the Christian faith, but I do not agree. They do not hold to Sola Fide.

 Best of BAM: The Silent Holocaust and Q&A | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:55:00

Hank soberly reminds listeners of the silent holocaust in our midst. In 2015, undercover videos showed that Planned Parenthood was engaged in the gruesome harvesting and selling of baby parts. One would think that this evidence would warrant indictment, but instead, the undercover investigators are the ones being charged and it seems that Planned Parenthood will be exonerated. As David French has said, "It's becoming increasingly clear that in the state of California, the right to abort a child is the chief liberty in the land, and all other liberties must bow before it." Hank also answers the following questions: Can you speak to the idea of Christians who read books about the Bible without actually reading the Bible? Is the soul and spirit the same or separate? I got the Word of God Audio Bible and it has been a real blessing. Thank you for making it available! I was watching a program called Mysteries of the Bible and they mentioned a letter supposedly from Paul called The Apocalypse of Paul. Is this genuine? I'm 59 and a believer, but I've struggled with alcohol and drug addictions all my life. Can you pray with me? A church I've been going to for 6 months has communion every single week. Is this a proper practice? Is there any way woman living in America today can read up on Sharia law? Once we are born again, we become new creatures in Christ. Although we were sinners, is it proper to still refer to ourselves as sinners?

 Islam: Peaceful or Violent, and Q&A | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:55:00

Hank discusses breaking news regarding the global Islamic terrorism in Sweden. Four people were killed, and fifteen or more were injured. While the incident is small in terms of numbers, the ramifications are tremendously large for the entire world. Islam is the only religion in the world that mandates violence against unbelievers. There may be millions of peace-loving Muslims, but Islam is anything but peaceful. Hank also answers the following questions: My son goes to a Jesuit high school and is being taught that baptism is necessary for salvation. I teach him the bible at home, but he seems disinterested. How do I get my son to be more involved in these discussions? Why is our loving God so violent? My 30-year-old son has stage-4 colon cancer. I know God is good, but why does my son continue to get worse, in spite of prayer for him? A skeptic is questioning the date of the Triumphal Entry. According to him, there would not have been enough palm fronds available. What are your thoughts on this? Can you point me in the direction of the evidence that the Old Testament writers were led by the Holy Spirit just as the New Testament writers were? How do you answer those who are offended by the violence recorded in 2 Kings 2:23-25? Sins are not all the same, are they? How was the bible put together in the form it is? I am having a difficulty with the concept that Jesus is God. What are your thoughts on this?

 The Case for Christ with Lee Strobel | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:55:00

Hank welcomes author and apologist Lee Strobel to talk about the new film: The Case for Christ starring Mike Vogel and Erika Christensen. Hank and Lee discuss his two year investigation into the claims of Christianity and how God radically transformed him from hardened atheist to follower of Christ. Lee also shares his passion for evangelism; the power of a praying wife; the high production quality of the film, and the importance of having an eternal perspective.

 Animals, P.E.T.A., S.P.C.A., and Q&A | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:55:00

Hank mentions the extreme views of P.E.T.A., which equates drinking milk with White Supremacy. They embrace a worldview that equates animals with human beings. Hank points out that William Wilberforce, in addition to being a leading abolitionist, established the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals based on a biblical worldview, including the God given responsibility to care for all of creation, including animals. Hank also answers the following questions: Is taking medication for my psychotic illnesses evidence that I am not a true Christian? Is it possible that a schizoaffective disorder is a spiritual problem rather than a medical problem? What are your thoughts on people such as Jews or Black Hebrew Israelites who believe they are good based on a covenant with God, rather than through Jesus Christ? I have a good friend who believes in the Flat Earth view, and I'm losing the ability to pray with her. What are your thoughts on this? My brother holds to the Serpent Seed beliefs and listens to Steve Quayle. I'm trying to find a way to show him that the bible does not teach this. What are the Nephilim? I've been thinking about Mark 16:9-20. Should that passage be in our bibles? What is the proper interpretation of Revelation 17:10? Who are the seven kings? Are Donald Trump and Barak Obama each one of the kings? I have been reading and appreciating your book, The Apocalypse Code. Is it wrong for me to continue to go to and support a church that follows the Tim LaHaye, dispensational view of scripture? I went forward in a Baptist church when I was seven-years-old. Is important to actually know the exact date when you became a Christian?


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