Personal Branding Podcast show

Personal Branding Podcast

Summary: Join my weekly discussions and interviews on Personal Branding | Personal Development | Publishing | Providing inspiration and teachings on branding, social media and authoring. I'm your host Bernard Kelvin Clive.

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  • Artist: Bernard Kelvin Clive
  • Copyright: Bernard Kelvin Clive (C) 2010 - 2021


 18 Habits to Drop | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 13:45

18 Habits to drop in 2018 by Bernard Kelvin Clive The good news is that my podcast/website was listed by Feedspot as one of the Top 15 Branding Podcasts on the web. In this episode I share on bad habits that needs to be replaced before entering the new year. 1. Living without purpose and passion 2. Procrastination 3. Gossips & lies 4. Lateness to appointments and events 5. Excessive Alcohol 6. Poor eating habits 7. Prayerlessness 8. Ingratitude 9. People pleasers, pretenders 10. Greed & jealousy 11. Promiscuity 12. No budgeting & overspending 13. Scared-freaks, Non-risk takers 14. Negative people, fault finders 15. Dream killers & idea thieves 16. Troublemakers, drama people 17. Indecisive & indiscipline people 18. Unproductive Lifestyle: Laziness, idleness, less or no action towards goals Get the book "GOALS Are Dead! Simple Strategies to Achieving your Goals while Enjoying Life"

 How to Stay Relevant in Your Field | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 8:10

5 Ways to Stay Relevant in your Field as you Age Traps that Cause People to Lose their Relevance as they Age Everyone desires to feel important in one area or the other in life. People tend to measure their worth by so many metrics that make them feel good, loved and appreciated. However, as one age in life, things also take on a new turn. Sometimes even the prepared are taken aback. The question is how does one stay relevant when aging in one's career and life? Here are simple things to do and traps to avoid. 1. Keep learning; make it a habit to learn something at every stage of your life. Your learning helps your earning. You can learn new skills at any stage and age of your life. Your skills will enable you to stay relevant in many ways. You will still be in demand by people who need your expertise. 2. Lower your expectations: the trap of feeling entitled to things based on any metric you may want to use should be lowered as you age. Remember no one really owes you anything - love, respect, honor, etc. People are not obliged to honor you, they decide. To avoid lots of embarrassments and disappointments as you age, simply lower your expectations from others. Once you learn not to expect too much from others, you will appreciate the beauty of the simple pleasures in life. 3. Raise the next generation: by pouring out your expertise into others, you learn to keep the cycle of knowledge transfer going and growing. Leaving a legacy by virtue of mentoring others will cause you to be revered as you age. So, reach out and teach others. If you are retiring from your job, don't retire with all your expertise, share it with others. 4. Write a book: it's unfortunate that many great minds die and die with their ideas and expertise because they couldn't preserve them for future use. I believe that taking time to read this information now, suggests to me that you are one of the exceptional people who want to have their wisdom preserved to help the next generation. The truth is that one of the best ways to document your expertise is to write a book. If you can't write a book, hire a ghostwriter to help you. It's about time to have a good book in your name. A book establishes your expert status and causes you to stay relevant in your chosen field. 5. Guard your reputation: desist from engaging in activities that will mar your hard earned reputation. In this age two major traps that cause great men to fall are: I. Promiscuity: love for women/sex. Hardly a day goes by without hearing about reputable men falling victims to sex scandals. If married enjoy your wife. II. Greed: the excessive hunger for money by every means fair or foul has led great men to fall to the dungeons. If you desire an abundance of wealth, keep your deeds clean. Once your reputation is lost, it becomes almost irreparable. Build trust and be trustworthy. Whatever happens, don't lose your relevance. Keep your brand

 Common Challenges in Project Management and Their Solutions | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 7:38

"Without proper management great projects fail" Common Challenges in Project Management and Their Solutions Project management is a complex task, and the successful completion of a project by an organization is no easy feat. According to a study by Gallup, only a measly 2.5% of companies manage to successfully complete their projects, a good indicator of how companies fail in proper project management. The exercise of managing projects involves ensuring proper utilization of resources, meeting deadlines, sticking to the allocated budget, having clear communication, foreseeing possible risks, and taking preventive measures. Project managers may be unable to deliver their project as expected for not seeing in advance the possible risks and thus failing to put mechanisms in place to avert them. The following are some common challenges that a project management team may face in project management, as well as possible solutions: Vague goals Some project teams do not exactly know what to expect from the project. Lack of clearly defined goals and objectives means the project is doomed to fail. This lack of awareness of the what’s, when’s, and why’s of the project results in confusion, thereby causing the poor delivery of the project. For a project to succeed, goals must be clearly thought out and communicated before the project’s inception. Solution – The project team should hold a kickoff meeting to clarify the goals of the project. Also, the team should use project management software to define the goals clearly. For example, they can use GRS project management software, which is one of the best in the market. Poor communication Improper communication hinders the successful delivery of the project. A good project manager should be a great communicator. Good communication comes in handy, whether you are seeking information from team members and other parties, asking questions, or passing information along. A breakdown in communication results in project failure. Solution – There should be clearly defined channels of communication for project team members, as well as a clear understanding of what information should be communicated to whom and how to do it most effectively. Insufficient team member skills The members are the building blocks of the team, and their expertise and experience determine the team’s competence. Some project tasks require specialized skills or expertise. It is thus vital to ensure the persons handling such tasks are well equipped; otherwise, you should have them trained or bring someone in with the necessary skills to avoid poor implementation, which will lead to the failure of the project. Solution – The team leader should document the main skills needed to execute the various project tasks and analyze the team members’ strengths and weaknesses. Where necessary, the members should be trained to bridge the gaps, or people with the required skills should be brought onboard. Unrealistic deadlines Most project managers struggle with unrealistic expectations on timelines from the client and other stakeholders. The cause of unrealistic deadlines is setting the targets based on factors like aggressive competition, rather than basing them on calculations and data or proper planning. From the onset, the team is put in a position of trying to fit things within determined boundaries that are not realistic, thus resulting in failure to meet the deadline. Solution – Project managers can overcome issues of project deadlines with proper planning, alternative analysis, and clear communication of the project progress to the client and other interested parties. Having a project calendar to plan events and to monitor important dates can also help. Resources: Branding Beyond Visuals

 How to Start a Business as a Marketing Consultant | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 8:19

How to Start a Business as a Marketing Consultant Marketing consultants are in high demand, and businesses of all sizes are interested in hiring them. As more people search for new tactics to attract customers, they turn to marketing experts for help. If you choose to become a marketing consultant, you can start your own business and work with top companies around the world. High Demand for Marketing Consultants Businesses need marketing consultants to help them generate leads, which leads to higher revenue and sales. Maryville University explains that a hiring survey from McKinley Marketing Partners found that 39 percent of companies were hiring new digital marketers, and the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics expects higher than average growth in this field. Many companies need marketing help, but they may not be able to hire a full-time employee. This is the perfect opportunity to start your own business and work as a consultant. Businesses are desperately looking for marketing consultants who can help them. Degree Requirements A bachelor's degree in marketing is a minimum requirement for this position. Although you can also pursue a master's degree, you should at least get a bachelor's to show prospective companies that you are serious and qualified. Having a degree will also help you stay competitive in a growing field. In addition, while you are getting a degree, you may have the chance to do internships with companies. Not only will this help you network for future consultation work, you may graduate with an offer to continue working with the company. Portfolio Requirements When you are working as a consultant, companies are more interested in your portfolio than a resume. They want to see examples of previous work that was successful. For instance, they may want to see how you implemented a marketing strategy for social media or created a plan to increase organic traffic on a website. If you have a college degree, you may be able to use some of the work from school to start building the portfolio. Research projects and internships often provide strong examples of your abilities. You will need to create a portfolio online and offline, so more companies can have easier access to it. You want to showcase your best marketing work in the portfolio and fill it with relevant samples. Work Strategies Many marketing consultants start their careers as employees for companies to get experience. Then, after a few years or longer, they open their own businesses and offer consulting. Some people skip the step of working as employees and start consulting right away. There is more than one path to success as a marketer. If you are confident you can succeed without working for someone else first, then you can do it, but it may be more difficult. Branding Ideas Even if you are a solopreneur, branding still matters. You need a business name, logo, tagline and other branding elements. You will have to create consistent branding across social media and your own websites or blogs. Some marketing consultants start as independent contractors and later bring on a team to open an agency. If you plan to do this, then think about how to brand long-term and make sure it grows with your company. Personal branding can help you attract more customers. As a marketing specialist, you probably do not want to turn this over to another business to handle, especially when you are just starting out, so it is important to take the time to do this well. For example, you might want to become familiar with sites like Canva or Snapseed to make sure everything you produce is on brand. Starting Small Most marketing consultants start small and work alone at first when they launch their businesses. It may be tempting to start hiring staff right away,

 Brand Intervention with Google’s #1 Rebranding Expert David Brier | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 39:55

How to Transform your Brand In this episode David Brier answers the following questions on branding. Download, listen and share. * What is Branding? * How do one differentiate their commodity form others selling same product? * What are other ways one can differentiate? * Can quality packaging be more important than the quality of product in branding? * Qualities of a sustainable Brand * How’s banding relevant to start ups. The importance of Branding Startups * When should you rebrand? * How to separate your personal brand from the company’s brand? * How to resurrect a dying brand? * Branding beyond visuals, what to know and do? * About Branding Intervention Resources: Brand Intervention Branding Beyond Visuals Business Networking Made Easy Rebrand: The Ultimate Guide to Personal Branding Books by Bernard Kelvin Clive  

 Art is Priceless | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 5:44

Art is priceless! “True artists don't create for their audience; the audience discover them” – Bernard Kelvin Clive To all writers, poets, authors cheers!!!! True artists don't create for their audience; the audience discover them. Once an artist starts creating by the dictates of its audience, he seizes to be an artist, he becomes a business man. Artists do art out of love. You paint the world with your words and make it such a beautiful place. Falling in love or out of love.? Let's fall in love, not a love story but there is love in it. For writers, poets and authors, the point is this; you must come to a point where you totally fall in love with your writing style, right from the beginning or journey along and totally settle this is your heart that not everyone will love your piece.  Your work may or may not be the best in your eyes, but it's your babe, you've got to love it and make it the best at all times. If you seek perfection it will elude you, seek progress, the desire to communicate something of real value to your reader; to inform, entertain, educate. Communicate your expertise in little ways, not seeking to please the masses. Someone may pick your piece and be inspired others will not, that's life. If they find your work meaningful, great If not, it may not be for them or not the right time. Don't give up, let love lead. keep giving your best, the universe will reward you greatly. #EnjoyLife Resources: Business Networking Made Easy Rebrand: The Ultimate Guide to Personal Branding Books by Bernard Kelvin Clive

 How to use a Book to Build a Brand and Boost your Business | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 23:21

Thinking of establishing yourself as an expert in your field and to boost your business? Then  publishing a book can be of help. In this episode Julie Broad shares are story and strategy for using a book to achieve this. Julie Broad is an Amazon Overall #1 Best Selling Author, an International Book Award Winner, and recipient of the Beverly Hills Book Award for Best Sales book. As an entrepreneur and successful real estate investor she was also awarded the Top 20 under 40 Award. Founder of Book Launchers, she started the company to help busy entrepreneurs and professionals build their brand and boost their business by writing, publishing, and selling a top quality book. Download, listen and learn. Resources: Book Launches Business Networking Made Easy Rebrand: The Ultimate Guide to Personal Branding Books by Bernard Kelvin Clive

 Personal Branding: Finding Fulfillment in Life | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 43:48

In this episode we look at Personal Branding: Finding Fulfillment in Life with Vince Kramer Vince is an airline pilot and military veteran, Vince Kramer brings a unique experience to the world of self- improvement and purpose-driven growth. His past experience in a stereotypically “macho” field brings a more integrated perspective to the softer field of personal growth not often seen.As a speaker, trainer, best-selling author of “Mastering the Art of Success” with Jack Canfield, and coach, Vince’s distinct combination of experience, education and research helps him develop powerful talks, workshops and online training in finding happiness and success by living life by their design. Vince passionately believes everyone is unique and the creator of their own life. It is his desire to inspire and empower men, women, organizations and families to find success and happiness by designing and creating a life fueled by their desires. Download, listen and learn. Resources: Download FREE resources here Business Networking Made Easy Rebrand: The Ultimate Guide to Personal Branding Books by Bernard Kelvin Clive

 Building your Personal and Corporate Brand | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 30:01

Thinking of how to build a personal brand and transition it into a business brand? Then. this episode is a must listen, my guest Johno Ormond, CEO of Dalia Media shares strategies on how to build a personal and corporate brand. Download, Listen, Learn and Share Recommended Resources: Business Networking Made Easy Rebrand: The Ultimate Guide to Personal Branding Books by Bernard Kelvin Clive

 Building your Personal Brand with Content Marketing – Tim Brown | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:12

Brand building takes time. In this episode my guest Tim Brown, Web Designer,  SEO Specialist at Hook Agency shares with us strategies for building your personal brand with content marketing and transitioning from a personal brand to a corporate brand. Download, Listen, Learn and Share! Recommended Resources: Business Networking Made Easy Rebrand: The Ultimate Guide to Personal Branding Books by Bernard Kelvin Clive

 Wealth Actually: Branding, Politics, Law and Money with Frazer Rice | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 33:26

In this episode we looked at Branding, Politics, Law and Money with Frazer Rice. Frazer Rice is a leading private wealth manager, with fifteen years’ experience advising millionaire and billionaire families on finances, including fiduciary and estate matters. His clients include business owners, hedge fund managers, real estate developers, corporate executives, foundations, and established families. Frazer has been featured in the New York Times, the Daily Telegraph, and the Journal News, and he has appeared on cable television news networks. In addition to his financial expertise, Frazer is a member of the New York State Bar and a graduate of Duke University and Emory University Law School. He hosts a podcast and blog on politics, business trends, and entrepreneurship at Listen, Lean and Share Recommended Resources: Business Networking Made Easy Rebrand: The Ultimate Guide to Personal Branding Books by Bernard Kelvin Clive

 Brand Building, eCommerce Cooperative with Empowery | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 24:49

Starting a business can be made easier when you know and have the right resources. In this episode we discuss the tools that can make your brand and business building easier. Using ecommerce cooperative by empowery, my guest Barth Getho shares the advantages available for you. Listen, learn and share! Recommended Resources: Business Networking Made Easy Rebrand: The Ultimate Guide to Personal Branding Books by Bernard Kelvin Clive

 8 Clever Ways to Market Your New E-commerce Website | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 14:52

8 Clever Ways to Market Your New E-commerce Website  Marketing an ecommerce website is not an easy task. You need to get your approach right if you want to reach more customers and generate a lot of revenue. Here are 8 clever ecommerce marketing strategies that you need to put into action today. 1- Take The Help of Inbound Marketing Marketing can be of two types - “push marketing” and “pull marketing”. Under push marketing, you push the customers towards your store even if they aren’t interested. For example, an ad in a newspaper is an example of push marketing. Under pull marketing, you pull the customers towards your store when they are highly interested. For example, a visitor visiting your site using organic search is an example of pull marketing. Inbound marketing consists of all such strategies that come under pull marketing. These strategies help to generate visits that are highly relevant and have greater chances of converting into a sale. Here are some highly useful techniques of inbound marketing: * Search Engine Optimization: SEO helps to generate quality inbound leads by getting your website ranked at the top of the organic search results. * Content Marketing: Content is the lifeline of internet. Content marketing helps to increase the visibility of your brand and help to build lasting relationships with your audience.  * Social Media Marketing: Nowadays, you are marketing to millennials and social media is the perfect place to reach them. An effective social media marketing strategy improves brand awareness and lets you engage with a broad array of audience. * Email Marketing: Emails remain one of the most cost effective inbound marketing strategies that’s easy to get started, delivers the right message at the right time and helps to generate a regular flow of leads. * SMS Marketing: You can reach a large number of people at the same time with the help of SMS marketing. SMS lets you to reach customers instantly as and when you need it. * Webinar Marketing: Webinar is a cost effective marketing strategy that helps to build lucrative relationship with your customers. Webinars adds to brand loyalty and helps to convert a new visitor to a lead. 2- Create and Promote Your Blog Blogging is an inexpensive way for ecommerce business owners to drive traffic to their website. Here are the top benefits of blog promotion: * It provides to boost your existing search engine optimization strategies. * Blogging is an efficient way to connect with your existing and potential customers. * People are able to easily recognize your brand and it educates them about your business vision and personality. * Preparing blog posts on long tail keywords lets you get rank for new keywords which means you have greater chances of raising your leads and conversion. The below chart from Hubspot shows that businesses who blog generate 55% more visitors as compared to the ones who don’t.  * Blogging is an opportunity for social sharing. People can share blog posts that they like and this indirectly helps to raise publicity of your brand on social channels.   3- Advertise Your Store Offline Offline promotion is equally important to give wings to your online business. Here are a few effective ways to market your ecommerce business offline: * Take part in local business meetings to network with other businesses and to generate a lot of local brand publicity.

 Growing your Customer base Rapidly with Johnathan Grzybowski of Penji | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:49

"You have no business until you have customers." In this episode, my guest Jonathan shares his secret of growing customers for your brand using an unscalable sales process.  Johnathan is the Co-founder of Penji, an on-demand graphic design membership or agencies, internal marketing teams, and the print on demand community. With over 250 members and growing, Penji had multiple opportunities to receive outside investment capital, all in which they declined. Listen, learn and share Recommended Resources: Business Networking Made Easy Rebrand: The Ultimate Guide to Personal Branding Books by Bernard Kelvin Clive

 17 Side effects of ignoring your Personal Brand | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 7:07

"The future will be taken by those who are building their brands today" - Bernard Kelvin Clive In this episode I share with you... 17 Side effects of ignoring your Personal Brand Your brand fades You lose credibility You become less visible You become easily replaceable Your influence decreases You lose your market share Your audience wanes Your competitors win You will be treated with less respect You lose money Your place will be forgotten You will struggle to stay relevant You will be treated as a commodity You will have less impact Your expertise may be despised You can't dominate You will be branded by others Recommended Books: Business Networking Made Easy Rebrand: The Ultimate Guide to Personal Branding Books by Bernard Kelvin Clive


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