Personal Branding Podcast show

Personal Branding Podcast

Summary: Join my weekly discussions and interviews on Personal Branding | Personal Development | Publishing | Providing inspiration and teachings on branding, social media and authoring. I'm your host Bernard Kelvin Clive.

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  • Artist: Bernard Kelvin Clive
  • Copyright: Bernard Kelvin Clive (C) 2010 - 2021


 Social Impact Branding: Making Your Non-Profit Standout | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 30:55

"Think of How you can Build and Brand a Movement as a strategy for your Brand" - Eric Ressler In this episode, my guest Eric Ressler shares strategies to help your Social Impact organization to Standout with Branding Eric Ressler is the Founder and Creative Director at Cosmic, a Social Impact Creative Agency. Cosmicempowers social impact organizations to catalyze real-world change by helping them nail their impact story,build brand awareness, and inspire action.Download, Listen and Share Recommended Resources Design By Cosmic DOWNLOAD the eBook Digital Disruption: Personal Brands that will Crush it after the Pandemic Branding Books by Bernard Kelvin Clive Branding Courses

 Brand Positioning: King Already? Lessons from Shatta Wale | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 7:31

What Do you say: King Already? Traits of Outstanding Personal Brands In our personal branding session today, let me share with you one of the traits of successful Brands using a Ghanaian artist. If you've been a follower of my branding lessons, from any of the platforms, be it radio, TV, blogs, or social media you would have noticed one name stands out in most of my examples. That name is Shatta Wale. Google just 'Shatta' and his name and works surfaces. His songs and Brand has become a household name. There are several strategies one can learn from the Shatta brand, even if you don't like his personality nor music. He has a lot to teach with his brand. I'm expounding on just one of the many lessons from his brand journey. The law of the Word - Declare it and Be it! In 2013 he released a song titled 'Dancehall King'' and declared himself the king of dancehall music in Ghana. The album art of the track had him seated on a throne wearing a crown – can you imagine that? The same pictorial scene was seen in the video of the track. A portion of the lyrics read "Dancehall king, In a di whole Ghana". He was proclaiming his stands, what I will say is the Mohammed Ali strategy, He says it and does it! In the year 2014, with the Dancehall King track, he won the artist of the year in Ghana's Vodafone Music Icon. Shatta didn't just claim the title against his rivals, he has been working hard to prove it. Lesson one, People are more likely to call you the name/title you use for yourself. They will treat you the way you present yourself and treat yourself. Learn to put a premium price on yourself. Lesson two, once you make it – your goal, live to its expectation. Just like the 'fake it till you make it' approach. Perhaps that was his goal, and today arguably has become the king of dance hall music. Fast forward to 2020, the renowned musician Beyonce featured him on her album 'Black is King', with the track titled 'Already', check Beyonce feat Shatta Wale - Already. The video clip hit a million views in less than 24 hours of its release. Instant hit huh! Interestingly, part of the lyrics of the song reads 'king already'. Here we go… "Long live the king, you a king, you no wait King already, already, you no wait Top everything, everything, you no wait King already, already, you no wait" The word king can be heard repeatedly in the song and he has become king already. What words do you say about and believe about yourself? Words carry power. Words play a major role in branding. What do they say about you? This is what you need to do: "Create your brand with your words and establish it with your deeds." - Bernard Kelvin Clive Recommended Resources DOWNLOAD the eBook Digital Disruption: Personal Brands that will Crush it after the Pandemic Branding Books by Bernard Kelvin Clive

 How to Create a Brand Name | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 10:44

What is your name? "It's what you invest in the name that makes the brand relevant" Names trigger emotions, they evoke memories and they inspire actions. Out of the billions of people on earth, everyone has a name.  In West Africa, names are so important to the extent that names they give to children always have a meaning associated with it. It's the meanings that define the names and consequently impact the lives of the bearers.   Examples from Ghana; a third-born male child of the Akan Tribe has the name 'Mensah'. 'Enyonam, from the Ewes means 'God has been good to me'. Names make people feel special. Names help in easy identification and differentiation purposes. It's in the same way brand names impact the market and its users. The significance of names cannot be overemphasized; names have played vital roles since the first being occupied the surface of the earth. History books have been filled with a significant number of names that cannot be forgotten by virtue of the various roles they played. It is by those names that we can refer to their deeds; good or bad. How then do you choose a name that can resonate with your personality, product, service, and market? I have identified three ways brand names can be crafted to help make it memorable, impactful, and identifiable.  “A good name is to be chosen rather...” – Proverbs 22:1 Before we delve into that, here are some ideas to guide you to pick a brand name, then you can decide to fit it into any of these three ways. * Pick a name that describes what you do. An example would be Salad Masters (Into Salads).  * Pick a name that doesn't relate to what you do; it could be something you create. An example is Google (Has nothing to do with their products and services, the name was made up) * Pick any of your names or all of your names. An example Tyler Perry Studios * Pick a name that triggers emotion and connections. An example Cravings Cafe. (This may want you to crave for food) * Pick a name that defines your niche. An example is ToddlerCare * Pick a name and play with the spellings and enunciation. An example is SQIN Care, that's Skin Care.  * Pick a name in another language or a translation in another language. An example is Tonaton(In Ghana it's a Twi phrase that means, buy and sell. The ideas are endless, don't be stack, permit yourself to daydream and craft your unique brand name. Now, how to choose your Brand names, using my rule of three (3) Firstly, go for one name: Going for one name will imply either you have a unique name or you are willing to sacrifice to put in more work to make the brand name stand out and relevant. 'One name brand name' doesn't come cheap. Here are some global examples of 'one name brand name' starring from musicians, authors, thought leaders, religious leaders, products, and services. Example: Oprah, Ronaldo, Otabil, Messi, Sarkodie, Shattawale, Obrafour, Stonebwoy, Manifest, Sinach, Oyadepo, Beethoven, Shakespeare, Jesus, Mohammed, Pele, Google, Yahoo, Facebook, Apple, Microsoft, Toyota, Honda. Hyundai, Mitsubishi, Quartz, Zoom, etc Secondly, you go for two names. A two-name brand name also demands a level of commitment and hard work to make the name count. In using two-names,

 How Brands and Entrepreneurs Can Thrive in Difficult Times – Mike Zeller | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 35:02

Selling is Service The Current pandemic has totally impacted every aspect of life and business, in this episode my guest Mike Zeller, shares strategies to help brands and individuals to survive and blossom in-spite of the challenges. Mike Zeller is a mentor and speaker who, at his core, is most passionate about helping entrepreneurs and thought leaders gain clarity on their zone of genius while unleashing their potential to make money and impact. Through that process, they also learn how to design their business around their strengths and a life of fulfillment. You will learn about: Creating ideal Client Avator Getting Clients Repeat Business Recommended Resources: Digital Disruption ebook visit Brand Mastery visit

 Brands: How to Become a Market Leader in Times of Crisis – Edwin Dearborn | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 30:45

How Brands can become a market leader in times of crisis “Tell a story that makes the customer the hero or potential hero of the story – Edwin Dearbon Key tips * Market Research* Tell Stories* Empathize* Value Creation* Be Agile* Move fast My Guest:  Edwin Dearborn The Orange County Register featured Edwin Dearborn as a true “Marketing Expert”. Edwin has also been featured in Entrepreneur, CBS MoneyWatch, Social Media Today, and other national media outlets. Edwin has appeared as a keynote speaker for Sony and the American Marketing Association. Edwin was formally educated in marketing and public relations in Hollywood, CA in the early 1990’s. Recommended Resources: Three Degrees of Separation by Edwin Dearorn Digital Disruption ebook visit Brand Mastery visit

 Tools and Platforms to Promote your Brand and Make Money | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 20:16

Apps, Tools, and Services I have compiled a couple of tools and services for promoting your brand and making some money on the internet.  3 Keys to Carry Along I have identified three key things/ tools to help you in promoting your brand and doing business online. The first is to invest in paid adverts, yes, the free lunch is over, it is going to cost you some dollars to rake in more dollars. You must be willing to invest in paid ads to get desired and targeted reach in most cases. I highly recommend using Facebook ads and Google ads. There are other ad services available depending on your niche, if you find such do give it a shot. The second most important thing you will need is to have subscribers/lists  - people to constantly engage with and to do that require you to have a mailing list. That’s a list of emails of people who have subscribed to your services. To constantly communicate with them. I recommend using a service called to help you get started with your list creation. The third valuable skill to have is copywriting skills, the ability to craft compelling sales contents – ads, emails, website content, product description, blurbs, etc. This skill will help you leverage your brand and business success. Copywriting is one of the most powerful skills to learn in digital marketing. Take time to learn this and the rest would be easy. Now let’s get started! AMAZON (Dropshipping) Sell digital and brick and mortar goods and services. Dropshipping is an e-commerce technique in which the seller acts as a middle man in that he, takes orders on behalf of a producer, manufacturer, distributor, or supplier. When an order is placed he used the producer to deliver the items. Amazon, the world’s largest ecommerce platform, makes it easier to make money by dropshipping or selling your own products. Benefits of Amazon Includes; • Positive Customer Trust. Builds trust with your audience. • Product Content: Offer Information Customers Actively Seek, Want, And Need. Advertisers can place their ads on product pages where shoppers actively seek product information. BLOGS The purpose of a blog is to attract visitors to your site. The more visitors you have read your content, the more likely you are to convert these interested users into qualified leads and boost sales. Benefits of blogs include; • Boosts Search Engine Optimization. • Develop Relationships with Potential and Existing Customers. • Establish Your Business as an Industry Leader. • Connect People to Your Brand. • Provide Value for Your Readers. BOOKS Print and electronic books. You can make money from books by either selling white-label books or writing and selling your own books. Books are of the avenues to promote your expertise – your brand. COPYWRITING Copywriting is re-arranging words to make things sell better. It is a written content that aims to increase brand awareness and ultimately persuade a person or group to take a particular action. Writing better copy enables you to convert more readers into customers.

 Branding Lessons from Granny’s Kitchen | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 12:47

Branding Lessons from Granny's Kitchen Ingredients to Spice up Your Brand I wish I could cook scrumptious meals effortlessly like my grand-mum. Well, if wishes were horses... However, I learnt some things about cooking from my grand-mum which can be translated into the branding and business fields. You may be in the kitchen of your brand, cooking what you hope to be one of the best meals – delicious, mouth-watering, yummy and nutritious. What would be a good spice for this meal? Today, we are using the kitchen and cooking as analogies for building our brand, drawing from everyday life. Here are the 3 ingredients to spice up your brand. 1. Creativity Branding is about differentiation, and without differentiation you have no brand. You will just be like any other without a brand, a commodity among the lot. However, if you creatively find ways to set yourself apart from the masses, your brand will gain the needed attention. Creativity is a key differentiator factor of brands. Building your creativity comes in at various stages and forms – from visual representation, to your brand, to the intangibles - storytelling strategies, et al. The first thing to do is to identify which area that you can easily stand out. Then you capitalize on that as a differentiation factor. Once that is done, you don’t settle, you work on other areas creatively. To stay top of mind and top of your game, you need to have at least 3 key areas of differentiation. Ask yourself, what three main areas or things would people find different and attractive? Granny's tip and lesson: I wonder how granny can make sumptuous Jollof from leftover stew. Sometimes, she just combines herbs here and there, adds some vegetables to make a great meal. Her secret: "Keep experimenting, never be afraid to try uncharted paths" Tips to help you creatively: - Sometimes, just go against the tides; do the opposite. - Listen to the pains and problems of your audience (there lies a solution in there). - Ask your audience of best ways you can help them (sometimes they have all the answers). - Simplify, less is more. - Have fun; play along with your thoughts. - Sample the best in your field and pick cues from them. - Read books and blogs. - Try ideas from totally unrelated fields (e.g. Applying Snail farming ideas to Fashion Bags). - Crowdsource for ideas, ask Facebook, Quora, etc. - Ask weird questions. 2. Credibility Trust is a very relevant ingredient that has stood the test of time. There may be new ingredients to add in the future but this has become the salt of brands. Without trust, you have no brand and no business. You can afford to fake everything, do all the nice things to get traction, grow followers, and make a name but, if your trust quotient is broken, your brand will come crashing down. In an age where people are quick to use things about them for fame and name, brands that desire to stay relevant and make more impact must be trustworthy. Let your products and services be of premium value and not to embellish them with ads, social media posts, and sleazy sales tactics. If you win the trust factor, your brand will thrive. Trust triggers word of mouth marketing for your brand. Granny's tip and lesson: Even when we didn't know what granny was up to at the kitchen mixing various ingredients, we were assured that something spectacular and tasty was being prepared. She had earned our trust. She said: "I may not always cook the best meals but I will offer you the best I can.” She admits when her meals occasionally don’t turn out as expected. We grew to trust her beyond the kitchen. Tips to help and prove credibly online:

 How to Make Your Brand Stand Out from Your Competition | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6:56

Making Your Brand Stand Out from Your Competition When you are running your business, you will find that there will be a lot of other businesses providing the same services as you. This leads to a fierce competition as you’ll all be fighting to secure customers. The good news is that there some great ways that you can make your brand stand out from your competition from providing new products and services to trying new marketing strategies and more. Find out some of our tips in the article below. Study your Competitors One of the first ways that you can make your brand stand out from your competition is by making sure you have a look at your competitors and find out exactly what they are up to. When you do this, you can see what is working for them and what isn’t. Found something that they don’t offer? Use this information to make your brand shine. Promote Your USP If you have a look at your business competitors and notice that they all focus more on certain products and services then, you should have a look and see if there is anything that could be seen as your USP. You’ll want to promote this as best as you can to make your brand stand out. When it comes to promoting your services you will need to make sure you utilise Social media so you can create ads and use social media to push and promote your services. Make Your Prices Reasonable The next thing that you should do if you want your brand to stand out from the competition is to make sure you make your prices reasonable. If you make your prices affordable and reasonable then, you will find that more people will be inclined to use your services over others. Make sure not to drop your prices too low, of course, as this can affect your profit. Introduce Employee Benefits Raise Brand Ambassadors If you are wanting your business to be successful and stand out from others then, you will need your employees to do as much work as possible to take on new tasks and clients. To get your employees motivated to do more, you should consider introducing employee benefits to your team. Consider using an employee benefits platform in order to provide tailored benefits to your employees. You can also motivate them by hosting team days and setting goals in order to make your brand one that matters. See the benefits and roles of brand ambassadors. Follow Your Own Ideas To make your brand stand out and not look the same as your competition, it is important that you try and stick to your own ideas instead of copying others. This is because it will make your brand look different from the others in your industry. It will also be a lot more personal to you as it will be all your own creative ideas and not from others. Put a face on your company and use this to get some customers on board. Be different at all Cost Overall, there are a lot of different brands out there that you will need to compete with and you need to make sure that you stand out. Brand awareness is one of the key things you’ll need to focus on so don’t forget to put some strategies in place from the get-go. Do some competitor research and motivate your staff if you want to beat the competition and make your brand stand out.  Hopefully, all of our tips will help you to achieve that. Resources:

 Email Branding: Making the Most of Your Emails | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 13:17

Emailing Branding Strategies Making the most of your emails. “In the world of digital communication tools, email has become the king”. According to Statistica, there were about 293 billion emails sent daily in 2019 and the number is expected to hit about 347 billion by 2023. ( Electronic mails referred to as emails, one of the earliest digital marketing tools, (and)have become so powerful over the years. Emails have become a primary communication tool on the internet. One cannot afford not to have an email address. Importance of Having Email Address Emails have become part of one's daily virtual life. It's therefore imperative to make the most of it. Here are a couple of reasons why you need to have an email address. • Your email serves as a form of digital identification tool. It is one of the primary ways to register for almost any digital service. Social media sites require an email address for registration. • It's your address to receive Digital goods. For eCommerce purposes, emails are required for translations. Even if you're purchasing products that would be delivered physically. The address is used to receive product details, receipts, and tracking information in some instances. • In purchasing digital goods, most often the products are delivered via emails. Without an email address, you virtually become handicapped. You can do very little online without an address. • Emails addresses reveal your identity to an extent and also speaks volumes about the personality behind it. • Email addresses are used to confirm your virtual identity. Most often activating subscription services, are sent via emails. • Businesses are transacted via emails; it eases transactions and makes it easier tracking with emails. • Families, friends, and loved ones keep in touch via email communications; one of the most used means of sending and receiving information among friends The Role of a Branded Email address Majority of internet users do create email addresses using mail services by yahoo or Gmail, the latter being more popular and widely used. These providers help with free email address creation, a good way to begin with. However, to step up the game for your brand, requires that you get an email in your personal or company's domain name, an example would be:, The branded Email address has numerous benefits including: • Trust Building: emails would be more trusted than that from a generic email service provider • Establishes authenticity: Many digital service providers would prefer emails activated from branded domains than that of the generic provider. • Brand promotion: since mails are used more often, the more people see the address the more brand visibility gained and chances for them visiting your website would be very high. • Mark of professionalism: not only is it nice to have a branded email address, but it also speaks to your profession. Your firm would be seen as more professional having its domain email address. • Privacy control: having a self-hosted email addresses limits the fear of compromised emails, as it offers you full control over the privacy of your mails Using Email Signature for Branding & Marketing One of the underutilized features of emails has been the footer section. The Footer is the bottom part of an email that allows you to input content that will automatically accompany every mail sent. You may enter details such as; company brief, contact numbers, social media handles, official website, etc. The goal is to enter relevant information that stands the chance of promoting your brand.

 Personal Brands: Building your Digital Presence on a Shoestring Budget | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 11:36

Building your Digital Presence on a Shoestring Budget Tools, Tips, and Strategies Seasons and times will compel many to chart unknown waters, others out of curiosity and necessity. Regardless of the trigger, having an online presence and brand has become a must-have in this age. More so, the pandemic has propelled and created a sense of urgency to digitize. Over the years I have noticed that several people struggle with getting started with their digital presence, where to begin and the basic tools and strategies to utilize. Today, I will be sharing with you tools and tips on how to kick start your digital footprints. 1. Get a domain. A domain is your website address, where users can find your website on the internet. I recommend you use your name or your brand/business name. An example,,,,,,, There are many top-level domain extensions, the common ones being .com, .org, you can have. blog, .info, .me, .name The average costs of a .com domain extension are $12.99 You can purchase a domain from,,,, etc. Once you get a domain, quickly create an official email address with your domain name. That becomes your official email, It positions you a serious professionally 2. Get a blog/website designed and hosted. That would be your official internet home. Your website becomes your 24/7 online storefront. To market and promote your brand and business. It increases your brand visibility, authority, and breeds trust. I recommend you using,,, because they make a blog and web design quite easy without much technical know-how. You can hire a professional web developer to set up your website/blog for you. With a budget if $100 minimum, you can have a simple blog/website set up for you. Search in your locality and you are sure to find a web designer to help you with a website and blog. You can contact A basic blog site should have a home page, about page, blog page, and contact page. Once your website is done you need to be populating it with content- quality, timely and relevant content! 3. Get a mailing list. A list of subscribers (emails of people) you can regularly communicate via emails. You can use your website to capture email addresses of people by creating a landing page/ squeeze page. A dedicated page where you offer something in exchange for users’ email addresses. You can offer whitepapers, eBooks, checklists, audiobooks, infographics, webinars, etc. Just ensure that you are giving out something they would love. You can use the following services/ mail providers to help you set up, capture, and manage your e-mail lists: (highly recommend as the free version can help you achieve a whole lot),,,,,,, etc. If you are using WordPress there are lots of plugins that can aid in setting up a landing page and collect email addresses easily, Sumo comes highly recommended. Use the one which meets your budget and can still provide the basic needs such as a signup form, landing page, autoresponder. Your mailing list is your goldmine for your online brand and business. 4. Get your social media handles Your social media handles are the names you choose for your brand. Either you get a handle or edit the URL(link) of your social media channel. Example Facebook provide an automatic URL(link) when ...

 Social Media Strategies – lessons from Jesus | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 8:07

Social Media Strategies - lessons from Jesus Bernard Kelvin Clive The greatest teacher of all time ―Jesus, taught us many timeless lessons encompassing every aspect of human endeavor and Social media and branding are not an exception. “The 21st Century Christian/Church must rethink ministry via the lens of technology. A powerful tool in the hands of the believer.” ― Bernard Kelvin Clive Today let's look at social media the Jesus way... lessons on strategy for social media success. "And a great multitude followed him because they saw his miracles which He did on them that were diseased." ―John 6:2 Texts: John 4. Matthew 25:14-30, Luke 8:4-15, Luke 9, Luke 10:38-42 Here are Eight(8) Strategies to implement! 1. Give them something worth their attention. What would they see and read? Ensure that your intention for their attention is clear. you know exactly what you want to offer, Jesus was offering salvation ― life (John 10:10). 'When they saw the miracles Jesus had performed...they followed!' Your brand visuals must be appealing and attention-grabbing to drive home your message. 2. Wow them! 'When they saw the many miracles he performed... Jesus always did something spectacular. eg. Turning water into wine. Wowing your audience leads to organic following and engagements and sales. Offer value! People would come to your portal/ page to experience it. 3. Meet their needs all-round! Jesus taught them spiritually he also met their physical needs - hunger. He had compassion for others, driven to meet the needs of others. He fed the 5000 after his live conference/ webinar. Be sensitive to the needs of your fans and followers. Focus on your market needs, and offer solutions. 4. He established his authority and clarity. Firstly, you need to know your assignment as a person and that of your business. That helps you weld your authority and grow your influence to impact and for profit. Know your worth and the value you are offering. Set the records straight, distill popular opinions from facts like Jesus did. The woman at the well got to know Jesus was the true Saviour ― living water. Jesus killed ambiguity surrounding the worshiping of God. His authority was at work. Jesus came to fulfill the prophecy of redemption. Your authority gives you influence. Clarity breeds confidence! Then Jesus declared, "I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never go hungry, and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty" ― 6:35 Authored many books, I declare "I am an author[ity]" 5. Raise brand ambassadors. The woman at the well, after engaging with Jesus, knowing the depth of his knowledge went out freely to evangelize. Your expertise will help create brand evangelists to spread your brand. 6. Use stories and anecdotes. Jesus was a great storyteller, He weaves stories and anecdotes to drive home his messages. Engage your audience with stories they can relate with while teaching them. Stories sell your brand well, creating lasting memories. Great brands use stories in marketing their products and services. What's your brand story like? 7. Have private and public engagements. Jesus had some private meetings at some level and public ones. He engaged Mary & Martha privately and did so with His disciples (key ambassadors), regularly. Segment your audience to know what's for the masses and what's for a select group. Provide products and services for the different categories of your market. There are times you need to engage with some of your fans via inbox(private groups, membership, and premium access) and other times publicly. Be sensitive and selective with private and public data sharing. So don't you don't 'throw your pearls before swine'? ― Matthew 7:6 8. Understand your audience: Use their language! Jesus used terms based on the cultural background and settings of his market so he c...

 Doing Business in Africa; Lessons from Building Africa’s Amazon | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 42:03

In this episode you would learn about branding, cultural and businesses barriers and benefits in doing business in Africa. * You will discover:* Culture of Business* Lessons from the Chinese * How to survive in an unknown market My guest, Marek Zmysłowski is a Polish-born entrepreneur and executive, focused on online businesses in Frontier and Emerging Markets. He co-founded Jumia Travel – Africa’s Biggest Hotel Booking Portal listed on NYSE as part of Jumia Group and – a Travel Technology Company. In 2014, he was chosen as one of the Ten Most Important People in Tech by IT News Africa Magazine. He is a Lead Mentor at Google’s Launchpad and World Bank’s XL Africa Program. Download, Listen and Learn. Resources: BOOK: Chasing Black Unicorns DOWNLOAD the eBook Digital Disruption: Personal Brands that will Crush it after the Pandemic

 Personal Branding from the Inside Out with Kami Guildner | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:52

Building your personal brand in a digital age… what to do and what not. In this episode, my guest Kami, through more light on how to build an authentic brand. Kami Guildner believes women’s voices matter. She is a connector. A storyteller. A success coach for women. Kami’s entrepreneurial journey was sparked by the breath of a horse over a decade ago. This magical epiphany moment led Kami to discover her purpose of leading change-maker women to give voice to their most important messages and create a ripple effect of worldly impact.  Kami weaves soulful-inspiration into mindful business strategies, helping her clients up-level their business. With decades of leadership, marketing, strategic planning and business growth expertise, Kami guides her clients to master their marketing, money and mindset. Kami’s soulful spirit leads her clients to unleash their magical manifestation powers and live out loud fueled with vitality and courage. RESOURCES: Join the Facebook Group DOWNLOAD the eBook Digital Disruption: Personal Brands that will Crush it after the Pandemic

 Growing your Business in Hard Times with John Armah | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 40:31

Growing your Business in Hard Times The impact of this pandemic has been frightening. What do you do as an entrepreneur or business owner? In this episode my guest John Armah shares strategies to help you overcome the challenging times and bounce back better. John Armah is a Business Development Practitioner and Trainer in business start-ups development, with experience in the development of new markets, start-ups, MSMEs and business strategy, business financing and business development. He is the Board Chairman of Junior Achievement Ghana, and the Chairman of the JA Africa Board Chairs Council, a global non-profit organization committed to promoting entrepreneurship development around the world. He serves on other Boards advising Startups and SME’s on Restructuring, Capital Raising, Growth, and Business Development. John Armah consults for Governments, Major Corporate, Donor Partners, Institutions on Business Development, Business Financing, Startup Ecosystem, and Entrepreneurship Development, He has worked in key markets across the world and named as part of the Forbes 30 under 30 Most Promising Entrepreneurs in 2016 and 20 under 40 Most Influential Business Leaders in Ghana among others. ‘..these are not ordinary times for Business Owners, Employees and Households, these are indeed not ordinary times.. the bigger question has been, what is the impact and risk of COVID-19 on Business and what factors can help mitigate this risk A gift for you! Download a copy of my new Book and pay any amount. YES! Digital Disruption: Personal Brands that will Crush it after the Pandemic

 The Power of Personal Videos for Business Growth | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 23:42

Video is a huge lever to bring the human element back to business. My guest today is Matt Barnett the CEO of Bonjoro who walks us through how to effectively use personalized videos in your business communications. Listen learn and share. Resources: 30 ways to use video for leads, conversions and creating referrals Awaken the Giant in You CEO Branding Goals Are Dead! Branding Beyond Visuals Business Networking Made Easy Rebrand: The Ultimate Guide to Personal Branding


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