Tripp Fuller show

Tripp Fuller

Summary: Our goal is to bring the wisdom of the academy's ivory tower into your earbuds. Think of each episode as an audiological ingredient for your to brew your own faith. Most episodes center around an interview with a different scholar, theologian, or philosopher.

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  • Artist: Dr. Tripp Fuller | Theologian, Philosopher, Minister
  • Copyright: 2008-2015


 The Theology of Wolfhart Pannenberg w/ Philip Clayton | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:17:39

Let's talk about Wolfhart Pannenberg! The planet lost one of the greatest theologian this past week & in this episode Philip Clayton and I discuss his amazing career.  Philip Clayton is a professor of theology at Claremont School of Theology and former student of Pannenberg.  He recently wrote a beautiful tribute to his former mentor you can read here.  We thought it would be fun to remember Pannenberg by discussing his theology and we did.  We went through a bunch of different topics he covered and yet after 70 minutes we barely discussed a third of my list of 'Pannenberg's big ideas.'  I hope you enjoy this half as much as I did. Check out this collection of Pannenberg remembrances and resources. Thanks to our sponsor... THE WORK OF THE PEOPLE They are an independent ecumenical platform that produces and publishes multimedia to stir imagination, spark discussion and move people toward discovery and transformation.  Try it out free for 30 days. "Travis Reed is the only one of his kind. He wades into the hard issues, shows why they are important, and provides ways to think faithfully about them. In doing so, he lightens our load and transmits energy for the tasks that are now so urgent among us."Walter Brueggemann, Author and Theologian

 Let Sleeping Gods Die w/ Kester Brewin | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 59:44

Kester Brewin is back on the podcast.  He was part of a live podcast experience at Monkish Brewing company with his partners Peter Rollins & Barry Taylor.  This triumvirate of Radical Theology is always a blast to hear and this time time is no exception. During the live event they explored the way in which Radical theology opens up possibilities for political activism.  Ohh Kester also talks about technology, space exploration, and hippies. Enjoy the Brew! Thank you to THE WORK OF THE PEOPLE for sponsoring the podcast.  They are an independent ecumenical platform that produces and publishes multimedia to stir imagination, spark discussion and move people toward discovery and transformation.  Go HERE and get a free 30 day trial of this most awesome digital service.  Then you can make your friends watch Pete and try to make sense of him.

 Cecilia González-Andrieu and the Theological Aesthetics of Bridge to Wonder | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:02:10

First off, we want to thank our sponsors, The Work of the People. By sponsoring Homebrewed Christianity they let us keep getting you great theological goodness and we get to tell you about a great organization that is doing some very cool work around the creation of liturgy. Check 'em out at The Work of The People. We also want to thank Sara Ciotti who donated via PayPal on the site. Thanks! And now... This week on the show we have the first of a series of crossovers with Syndicate Theology. Syndicate is "a new forum for scholars to collaborate and comment on their research." It is sweet. A crew of writers write essay length pieces on a given book and then the book's author replies to the pieces in writing. And then the essayists get to respond too. All online. In front of your eyes! Why does it matter to you Deacons? Because we're going to be teaming up with Syndicate and interviewing a number of their books authors, releasing the interviews the same time the essays are going up. This week? Cecilia González-Andrieu discussing her book Bridge to Wonder: Art as a Gospel of Beauty. In the interview she covers the link between aesthetics and ethics, discusses the theological role of wonder, and asks what the opposite of Beauty is, suggesting that the answer is important for contemporary theology. Connect with her on her Facebook page and make sure to read some in-depth engagements with the book that she is talking in this interview about over at Syndicate. Also of Note: On the Homebrewed Barrel Aged podcasts we pull out some of the best interviews from the first 5 years of the podcast.  These gems get an audio facelift and then released from your enjoyment. Barrel Aged on Feedburner Barrel Aged on Stitcher Barrel Aged in iTunes (drop a 5 star review if you want to be awesome) Browse the episodes here  

 The Gospel of John & Empire w/ Warren Carter | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:10:35

Warren Carter is a Professor of New Testament at Brite Divinity School.  He is a mega-Bible scholar that pays close attention to the historical situation of first century Judaism and the themes of Empire explored in the New Testament.  In this episode, first released in 2008, I discuss his then recent work on the Gospel of John and Empire.  You can check out all of his books here. At the end of the interview I mention a very accessible book he wrote that intros the conversation of Empire and the New Testament.  If you are looking for a place to start then get The Roman Empire and the New Testament: An Essential Guide.   On the Homebrewed Barrel Aged podcasts we pull out some of the best interviews from the first 5 years of the podcast.  These gems get an audio facelift and then released from your enjoyment. Barrel Aged on Feedburner Barrel Aged on Stitcher. Barrel Aged in iTunes (drop a 5 star review if you want to be awesome) Browse the episodes here.

 Monkey Puzzle (Angel’s Share Podcast#9) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 21:19

In today's show, Patrick and Christian taste Monkey Puzzle Whiskey from Edgefield Distillery in Portland. It's a 46% abv whiskey made with hops and honey. “There is no bad whiskey. There are only some whiskeys that aren't as good as others.”- Raymond Chandler If you are in the Los Angeles Area on September 26th, join Patrick on a cigar cruise in Marina Del Rey.  You get the cruise, 17 cigars, food and drinks for 1/2 off in August - Just $50.  Go to:   Be sure to like our facebook page  and join our twitter feed to keep up with the chatter off the air, and to submit your own questions about beer, brewing or spirits (the drinkable kind) for us to take on during the show!   Also, please rate and review us on iTunes to help increase the visibility of the show.  

 Brian Bantum on Redeeming Mulatto | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 55:43

Brian Bantum teaches theology at Seattle Pacific University out in the mighty Northwest.  This spring when he and Callid were both at the Christian Leadership Forum of  FTE they sat down to talk about Brian's book Redeeming Mulatto: A Theology of Race and Christian Hybridity. Because they are in a hotel lobby there a bit of background noise, but it is such a terrific interview that you'll want to listen all the way through anyway  If you want to followup on this conversation another great resource is this video of Brian giving a talk called "The Church Cannot be About Multiculturalism" at Quest Church's annual day conference on Faith & Race. Bantum is on twitter as well. Special thanks to our sponsors at  Phillips Theological Seminary and Chalice Press: their sponsorship helps us keep getting these out to you for free.

 Catholic, Quaker, Evolution, Apocalypse: final TNT for ABCs | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 49:03

We finish with a BANG! Callid and Bo conclude the ABC's of Theology series with:  V is for Vatican II (ecclesiology) W is for the Word of God (scripture) X is for X-ray (technology) Y is for Y2K (apocalyptic) Z is for Zebra (evolution) Thank you for all of your feedback and encouragement. A special thanks goes to Jesse Turri for the artwork for this series!!!! You can find the Unfolded narrative podcast here.  

 Frank Schaeffer on Art, Music, Irony, and Satire | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:04:00

The HBCC crew is back down to three as Jess the Intern and Philip the Page are movin' on up. Christian, Amy, and Andy hold down the fort, though. Today's show features an interview with artist, author, film director, theologian, and all-around badass, Frank Schaeffer. He has a new book out, Why I am an Atheist Who Believes in God, and joins the show to talk a whole range of topics, from art to music to fundamentalism and more. Christian and Frank explore the difference between irony and satire, finding it difficult to come up with any hard and fast rules. They explore the work of glass sculptor Dave Chihuly and contrast that with Marcel Duchamp's absurdist sculptures. Frank talks about his new book and why he's never met an atheist or an evangelical. Check out Frank Schaeffer's art at and look for the Homebrewed Crew at Wild Goose Festival at the end of this month where we will be recording a live episode with Tripp and Bo! Thanks to Philips Theological Seminary and Wild Goose Festival for their continued sponsorships. Interested in setting captives free? Come check them both PTS and WGF out at the Wild Goose Festival June 26-29 in Hot Springs, North Carolina and find out how you can learn and live liberation. This week's show also brought to you by, CrowdScribed. CrowdScribed publishes better books by bringing readers and authors together early in the creative process. Beyond traditional publishing, beyond self publishing, there's Crowd Publishing. Leverage the power of the crowd to publish your book the way it was meant to be published. Enter the current Author Challenge to win a $5,000 publishing deal and get mentored by Frank Schaeffer. For more information, visit

 Breckenridge Bourbon (Angel’s Share Podcast#7) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 26:30

In today's show, Patrick and Christian take a virtual trip to Colorado by tasting Breckenridge Bourbon and discuss Christian's 1st home-brew, a Pale Ale called "Hop On Pop." “Whiskey, like a beautiful woman, demands appreciation. You gaze first, then it's time to drink.”  - Haruki Murakami Be sure to like our facebook page  and join our twitter feed to keep up with the chatter off the air, and to submit your own questions about beer, brewing or spirits (the drinkable kind) for us to take on during the show!

 Spirit and the Effects of Trauma: Shelly Rambo | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 50:23

Callid had the opportunity to sit down and talk with constructive theologian Shelly Rambo. In their conversation they walked through some of the major points of her book Spirit and Trauma. In the course of the recording they talked about Derrida, the psychology of trauma, non-linear time, and zombies. Good stuff. She makes clear that her work is not a self-help project, but a reconsideration of our insistence on the climax of Christian faith being the resurrection. She does not deny the resurrection at all, but she asks why we are so ready to skip over Holy Saturday and the time when Jesus was dead. This is a book not just for people who have been directly challenged by traumatic events, but for anyone who wants theology to more holistically address human experience. You're going to like this, deacons.

 From Jesus’ Parables to Parables of God with John Dominic Crossan | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:18:55

John Dominic Crossan is back on the podcast.  Crossan is a legendary New Testament scholar, Jesus Seminar provocateur, and popular lecturer all across the progressive church. We will discuss the last 30 years of historical Jesus research, its role in the academy, the growing audience in the public square, changes in the church and his two most recent books The Power of Parable & The Greatest Prayer. We recently re-published Crossan's first visit to the podcast over 5 plus years ago on the new Barrel Aged podcast stream.  Go check out his discussion of God and Empire which remains my favorite book of his.  

 F-Bombs, Baptized by Palin, Sad ‘Ole Sterling | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:00:50

Amy starts the show off by talking about F-Bombs left and right. In the echo chamber, the crew discusses Sarah Palin’s recent statement at an NRA rally that waterboarding is how Americans would “baptize” terrorists, were she in charge. This leads into a discussion on the death of Christian hegemony and whether or not labels can (or should) be rescued. Christian shares Tea Party Jesus with the group. He thinks it’s hilarious, Amy and Jess the Intern, not so much. Jess and Andy talk about privilege, oppression, and intersectionality in light of a recent Princeton freshman’s defense of white privilege. Finally, the group talks about the Donald Sterling debacle, generation gaps, and the increasing frequency of things said in private going out into the public. There are TWO fears of the week this week and a few recommendations that you won’t want to miss! Check it out… Ongoing thanks to Philips Theological Seminary and Wild Goose Festival for their continued sponsorships. Interested in setting captives free? Come check them both PTS and WGF out at the Wild Goose Festival June 26-29 in Hot Springs, North Carolina and find out how you can learn and live liberation. A big welcome to our newest sponsor, CrowdScribed! CrowdScribed publishes better books by bringing readers and authors together early in the creative process. Beyond traditional publishing, beyond self publishing, there's Crowd Publishing. Leverage the power of the crowd to publish your book the way it was meant to be published. Enter the current Author Challenge to win a $5,000 publishing deal and get mentored by one of three bestselling authors. For more information, visit

 Exploding Whales, Quiverfull Scandals and Scary Russians (CultureCast) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 58:42

Yes, we're late on getting this post-Easter show out. Whaddaya want, your money back? As we try to recover from our collective post-Easter hangovers, the topics range from stomach-turning in the gross sense to stomach turning in the scary sense. Nothing like variety! Andy quizzes the CultureCast team on the best way to remove a dead whale from the beach, and then they move on to such savory topics as sex scandals within the Biblical Patriarchy (aka, Quiverfull) movement. You mean that when you repress people sexually and deprive women of autonomy, something could go wrong? Shocking! We also take on the recent anti-semitic brouhaha in Ukraine, along with all the cities that will soon be underwater, apps to be afraid of and top it all off with a seventies black punk band called "Death." Just your average day in the peanut gallery with the CultureCast nerds. Mad props to our sponsors, Phillips Theological Seminary and the Wild Goose Festival. Thanks to Phillips for stepping up to be the sole sponsor of the Homebrewed Christianity live show this year at Wild Goose! Expect fun and swag to flow freely when these folks all get together. And who knows? There might be some more intimate campfire chats hosted by Phillips as well. Stay tuned. As for the Goose, the theme of "Living Liberation" will be taken on by, among others, Stephen Lewis. Lewis is the President of the Forum for Theological Exploration (FTE), which focuses on cultivating a new generation of Christian leaders. He has more than fifteen years of experience in corporate and nonprofit leadership, strategic planning, program development and group facilitation. The event is in Hot Springs, North Carolina from August 26-29, and tickets are flying off the virtual shelves. Grab a pair (no, just tickets) before they're gone.    

 Bonhoeffer’s Religionless Christianity | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:06:45

This Barrel Aged podcast was originally released in 2009.  It was a quick hit that many of the more recent subscribers won't have heard. So get ready to enjoy Dr. Jeffrey C. Pugh is Professor and Chair of the Department of Religious Studies at Elon University. We discuss his book Religionless Christianity: Dietrich Bonhoeffer In Troubled Times. Dr. Pugh & I talk about the life of Bonhoeffer, shares some of the famous words from his Letters & Papers from Prison, and leaves us with how Bonhoeffer can inspire us today. He is definitely the podcast's favorite member of the Hauerwasian Mafia. You can also check out the most recent visit from Dr. Pugh Conjuring Satan and Doing Theology discussing his collection of Satan's blog posts. *** If you enjoy all the Homebrewed Christianity Podcasts then consider sending us a donation via paypal. We got bandwidth to buy & audiological goodness to dispense. We will also get a percentage of your Amazon purchase through this link OR you can send us a few and get us a pint!***

 Unfolded Episode 12 — The Cold Inside | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 18:00

Unfolded is back! It's not a stretch to say that this year we've had along, hard winter, and I (Jesse) wrote a story about it. Give it a listen, I think it is one of our best episodes yet! Matt once again kills it on the 1's and 2's. We hope you enjoy. Please subscribe to Unfolded on itunes. Non iTunes users can grab the feedburner feed HERE or listen through Stitcher. Also, please remember to... Talk to Us We truly love feedback and dialogue. Please leave comments here on the blog and let us know what you thought of this episode -- liked it? Didn't like it? Why? And be sure to follow Matt and Jesse on twitter. Make Art With Us Matt and I love making art with people. If you'd like to submit a written piece to be considered for the show, email me. Subscribe Please subscribe to Unfolded on itunes. Non iTunes users can grab the feedburner feed HERE or listen through Stitcher. Read You can read the Unfolded works here. *** If you enjoy all the Homebrewed Christianity Podcasts then consider sending us a donation via paypal. We got bandwidth to buy & audiological goodness to dispense. We will also get a percentage of your Amazon purchase through this link OR you can send us a few and get us a pint!***


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