F-Bombs, Baptized by Palin, Sad ‘Ole Sterling

Tripp Fuller show

Summary: Amy starts the show off by talking about F-Bombs left and right. In the echo chamber, the crew discusses Sarah Palin’s recent statement at an NRA rally that waterboarding is how Americans would “baptize” terrorists, were she in charge. This leads into a discussion on the death of Christian hegemony and whether or not labels can (or should) be rescued. Christian shares Tea Party Jesus with the group. He thinks it’s hilarious, Amy and Jess the Intern, not so much. Jess and Andy talk about privilege, oppression, and intersectionality in light of a recent Princeton freshman’s defense of white privilege. Finally, the group talks about the Donald Sterling debacle, generation gaps, and the increasing frequency of things said in private going out into the public. There are TWO fears of the week this week and a few recommendations that you won’t want to miss! Check it out… Ongoing thanks to Philips Theological Seminary and Wild Goose Festival for their continued sponsorships. Interested in setting captives free? Come check them both PTS and WGF out at the Wild Goose Festival June 26-29 in Hot Springs, North Carolina and find out how you can learn and live liberation. A big welcome to our newest sponsor, CrowdScribed! CrowdScribed publishes better books by bringing readers and authors together early in the creative process. Beyond traditional publishing, beyond self publishing, there's Crowd Publishing. Leverage the power of the crowd to publish your book the way it was meant to be published. Enter the current Author Challenge to win a $5,000 publishing deal and get mentored by one of three bestselling authors. For more information, visit www.crowdscribed.com.