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 CPT-The American Century- Part 4 -1980-1990 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:01:00

Tonight  The 1980's Hour # 1 ( Politics ) :The time period saw great social, economic, and general change as wealth and production migrated to newly industrializing economies. Presidents :Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan & George HW Bush. Un Successful : Assasination Attempts : Ronald Reagan, Pope John Paul II & Margaret Thatcher Successful: Marvin Gaye, John Lennon, Egyptian president Anwar Sadat & Indian prime minister Indira Gandhi. Natural disasters: 1980 eruption of Mount St. Helens. Mount St. Helens erupted in Washington, U.S. on May 18, 1980, killing 57 people.   Man Made Disasters :   In 1984, the Bhopal disaster resulted from a toxic MIC gas leak at the Union Carbide plant in Bhopal, India, killing 3,000 immediately and ultimately claiming 15,000–20,000 lives.   In 1986, the Chernobyl disaster, a large-scale nuclear meltdown in the Ukrainian SSR, Soviet Union, spread a large amount of radioactive material across Europe, killing 47 people, dooming countless others to future radiation-related cancer, and causing the displacement of 300,000 people.     Hour # 2 ( Everything but politics )    Television : Mtv took America by storm with music videos thus was the start of A music video and TV revolution.Video & 1980 Song of The Year : Call Me by Blondie   This list is endless the 80's and TONIGHT on PRIME TIME. We are going to SLUG IT OUT on the political side and then KICK it for the last half & talk the 80's.   Join The Chat or Call in w/ The Cast of Charecters

 Welcome to THE-United Socialist States of America | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:10:00

1st hour-More than 100 people turned out for Occupy Seatte Saturday.The protest, affiliated with Occupy Wall Street, was less aggressive than what happened across the country.Unlike their New York counterparts, who were arrested in the hundreds, Seattle protesters waved signs and mingled peacefully with police.The protesters, however, are only beginning to coalesce. The group acknowledged that it needs to clarify its goals. Like their New York counterparts, the protestors are seeking for a place in Seattle's financial district to camp out for the winter.Police reopened the Brooklyn Bridge Saturday evening after more than 700 anti-Wall Street protesters were arrested for blocking traffic lanes and attempting an unauthorized march across the span. The arrests took place when a large group of marchers, participating in a second week of protests by the Occupy Wall Street movement, broke off from others on the bridge's pedestrian walkway and headed across the busy highway.Tonight the panel will discuss this new wave of progressive tactics. 2nd Hour- STOP VAN JONES -A “Take Back the American Dream” three-day conference in Washington begins on Oct. 3 that features Van Jones, the disgraced former Obama Administration “Green Jobs Czar,” a Russian TV star, and a veteran of the Venceremos Brigades to Cuba who works for the AFL-CIO. Such is the nature of the modern progressive movement. “I think everybody should hold onto your seats,” said Jones on Thursday on MSNBC.“October is going to be the turning point when it comes to the progressives fight back,” he went on. “We are a part of something called the American Dream Movement. you can go to and find out more about it. We are going to build a progressive counterbalance to the Tea Party.”

 Primetime Sports NFL Fandemonium | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:03:00

Week 4 of the NFL Season and much more Sunday night at 10PM Eastern with your host NFL Director of Fandemonium, Ralph Lanier Jr and co-hosts Jake Lanier, Germaine Thompson, & Cool Mike!  Call in and participate in our show or join the gang in the live chat room!! All the NFL Football we can cram into 2 hours is live every Sunday night!! We love to hear from NFL fans and talk to you about your teams!!  We will be talking about all the action from Sunday's games and news around the NFL!!  

 AMERICAS MUSLIM OBSESSION- WTF | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:01:00

Since 9/11 has the United States of America been obsessed with Al Qaeda? Do the American people have the patience to stay the course to win the war on terror? How do we win and how can you define it? Is it realistic to think we can rid the world of extremist? Are we at war with Islam? Whats the definition of a "moderate muslim"? 2nd hour-We will discuss the 2012 election+other news and current events  

 President Obama"THE GIFT AND THE CURSE" | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:01:00

1ST HOUR-In an interview this evening with a local NBC affiliate in Orlando, President Obama claimed that America has "gotten a little soft." "I mean, there are a lot of things we can do," Obama said. "The way I think about it is, you know, this is a great, great country that had gotten a little soft and, you know, we didn't have that same competitive edge that we needed over the last couple of decades. We need to get back on track" Members of the Congressional Black Caucus, commentators, and everyone in between have reacted this week to President Obama's "stop complaining" speech to the CBC, in which he told members, "stop complaining, stop grumbling, stop crying. We are going to press on. We've got work to do." 2ND HOUR-Ron Paul criticizes Obama for U.S. role in killing of Awlaki"No, I don't think that's a good way to deal with our problems,” Paul said in a videotape of the questioning by reporters. Awlaki “was never tried or charged for any crimes. No one knows if he killed anybody. We know he might have been associated with the ‘underwear bomber.’ But if the American people accept this blindly and casually that we now have an accepted practice of the president assassinating people who he thinks are bad guys. I think it's sad.”Is Ron Paul correct? Should US citizens who are known terrorist be handled any different that foreign enemies?

 Black Leaders | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:02:00

For years since the ending of WWII many in the black community have looked for heros, role models & faith based leaders for guidence. During The most successful black organizers of the 1950's &  1960s always were church pastors. That was until The KING was born and that was Martin Luther King & the civil rights movement. Then came Melcom X & then let the games begin as for years and years the anger and hate and lies of Jessie Jackson, Rev. Al Sharpton, Louis Farrakhan and Malcon X. Under these leaders the BLACK community sank into all time poverty lows blaming everybody but themselves and following the HATE speech, while many members of these communities simply IGNORED the lies for education and prosparity. Who is the KING of KINGS when it comes to the fake leaders of the black commuinty. Segment # 1 we talk the lies and fake leaders. Segment # 2 : Mind your own Business!!! In many states kids are allowed to call the police if A parent uses A FIRM hand to en'act A punishment. In many states A MINOR has the right to go on birth control, even have an ABORTION and its nun of the parents affairs according to the government of this land. This hour we talk about what rights do parents have left? What rights do any of us have in preventing the rights to maintain A household under the laws of the land w/ out Govt. interfearence. Call in or join the chat room TONIGHT on CPT

 CPT-The American Century- Part 3 -1970-1980 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:08:00

1st hour-Tonight we present Part 3 of our series "The American Century".This episode we will discuss the 1970's.The 1970's may have been the most interesting decade in American history.Bigger was better and loud colored clothing and disco were in style,and what was up with those sh*t green applainces? Who were the presidents? What philisophical worldview did the adhere to? Were americans optimistic about the future or had the gloom set in? In Part 3 we will disect and discuss the 1970's.This should be a very interesting show 2nd hour -Iran plans to send Navy vessels steaming across the Atlantic and towards the U.S. to build up an open sea presence along the marine border with the east coast, according to the Iranian Navy's top commander."Just like the global hegemony that is present near our marine borders, we … also plan to establish a strong presence near U.S. marine borders," Iranian Navy Commander Habibollah Sayyari said Tuesday, according to Iran's state news agency.A spokesperson for the Department of Defense said that Iran is "obviously" free to take their ships into international waters halfway around the world but questioned the country's ability or willingness to do so."There is freedom of the high seas," Pentagon Press Secretary George Little told reporters today. "Now whether they can truly project naval power beyond the region is another question in and of itself... I wouldn't read too much into what came out of Iran today.""What is said and what is actually done can be two different things," he said.

 Parent Trigger Laws | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:57:00

1st hour Parent Trigger Law-The idea is simple but powerful: Give us, the parents, the chance to turn around failing schools. The parent trigger, as it's known, allow the parents of students at a chronically underperforming school the ability to determine, via a majority vote, when and how school reform can come about. In other words, the parent trigger takes educational decision-making away from politicians and bureaucrats and empowers those who have the most at stake.Often, the parent trigger means converting a traditional public school into a charter school. But it can also mean less drastic measures like ousting the principal and other leadership, hiring new teachers or taking any one of the number of other steps that can improve a school – but too often aren't undertaken in our hidebound, change-resistant school bureaucracy.There is already a parent trigger on the books in California, where an elementary school in Compton became the first in the entire country to be taken over by the parent trigger last year. "We need to create change [at McKinley], not only because my kids go there, but for everybody. We, as parents, need to do what's best for our kids," one parent said during the petition drive. There is also a similar (and somewhat weaker) version of the same legislation in Conn. And it could be headed  to New York; a bill has already been introduced in the state Assembly. 2nd hour Terrible Tuesday..OPEN TOPIC

 Losing Faith In Government | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:01:00

1st hour-Losing Faith In Gov -Washington’s dysfunctional political climate not only makes it harder for Congress to pass sound economic policy. It also means that whatever policies Congress manages to pass may be ineffective anyway, since Americans have lost so much confidence in their government’s ability to help.Americans’ confidence in their government is at historic lows, according to a Gallup poll.A poll of 1,017 adults, conducted in early September, found that 81 percent of Americans are dissatisfied with the way the country is being governed, the highest share since the question was first asked in 1972.Americans estimate that the federal government waste 51 cents of every dollar, the highest number on record since that question was first asked in 1979. (Because the margin of sampling error was plus or minus four percentage points, however, that is not a statistically significant difference from last year’s poll, when Americans said 50 cents of every dollar the government spent was wasted.) 2nd hour-When the Supreme Court reinstituted the death penalty 35 years ago, it did so provisionally. Since then, it has sought to articulate legal standards for states to follow that would ensure the fair administration of capital punishment and avoid the arbitrariness and discrimination that had led it to strike down all state death penalty statutes in 1972. The court’s 1976 framework for administering the death penalty, balancing aggravating factors like the cruelty of the crime against mitigating ones like the defendant’s lack of a prior criminal record, came from the American Law Institute, the nonpartisan group of judges, lawyers and law professors. In 2009, after a review of decades of executions, the group concluded that the system could not be fixed and abandoned trying.

 Primetime Sports "NFL Fandemonium" | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:01:00

Week 3 of the NFL Season is here!! We will be talking about all the action with NFL Director of Fandemonium, Ralph Lanier Jr & his co-hosts Jake Lanier, Germaine and Cool Mike on Primetime Sports NFL Fandemonium this Sunday night at 10PM Eastern. We will review all the games from Week 3 of the NFL and also the Monday night matchup last week. Philly talk radio host Artie Clear will be joining us to talk about the Eagles and Steve Tate will be calling in as well!! My Dolphins play in Cleveland this week and we are hoping for their first win of the season. We will also go over some fantasy football, a few college games and make our predictions for next week.  Join us this SUNDAY Night at 10PM Eastern time only on BlogTalkRadio and the Primetime USA Radio Network!!

 US Constitution Vs World Constitutions | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:01:00

1st Hour-Tonight on Conservative Primetime we will have a discussion about how unique the United States Constituton is compared to other nations constitutions.Is there anything you would have changed when the US Constitution was written? Should all citizens of foreign nations have the rights as US citizens? What amendments would you add to our current constitution? What rights would you grant to US citizens and what rights would you take away? Should Coroporations have the same rights as individuals? Whats rights has obama taken away? 2nd Hour-The discussion will switch to states rights.What issues should the federal govt leave to the states to decide? Has the federal govt over-stepped the 10th amendments? Has the court dis-regarded the 10th amendment? Should state constitution overide the federal constitution? Tune in tonight as our panel discuss Constitutions and their implementation.

 Conservative Primetime-"STATE OF DEATH" | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:01:00

1ST HOUR "STATE OF DEATH Troy Davis, 42, was accused of murdering a police officer in 1989. He was convicted of the slaying of Officer Mark MacPhail in 1991. Since his arrest, Davis has repeatedly said he was an innocent man.And inside the death chamber on Wednesday, his pleas were no different. Davis told the officer's family while on his death bed that he was "sorry for your loss, but I did not personally kill your son, father and brother. I am innocent," witnesses reported him sayingHe also had these words to say."The incident that night was not my fault, I did not have a gun," Davis said to all who gathered for the execution.Davis also urged people to "continue to fight and look deeper into this case so you can really can finally see the truth.""For those about to take my life, may God have mercy on your souls. May God bless your souls," Davis told prison staff.Do you believe in the death penalty? CALL IN 424-222-5255 2ND HOUR-GUN RIGHTS FOR PARDONED FELONS David Scott Blackwell has repaid his debt to society, by Georgia standards.He served five years in prison for selling drugs. He successfully finished his probation. He was even granted a full pardon by the Georgia paroles and pardons which would allow him to possess a gun in that state.But should Blackwell, now living in Franklin, be able to own a gun here?Blackwell is suing the state after being denied a gun permit in Tennessee, arguing that the Georgia pardon fully restored his rights — even the right to bear arms.really????

 Palestinian sovereignty - & - My Favorite NEWS Sorce | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:58:00

As The UN is looking to vote on Palestinian sovereignty BTR Host Right wing Jew Benyamin Solomon claims their should be NO FREEDOM for their people. He says Palestinian Authority is to blame for the problems w/ in the Palestinian Gaza & West Bank territories Tonight he joins us to explain his views. Is Israel's desire to bully the Middle East? Does the history of The Jewish people stealing, back stabbing & its complete dishonesty to the world have ANYTHING to do w/ why so many people dis-like the middle eastern country? TONIGHT we will review The United Nations movement seeking A FREE HOMELAND for the the loving people of Palestine. Do they after decades of being killed, raped, murdered by Jewish settlers deserve ALL the land gong back to 1967?  Geroge W. Bush made the same claim and it was ignored and President Obama makes it and its UN ACCEPTABLE. Are infact the true ANGER & HATE of Blacks from Jews NOW clearly visable? This in our first hour TONIGHT. Get ready, get set go : What media outlet do you think brings home the truth? Tells it like it really is and does not lie or expand for political gain. This is topic # 2

 DONT ASK DONT TELL | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:57:00

1ST HOUR-"DONT ASK DONT TELL"As the repeal of "dont ask dont tell" went into effect Tuesday, advocates of ending the military's ban on openly gay service members said they would look next to "correct" the record for the thousands of soldiers who were discharged under the 18-year-old ban.About 14,000 service members have been separated from the military since 1993, when President Clinton signed the policy into law. Those who were discharged because of their sexual orientation will be allowed to re-enlist. 2ND HOUR"CLASS WARFARE"-Right now, the top 1 percent of American households — the “millionaires and billionaires” Obama keeps mentioning casually in a non-class-warfare sort of way — earn about 20 percent of the income. But they pay about 30 percent of the total federal tax bill. In other words, they pay 50 percent more than “their fair share.And now Obama wants to shake down the most shaken-down taxpayers in the Western world for another $1.5 trillion, so he can spend it on government jobs, government programs and government giveaways. And who will get those giveaways?

 SOLYNDRA GATE | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:58:00

1ST HOUR-Solyndra LLC's chief executive and chief financial officer will invoke their Fifth Amendment rights and decline to answer any questions put to them at a Congressional hearing on Friday, according to letters from their attorneys obtained by Reuters. In the letters sent to the House Energy and Commerce Committee's Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations, attorneys for Solyndra CEO Brian Harrison and CFO W. G. Stover said they advised their clients not to provide testimony during the hearings. The bankrupt company's $535 million federal loan guarantee is being investigated by the House Energy and Commerce Committee. Harrison is represented by Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe and Stover is represented by Keker & Van Nest. Solyndra's offices were raided by the FBI two days after the company filed for bankruptcy, although the FBI did not say what prompted the raid. (Reporting by Nichola Groom in Los Angeles, editing by Gerald E. McCormick) 2ND HOUR-TERRIBLE TUESDAY-all callers are encouraged to call in and rant about anything going on in politics or the world today.Terrible Tuesday is CPT's open topic format which gives our guests the ability to take the show in a number of different directions.If you think you have what it takes to challenge our panels conservative views,the call in number is 424-222-5255


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