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 Current Events | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:01:00

Current Events with Robert and Sarge .... if its current its game for conversation .... Join Us Callers Welcome 424-222-5255 / 877-907-8067

 NWO and Illuminati - Fact or Fiction | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:03:00

The common theme in conspiracy theories about a New World Order is that a secretive power elite with a globalist agenda is conspiring to eventually rule the world through an authoritarian world government—which replaces sovereign nation-states—and an all-encompassing propaganda that ideologizes its establishment as the culmination of history's progress. Significant occurrences in politics and finance are speculated to be orchestrated by an unduly influential cabal operating through many organizations. Numerous historical and current events are seen as steps in an on-going plot to achieve world domination through secret gatherings and decision-making processes.

 CPT-Terrible Tuesday | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:00:00

1) Herman Cain says the "accusations" against him are racially motivated. really? Tonight Germaine will give his case as to why Cain is guilty,guilty, 2)Ten year old boy pulls gun on lady for threatning to take his halloween candy. What should be his punishment 3)Is Barack Obama the worst president ever? What are his chances of getting re-elected? 4)Herman Cain did not know China has nuclear weapons .WTF... 5)Open Topic-callers decide the topic

 Is Cain Able? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:01:00

The developing caining of Cain .... is there a Cain mutiny afoot ... is Cain able ... Fast and Furious more congressmen lining up for a Holder investigation/resignation .... Vatican calls for the end of Capitalism .... with all this tom-foolery in the mix when will the absurd become the official norm ?

 Primetime Sports "NFL Fandemonium" | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:01:00

It's Week 8 for the NFL this Sunday!! For a recap of all the action join NFL Director of Fandemonium, Ralph Lanier Jr & his co-host, Jake Lanier for all the NFL talk we can fit into 2 hours!! "Primetime Sports NFL Fandemonium" is "LIVE" every Sunday night at 10PM Eastern, only here on BlogTalkRadio!! We are also on Sports streaming live. With 6 teams (Falcons, Bears, Packers, Jets, Raiders, & Bucs) on a bye this week, we will have more time to go through all the action, and much more!! We would LOVE for you to call in and participate in our show!! You can call in on two lines 424-222-5255 or toll-free 877-907-8067 and talk about YOUR TEAM with us and give us your take on their games!! Is your team doing all the right things to be at the top or are there things you just can't figure out!! Let's talk about it!! Is your "fantasy team" leading your league or in the doghouse?? Maybe we can help you out there too!! Did you go to a game?? We love to get reports from NFL Fans who see the action LIVE!! Join us at 10PM Eastern this SUNDAY night for all the NFL talk!! Only on Primetime Sports NFL Fandemonium!!  Part of the WAAU Media Network! Please tell all your friends to join us by calling in or in the "live chat"!! Thanks for your support NFL Fans!!! 

 Corporate Greed | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:02:00

Greed .... 1) Economically expressed as self interested interest is it good is it bad is it a netural concept .... 2) Is making a profit bad or is excessive profit bad .... 3) What is good about knowing excessive profits are being made 4) Should profit generating companies be regulated .... 5) Are regulations a good thing or a bad thing

 OCCUPY OAKLAND-"MARINES VS THE POLICE " | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:01:00

Marines have been flocking to the social networking/aggregator site Reddit to voice their anger at the life-threatening injury inflicted on 24-year-old Iraqi war veteran Scott Olsen by Oakland police during the recent Occupy protests.Video showed Olsen going down after taking a tear gas canister to the head. As fellow protesters tried to assist him, police lobbed a flash grenade into their midst–right next to Olsen’s already fractured skull.Tonight we will discuss this issue along with other current events.

 "Occupy Conservative Primetime" | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:00:00

Occupy Conservative Primetime!!! .... An open invitation for OWS-ers to voice their views and demands .... 1) Are we seeing the beginning of the end of the "Occupy" movement .... 2) Has the "Occupy" movement shown any tangible benefits to the citizens of the US and or the World .... 3) Do the "occupiers" have a christmas wish list ( what is it that they want?? - yes 40+ days and still asking ).... 4) Will the "occupy" movement be able to have an impact on "Black Friday"

 Conservative Primetime "Robin Hood Tax" | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:59:00

The State Dept spent 70k for Obamas memoirs...Is there a good reason? (probably not)  US States are facing a 4 trillion dollar shortfall...who should we hold responsible?  Russia is trying to restore Soviet style power..Should we be paying more attention? Top Muslim Cleric offers 100k for every Israeli soilder captured...As the situation progresses in the Middle East should the United States continue its support of Israel? Anti-Capitalist Group to call for a "Robin Hood Tax" ...Why does the world have a desire for socialism? Will America be the next victim? 2012 Election Update...Is Cain the man? EVERYONE HERE AT CONSERVATIVE PRIMETIME WOULD LIKE TO GIVE A SPECIAL THANKS TO OUR MEN AND WOMEN IN UNIFORM  SERVING AT HOME AND ABROAD.Please Everyone Continue to Support the troops

 Conservative Primetime "Prophet of Islam Exposed" | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:53:00

Tonight on Conservative Primetime we will discuss the "Prophet Muhammad" and why he could not have been a prophet at all.Muhammads message despite its obvious contradictions to the words of the true son of God (Jesus Christ)have resonated with over 1 billion people around the world.Jesus never told his followers to expect another prophet,so why do muslims claim to accept Jesus as a prophet but ignore the message he brought forth to mankind.The answer is simple..Islam and Muhammad are nothing more than a hoax and a fraud.The "Followers of Muhammad" are a murderous and hate-filled people who desire to force the laws of their counterfeit religion upon the true followers of God(Which are the followers of christ).The "holy quran"(even though its not holy at all)teaches its small-minded followers to lie and to murder and yet these Jihad Junkies say to us that Islam is a religion of peace.The Truth of the matter conflicts with that ludacris notion,Islam is not peaceful in the least.In fact I would venture to call it a theocratic cult with expansionist desires.Islam wants the whole world to submit,and then impose Sharia Law upon the whole world.This would pretty much amount to hell on earth for those of us in the west.So Tonight on Conservative Primetime we will expose Muhammad for what he really was a rapist and a liar...and of course a false prophet.

 The Lefts Marxist "Occupy Movement" | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:44:00

Nearly a year ago, union appointees within the Obama Labor Department launched their ‘Death by a Thousand Cuts‘ initiative on America’s employers (obviously, not their name for it, but that is what it is). Since then, American businesses (large and small)—those that are America’s job creators—have been under unprecedented attack by the Obama Administration and its union handlers. Now, perhaps by coincidence, the Democrat Supported Marxists occupying city parks across the country are calling for socialism (or whatever nom du jour they want to call it, with whatever coherency they can muster on a given day). Only an idiot (or a liar) would argue that the Marxist movement is not out to destroy American free enterprise. Yes, that is an economics professor who teaches America’s youth. And, yes, he is a Marxist In fact, his name is Professor Richard D Wolf and he claims to have invented a new approach to Marxism (although, based on the above, it sounds like the same form as always): Over the last twenty five years, in collaboration with his colleague, Stephen Resnick, he has developed a new approach to political economy. While it retains and systematically elaborates the Marxist notion of class as surplus labor, it rejects the economic determinism typical of most schools of economics and usually associated with Marxism as well. You can read some of Professor Wolfe’s writings at Rethinking Marxism. It is still amazing that there are those who are still afraid to call the #OccupyWallSt movement for what it really is: Bolshevism’s Baby.

 Primetime Sports "NFL Fandemonium" | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:01:00

It's Week 7 for the NFL this Sunday!! For a recap of all the action join NFL Director of Fandemonium, Ralph Lanier Jr & his co-host, Jake Lanier for all the NFL talk we can fit into 2 hours!! "Primetime Sports NFL Fandemonium" is "LIVE" every Sunday night at 10PM Eastern, only here on BlogTalkRadio!! We are also on Sports streaming live. With 6 teams (Bills, Bengals, Patriots, Giants, Eagles, & 49ers) on a bye this week, we will have more time to go through all the action, and much more!! We would LOVE for you to call in and participate in our show!! You can call in on two lines 424-222-5255 or toll-free 877-907-8067 and talk about YOUR TEAM with us and give us your take on their games!! Is your team doing all the right things to be at the top or are there things you just can't figure out!! Let's talk about it!! Is your "fantasy team" leading your league or in the doghouse?? Maybe we can help you out there too!! Did you go to a game?? We love to get reports from NFL Fans who see the action LIVE!! Join us at 10PM Eastern this SUNDAY night for all the NFL talk!! Only on Primetime Sports NFL Fandemonium!!  Part of the WAAU Media Network! Please tell all your friends to join us by calling in or in the "live chat"!! Thanks for your support NFL Fans!!! 

 The Gold Standard | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:00:00

Stocks .... Bonds .... Gold - The Risk and The Reward.

 Islamo Nazi-like Scumbags - America 1 Islam 0 - | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:01:00

Join us as we celebrate Uncle Obama's declaration of victory in Iraq .... America 1 Islam 0 .... 1) Have we won the war or just the current battle .... 2) Do our troops deserve a hero's welcome as they return home .... 3) Should Uncle Obama get credit for the victory .... 4) Will we invade another Islamic nation ( Pakistan? - Iran?)....

 americas top 25 idiots>should all americans pay income taxes | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:00:00

1st hour-When Rep. Michele Bachmann, R-Minn., said in Tuesday’s Republican presidential debate, “Every American benefits by this magnificent country. Absolutely every American should pay something, even if it's a dollar,” she got enthusiastic applause from the crowd in Las Vegas.Her statement conflicted with what she'd said in a Sept. 22 debate in which she said, "You should get to keep every dollar that you earn. That's your money; that's not the government's money."But in her comment Tuesday, Bachmann was pointing to a noteworthy fact about the current tax system: many middle-income wage earners pay no income tax. That’s not because they are breaking the law, it’s because legally they are not required to pay.(This is a separate question from underpayment of taxes or taxes evaded on cash income that workers ought to report to the IRS, but don't.) 2nd hour-Americas Top 25 idiots...the panel will discuss Americas top 25 idiots..and give reasons for the reasons why


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