Stop Imperialism show

Stop Imperialism

Summary: Analysis of the geopolitical headlines. Stop Imperialism is devoted to the principle that all nations of the world have the inherent and inviolable rights of self-determination and territorial sovereignty, as well as the right to peaceful economic and political development. Nation-states must not be subjected to oppression, exploitation, coercion, or subversion at the hands of more powerful nations or empires. Stop Imperialism stands in opposition to the forces of empire and finance which seek to dominate the world through both overt and covert means. Moreover, Stop Imperialism is intended to be both a resource of journalistic analysis and education with the expressed goal of providing thoughtful political, geopolitical, and economic analysis outside of the traditional Left/Right dichotomy. Additionally, both the site and podcast go beyond news and analysis by exploring and critiquing the theoretical and discursive structures by which we examine world affairs with specific attention paid to political economy, geopolitical strategy, and the use of propaganda and other forms of manipulation used to shape public opinion.

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  • Artist: Eric Draitser
  • Copyright: Copyright © 2012 by Eric Draitser. All rights reserved.


 The Reality Principle #13 on Boiling Frogs | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

The REAL Martin Luther King with Professor Tony Monteiro This week, as America marks the birthday of one of its greatest leaders, Dr. Martin Luther King, Eric sits down with Professor Tony Monteiro to discuss King's life and legacy.  Specifically, Eric and Tony examine who King really was by destroying the false narrative that has been constructed by the ruling class.  They discuss MLK's intellectual development and those who had a great influence on his thought and action as well as some of the challenges he faced in his struggle.  Eric and Tony ground their analysis in the political and discursive issues of King's time and relate them directly to the major events and struggles of today.  Most importantly, they place King in a historical context and explain the various ways in which King was truly a great American revolutionary. Tony Monteiro is Professor of African-American Studies at Temple University.  He is a veteran political activist and organizer as well as an internationally renowned scholar of W.E.B. DuBois.  Professor Monteiro is also the Associate Director of the Institute for the Study of Race and Social Thought at Temple University

 Stop Imperialism - Episode 55 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

1. Syria  -  Damascus’s suburbs now controlled by government 2. Mali  -  Rebels in Mali vow revenge at ‘heart of France’ 3. Egypt  -  Economic problems could decide Egypt elections 4. Around the Americas  -  Bolivia slams US over ‘irrefutable evidence’ of meddling 5. Wall St. Crimes  -  US banks agree an $8.5 billion foreclosure settlement 6. Under the Radar  -  CIA drones have already killed at least 40 since start of the year

 The Reality Principle #12 on Boiling Frogs | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

American Nightmare: Racism and the Prison-Industrial Complex with Solomon Comissiong In this week's episode, Eric examines one of the most complex and misunderstood issues in America today: the prison-industrial complex and its relation to deeply rooted racism in this country.  Eric touches on the various ways in which mass incarceration and the prison system is perpetuated and used as a weapon against the poor and primarily people of color.  He analyzes the profit factor, denouncing the dishonest nature of the prison system as little more than a source of cheap labor.  He also discusses the effect on young people whose lives are utterly destroyed by this system. Eric's guest this week is Solomon Comissiong - professor, author, activist. Solomon and Eric touch a number of issues including the "New Jim Crow" and the ways in which the corporate media frames the discussion on this issue. Also, they get into some of the hidden sociological forces at play in this issue. Eric and Solomon cover a wide range of topics in this lengthy and detailed conversation.

 Stop Imperialism - Episode 54 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

In today's Episode: 1) Fiscal Cliff  -  Your fiscal cliff deal cheat sheet 2) Syria  -  Taftanaz air base in Syria site of intense battles between regime and rebels 3) Iraq  -  Maliki and Sadr trade warning as 17 Iraqis are killed in Iraq 4) Egypt  -Egypt opposition probe: Mohammed ElBaradei, Amr Moussa, Hamdeen Sabahi face treason investigation 5) Sudan  - 22 killed, 25 injured in clashes between Sudan’s tribe, South Sudan’s SPLA 6) Around Africa  -  US deploying troops to 35 African countries 7) Under the Radar  -  Obama signs the NDAA 2013 without objecting to indefinite detention of Americans

 The Reality Principle #11 on Boiling Frogs | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

“Consensus and Collaboration: The Fiscal Cliff and the Privatization of the Postal Service” with Jamie Partridge In this week's episode, Eric examines the "fiscal cliff" deal struck between Republicans and Democrats with particular attention to the more insidious aspects of the legislation. He explains how this is merely a way to create the illusion of positive change while masking the fact that it is yet another giveaway to Wall St. and the ruling class. Eric analyzes some of the less publicized elements of the bill including tax breaks and subsidies to giant corporations and yet another veiled attack on the middle class. Additionally, Eric investigates the continued bipartisan assault on the US Postal Service as both parties attempt to privatize this venerable American institution, bust the postal workers union and corporatize yet another public institution. Eric also sits down with Jamie Partridge of Community Postal Workers United, one of the brave activists who lead a hunger strike in Washington to draw attention to this critical issue

 The Reality Principle #10 on Boiling Frogs | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Capitalism in Crisis? with Richard Wolff This week, Eric sits down for an extended conversation with Richard Wolff, one of America's leading economists and critics of the economic system.  Prof. Wolff explains why his critique is of capitalism itself and not merely its contemporary manifestation.  He and Eric examine the current "debate" regarding the so-called "fiscal cliff" and how this is merely austerity by another name.  Prof. Wolff provides his interpretation of the various strategies used by either side in propping up this economy while also explaining how there could be a third way, one that is focused on solutions not beholden to the current economic order.  He and Eric also analyze the nature of class and how class analysis is not only relevant but necessary in the United States of the 21st Century. Richard Wolff is Professor of Economics Emeritus at the University of Massachusetts Amherst and is currently Visiting Professor at the Graduate Program in International Affairs at The New School in New York.  His work appears regularly in The Guardian and Visit his website as well as the website for his new project

 Interview - Jamie Partridge 12-20-12 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Eric interviews Jamie Partridge, one of the activists leading a hunger strike in Washington to protest the bipartisan attack on the US Postal Service.  Eric and Jamie discuss the reasons behind this attack as well as its connection to a broader austerity agenda.  Jamie explains some of the specific cuts being made, including the Obama-supported move to eliminate Saturday delivery which would cost tens of thousands of jobs.  Eric and Jamie also examine the closure of mail sorting facilities, the privatization of mail trucking and the general attempt to bust the postal workers union. Jamie Partridge is one of the founders of Community Postal Workers United.  He is a retired letter carrier and postal activist based in Portland, Oregon. Visit for more details on how you can get involved

 Stop Imperialism - Episode 53 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

In today's episode: 1. Syria (On the Ground)  -  War in Syria is becoming sectarian, U.N. panel says 2. Syria (Russia’s Role)  -  Russian warships set sail to Mediterranean amid possible Syria evacuation 3. South Africa  -  Nationalisation: ANC means business 4. Egypt  -  Egypt opposition rejects talks on constitution with Constituent Assembly 5. U.S. Labor  -  Despite exemptions, police and firefighters show labor solidarity in Michigan right-to-work battle 6. Under the Radar  -  Sudan thwarts fresh coup attempt - Reports

 The Reality Principle #9 on Boiling Frogs | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

“Rejecting Compromise, Committing to Action” Presenting David Swanson This week Eric has the pleasure of having an in-depth conversation with blogger, author, and activist David Swanson. David and Eric discuss the mythology of the fiscal cliff and the propaganda and lies of both major parties. Additionally, they examine the delusions and self-deception of many Americans who, consciously or unconsciously, legitimize and perpetuate the status quo. Eric and David also critique American militarism and imperialism, particularly those who remain willfully ignorant as to what our “elected” leaders are doing in our name. One of the major themes of the conversation is how to organize resistance to all these forces; how to become leaders of a real movement for change that can exist outside the dominant two-party paradigm

 Stop Imperialism - Episode 52 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

In today's episode: 1. Syria  - US to arm Syrian rebels? 2. Egypt  - Egypt suspends tax rises, putting IMF loan at risk 3. Bahrain  - Shiite protestors demand Bahrain PM’s ouster 4. Austerity in Europe  - Greek opposition leader calls for European debt conference 5. Under the Radar  - Venezuela’s Chavez’s cancer returns, leaves Vice-President in charge

 Stop Imperialism - Episode 51 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:49:17

In today's episode: 1. U.S. Labor Struggle  -  Port-strike talks continue even on Sunday, but stalemate goes on 2. Syria  -  Turkey scrambles jets as Syrian warplanes bomb border region 3. Egypt  -  Opposition marches to presidential palace against new charter 4. Iran  -  US boosts number of spy drone flights over Iran 5. Under the Radar  -  US set to establish new spy network as big as CIA: report

 Stop Imperialism - Episode 50 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:53:14

In today's (50th)  episode: 1. Syria (On the Ground)  -  Syrian internet goes dark 2. Syria (International)  -  The war for Syria is also a war for Iraq 3. Iraq  -  Iraq bombings target Shi'ite areas 4. Congo  -  Congolese M23 rebels say leaving positions in Goma 5. Under the Radar  -  Argentine bonds rally as U.S. ruling quells default fears

 Stop Imperialism - Episode 49 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:02:37

In today's episode: 1. Egypt  -  Morsi power grab: Crisis end 'imminent,' Ahmed Mekki, Egypt minister, says 2. Syria  -  FSA insurgents blow up mosque in Aleppo 3. Iraq  -  Iraqi army, Kurds continue buildup in disputed region 4. Greece  -  Most Greeks want the Euro, oppose austerity: poll 5. Under the Radar  -  BP seeks deal with Nord Stream to bring Russia gas to UK

 Stop Imperialism - Episode 48 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:08:18

In today's episode: 1. Israel-Gaza  - Egypt PM says Gaza truce deal may be close 2. Syria  - Syrian Islamists reject Western-backed opposition 3. Iran  - US says illegal exports to Iran increasing 4. Myanmar  - Obama's Myanmar speech sends message to North Korea 5. Sudan  - Power struggle in Khartoum 6. Under the Radar  - Insider killing of Marine detailed

 Stop Imperialism - Episode 47 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:02:57

In today's episode: 1. Syria  -  Syrian rebels to get unified command 2. Iraq  -  Free Iraqi Army inspired by Syria war 3. Yemen  -  Yemenis hold huge anti-US rally in Sana'a over drone attacks 4. Argentina  -  A wrong turn in Buenos Aires 5. Anti-GMO Movement  -  New "GMO Inside" campaign denounces corporate disinformation campaign that defeated California's Prop 37 6. Under the Radar  -  Iran issues a warning for America after attacking spy drone


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