The Reality Principle #11 on Boiling Frogs

Stop Imperialism show

Summary: “Consensus and Collaboration: The Fiscal Cliff and the Privatization of the Postal Service” with Jamie Partridge In this week's episode, Eric examines the "fiscal cliff" deal struck between Republicans and Democrats with particular attention to the more insidious aspects of the legislation. He explains how this is merely a way to create the illusion of positive change while masking the fact that it is yet another giveaway to Wall St. and the ruling class. Eric analyzes some of the less publicized elements of the bill including tax breaks and subsidies to giant corporations and yet another veiled attack on the middle class. Additionally, Eric investigates the continued bipartisan assault on the US Postal Service as both parties attempt to privatize this venerable American institution, bust the postal workers union and corporatize yet another public institution. Eric also sits down with Jamie Partridge of Community Postal Workers United, one of the brave activists who lead a hunger strike in Washington to draw attention to this critical issue