The Reality Principle #13 on Boiling Frogs

Stop Imperialism show

Summary: The REAL Martin Luther King with Professor Tony Monteiro This week, as America marks the birthday of one of its greatest leaders, Dr. Martin Luther King, Eric sits down with Professor Tony Monteiro to discuss King's life and legacy.  Specifically, Eric and Tony examine who King really was by destroying the false narrative that has been constructed by the ruling class.  They discuss MLK's intellectual development and those who had a great influence on his thought and action as well as some of the challenges he faced in his struggle.  Eric and Tony ground their analysis in the political and discursive issues of King's time and relate them directly to the major events and struggles of today.  Most importantly, they place King in a historical context and explain the various ways in which King was truly a great American revolutionary. Tony Monteiro is Professor of African-American Studies at Temple University.  He is a veteran political activist and organizer as well as an internationally renowned scholar of W.E.B. DuBois.  Professor Monteiro is also the Associate Director of the Institute for the Study of Race and Social Thought at Temple University