Stop Imperialism show

Stop Imperialism

Summary: Analysis of the geopolitical headlines. Stop Imperialism is devoted to the principle that all nations of the world have the inherent and inviolable rights of self-determination and territorial sovereignty, as well as the right to peaceful economic and political development. Nation-states must not be subjected to oppression, exploitation, coercion, or subversion at the hands of more powerful nations or empires. Stop Imperialism stands in opposition to the forces of empire and finance which seek to dominate the world through both overt and covert means. Moreover, Stop Imperialism is intended to be both a resource of journalistic analysis and education with the expressed goal of providing thoughtful political, geopolitical, and economic analysis outside of the traditional Left/Right dichotomy. Additionally, both the site and podcast go beyond news and analysis by exploring and critiquing the theoretical and discursive structures by which we examine world affairs with specific attention paid to political economy, geopolitical strategy, and the use of propaganda and other forms of manipulation used to shape public opinion.

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  • Artist: Eric Draitser
  • Copyright: Copyright © 2012 by Eric Draitser. All rights reserved.


 Stop Imperialism - Episode 46 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:01:16

In today's episode: 1. Syria  -  Syrian suffering: 'Rebels armed with US-made missiles' 2. Turkey  -  Turkey seeks NATO deployment of Patriot missiles on Syria border 3. Pakistan  -   Obama victory infuriates Pakistani drone victims 4. China  -  Hu Jintao dashes hope for political reform 5. Under the Radar  -  Putin ousts defense chief, longtime ally

 Stop Imperialism - Episode 45 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:18:03

In today's episode: 1. Syria  -  Syria rebels pessimistic on mediator's ceasefire plan 2. Lebanon  -  Anti-Syria rally held in Lebanon on 'day of rage' over bombing 3. Libya  -  26 killed, scores injured in clashes in ex-Gaddafi bastion 4. Iran (Terror Propaganda)  -  Two police killed in suicide attack near Iranian mosque 5. Iran (Economics)  -  Iran, Egypt to resume trade ties 6. Energy Pipelines (Central Asia)  -  South Stream might be completed before Nabucco 7. Energy Pipelines (International)  -  BP signs landmark deal to sell TNK-BP stake to Rosneft 8. Under the Radar  -  100 thousand-strong 'anti-cuts' demonstration in London

 Stop Imperialism - Episode 44 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:47:42

In today's episode: 1. Venezuelan Elections  - Venezuela's presidential elections: An imperfect victory 2. Austerity in Europe  - EU, IMF give Greece until October 18 to implement reforms 3. Syria (On the Ground)  - Turkish president urges international action on Syria 4. Syria (Propaganda)  - David Ignatius: In Syria, a revolt's extremist threat 5. Bahrain  - Bahrain court denies bid for activist's release 6. Under the Radar  - IMF forecasts for Iran show limited sanction hit

 Stop Imperialism - Episode 43 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:03:26

In today's episode: 1. Austerity in Europe  -  'NO'! Thousands flood Madrid in second day of anti-cuts demos 2. Syria  -  Syria rebels struggle to advance in new Aleppo offensive 3. Iran  -  Netanyahu: 'Clear red line' needed to stop Iran's nuclear program 4. Pakistan (Diplomacy)  -  Pakistan endorses drones, rejects method: Khar 5. Pakistan (Balochistan)  -  Quelling conspiracy in Balochistan 6. Oil, Gas Pipelines  -  Russia, Venezuela set up joint venture to develop Orinoco Oil Belt 7. Under the Radar  -  3-D printing: A technology on the make?

 Stop Imperialism - Episode 42 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:05:04

In today's episode: 1. Syria  -  FSA moves HQ from Turkey to Syria to prepare offensive against Assad 2. Libya  -  Government issues order to disband Libya forces 3. Iran  -  Iran accuses IAEA of passing nuclear secrets to Israel 4. Russia  -  With aid cutoff, Kremlin recalibrates 5. Sudan  -  South Sudan accepts African Union proposal over Abyei with mixed reactions 6. China (Economic Relations)  -  Nicaragua, Hong Kong company ink inter-oceanic canal plan 7. Under the Radar  -  Japan sends envoy to China to sort out spat over disputed islands

 Stop Imperialism - Episode 41 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:10:33

In today's episode: 1. Syria  -  Syria army kills insurgents in Aleppo 2. Venezuela  -  Former US ambassador outlines post-election interventions against Venezuela 3. Nigeria  -  Boko Haram: Nigerian military 'kills top militant' 4. Russia  -   Putin agrees: USAID meddling in Russian politics 5. Greece  -  Greece sells off family silver to cut debt 6. US Labor  -  Chicago teachers strike shows teacher accountability at charters differs from union-contract schools 7. Under the Radar  -  Bin Laden driver suspected of organizing killing of US ambassador in Libya

 Stop Imperialism - Episode 40 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:40:21

In today's  episode: 1. Mideast Protests  -  U.S. officials: Lengthy stay, additional U.S. forces possible in Libya 2. Syria  -  Increased numbers of 'foreign elements,' jihadi groups operating in Syria 3. Iran the IAEA  -  Iran's nuclear chief harshly criticizes atomic agency, United States 4. Chicago Teachers Strike  -  CPS fails to get immediate court order ending teachers strike 5. Under the Radar  -  US wades into China-Japan island dispute with missile shield

 Stop Imperialism - Episode 39 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:22:52

In today's episode: 1. Syria (Diplomacy)  -  Egypt to host regional meeting over Syria crisis 2. Syria (On the Ground)  -  Syria rebels execute soldiers in battleground Aleppo 3. Iraq  -  Iraq's vice president calls death sentence 'unjust' 4. Russia  -  Russia's trade with Asia-Pacific region to be more than with EU in 10 years 5. Pakistan  -  US says Haqqani designation not about sending message to Pakistan 6. Chicago Teachers Strike  -  In standoff, latest sign of unions under siege 7. Under the Radar  -  Egyptian protestors scale US embassy wall in Cairo to condemn film

 Interview - John Lindsay-Poland 09-07-12 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:42:28

Eric is joined by John Lindsay-Poland to discuss the Caravan for Peace, whose upcoming events in New York and Washington DC are an attempt to raise awareness about the human cost of the so-called "War on Drugs". Lindsay-Poland spent time traveling with the Caravan this summer; he gives a first-hand account of his experiences here. Also, John and Eric discuss the School of the Americas (aka WHINSEC) and its relation to some of the most brutal practices still ongoing in Latin America. Additionally, John discusses the Fellowship for Reconciliation (FOR) Colombia and how people can get involved with this organization. John Lindsay-Poland is the Research and Advocacy Director at the Fellowship for Reconciliation (FOR) Colombia. He is also a representative of and participant in the Caravan for Peace which will be in New York City on September 6-7 and Washington DC September 10-12. Visit the website at

 Interview - Diana Johnstone 09-03-12 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:15:05

Eric sits down with political writer Diana Johnstone to discuss a variety of issues related to subversion, propaganda and US imperialism.  Diana explains her recent article "The Decline of Political Protest" which examines the decline of Amnesty International into little more than an extension of the State Department and US intelligence.  Also, Eric and Diana analyze the continued destabilization of Russia and constant anti-Putin demagogy in the context of the US agenda.  Additionally, they discuss the truth of the US aggression against Yugoslavia and the geopolitical reasons behind it. Diana Johnstone is a political writer based in Paris, France.  Her book Fools' Crusade: Yugoslavia, NATO, and Western Delusions is one of the foremost works that deconstructs and refutes the mythology surrounding the war in the Balkans as created by the Western media.  She is a frequent contributor to, and other sites

 Stop Imperialism - Episode 38 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:40:41

In today's episode: 1. NAM Summit  -  Iran slams UN for 'overt dictatorship' 2. Russia  -  More than a dozen die in 2 attacks in a Russian republic 3. Congo (DRC) - Great Lakes Region  -  Many civilians massacred in Congo: UN officials 4. CIA 8 US Intelligence  -  US agents attacked in Mexico believed to be CIA 5. Austerity in Europe  -  Greece settles on package of proposed budget cuts 6. Under the Radar  -  Aung San Suu Kyi to address NED 2012 Democracy Award in US Capitol

 Interview - Benjamin Schett 08-29-12 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:06:23

Eric sits down with Benjamin Schett to discuss the growing debate over Switzerland's neutrality and possible entry into the European Union. Benjamin explains the historical and contemporary value of Swiss neutrality as well as the Left's ignorance on the subject. Benjamin and Eric also examine the current and future economic situation in Europe and the rise of SYRIZA. Additionally, Benjamin explains the propaganda and disinformation regarding the smashing of Yugoslavia and the parallels between that project and what we see being done to Syria. Benjamin Schett is an independent journalist and researcher based in Switzerland. He is a frequent contributor to and other sites. Visit his blog at

 Stop Imperialism - Episode 37 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:03:31

In today's episode: 1. Syria  -  Assad's forces accused of massacre near Syrian capital 2. Iran (NAM Summit)  -  At summit meeting, Iran has a message for the world 3. Iran (Economic Development)  -  Iran, India, Afghanistan to spur trade, transit via Chabahar 4. Russia (International)  -  Putin links nuclear cuts to U.S. shield 5. Russia (Domestic)  -  Three injured as bomb goes off in Southern Russia 6. Africa (Around the Continent)  -  South Sudan: 'Justice fallen to the wayside' in South Sudanese county 7. Under the Radar  -  Eurozone Chief Juncker snubs Tsipras

 Interview - Glen Ford 08-24-12 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:30:42

Eric sits down with Glen Ford to discuss the escalating assault on public education and teachers unions.  Eric and Glen examine the philosophical and political origins as well as the role of the Obama administration in facilitating the destruction of public education in the name of "school reform."  Also, Eric and Glen examine closely the carnage in the Democratic Republic of Congo and the role of US client states such as Uganda and Rwanda in perpetuating continued genocide there.  Additionally, they explore the way in which Africa continues to be the theater for chaos instigated by the United States for geopolitical reasons

 Interview - James Corbett 08-22-12 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:23:14

Eric sits down with independent journalist and radio host James Corbett.  Eric and James examine in depth the issues surrounding the Fukushima nuclear crisis, especially the way in which the Japanese government and media have attempted to hide the truth from citizens.  Additionally, James and Eric discuss the political and economic impact the crisis has had both on the ruling class in Japan as well as the anti-nuclear movement.  Also, Eric and James explore the growing tensions between Japan and its neighbors over the disputed islands, the issue of health freedom and the importance of independent media today


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