Stop Imperialism - Episode 45

Stop Imperialism show

Summary: In today's episode: 1. Syria  -  Syria rebels pessimistic on mediator's ceasefire plan 2. Lebanon  -  Anti-Syria rally held in Lebanon on 'day of rage' over bombing 3. Libya  -  26 killed, scores injured in clashes in ex-Gaddafi bastion 4. Iran (Terror Propaganda)  -  Two police killed in suicide attack near Iranian mosque 5. Iran (Economics)  -  Iran, Egypt to resume trade ties 6. Energy Pipelines (Central Asia)  -  South Stream might be completed before Nabucco 7. Energy Pipelines (International)  -  BP signs landmark deal to sell TNK-BP stake to Rosneft 8. Under the Radar  -  100 thousand-strong 'anti-cuts' demonstration in London