In A Perfect World show

In A Perfect World

Summary: YOU can now support this podcast via BitCoin:1DqzQqRuYwApTyA6n3q6ff6hPwbfhmTHmy A regular series of “experiential journalism” podcasts exploring the evolution of the new global paradigm. In a Perfect World will chart the meetings, musings and collective dreamings of gonzo reporter Rak Razam amongst the cultural creatives of the global tribe,the Ultraculture of the 21st century. These recordings are raw snatches of Beatnikian immediatism, unedited downloads from the tribal journey of remembering... Come anchor the vision and spark the new paradigm alight... Follow this blog if(typeof(networkedblogs)=="undefined"){networkedblogs = {};networkedblogs.blogId=1105010;networkedblogs.shortName="in-a-perfect-world";} NEW: JOIN our Facebook page to discuss the podcasts and 'find the others'...


 42: KAMBO's KISS | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2999

Experiential journalist Rak Razam experiences the "kiss of the kambo", the Brazilian Phyllomedusa Bicolor frog which secretes the most powerful toxin in the Amazon rainforest. Used by indigenous peoples throughout Peru and Brazil as a purgative, the poison of the frog is wooed by singing to the amphibian, and its peptide secretions are then burned into the skin to promote a full-body flush death and rebirth. Known as "ordeal medicine", the kambo ritual is still used today in the Amazonian jungles as a body and consciousness sharpening tool, and is now following in the trail of plant medicines like ayahuasca as an initiation for Westerners. In this rare interview with Brazilian practitioner Oruam, Razam discovers the secrets of the "vaccine of the forest", its lineage, medical usage and spiritual emergence as one of the next wave of shamanic modalities... This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License.

 41: Galactivation! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6424

Experiential journalist Rak Razam interviews Dan Schreiber, Australia's answer to Terence McKenna, a grand intellectual thinker and the founder of Starseed Gardens in the Byron Bay Shire. In this epic, far-reaching conversation Schreiber explores the heart-mind-pineal relationship of consciousness and shares his experiences learning from tribal peoples across the globe. What is the entheogenic connection between the Amazon and the Outback, ayahuasca cosmovision and the Dreamtime at the End of Time? Learn the secrets of the Australian cane toad–and its DMT/ bufotenine secretions–as Schreiber explains its role as an activator for the tryptamine-acacia fields across Australia. How does the devic world under the surface of nature itself fuel the current flowering of planetary consciousness? Schreiber describes the cascading role of entheogens shaping planetary culture to the tipping point we are now living through, and the whole-systems theory of Gaian "galactivation" as we remember our personal and collective awakening… This conversation is itself a catalyst and a turning point for moving forward: A highly recommended, lengthy dialogue that links up many existing theories into a collective whole to guide us deeper into the new paradigm… This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License.

 41: Galactivation! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6424

Experiential journalist Rak Razam interviews Dan Schreiber, Australia's answer to Terence McKenna, a grand intellectual thinker and the founder of Starseed Gardens in the Byron Bay Shire. In this epic, far-reaching conversation Schreiber explores the heart-mind-pineal relationship of consciousness and shares his experiences learning from tribal peoples across the globe. What is the entheogenic connection between the Amazon and the Outback, ayahuasca cosmovision and the Dreamtime at the End of Time? Learn the secrets of the Australian cane toad–and its DMT/ bufotenine secretions–as Schreiber explains its role as an activator for the tryptamine-acacia fields across Australia. How does the devic world under the surface of nature itself fuel the current flowering of planetary consciousness? Schreiber describes the cascading role of entheogens shaping planetary culture to the tipping point we are now living through, and the whole-systems theory of Gaian "galactivation" as we remember our personal and collective awakening… This conversation is itself a catalyst and a turning point for moving forward: A highly recommended, lengthy dialogue that links up many existing theories into a collective whole to guide us deeper into the new paradigm… This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License.

 40: The Temple of Awakening Divinity | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1615

Experiential journalist Rak Razam interviews Hal Lucius, High Priest of consciousness with the Temple of Awakening Divinity, a travelling medicine space using 5-MEO-DMT as its active psychedelic eucharist. Lucius draws upon his past as a ceremonial magician in the Crowley/ Golden Dawn Alchemical Hermetic tradition to anchor this syncretic entheogenic church turning on the West Coast with a "complete dissolution of egoic consciousness". The Church claims a 95% success rate inducing a +4 on the Shulgin state with returning parishioners going into the godspace each time. But what are the dangers and logistics of a mystical-religious experience outsourced to an external catalyst? What are the benefits? Lucius posits that by changing the individual, the collective changes as well, and that the collective awakening is then part of the quickening of the paradigm change we are now experiencing. Is this the next wave of entheo-based gnostic religion? Hallaleuh, brothers and sisters! This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License.

 40: The Temple of Awakening Divinity | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1615

Experiential journalist Rak Razam interviews Hal Lucius, High Priest of consciousness with the Temple of Awakening Divinity, a travelling medicine space using 5-MEO-DMT as its active psychedelic eucharist. Lucius draws upon his past as a ceremonial magician in the Crowley/ Golden Dawn Alchemical Hermetic tradition to anchor this syncretic entheogenic church turning on the West Coast with a "complete dissolution of egoic consciousness". The Church claims a 95% success rate inducing a +4 on the Shulgin state with returning parishioners going into the godspace each time. But what are the dangers and logistics of a mystical-religious experience outsourced to an external catalyst? What are the benefits? Lucius posits that by changing the individual, the collective changes as well, and that the collective awakening is then part of the quickening of the paradigm change we are now experiencing. Is this the next wave of entheo-based gnostic religion? Hallaleuh, brothers and sisters! This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License.

  39: Spirit Messengers | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4121

with Mitch Schultz, director of The Spirit Molecule DVD On the road in Peru with Mitch Schultz, who talks about the making of his documentary The Spirit Molecule, based on the Rick Strassman book of the same name, and why he was driven to make an independent documentary about DMT. In 2002 Schultz had his first experience with dimethyltryptamine and the entities therein: nothing would ever be the same. Schultz convinced Dr. Rick Strassman to lend his story and credibility as the narrative backbone of the documentary, studying DMT in controlled medical conditions with legal patients under the auspices of the US government from 1990-1995. Why has nature seeded DMT throughout most living things: as a strategic neurotransmitter, a language for nature to communicate within itself? What is the value of contact experiences with entities in innerspace? How can film communicate a glimpse of the DMT realm and how ready are mainstream audiences for it? Join experiential journalist Rak Razam and filmmaker Mitch Schultz in search of the answers... In Part II. with Susan Blumenthal (DMT test subject) In the early 1990s Susan Blumenthal was a participant in Dr. Rick Strassman's DMT tests in New Mexico, the first legal psychedelic experiments in a generation. Blumenthal was in a study group with Strassman looking at the Tibetan Book of the Dead, but was one of the least experienced psychonauts who went in. Terrified, disembodied, strewn across the universe, Blumenthal underwent an alien contact experience and enlightenment at the same time, finding the birthing place of souls and ultimately, God. Inside the DMT-realm she experienced entities testing her, just as she was being tested on the outside, hooked up to cardiac stabilisers and medical intervention gear. Her accounts of Strassman's DMT experiments vary from those recounted in the book, focusing less on the medical and more on the contact experience with insects, reptile and geometric entities of the invisible landscape. Here she shares intimate details of those now-famous tests with experiential journalist Rak Razam... The Spirit Molecule DVD is now on sale and the Australian Film Tour with Mitch Schultz will cover four Australian cities in December. Details and tickets on sale via: This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License.

  39: Spirit Messengers | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4121

with Mitch Schultz, director of The Spirit Molecule DVD On the road in Peru with Mitch Schultz, who talks about the making of his documentary The Spirit Molecule, based on the Rick Strassman book of the same name, and why he was driven to make an independent documentary about DMT. In 2002 Schultz had his first experience with dimethyltryptamine and the entities therein: nothing would ever be the same. Schultz convinced Dr. Rick Strassman to lend his story and credibility as the narrative backbone of the documentary, studying DMT in controlled medical conditions with legal patients under the auspices of the US government from 1990-1995. Why has nature seeded DMT throughout most living things: as a strategic neurotransmitter, a language for nature to communicate within itself? What is the value of contact experiences with entities in innerspace? How can film communicate a glimpse of the DMT realm and how ready are mainstream audiences for it? Join experiential journalist Rak Razam and filmmaker Mitch Schultz in search of the answers... In Part II. with Susan Blumenthal (DMT test subject) In the early 1990s Susan Blumenthal was a participant in Dr. Rick Strassman's DMT tests in New Mexico, the first legal psychedelic experiments in a generation. Blumenthal was in a study group with Strassman looking at the Tibetan Book of the Dead, but was one of the least experienced psychonauts who went in. Terrified, disembodied, strewn across the universe, Blumenthal underwent an alien contact experience and enlightenment at the same time, finding the birthing place of souls and ultimately, God. Inside the DMT-realm she experienced entities testing her, just as she was being tested on the outside, hooked up to cardiac stabilisers and medical intervention gear. Her accounts of Strassman's DMT experiments vary from those recounted in the book, focusing less on the medical and more on the contact experience with insects, reptile and geometric entities of the invisible landscape. Here she shares intimate details of those now-famous tests with experiential journalist Rak Razam... The Spirit Molecule DVD is now on sale and the Australian Film Tour with Mitch Schultz will cover four Australian cities in December. Details and tickets on sale via: This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License.

 38: SCENAR MAN | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1246

Experiential journalist Rak Razam interviews Englishman Tom Askew, who is bridging the worlds of indigenous shamanism with 21st Century techno-shamanism... Tom is a certified SCENAR practicioner: The SCENAR stands for Self-Controlled Energy Neuro Adaptive Regulator and is a Russian device invented in the 1970s as a secret military project for Cosmonauts to use instead of drugs for healing and to prevent illness... The SCENAR sends electromagnetic pulses that mimic the bodies own frequencies to an affected area and tricks the brain to send natural healing chemicals like serotonin and neuro-peptides. It also works on healing emotional and energetic illness, and Tom has used it on shamans and his third eye! It works, so well it has since been taken up for use by all paramedics in the Ukraine, by doctors in Germany and in almost 60 countries across the world. But what are the ramifications on this, and such techno-healing devices, outsourcing our own healing abilities? Is this the "killer-app" for medicine? For more info email Tom at: This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License.

 38: SCENAR MAN | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1246

Experiential journalist Rak Razam interviews Englishman Tom Askew, who is bridging the worlds of indigenous shamanism with 21st Century techno-shamanism... Tom is a certified SCENAR practicioner: The SCENAR stands for Self-Controlled Energy Neuro Adaptive Regulator and is a Russian device invented in the 1970s as a secret military project for Cosmonauts to use instead of drugs for healing and to prevent illness... The SCENAR sends electromagnetic pulses that mimic the bodies own frequencies to an affected area and tricks the brain to send natural healing chemicals like serotonin and neuro-peptides. It also works on healing emotional and energetic illness, and Tom has used it on shamans and his third eye! It works, so well it has since been taken up for use by all paramedics in the Ukraine, by doctors in Germany and in almost 60 countries across the world. But what are the ramifications on this, and such techno-healing devices, outsourcing our own healing abilities? Is this the "killer-app" for medicine? For more info email Tom at: This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License.

 37: Ayahuasca, Down Under | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3114

Experiential journalist Rak Razam is interviewed by anthropologist Robin Rodd from James Cook University in Queensland, Australia, on all things ayahuasca, Down Under. What are the cultural uses of ayahuasca in Australia and how does it relate to other entheo cultures in South America and elsewhere in the world? Without an unbroken shamanic lineage, Aussiehuasqueros have had to stitch their shamanic practice from multiple sources, sometimes united in a cultural synergy for group shamanizing. The hybridization of not just ayahuasca, but of Amazonian shamanism itself is potent in the Australian counterculture as it births a new hybrid modality suited to the conditions on the land. But what of the cultural archetypes, do they remain the same? How do Australian aboriginal spirits and energies affect the mix? Is there something activating in the vibrational frequency of the Australian Land itself, its songlines and energetic grid, and how does all of this tie into other indigenous prophecies of these changing times? A personal exposition from Razam on his own journey and collective journey in the culture... This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License.

 37: Ayahuasca, Down Under | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3114

Experiential journalist Rak Razam is interviewed by anthropologist Robin Rodd from James Cook University in Queensland, Australia, on all things ayahuasca, Down Under. What are the cultural uses of ayahuasca in Australia and how does it relate to other entheo cultures in South America and elsewhere in the world? Without an unbroken shamanic lineage, Aussiehuasqueros have had to stitch their shamanic practice from multiple sources, sometimes united in a cultural synergy for group shamanizing. The hybridization of not just ayahuasca, but of Amazonian shamanism itself is potent in the Australian counterculture as it births a new hybrid modality suited to the conditions on the land. But what of the cultural archetypes, do they remain the same? How do Australian aboriginal spirits and energies affect the mix? Is there something activating in the vibrational frequency of the Australian Land itself, its songlines and energetic grid, and how does all of this tie into other indigenous prophecies of these changing times? A personal exposition from Razam on his own journey and collective journey in the culture... This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License.

 36: Pink Neon Buffalos – The Dark Side of Amazonian Shamanism | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4286

Experiential journalist Rak Razam interviews Steve Beyer, author of the recent compendium Singing to the Plants: A Guide to Mestizo Shamanism in the Upper Amazon. Beyer tells of his beginnings as a wilderness survival enthusiast that led him into the world of Amazonian shamanism–and sorcery, the dark side of the shamanic world. Beyer explores the ideas of healing and harming and the relationship between the two: the magic phlegm for protection, the mariri, virotes and magic darts, attack sorcery and the dangers the West faces by absorbing a "shamanism lite" for its spiritual practice. Beyer posits that the plants and the spirits in them can be used for dark as well as the light. And while ayahuasca can reveal an infinite landscape within, are we putting too much emphasis on the interface instead of ourselves? As Westerners quest solely for visions and transformation with plants like ayahuasca – what Beyer calls the the "pink neon buffalo" syndrome, are we focusing too narrowly on a tragic cosmovison? This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License.

 36: Pink Neon Buffalos – The Dark Side of Amazonian Shamanism | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4286

Experiential journalist Rak Razam interviews Steve Beyer, author of the recent compendium Singing to the Plants: A Guide to Mestizo Shamanism in the Upper Amazon. Beyer tells of his beginnings as a wilderness survival enthusiast that led him into the world of Amazonian shamanism–and sorcery, the dark side of the shamanic world. Beyer explores the ideas of healing and harming and the relationship between the two: the magic phlegm for protection, the mariri, virotes and magic darts, attack sorcery and the dangers the West faces by absorbing a "shamanism lite" for its spiritual practice. Beyer posits that the plants and the spirits in them can be used for dark as well as the light. And while ayahuasca can reveal an infinite landscape within, are we putting too much emphasis on the interface instead of ourselves? As Westerners quest solely for visions and transformation with plants like ayahuasca – what Beyer calls the the "pink neon buffalo" syndrome, are we focusing too narrowly on a tragic cosmovison? This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License.

 35: MASTER SHAMAN | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6342

In our first bilingual episode, experiential journalist Rak Razam interviews Mancoluto of the Chimbre Shamanic center in Puerto Maldornado, Peru. Mancoluto claims to be one of only five master shamans in the world and descendant from the legendary Chavin shamanic civilization that existed for 100,000 years in Peru, long before the Incas. Listen as Mancoluto recounts the secret history of Antediluvian times and the shamanic connection to Atlantis, Lemeria, and back through the stars... This controversial interview explores human concepts of "love" versus higher universal powers the beings Mancoluto believes possess; our inter-dimensional nature; and Mancoluto's plans to catalyze "future humans" with these higher abilities those with the right genetic heritage once possessed in ancient times, and is now becoming available to us all... With translation and additional comments by Rob Velez, Director of Chimbre and Nick Heyming. Original photo by Tom Askew. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License.

 35: MASTER SHAMAN | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6342

In our first bilingual episode, experiential journalist Rak Razam interviews Mancoluto of the Chimbre Shamanic center in Puerto Maldornado, Peru. Mancoluto claims to be one of only five master shamans in the world and descendant from the legendary Chavin shamanic civilization that existed for 100,000 years in Peru, long before the Incas. Listen as Mancoluto recounts the secret history of Antediluvian times and the shamanic connection to Atlantis, Lemeria, and back through the stars... This controversial interview explores human concepts of "love" versus higher universal powers the beings Mancoluto believes possess; our inter-dimensional nature; and Mancoluto's plans to catalyze "future humans" with these higher abilities those with the right genetic heritage once possessed in ancient times, and is now becoming available to us all... With translation and additional comments by Rob Velez, Director of Chimbre and Nick Heyming. Original photo by Tom Askew. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License.


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