In A Perfect World show

In A Perfect World

Summary: YOU can now support this podcast via BitCoin:1DqzQqRuYwApTyA6n3q6ff6hPwbfhmTHmy A regular series of “experiential journalism” podcasts exploring the evolution of the new global paradigm. In a Perfect World will chart the meetings, musings and collective dreamings of gonzo reporter Rak Razam amongst the cultural creatives of the global tribe,the Ultraculture of the 21st century. These recordings are raw snatches of Beatnikian immediatism, unedited downloads from the tribal journey of remembering... Come anchor the vision and spark the new paradigm alight... Follow this blog if(typeof(networkedblogs)=="undefined"){networkedblogs = {};networkedblogs.blogId=1105010;networkedblogs.shortName="in-a-perfect-world";} NEW: JOIN our Facebook page to discuss the podcasts and 'find the others'...


 27: One Tree | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2419

A 'pillow talk' about the ayahuasca movement conducted the morning after a journey into the infinite with Lara Star, a moderator from the forums... In which Lara and experiential journalist Rak Razam discuss Haoma (Syrian Rue) and the branching of the pure Amazonian tradition with the Middle Eastern mystic experience of "haomauasca". If ayahuasca is the "Madre", then Syrian Rue is the Prince, a warrior spirit, Lara suggests, kissing cousins from the same tree, the One Tree that host different plant devas in an overall family. Lara trained with the Peruvian Q'eros shaman Armundo who trained her in the cosmovision of the Andes under San Padro, mescilito and ayahuasca. Here she discusses the forums as part of the global shift and an infinite library of initiates awakening. Different shamans initiate and play different roles to different energy needs but Lara says the point is to get people switched on, and if they're not switched on they need to die and be reborn, opening back up to the great pool of becoming... This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License.

 26: Evolver Spore: The Future of Psychedelics | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4616

A lecture given on March 17, 2010 to the Sydney cell of the Evolver network as part of its community "spore" discussion on the future of psychedelics. In which experiential journalist Rak Razam discusses the state of psychedelic culture, where it came from in modern times with the advent of LSD in 1943, the legacy of alchemist Albert Hofmann, and why the psychedelic movement is so important to a sustainable future. Acid opened the mind in the 60s, ecstasy opened the heart in the 80s, and in the 21st century ayahuasca and entheogenic plant sacraments are opening the soul of the West, guiding us back to a cooperative Gaian partnership. As the "second wave of ayahuasca shamanism" sweeps the world in a slo-mo r-evolution, the psychedelic movement is reaching out to the elder indigenous cultures around the world to bridge the gap of our own psychic and spiritual understanding, and is becoming a global entheogenic movement. Can this new wave reach a critical mass of its own understanding, as well as a purity of intent to truly be ready to join the galactic community? Join Razam and the Evolver community to find out... This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License.

 26: Evolver Spore: The Future of Psychedelics | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4616

A lecture given on March 17, 2010 to the Sydney cell of the Evolver network as part of its community "spore" discussion on the future of psychedelics. In which experiential journalist Rak Razam discusses the state of psychedelic culture, where it came from in modern times with the advent of LSD in 1943, the legacy of alchemist Albert Hofmann, and why the psychedelic movement is so important to a sustainable future. Acid opened the mind in the 60s, ecstasy opened the heart in the 80s, and in the 21st century ayahuasca and entheogenic plant sacraments are opening the soul of the West, guiding us back to a cooperative Gaian partnership. As the "second wave of ayahuasca shamanism" sweeps the world in a slo-mo r-evolution, the psychedelic movement is reaching out to the elder indigenous cultures around the world to bridge the gap of our own psychic and spiritual understanding, and is becoming a global entheogenic movement. Can this new wave reach a critical mass of its own understanding, as well as a purity of intent to truly be ready to join the galactic community? Join Razam and the Evolver community to find out... This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License.

 25: Virtual Networks and Social Media | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2329

On the road to Burning Man in a Toyota Prius with Rak Razam and radical cyber anthropologist Jenny Ryan (aka Tuna Bananas), research assistant to media pundit Howard Rhinegold (The Virtual Community and Smart Mobs). Jenny discusses cyber literacy, smart mobs and virtual communities with experiential journalist Rak Razam... How do we use technology to form communities and conduct virtual everyday social interactions? Does social networking keep the drones sedate and make us good workers? Or does Super-poking and quiz sharing provide a social glue for online communities? Where does the drift towards hive mind collectivism in the human matrix being able to laterally recognize itself – an ambient awareness – lead us? What role does the ego play in blogging and lifestreaming? And as social tribes grow, does it increase our pool of knowledge and ability to draw upon the wisdom of the collective? Or is it all an Orwellian marketing wet dream? The intent behind technology makes all the difference... *warning* some scratchy wind muffles about 20 minutes in... the perils of experiential podcasting... For more information see: This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License.

 25: Virtual Networks and Social Media | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2329

On the road to Burning Man in a Toyota Prius with Rak Razam and radical cyber anthropologist Jenny Ryan (aka Tuna Bananas), research assistant to media pundit Howard Rhinegold (The Virtual Community and Smart Mobs). Jenny discusses cyber literacy, smart mobs and virtual communities with experiential journalist Rak Razam... How do we use technology to form communities and conduct virtual everyday social interactions? Does social networking keep the drones sedate and make us good workers? Or does Super-poking and quiz sharing provide a social glue for online communities? Where does the drift towards hive mind collectivism in the human matrix being able to laterally recognize itself – an ambient awareness – lead us? What role does the ego play in blogging and lifestreaming? And as social tribes grow, does it increase our pool of knowledge and ability to draw upon the wisdom of the collective? Or is it all an Orwellian marketing wet dream? The intent behind technology makes all the difference... *warning* some scratchy wind muffles about 20 minutes in... the perils of experiential podcasting... For more information see: This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License.

 24: Debating the Merits of Tryptamines | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4209

A robust round table discussion first broadcast on the Munt Warning drug harm reduction show, River FM in Lismore, Northern NSW, Australia in Jan 2010. Featuring hosts Paul and Jackie Onassid, with guests experiential journalist Rak Razam, Aussie plant specialist Mulga, and youth culture representative Dylan Heller. What is the difference between entheogens and drugs and what role does DMT or Dimethyltryptamine straddle between the two as this archaic knowledge crests in the Western consciousness? Is DMT in danger of becoming a recreational street drug, as with the leaf extract known as "Changa"? What about the religious spiritual usage as with ayahuasca churches? Can modern culture reclaim the sacred, and is DMT the vehicle for it? Does DMT take us to the realm we go to when we die? Is it a portal to God? Are there alien entities in the hyperspace it takes one to? And what good is the knowledge of the DMT experience when we come back? This debate covers the pros and cons, the dangers and the ineffable mysteries of DMT from a street level and a divine perspective and is invaluable listening for those psychonauts about to ingress, or those who are wondering about the merits of tryptamines themselves... This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License.

 24: Debating the Merits of Tryptamines | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4209

A robust round table discussion first broadcast on the Munt Warning drug harm reduction show, River FM in Lismore, Northern NSW, Australia in Jan 2010. Featuring hosts Paul and Jackie Onassid, with guests experiential journalist Rak Razam, Aussie plant specialist Mulga, and youth culture representative Dylan Heller. What is the difference between entheogens and drugs and what role does DMT or Dimethyltryptamine straddle between the two as this archaic knowledge crests in the Western consciousness? Is DMT in danger of becoming a recreational street drug, as with the leaf extract known as "Changa"? What about the religious spiritual usage as with ayahuasca churches? Can modern culture reclaim the sacred, and is DMT the vehicle for it? Does DMT take us to the realm we go to when we die? Is it a portal to God? Are there alien entities in the hyperspace it takes one to? And what good is the knowledge of the DMT experience when we come back? This debate covers the pros and cons, the dangers and the ineffable mysteries of DMT from a street level and a divine perspective and is invaluable listening for those psychonauts about to ingress, or those who are wondering about the merits of tryptamines themselves... This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License.

 23: Blotter Art: The Institute of Illegal Images | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2708

In conversation with Mark McCloud, acid blotter art historian and 60s archivist in his home in the Mission district of San Francisco, August, 2009. In which experiential podcaster Rak Razam learns from the master about the colorful and mind-expanding history of blotter art, from the early acid chemist oufits like the "Ghost" and the underground crews that ran the business of enlightenment. Discover who first put artwork on blotter and how the process of dipping the chemical on artwork was evolved. Acid was originally dipped on string, sugar cubes–even underwear, in the case of Michael Hollingshead (who wrote the book The Man Who Turned On the World) before blotter paper was hit on as a mode of transportation. And then the artform really took off, originally with the chemists themselves choosing the art that would grace the minds of a generation of trippers. But how does the art influence the trip? Did trips like the "Gorbies" with Mikail Gorbachov heads help tumble the Berlin Wall? Why did the infamous Mickey Mouse Sorceror's Apprentice tabs terrify the Disney corp? Like the host in the Catholic mass, is blotter art a holy artform? An illuminating interview into the world's first edible art... This talk was transcribed and printed in part in Juxtapose magazine online. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License.

 23: Blotter Art: The Institute of Illegal Images | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2708

In conversation with Mark McCloud, acid blotter art historian and 60s archivist in his home in the Mission district of San Francisco, August, 2009. In which experiential podcaster Rak Razam learns from the master about the colorful and mind-expanding history of blotter art, from the early acid chemist oufits like the "Ghost" and the underground crews that ran the business of enlightenment. Discover who first put artwork on blotter and how the process of dipping the chemical on artwork was evolved. Acid was originally dipped on string, sugar cubes–even underwear, in the case of Michael Hollingshead (who wrote the book The Man Who Turned On the World) before blotter paper was hit on as a mode of transportation. And then the artform really took off, originally with the chemists themselves choosing the art that would grace the minds of a generation of trippers. But how does the art influence the trip? Did trips like the "Gorbies" with Mikail Gorbachov heads help tumble the Berlin Wall? Why did the infamous Mickey Mouse Sorceror's Apprentice tabs terrify the Disney corp? Like the host in the Catholic mass, is blotter art a holy artform? An illuminating interview into the world's first edible art... This talk was transcribed and printed in part in Juxtapose magazine online. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License.

 22: The Raël World | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2760

A Skype interview conducted in mid-2007, from which a feature article was printed in Australian Penthouse. Here experiential journalist Rak Razam interviews the prophet Raël, who may or may not be the messiah, or just a very naughty boy, to paraphrase Monty Python. Raël claims to have had a UFO encounter in 1973 where the Elohim (the original name in the Hebrew bible for the "sky people", later converted to "God" in Western translations) gave him the mission to be their last prophet on earth. Raël's mission is to build a space embassy in Israel (the third temple) to welcome the Elohim (and to provide sexy "Raël's Angel's" brides for our alien masters). Raël claims the Elohim created all life on earth through their super science and cloning, and that they hold the secret to eternal life. Far off in space with clones of Jesus, Mohammed and other luminaries, the Elohim watch us like a clip of "Cosmic YouTube", waiting for us to reach maturity. As whacked out as all this may sound, there are definite seeds of anthropological and mythological truth in what Raël says, and the lighthearted interview approach is a unique bro chat with perhaps the world's most controversial religious figure, head of the global free love and alien worshipping Raëlians... Beam us up, Raël! This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License.

 22: The Raël World | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2760

A Skype interview conducted in mid-2007, from which a feature article was printed in Australian Penthouse. Here experiential journalist Rak Razam interviews the prophet Raël, who may or may not be the messiah, or just a very naughty boy, to paraphrase Monty Python. Raël claims to have had a UFO encounter in 1973 where the Elohim (the original name in the Hebrew bible for the "sky people", later converted to "God" in Western translations) gave him the mission to be their last prophet on earth. Raël's mission is to build a space embassy in Israel (the third temple) to welcome the Elohim (and to provide sexy "Raël's Angel's" brides for our alien masters). Raël claims the Elohim created all life on earth through their super science and cloning, and that they hold the secret to eternal life. Far off in space with clones of Jesus, Mohammed and other luminaries, the Elohim watch us like a clip of "Cosmic YouTube", waiting for us to reach maturity. As whacked out as all this may sound, there are definite seeds of anthropological and mythological truth in what Raël says, and the lighthearted interview approach is a unique bro chat with perhaps the world's most controversial religious figure, head of the global free love and alien worshipping Raëlians... Beam us up, Raël! This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License.

 21: Collective Messiahs | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2315

An illuminating conversation with experiential podcaster Rak Razam, Dylan and Danny Horvath–the God Club–in which they discuss feeding the noosphere, blossoming divinity and the Western ego, and feeding back to the Source. Should we fear feeding and being fed upon by higher dimensional forces like lambs to the slaughter? Feeding heaven and feeding the earth... Should we shun the Hive mind or embrace the way the individual units make up the whole? How best to be conscious of the web of life we are all part of and feed into? Can we surrender into the larger collective organism? How to cope having the shell of you cracked open on the shores of heaven to reveal your God-nature within... in every moment... A species signal activation peaking in the gene pool... Discover the profound secret in the heart of all humanity in this intense episode of In a Perfect World... This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License.

 21: Collective Messiahs | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2315

An illuminating conversation with experiential podcaster Rak Razam, Dylan and Danny Horvath–the God Club–in which they discuss feeding the noosphere, blossoming divinity and the Western ego, and feeding back to the Source. Should we fear feeding and being fed upon by higher dimensional forces like lambs to the slaughter? Feeding heaven and feeding the earth... Should we shun the Hive mind or embrace the way the individual units make up the whole? How best to be conscious of the web of life we are all part of and feed into? Can we surrender into the larger collective organism? How to cope having the shell of you cracked open on the shores of heaven to reveal your God-nature within... in every moment... A species signal activation peaking in the gene pool... Discover the profound secret in the heart of all humanity in this intense episode of In a Perfect World... This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License.

 20: Sufi Tetragrammaton | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2654

An experiential podcast with Rak Razam and special guest, Sufi academic Wahid Azal. In which is discussed the feminine Godhead (Sophia) which preceeds the masculine Logos, the two trees of knowledge in the Garden of Eden, and the synergy between Hebrew, Islamic and Christian religions, amongst other things... Wahid is the sheik of an Iranian Sufi mystic order that uses an ayahuasca analogue–haoma–as its active sacrament and here he expounds at length about the mystic traditions of the Middle East and the entheogenic sacraments that catalyzed them. Sufism predates Islam and Wahid's order–Fatimiya–believes in multiple levels of divinity, where the Word of God is in the book, not the many prophets of God, and where they worship the daughter of the prophet Mohammed as the representation of the Godhead-ess. The entheogenic use of plants within these secret sects of Sufis has been underground for millennia and is again sprouting in some areas of the Middle East, despite persecution from the mainstream religions. Wahid discusses the ancient entheogenic use of acacias, blue lotus, psilocybin, syrian rue and haoma as well as the unspeakable name(s) of God–in Greek the Tetragrammaton (the four lettered name of God), the Logos, and the other trigger words to invoke the vibrational essence of the divine. Word! For more information on the Fatimiya see: Fatimiya Sufi Order This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License.

 20: Sufi Tetragrammaton | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2654

An experiential podcast with Rak Razam and special guest, Sufi academic Wahid Azal. In which is discussed the feminine Godhead (Sophia) which preceeds the masculine Logos, the two trees of knowledge in the Garden of Eden, and the synergy between Hebrew, Islamic and Christian religions, amongst other things... Wahid is the sheik of an Iranian Sufi mystic order that uses an ayahuasca analogue–haoma–as its active sacrament and here he expounds at length about the mystic traditions of the Middle East and the entheogenic sacraments that catalyzed them. Sufism predates Islam and Wahid's order–Fatimiya–believes in multiple levels of divinity, where the Word of God is in the book, not the many prophets of God, and where they worship the daughter of the prophet Mohammed as the representation of the Godhead-ess. The entheogenic use of plants within these secret sects of Sufis has been underground for millennia and is again sprouting in some areas of the Middle East, despite persecution from the mainstream religions. Wahid discusses the ancient entheogenic use of acacias, blue lotus, psilocybin, syrian rue and haoma as well as the unspeakable name(s) of God–in Greek the Tetragrammaton (the four lettered name of God), the Logos, and the other trigger words to invoke the vibrational essence of the divine. Word! For more information on the Fatimiya see: Fatimiya Sufi Order This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License.


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