In A Perfect World show

In A Perfect World

Summary: YOU can now support this podcast via BitCoin:1DqzQqRuYwApTyA6n3q6ff6hPwbfhmTHmy A regular series of “experiential journalism” podcasts exploring the evolution of the new global paradigm. In a Perfect World will chart the meetings, musings and collective dreamings of gonzo reporter Rak Razam amongst the cultural creatives of the global tribe,the Ultraculture of the 21st century. These recordings are raw snatches of Beatnikian immediatism, unedited downloads from the tribal journey of remembering... Come anchor the vision and spark the new paradigm alight... Follow this blog if(typeof(networkedblogs)=="undefined"){networkedblogs = {};networkedblogs.blogId=1105010;networkedblogs.shortName="in-a-perfect-world";} NEW: JOIN our Facebook page to discuss the podcasts and 'find the others'...


 64: Lost Tribes – Culture and the role of Spirituality in a Sustainable Civilization | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4369

Without the moral compass of a connection to the spiritual dimension are we a lost tribe on the brink of extinction? As Western civilization slides into the Kali Yuga of materialism and a denatured relationship with nature, can examples from previous earth-based cultures show us the way forward? Is the return of the feminine and the Goddess part of the rebalancing, and if so why is it mainly men that are entheogenic spokespeople? What role have psychedelics played in the evolution of human imagination? What is the link between mystical experiences, neuroscience and parallel dimensions? Are we on the cusp of making the great leap forward into an evolved consciousness, and what does that mean to be aware of our place in the web of life? A provocative panel discussion held at the Brisbane Origins of Consciousness tour Thursday 18th October, 2012 with Graham Hancock, Dennis McKenna, Mitch Schultz, Darpan, Des Tramacchi, Dan Schreiber and Rak Razam, facilitated by Steve McDonald. Image courtesy of Lost Tribes and EGA. For more info see Graham's website and also his YouTube channel , and see his alternative news desk for your daily news. Also visit Darpan's website, Starseed Gardens , The Spirit Molecule and Rak Razam's website. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License.

 64: Lost Tribes – Culture and the role of Spirituality in a Sustainable Civilization | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4369

Without the moral compass of a connection to the spiritual dimension are we a lost tribe on the brink of extinction? As Western civilization slides into the Kali Yuga of materialism and a denatured relationship with nature, can examples from previous earth-based cultures show us the way forward? Is the return of the feminine and the Goddess part of the rebalancing, and if so why is it mainly men that are entheogenic spokespeople? What role have psychedelics played in the evolution of human imagination? What is the link between mystical experiences, neuroscience and parallel dimensions? Are we on the cusp of making the great leap forward into an evolved consciousness, and what does that mean to be aware of our place in the web of life? A provocative panel discussion held at the Brisbane Origins of Consciousness tour Thursday 18th October, 2012 with Graham Hancock, Dennis McKenna, Mitch Schultz, Darpan, Des Tramacchi, Dan Schreiber and Rak Razam, facilitated by Steve McDonald. Image courtesy of Lost Tribes and EGA. For more info see Graham's website and also his YouTube channel , and see his alternative news desk for your daily news. Also visit Darpan's website, Starseed Gardens , The Spirit Molecule and Rak Razam's website. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License.

 63: The End of His-Story | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3785

Experiential journalist Rak Razam meets the world's leading experiential author and researcher, Graham Hancock, as they explore the "fingerprints of the gods" in the archeological record from the Great Pyramid at Giza, the Sphinx and more. Was there an 'Ur-Race' that predated the historical record, so altered by the 'achitecture of cataclysm', and how does that relate to the use of psychedelics in ancient cultures? Was mankind blessed with greater powers in connection with the earth and stars, and are we nowdays a species with amnesia? Is there a conspiracy at work flatlining the true story of our past, and what agenda does controlling history serve? Are we now entering the 'End of His-Story', and the beginning of a new world age? And if so, how can we best awaken to our full potential, to step up to our role as galactic citizens? For more information: see Graham's website and also his YouTube channel , and see his alternative news desk for your daily news. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License.

 63: The End of His-Story | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3785

Experiential journalist Rak Razam meets the world's leading experiential author and researcher, Graham Hancock, as they explore the "fingerprints of the gods" in the archeological record from the Great Pyramid at Giza, the Sphinx and more. Was there an 'Ur-Race' that predated the historical record, so altered by the 'achitecture of cataclysm', and how does that relate to the use of psychedelics in ancient cultures? Was mankind blessed with greater powers in connection with the earth and stars, and are we nowdays a species with amnesia? Is there a conspiracy at work flatlining the true story of our past, and what agenda does controlling history serve? Are we now entering the 'End of His-Story', and the beginning of a new world age? And if so, how can we best awaken to our full potential, to step up to our role as galactic citizens? For more information: see Graham's website and also his YouTube channel , and see his alternative news desk for your daily news. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License.

 62: I of the SUN | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6053

In ancient days the sun was worshiped as a living entity, life giver and destroyer all wrapped in one… Entire cultures sacrificed and fed energy to the sun, understanding that the delicate cosmic web must be maintained, and that the process of life works both ways… As we near the time of galactic alignment on Dec 21st 2012, the sun and our solar system has risen above the galactic plane and are now being bombarded with intense galactic energies. The sun is changing, waking, and the earth is following suit, as solar flares affect our magnetic field and change consciousness itself. Join experiential journalist Rak Razam, shamanic practitioner Darpan and the visionary founder of Starseed Gardens Dan Schreiber in an intimate tribal discussion about the living sun and its connection to the sun within, how to cleanse and heal our energy bodies and the assist the process of true illumination. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License

 62: I of the SUN | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6053

In ancient days the sun was worshiped as a living entity, life giver and destroyer all wrapped in one… Entire cultures sacrificed and fed energy to the sun, understanding that the delicate cosmic web must be maintained, and that the process of life works both ways… As we near the time of galactic alignment on Dec 21st 2012, the sun and our solar system has risen above the galactic plane and are now being bombarded with intense galactic energies. The sun is changing, waking, and the earth is following suit, as solar flares affect our magnetic field and change consciousness itself. Join experiential journalist Rak Razam, shamanic practitioner Darpan and the visionary founder of Starseed Gardens Dan Schreiber in an intimate tribal discussion about the living sun and its connection to the sun within, how to cleanse and heal our energy bodies and the assist the process of true illumination. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License

  61: The Species Fractal | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3674

Experiential journalist Rak Razam interviews Josh Davis, founder of the Human Mandala Project, an ambitious living sculpture based on yoga principles and made of fractaling human beings. According to ancient vedic tradition the body can be a building block opening energetic portals within, and when combined with other bodies in sacred geometries a deeper morphic connection can be revealed. Can the group mind be engendered in the group body? What are the potential of these gestalt organisms in yoga, festival and trance cultures around the world? Like Dr. Emoto and the water crystals, can conscious intent placed into and through these flesh sculptures radiate into the world? Is the 'humandala' the next step towards a hive mind consciousness like insects have? As the species fractal flowers, what can we become? This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License.

  61: The Species Fractal | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3674

Experiential journalist Rak Razam interviews Josh Davis, founder of the Human Mandala Project, an ambitious living sculpture based on yoga principles and made of fractaling human beings. According to ancient vedic tradition the body can be a building block opening energetic portals within, and when combined with other bodies in sacred geometries a deeper morphic connection can be revealed. Can the group mind be engendered in the group body? What are the potential of these gestalt organisms in yoga, festival and trance cultures around the world? Like Dr. Emoto and the water crystals, can conscious intent placed into and through these flesh sculptures radiate into the world? Is the 'humandala' the next step towards a hive mind consciousness like insects have? As the species fractal flowers, what can we become? This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License.

 60: OCCUPY NIMBIN! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6215

Experiential journalist Rak Razam hosts a provocative panel discussion from the 2012 Nimbin Mardi Grass on strategic responses to the War on Nature's ally, marijuana. In 1973, almost 40 years ago, the laconic Australian town of Nimbin was first “occupied” by the Aquarius Festival, and twenty years later in 1992, Bob Hopkins heralded the next “occupy” cycle with his one-man protest-surrender at Nimbin police station. Where are the politics of change in 2012 - locally, nationally and internationally? What has evolved, for the better or the worse, over the last four decades? Is 2012 the beginning of a new wave of drug law reform activism? Is there anything to learn from the successes of other political/social movements who have also struggled for fairness and justice? This special 2-hour panel is for organisations and individuals to share their plans, visions and information about their activities, as well as providing an opportunity for seeding synergies and alliances. With PANELISTS: Graham Askey [Help End Marijuana Prohibition Party], Stephanie Barlow [Happy Herb Company], Paul Cubitt [Law Enforcement Against Prohibition], Mamakind [Cannabis Campaigner, Journalist and Author], Annie Madden [Australian Injecting and Illicit Drug Users League], Steve McDonald [Psychedelic Research in Science & Medicine], Moose [Cannabis Campaigner], Jim Moylan [Civil Liberties Observer Group], Matt Riley [Independent Activist], Ann Symonds [Founder, Australian Parliamentary Group on Drug Law Reform], Dr Alex Wodak [Australian Drug Law Reform Foundation]. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License.

 60: OCCUPY NIMBIN! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6215

Experiential journalist Rak Razam hosts a provocative panel discussion from the 2012 Nimbin Mardi Grass on strategic responses to the War on Nature's ally, marijuana. In 1973, almost 40 years ago, the laconic Australian town of Nimbin was first “occupied” by the Aquarius Festival, and twenty years later in 1992, Bob Hopkins heralded the next “occupy” cycle with his one-man protest-surrender at Nimbin police station. Where are the politics of change in 2012 - locally, nationally and internationally? What has evolved, for the better or the worse, over the last four decades? Is 2012 the beginning of a new wave of drug law reform activism? Is there anything to learn from the successes of other political/social movements who have also struggled for fairness and justice? This special 2-hour panel is for organisations and individuals to share their plans, visions and information about their activities, as well as providing an opportunity for seeding synergies and alliances. With PANELISTS: Graham Askey [Help End Marijuana Prohibition Party], Stephanie Barlow [Happy Herb Company], Paul Cubitt [Law Enforcement Against Prohibition], Mamakind [Cannabis Campaigner, Journalist and Author], Annie Madden [Australian Injecting and Illicit Drug Users League], Steve McDonald [Psychedelic Research in Science & Medicine], Moose [Cannabis Campaigner], Jim Moylan [Civil Liberties Observer Group], Matt Riley [Independent Activist], Ann Symonds [Founder, Australian Parliamentary Group on Drug Law Reform], Dr Alex Wodak [Australian Drug Law Reform Foundation]. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License.

 59: Gordon Wasson: The Sacred and the Profane | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 5210

Experiential journalist Rak Razam talks with independent researcher, author and lecturer Jan Irvin from Gnostic Media about his forthcoming documentary on Gordon Wasson, influential New York banker and the godfather of the modern psychedelic movement. According to the historical record Wasson, an amateur mycologist, first 'discovered' 'magic' mushrooms via Maria Sabina in Oaxaca, Mexico in 1955, the account of which was published in the seminal LIFE magazine on May 13, 1957. Irvin, however has uncovered documentary evidence which points to the possibility of a secret history of the mushroom in the elite power structures of the West, and to the life and times of Gordon Wasson himself. What would it mean to history if the mushroom's true story, at the foundations of world religions, came to light? Does Wasson's entrenched position within the power elites of the banking and establishment world reflect an ongoing fixation with the mushroom and other mind altering sacraments within their own ranks, and in their approach to controlling the illumination of the masses? The sacred and the profane is all revealed in this in-depth, lively discussion that shakes the foundations of psychedelic history. For more info see Jan Irvin's detailed research at: Gnostic Media This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License.

 59: Gordon Wasson: The Sacred and the Profane | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 5210

Experiential journalist Rak Razam talks with independent researcher, author and lecturer Jan Irvin from Gnostic Media about his forthcoming documentary on Gordon Wasson, influential New York banker and the godfather of the modern psychedelic movement. According to the historical record Wasson, an amateur mycologist, first 'discovered' 'magic' mushrooms via Maria Sabina in Oaxaca, Mexico in 1955, the account of which was published in the seminal LIFE magazine on May 13, 1957. Irvin, however has uncovered documentary evidence which points to the possibility of a secret history of the mushroom in the elite power structures of the West, and to the life and times of Gordon Wasson himself. What would it mean to history if the mushroom's true story, at the foundations of world religions, came to light? Does Wasson's entrenched position within the power elites of the banking and establishment world reflect an ongoing fixation with the mushroom and other mind altering sacraments within their own ranks, and in their approach to controlling the illumination of the masses? The sacred and the profane is all revealed in this in-depth, lively discussion that shakes the foundations of psychedelic history. For more info see Jan Irvin's detailed research at: Gnostic Media This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License.

 58: DISCLOSURE: 9/11 AND THE AMERICAN PSYCHEDELIC DREAM | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 5248

In this continuation of In a Perfect World 33, experiential journalist Rak Razam interviews author and academic Robert Forte about the origins of the Psychedelic Movement and manipulation by the power elites as a social engineering tool for control of the dominant paradigm. This far-ranging discussion covers Huxley, Wasson, Hofmann, Leary and the social milieu and the role of the CIA and elite steering of the dissemination of psychedelics in the West and the vested interests behind them that have culminated in the global police state that confronts us today. The medical, spiritual and religious arms of the movement are dissected in light of the political agendas that control civilization, as Forte and Razam examine the revolution of the 60s and the revolutionary times we now live through. They ask the critical question: is the commodification of the modern psychedelic movement a prelude to global Soma, and can individuals awaken to their own cosmic sovereignty before it's too late? ROBERT FORTE, AMRS, began his work with psychedelics as a student of Stanislav Grof and Frank Barron, cofounder of the Harvard Psilocybin Project. He obtained his master’s degree under Mircea Eliade and has collaborated with many of the leaders in the field of psychedelics, including R. Gordon Wasson, Timothy Leary, and Huston Smith. A former director of the Albert Hofmann Foundation, he teaches at the California Institute of Integral Studies. Forte's seminal book, Entheogens and the Future of Religion, with contributions by Albert Hofmann, R. Gordon Wasson, Jack Kornfield, Terence McKenna, the Shulgins, Rick Strassman, and others is now back in print, with all proceeds going to support the Council on Spiritual Practices work with psilocybin research. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License.

 58: DISCLOSURE: 9/11 AND THE AMERICAN PSYCHEDELIC DREAM | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 5248

In this continuation of In a Perfect World 33, experiential journalist Rak Razam interviews author and academic Robert Forte about the origins of the Psychedelic Movement and manipulation by the power elites as a social engineering tool for control of the dominant paradigm. This far-ranging discussion covers Huxley, Wasson, Hofmann, Leary and the social milieu and the role of the CIA and elite steering of the dissemination of psychedelics in the West and the vested interests behind them that have culminated in the global police state that confronts us today. The medical, spiritual and religious arms of the movement are dissected in light of the political agendas that control civilization, as Forte and Razam examine the revolution of the 60s and the revolutionary times we now live through. They ask the critical question: is the commodification of the modern psychedelic movement a prelude to global Soma, and can individuals awaken to their own cosmic sovereignty before it's too late? ROBERT FORTE, AMRS, began his work with psychedelics as a student of Stanislav Grof and Frank Barron, cofounder of the Harvard Psilocybin Project. He obtained his master’s degree under Mircea Eliade and has collaborated with many of the leaders in the field of psychedelics, including R. Gordon Wasson, Timothy Leary, and Huston Smith. A former director of the Albert Hofmann Foundation, he teaches at the California Institute of Integral Studies. Forte's seminal book, Entheogens and the Future of Religion, with contributions by Albert Hofmann, R. Gordon Wasson, Jack Kornfield, Terence McKenna, the Shulgins, Rick Strassman, and others is now back in print, with all proceeds going to support the Council on Spiritual Practices work with psilocybin research. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License.

 57: The Anthropology of the Dancefloor | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4630

Experiential journalist Rak Razam chats with "radical anthropologist" and global freakologist Graham St John about the evolution and current direction of Global Trance Culture. With origins in the 60s Acid Tests and the legendary Goa beach parties, the archaic revival of psychedelic trance and dance and group mind has blossomed into a cathartic Temporary Autonomous Zone (TAZ) in almost every modern culture across the planet. Why is this revival of tribality so important and what human need is fulfilled in the psychic moshpit of the dancefloor? How does an anthropological perspective inform these liminal zones and does trance culture itself point towards some gestalt consciousness awakening in the species? Graham's latest book, Global Tribe: Technology, Spirituality and Psytrance will be published by Equinox Press in June/July 2012 . Click here to download his first anthology on Australian doof culture, Free NRG: Notes from the Edge of the Dancefloor , which also contains the story by Rak Razam, "Directions to the Game". This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License.


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