39: Spirit Messengers

In A Perfect World show

Summary: with Mitch Schultz, director of The Spirit Molecule DVD On the road in Peru with Mitch Schultz, who talks about the making of his documentary The Spirit Molecule, based on the Rick Strassman book of the same name, and why he was driven to make an independent documentary about DMT. In 2002 Schultz had his first experience with dimethyltryptamine and the entities therein: nothing would ever be the same. Schultz convinced Dr. Rick Strassman to lend his story and credibility as the narrative backbone of the documentary, studying DMT in controlled medical conditions with legal patients under the auspices of the US government from 1990-1995. Why has nature seeded DMT throughout most living things: as a strategic neurotransmitter, a language for nature to communicate within itself? What is the value of contact experiences with entities in innerspace? How can film communicate a glimpse of the DMT realm and how ready are mainstream audiences for it? Join experiential journalist Rak Razam and filmmaker Mitch Schultz in search of the answers... In Part II. with Susan Blumenthal (DMT test subject) In the early 1990s Susan Blumenthal was a participant in Dr. Rick Strassman's DMT tests in New Mexico, the first legal psychedelic experiments in a generation. Blumenthal was in a study group with Strassman looking at the Tibetan Book of the Dead, but was one of the least experienced psychonauts who went in. Terrified, disembodied, strewn across the universe, Blumenthal underwent an alien contact experience and enlightenment at the same time, finding the birthing place of souls and ultimately, God. Inside the DMT-realm she experienced entities testing her, just as she was being tested on the outside, hooked up to cardiac stabilisers and medical intervention gear. Her accounts of Strassman's DMT experiments vary from those recounted in the book, focusing less on the medical and more on the contact experience with insects, reptile and geometric entities of the invisible landscape. Here she shares intimate details of those now-famous tests with experiential journalist Rak Razam... The Spirit Molecule DVD is now on sale and the Australian Film Tour with Mitch Schultz will cover four Australian cities in December. Details and tickets on sale via: Undergrowth.org This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License.