The Expat Files: Living in Latin America show

The Expat Files: Living in Latin America

Summary: Experienced Expat, John Mueller, tells what its really like for Americans to live, work, and/or retire down in Latin America.

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 Expat Files - In Print - 10/19/12 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:28:00

-Unlike first world big city newspapers that are crashing and burning daily, Latin dailies are still the undisputed marketing and advertising kings of the region. Old fashioned newsprint hasn’t been killed by the internet yet- only because of such low internet penetration (between 15-20% and slowly rising) in the home. That’s another great example of the “lag time effect” and it also spells great opportunities for us expats. -As you page through the Latin daily newspapers you can’t help but notices full page ads for supersized 50 grand and up SUV’s on steroids like Ford Suburbans, Yukons and Chevy Tahoes. For many reasons, they’re beyond  ridiculous to have down here. So, if dealers place full page ads there must be a nice market for them, right?. But who’s stupid enough to throw good money away like that? (Hint; it’s not expats or even rich narcos) - Some excellent first steps expats and wanabees might want to take on the road to becoming anonymous, nearly anonymous or just basically unobtrusive (it’s all part of the universal expat code) -Even smart, educated, Latins have a terrible ego problems combined with self esteem issues. They want to keep up with the Jones so badly that nothing will stop them (if they have the dough or the credit) from making outright stupid purchases like SUV’s, Rolexes, blackberries and smart phones. Not even the occasional robbery and assault will stop feckless Latins from displaying that they can afford to have the latest first world things. Even so, being Latins, they are never quite up to speed with our US trends. For example, they haven’t yet figured out that Blackberries are actually passé. - I’ve put together a mixed media program specifically for expats and wanabees called the 'New 5 Flags'. Just head over immediately to and get all the details. I promise you won’t be disappointed. -Follow the link on the main page at to schedule a consultation with me. If you want to discuss the details of living, working, playing, doing business and/or retiring in Latin America, now you and I can talk about your situation one on one. -MY JANUARY 2013 LATIN AMERICAN SEMINAR IS NOW OPEN FOR REGISTRATION: Folks who are interested in my Expat Wisdom “immersion” seminar should go to to get complete details.

 The Expat Files - Off the Tourist Track -10/14/12 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:28:00

MY JANUARY 2013 LATIN AMERICAN SEMINAR IS NOW OPEN FOR REGISTRATION: Folks who are interested in my Expat Wisdom “immersion” seminar should go to to get complete details. As you know I always recommend expat wanabees download a Spanish language newspaper or two (they’re free). That’s the best way to investigate your preliminary picks of cities and/or Latin countries before coming down and testing the waters. But just a reminder; unlike first world big city newspapers, the first few pages of Latin the dailies can have such startling news that it might scare the feces out of you. But not to worry (too much), and we’ll explain why…. How can the top hundred or so Latin politicians along with their extended families, friends and their cronies, live like virtual Saudi princes; with caravans of luxury SUV’s, multiple million dollar homes, bodyguards, Rolexes, custom made suits, buying trips around the world, etc? How is all that luxury possible when the Latin countries that they represent; Honduras, Guatemala, Peru, Salvador, etc, etc, have such very low taxes and meager tax collections in general? Unlike in the US, the simple fact is that there’s just not enough slop in the public trough for those Latin scumbags to pig out! And they can’t print money like the FED. So how can they possibly afford that lifestyle? Well, here’s how….. Why do so many first world scumbag politicians come down to convention centers at 5 star luxury hotels –off the tourist track- in Latin America? Of course I’m talking about places the US State Dept website advise us normal US citizens strictly avoid or to visit at our own peril? By the way; did you even know there are hundreds of 5 star luxury hotels and convention centers off the tourist trail? Guess what happens when high level Latin politicians get caught stealing millions and actually do jail time? When they get out they become sought after local celebrities. From then on, everyone they meet wants to shake their hands and have a photo op! Here are a few actual cases…… I’ve put together a mixed media program specifically for expats and wanabees called the 'New 5 Flags'. Just head over immediately to and get all the details. I promise you won’t be disappointed. Follow the link on the main page at to schedule a consultation with me. If you want to discuss the details of living, working, playing, doing business and/or retiring in Latin America, now you and I can talk about your situation one on one.

 The Expat Files - The Dark Side - 10/12/12 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:28:00

-MY JANUARY 2013 LATIN AMERICAN SEMINAR IS NOW OPEN FOR REGISTRATION: Folks who are interested in my Expat Wisdom “immersion” seminar should go to to get complete details. -And now we have the dark side of that very popular theme: expats, mating, dating, love and romance. -Why Expat women should be on their guard when approached by suave Latin suitors. Don’t be taken in by every Antonio Banderes clone. Instead, be suspicious of motives believe 10% of what they say and if you can, thoroughly check out the back-story. -Ever wonder what happens when a Latina discovers her boyfriend, husband or significant other has been cheating on her? Find out when you hear this story from Expat Eddie's files. -If, like Johnny claims, 90% of Latin guys cheat on their wives and girlfriends, and(as Johnny claims again) a good 80% of Latin ladies (off the tourist trail) are nice, loyal, devoted mothers/girlfriends with hearts of gold…. who then are these Latin guys cheating with? The numbers don’t exactly jive. -You think you’ve seen jealousy? You ain’t seen nothin’ yet! In Cleveland, Boston and Milwaukee, jealousy is considered a negative trait. In Latin America, it’s considered a virtue. To Latins, jealousy equals love. That’s a difficult concept for us expats to grasp. -“Bowing Shirt and Pink Bathrobe”, a true life middle-age expat parable. - I’ve put together a mixed media program specifically for expats and wanabees called the 'New 5 Flags'. Just head over immediately to and get all the details. I promise you won’t be disappointed. -Follow the link on the main page at to schedule a consultation with me. If you want to discuss the details of living, working, playing, doing business and/or retiring in Latin America, now you and I can talk about your situation one on one.

 The Expat Files - Cheap Vasectomies - 10/07/12 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:28:00

-MY JANUARY 2013 LATIN AMERICAN SEMINAR IS NOW OPEN FOR REGISTRATION: Folks who are interested in my Expat Wisdom “IMMERSION” seminar should go to to get complete details. -A continuation of last show’s very popular theme: expats, mating, dating, love and romance. -What happens if you end up in court facing an ex who’s out for blood? If you let your lawyer handle it, you’ll probably never step foot in the courtroom. -What is by far the most popular elective surgery for expat males? If you said implants (penile) you’d be wrong… but close- and the answer is… cheap vasectomies. -The truth about the rumor that Latinas are out to try to trap gringos by getting pregnant. -On the tourist trail, there are tons of stupid gringo surfer dudes and college aged gringos on spring vacation with the sole purpose to party and hook up with young sexy Latinas. Does that really happen? What’s going on with that? -Latin governments (always trying to be first world) actually have social security systems for their old age, and disabled people. And true to form their systems are bankrupt, corrupt and permanently broken(ours isn't?). For example, the average monthly payout is about $150, and most recipients get their checks up to 6 months late! -Here’s a few good ways for expats to determine if a Latin lady is loyal and true blue or just a gold-digger putting on a good act. -More on Latin men and the typical lies they use to pick up ladies (and that includes picking up expat gringas of course) - I’ve put together a mixed media program specifically for expats and wanabees called the 'New 5 Flags'. Just head over immediately to and get all the details. I promise you won’t be disappointed. -Follow the link on the main page at to schedule a consultation with me. If you want to discuss the details of living, working, playing, doing business and/or retiring in Latin America, now you and I can talk about your situation one on one.

 Expat Files - Love and Romance - 10/05/12 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:28:00

-More details on expat love and romance in Latin America…. Do note that if I were to answer every email concerning questions about expat “dating and mating” I wouldn’t have time to talk about anything else. And since there’s been such overwhelming interest (though I’m no Dr. Drew), I actually wrote a 300 page book on the subject. As you might imagine, the whole subject is quite complex, explosive and very un-PC and I’m not surprised that some folks are a bit rattled when they hear the facts. But like so many other things down here, in some ways love and romance “Latin style” is a completely different ball game. It has a lot to do with that “gringo advantage” working full time for you…. So, like the man said, “why fight it”? -Yup its so very true, Latin Ladies do have a definite soft spot for Gringos and expats (even dead average looking dudes like expat Eddie and me). But don’t be fooled. Whether you’re off or on the tourist trail (those US dollar saturated places like Costa Rica and Panama) makes a huge difference in the love and romance department. You really must consider the facts before jumping into any serious relationship. Bottom line- listen to these words of wisdom or regret it. -People are always asking me why I do this show… why give out all this good, practical info for nothing. Folks ask me if I’m not somehow worried that I’m single handedly killing the goose that laid the golden egg; that is to say, slowly killing the “gringo advantage” by advising people to come down to the altiplano and the like. My answer is; guilty as charged, but with extenuating circumstances…. - I’ve put together a brand new, six 6 hour long, mixed-media presentation specifically for expats and wanabees called the 'New 5 Flags'. Just head over immediately to and get all the details. I promise you won’t be disappointed. -NEWS ABOUT MY UPCOMING SEMINAR: Folks who are interested in my next seminar should send a very short email to and I’ll put you on my private mailing list for updates. -Follow the link on the main page at to schedule a consultation with me. If you want to discuss the details of living, working, playing, doing business and/or retiring in Latin America; now you and I can talk about your situation one on one

 Expat Files - “Maintenance” is Not a Word - 09/30/12 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:28:00

THE DETAILS YOU WANTED ABOUT MY UPCOMING "EXPAT WISDOM" LATIN AMERICAN INSIDER'S SEMINAR: Folks who are interested in my next seminar should send a very short email to and I’ll put you on my private mailing list for updates. By popular demand we have another anonymous interview. After my last Expat Wisdom seminar, I interviewed a very smart, articulate and adventurous gringo named Dave. He and his equally astute brother, added a lot of great vibes and tons of intellectual energy to the event. Now you can hear Dave’s unique take on the seminar and how he describes the people, the country, the fabulous altiplano and, well…the whole darn experience. Even if you live well away from an active volcano, sometimes (if the wind is right… or wrong) you may downwind from a big, dirty, ugly surprise. It’s nothing life threatening, but certainly a pain in the rear end (trasero). What happens when things go missing around the house? It’s that age old problem that eventually confronts a certain percentage of expats… a maid with “sticky” fingers. The truth about job hunting maids, cleaning ladies and maintenance men with excellent references (they all have excellent references- especially the ones who’ve been previously fired for stealing) Did you know that up to 25% of married Latin couples are not technically married at all? Its a particular unspoken phenomena that occurs most exclusively among the poor (about 40% of Latin America)... up to half of who eventually end up in a common law marriage. Why? It costs way too much dough for them to get married, much less have a party and go on a real Honeymoon. So normally, after about 5 years of living together and having a kid or two, or ten, or twenty (I’m not kidding) the state automatically deems the union a common law marriage. Expat Eddie and I had a pow wow and we both came to the same conclusion that our cleaning ladies (not the same one) were stealing from us! The question is, why does it happen in the first place? How should it be dealt with it? And how can it be prevented in the future? (Don’t fret, we’ve actually got the problem nearly solved) I’ve put together an audio/video program specifically for expats and wanabees called the 'New 5 Flags'. Just head over immediately to and get all the details. I promise you won’t be disappointed. Follow the link on the main page at to schedule a consultation with me. If you want to discuss the details of living, working, playing, doing business and/or retiring in Latin America, now you and I can talk about your situation one on one

 Expat Files - Wheels - 09/28/12 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:28:00

-More email questions about certain aspects of car ownership. For example, what about parking meters, fines, on-street-parking and the dreaded “Denver boot” wheel clamp?  Yes, the cops do boot cars in medium to large Latin cities, but it since this is Latin America, none of these inconveniences will break the bank (provided you’re off the tourist trail).  And by the way; one in four parking meters down here doesn’t work… not only that, if your car is booted there’s a 50-50 chance it’s been put on incorrectly and you can actually slip it off yourself! (Now I ask you, what’s not to like about Latin America.) -Now for some more examples of the “Gringo Advantage” and how we expats are just more aware of the "details" in all walks of life that the vast majority of Latins simply  don’t seem to be aware of at all -More on those pesky volcanoes; a continuation of last show’s discussion on how long term expats deal with the occasional eruption. What happens if there are one or two of those monsters of staring at you from your own backyard window,?Should you worry? Should sacrifice that old lava lamp to the volcano gods? !!! IMPORTANT- UPCOMING SEMINAR ANNOUNCEMENT!!! I’ve been asked by many listeners if will ever do another Latin American “Expat Wisdom” seminar like the one I just held (off the gringo tourist trail) in Central America. Folks who are seriously interested, send a very short email to so I can put you on my private mailing list for updates. I am looking at January 15-21 to avoid the holidays and holiday airfares (and so that it doesn’t coincide with the Mayan end of the world). Send me that email and I’ll fire off details as they come. -People are always asking me if I have any books, articles, interviews, blogs or anything else out there besides the PRN show. I've rec'd a lot of emails from listeners saying that they’ve heard about a private new 6 hour video program I put together called the 'New 5 Flags' and people want to know more about it. Just head over immediately to and get all the details. I promise you won’t be disappointed. -Follow the link on the main page at to schedule a consultation with me. If you want to discuss the details of living, working, playing, doing business and/or retiring in Latin America, now you and I can talk about your situation one on one

 The Expat Files - Volcanoes! - 09/23/12 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:28:00

The truth about those peaky volcanoes. Yup, there are lots and lots of active volcanoes in Latin America. Some are blowing off as we speak. You can hardly avoid them. In fact, little San Salvador, only about the size of Massachusetts, has 22 of them with 6 presently active and spewing fire and brimstone now and again. Now here’s the real truth about all those volcanoes you hear so much about; the eruptions, the dangers, as well as the recommendations for Gringo’s and Expats when building, buying or doing business in the direct line of one. What about going on a hike or tour up an active volcano summit? Backpackers and Eco-Gringos just love doing stuff like that. Well yes, it is a very excellent adventure… but I don’t recommend it. Not that the volcano itself is life threatening or extraordinarily dangerous. You won’t get trapped in lava or pelted with steaming rocks; nothing so Indiana Jones-ish. Instead, there’s a good chance you’ll get mugged along the way. How Expats get million dollar views for 50 grand or less !!! IMPORTANT- UPCOMING SEMINAR ANNOUNCEMENT!!! I’ve been asked by many listeners if will ever do another Latin American “Expat Wisdom” seminar like the one I just held (off the gringo tourist trail) in Central America. Seems that word has gotten around just how fun and successful that one was, and there has been a surge of interest for another. Folks who are interested, send a very short email to and I'll put you on my private mailing list for updates. I am thinking about January 15-21. That’s to avoid the holidays and holiday airfares (and of course the end of the world- according to the Mayan calendar). Just send me that email and I’ll fire off details as they come. And sure, there’ll be a money back guarantee… and more. Get this… I’ll give you TRIPLE your money back and a brand new car if the Mayan prophesies do come true. How’s that for a deal? People are always asking me if I have any books, articles, interviews, blogs or anything else out there besides the PRN show. Well, over the last few days I've rec'd a lot of emails from listeners saying that they’ve heard about a private new 6 hour video program I put together called the 'New 5 Flags' and they want to know more about it. Anyway, the word got out somehow and it’s not so private anymore. Not that I wanted to keep it a secret from my listeners, but the publisher who owns the rights, wanted to keep the initial offer very exclusively for their own subscriber list, and so we only released it to the folks who follow me and Robert on People that regularly visit already know about it, but so you can get in on it too. Just head over immediately to and get all the details. I promise you won’t be disappointed. Follow the link on the main page at to schedule a consultation with me. If you want to discuss the details of living, working, playing, doing business and/or retiring in Latin America, now you and I can talk about your situation one on one

 Expat Files - 1st World Traveler - 09/21/12 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:28:00

-A word about lowering your public profile and anonymity. Having a minuscule to nonexistent public profile can be a 100% reality in the 3rd world. Down in Latin America you can live completely off the radar if you want- or be very obvious in a big way (not recommended of course) but at least you have the choice. Whereas up in Cleveland or Denver, sorry to say, that horse left the barn a long time ago. -By popular demand, today we present a special interview with another boots-on-the-ground 1st world traveler who not only attended my recent Latin American “Expat Wisdom” seminar, but has sold everything up north and actually moved down here lock, stock and barrel. No longer an Expat wannabee, Kyle (our new anonymous friend), is now a full-fledged member of the permanent Expat club! Listen to him explain his leap from long time wannabee to card carrying Expat- a journey that took he and his wife some five years to finally pull off. -Down here, Expat business success stories are as common as Jesus stickers on cars. Today we’ll highlight a story of a very successful Expat textile factory owner who was under the impression that his employees actually understood his Spanish. And while that strange counter-symbiotic situation went on for years, his business still grew and made him rich in the process. What's up with that? --People are always asking me if I have any books, articles, interviews, blogs or anything else out there besides the PRN show. Well, over the last few days I've rec'd a lot of emails from listeners saying that they’ve heard about a private new 6 hour video program I put together called the 'New 5 Flags' and they want to know more about it. Anyway, the word got out somehow and it’s not so private anymore. Not that I wanted to keep it a secret from my listeners, but the publisher who owns the rights, wanted to keep the initial offer very exclusively for their own subscriber list, and so we only released it to the folks who follow me and Robert on People that regularly visit already know about it, but so you can get in on it too, just head over immediately to and get all the details. I promise you won’t be disappointed. -Now you can follow the link on the main page at to schedule a consultation with me. !!! IMPORTANT- UPCOMING SEMINAR ANNOUNCEMENT!!! I’ve been asked by many listeners if will ever do another Latin American “Expat Wisdom” seminar like the one I just held (off the gringo tourist trail) in Latin America. Seems that word has gotten around just how fun and successful that one was, and now there has been a surge of interest for another. Folks who are seriously interested, please send a very short email to and I 'll put you on my private mailing list for updates. We are looking at January 15-21 so we can avoid the holiday rush and high holiday airfares (and of course the end of the world- according to the Mayan calendar). Just send me that email and I’ll fire off details as they come. And sure there will be a money back guarantee… and more. Get this… I’ll give you TRIPLE your money back and a brand new car if those Mayan 2012 prophesies do come true. How’s that for a deal? If the world ends you get a new car!

 The Expat Files - New 5 Flags and More - 09/16/12 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:28:00

-People are always asking me if I have any books, articles, interviews, blogs or anything else out there besides the PRN show. Well, over the last few days I've rec'd a lot of emails from listeners saying that they’ve heard about a private new 6 hour video program I put together called the 'New 5 Flags' and they want to know more about it. Anyway, the word got out somehow and it’s not so private anymore. Not that I wanted to keep it a secret from my listeners, but the publisher who owns the rights, wanted to keep the initial offer very exclusively for their own subscriber list, and so we only released it to the folks who follow me and Robert on People that regularly visit already know about it, but so you can get in on it too, just head over immediately to and get all the details. I promise you won’t be disappointed. !!! IMPORTANT- UPCOMING SEMINAR ANNOUNCEMENT!!! I’ve been asked by many listeners if will ever do another Latin American “Expat Wisdom” seminar like the one I just held (off the gringo tourist trail) in Central America. Seems that word has gotten around just how fun and successful that one was, and now there has been a surge of interest for another. So, I need all of you interested folks to send me a very short email at so I can put you on my private mailing list and get things started. I am thinking about doing it from January 15-21; just a few weeks after the world ends according to the Mayan calendar. I’ll fire off the details as they come (not about the end of the world… about the seminar). -By popular demand, today we present a very special interview with yet another worldly person who attended the Expat Wisdom seminar held in late June early July down in Guatemala. Now you can have the benefit of his opinions and astute perceptions to consider and mull over too. He has some genuine golden nuggets to share about his own Latin American experiences and the Expat Wisdom seminar too. -An update on the age old problem of crooked gasoline and propane gas companies. Even big international companies like Shell and Texaco rob their clients at every purchase; they short customers up to 10% every time they fill up or buy a tank of propane (down here in Latin America that is). Everyone knows this kind of constant robbery has been going on forever but this is the 3rd world so naturally nothing get done about it. Now once and for all, it’s finally being reported in the front pages of the big Latin papers, and big fines are being accessed. -Now you can follow the link on the main page at to schedule a consultation with me. If you want to discuss the details of living, working, playing, doing business and/or retiring in Latin America, now you and I can talk about your situation one on one

 Expat Files - Interview with an Expat - 09/14/12 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:28:00

!!! IMPORTANT- UPCOMING SEMINAR ANNOUNCEMENT!!! I’ve been asked by many listeners if will ever do another Latin American “Expat Wisdom” seminar like the one I just held (off the gringo tourist trail) in Central America. Seems that word has gotten around just how fun and successful that one was, and now there has been a surge of interest for another. If you twist my arm I will consider it – this time once again with just 24 people, no more! So I need all of you interested folks to send me a very short email at so I can get things started. I am thinking about doing it in early December or early January; just a few days after the world ends according to the Mayan calendar. I’ll fire off the details as they come (not about the end of the world… but about the seminar). -For the very first time in the over 180 Expat Files shows, I present a personal interview. It’s a discussion with a young lady who (along with her husband) recently sold everything up in the states in order to live as permanent expats in Guatemala. And after living in Antigua, Guatemala a little more than 2 months, she describes what it took for her and her husband to make the big leap from expat wanabee to expats-with boots on the ground. And by the way, they both attended my Expat Wisdom seminar, and we discuss how that event went too. Oh and I almost forgot. She said they had so much stuff to get rid of up in the states that they had to have multiple rummage sales, and in the end they came down with only 7 pieces of luggage. BRAVO! -Now you can follow the link on the main page at to schedule a consultation with me. If you want to discuss the details of living, working, playing, doing business and/or retiring in Latin America, now you and I can talk about your situation one on one

 The Expat Files - Deals and Phones - 09/09/12 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:28:00

!!! IMPORTANT- UPCOMING SEMINAR ANNOUNCEMENT!!! I’ve been asked by many listeners if will ever do another Latin American “Expat Wisdom” seminar like the one I just held (off the gringo tourist trail) in Central America. Seems that word has gotten around just how fun and successful that one was, and now there has been a surge of interest for another. If you twist my arm I will consider it  – this time once again with just 24 people, no more. So I need all of you interested folks to send me a very short email at so I can put you on my private mailing list and get things started. I am thinking about doing it in early December or early January 2012; just a few days after the world ends according to the Mayan calendar. I’ll fire off the details as they come (not about the end of the world… about the seminar) . -A continuation of last week’s topic on moving and storage. What should you do once your stuff down here and you haven’t actually got a permanent place to put your valuable junk? -How to get the best deals on new and used appliances and furnishings. How to replenish some of the crap you sold up north for a song and come out smiling again. -Everything a gringo needs to know about cell phones, pricing, plans, terms and cell phone service in Latin America including calls to the states and other countries

 Expat Files - Retiring in Latin America - 09/07/12 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:28:00

-What if you are 65 or even 70 years old or more? Is it worth it coming down to Latin America to live, work play and or retire? Here’s an interesting email from an older guy who wants to move in big way but has a laundry list of doubts. -How long will your nest-egg last if come to Latin America and do not intend to work or run a business of any kind? What if you just plan on winding down; intent on living a nice, comfy 1st world lifestyle free from the pressures and stresses of the BB state and the impending 1st world economic and social collapse? How far can you stretch your dough? -The best way to move down? Have a big-ass rummage sale or two and dump as much junk as you can on Craig’s List. No, you’ll never get what the stuff is really worth, but things are mighty cheap down here and the less baggage the better! -What about older folks and geezers who are looking forward to (oops, a bad choice of words) spending their remaining years in a nursing home or a manage care facility? How does Latin America shape up for them, if at all? -Searching for land, a house, an apartment? Guaranteed, that old metric system will rear its ugly head again. But there are a few tricks you’ll need to know if you don’t want to feel like a complete dufus as Latins toss metros(meters), metros cuadrados (square meters) and metros cubicos (cubic meters) around.

 The Expat Files - Business, Law, Tax - 09/03/12 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:28:00

-Often expats doing business in Latin America come face to face with obvious government corruption and general dishonesty. How do middle-class 1st world expats (who were on the straight and narrow up in Cleveland) handle such things? Expats will confront that stuff in business start-ups and building projects, so get used to it.  “Find me an honest man,” said Greek philosopher Diogenes 2500 years ago. Things haven’t changed much, have they! -Your relationship with your Latin lawyer will be much different, strikingly cheaper and surprisingly more fulfilling than the one you have (had) with your stateside shyster. -It’s common for expats to make their new lawyer’s office a kind of home base and center of operations. As you get your business start-up going and get your feet wet in your newly adopted Latin country, you'll be surprised how accommodating your lawyer will be. And he probably won’t even charge you for the extra favors (when you’re off the tourist trail of course)! -Bolivia slaps a new tax on all US dollar buy/sell transactions. Will that be a deterrent to expats from doing business there? Is there a way around it? -The continuing saga of Expat Eddie; this time he gets even with pretentious jerk politicians (in a most ingenious way). Fed up Americans should take note. -Now you can follow the link on the main page at to schedule a consultation with me. If you want to discuss the details of living, working, playing, doing business and/or retiring in Latin America, now you and I can talk about your situation one on one

 The Expat Files - Taxation - 08/31/12 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:28:00

-Latin American tax codes –vs - USA tax codes, the similarities and differences -How to legally save $27,000 to $35,000 on your US income taxes by simply moving your ass and assets to almost any of the 20 Latin American countries. (Don’t forget, whatever you save is really YOUR money that you earned anyway!) - Latin American tax avoidance, evasion and collection. -All Latin governments have a  #1 cash cow- the VAT tax (called IVA down here) - how it works and how local individuals and businesses try to side step it. -Corporations and corporate taxes in Latin America -The dope in those special sequentially numbered purchase receipts called “facturas”. They’re used extensively as write-offs and deductions to drastically lower personal and corporate taxes. These “facturas” can be real, fake, altered, stolen and reused. But can Latins or expats or even the tax official themselves tell them apart? Does it even matter? - Like in the USA, immediately before tax deadline time there’s always a monumental last minute scramble for tax deductions and receipts. However, down here if you’re short on deductions, you can actually BUY the proper number of receipts you need on the greymarket to zero out your taxes.  But should expats risk doing do it? Most Latin businesses routinely go that route. It’s not exactly illegal, but………… -Now you can follow the link on the main page at to schedule a consultation with me. If you want to discuss the details of living, working, playing, doing business and/or retiring in Latin America, now you and I can talk about your situation one on one.


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