The Expat Files - Off the Tourist Track -10/14/12

The Expat Files: Living in Latin America show

Summary: MY JANUARY 2013 LATIN AMERICAN SEMINAR IS NOW OPEN FOR REGISTRATION: Folks who are interested in my Expat Wisdom “immersion” seminar should go to to get complete details. As you know I always recommend expat wanabees download a Spanish language newspaper or two (they’re free). That’s the best way to investigate your preliminary picks of cities and/or Latin countries before coming down and testing the waters. But just a reminder; unlike first world big city newspapers, the first few pages of Latin the dailies can have such startling news that it might scare the feces out of you. But not to worry (too much), and we’ll explain why…. How can the top hundred or so Latin politicians along with their extended families, friends and their cronies, live like virtual Saudi princes; with caravans of luxury SUV’s, multiple million dollar homes, bodyguards, Rolexes, custom made suits, buying trips around the world, etc? How is all that luxury possible when the Latin countries that they represent; Honduras, Guatemala, Peru, Salvador, etc, etc, have such very low taxes and meager tax collections in general? Unlike in the US, the simple fact is that there’s just not enough slop in the public trough for those Latin scumbags to pig out! And they can’t print money like the FED. So how can they possibly afford that lifestyle? Well, here’s how….. Why do so many first world scumbag politicians come down to convention centers at 5 star luxury hotels –off the tourist track- in Latin America? Of course I’m talking about places the US State Dept website advise us normal US citizens strictly avoid or to visit at our own peril? By the way; did you even know there are hundreds of 5 star luxury hotels and convention centers off the tourist trail? Guess what happens when high level Latin politicians get caught stealing millions and actually do jail time? When they get out they become sought after local celebrities. From then on, everyone they meet wants to shake their hands and have a photo op! Here are a few actual cases…… I’ve put together a mixed media program specifically for expats and wanabees called the 'New 5 Flags'. Just head over immediately to and get all the details. I promise you won’t be disappointed. Follow the link on the main page at to schedule a consultation with me. If you want to discuss the details of living, working, playing, doing business and/or retiring in Latin America, now you and I can talk about your situation one on one.