The Expat Files - The Dark Side - 10/12/12

The Expat Files: Living in Latin America show

Summary: -MY JANUARY 2013 LATIN AMERICAN SEMINAR IS NOW OPEN FOR REGISTRATION: Folks who are interested in my Expat Wisdom “immersion” seminar should go to to get complete details. -And now we have the dark side of that very popular theme: expats, mating, dating, love and romance. -Why Expat women should be on their guard when approached by suave Latin suitors. Don’t be taken in by every Antonio Banderes clone. Instead, be suspicious of motives believe 10% of what they say and if you can, thoroughly check out the back-story. -Ever wonder what happens when a Latina discovers her boyfriend, husband or significant other has been cheating on her? Find out when you hear this story from Expat Eddie's files. -If, like Johnny claims, 90% of Latin guys cheat on their wives and girlfriends, and(as Johnny claims again) a good 80% of Latin ladies (off the tourist trail) are nice, loyal, devoted mothers/girlfriends with hearts of gold…. who then are these Latin guys cheating with? The numbers don’t exactly jive. -You think you’ve seen jealousy? You ain’t seen nothin’ yet! In Cleveland, Boston and Milwaukee, jealousy is considered a negative trait. In Latin America, it’s considered a virtue. To Latins, jealousy equals love. That’s a difficult concept for us expats to grasp. -“Bowing Shirt and Pink Bathrobe”, a true life middle-age expat parable. - I’ve put together a mixed media program specifically for expats and wanabees called the 'New 5 Flags'. Just head over immediately to and get all the details. I promise you won’t be disappointed. -Follow the link on the main page at to schedule a consultation with me. If you want to discuss the details of living, working, playing, doing business and/or retiring in Latin America, now you and I can talk about your situation one on one.