Expat Files - 1st World Traveler - 09/21/12

The Expat Files: Living in Latin America show

Summary: -A word about lowering your public profile and anonymity. Having a minuscule to nonexistent public profile can be a 100% reality in the 3rd world. Down in Latin America you can live completely off the radar if you want- or be very obvious in a big way (not recommended of course) but at least you have the choice. Whereas up in Cleveland or Denver, sorry to say, that horse left the barn a long time ago. -By popular demand, today we present a special interview with another boots-on-the-ground 1st world traveler who not only attended my recent Latin American “Expat Wisdom” seminar, but has sold everything up north and actually moved down here lock, stock and barrel. No longer an Expat wannabee, Kyle (our new anonymous friend), is now a full-fledged member of the permanent Expat club! Listen to him explain his leap from long time wannabee to card carrying Expat- a journey that took he and his wife some five years to finally pull off. -Down here, Expat business success stories are as common as Jesus stickers on cars. Today we’ll highlight a story of a very successful Expat textile factory owner who was under the impression that his employees actually understood his Spanish. And while that strange counter-symbiotic situation went on for years, his business still grew and made him rich in the process. What's up with that? --People are always asking me if I have any books, articles, interviews, blogs or anything else out there besides the PRN show. Well, over the last few days I've rec'd a lot of emails from listeners saying that they’ve heard about a private new 6 hour video program I put together called the 'New 5 Flags' and they want to know more about it. Anyway, the word got out somehow and it’s not so private anymore. Not that I wanted to keep it a secret from my listeners, but the publisher who owns the rights, wanted to keep the initial offer very exclusively for their own subscriber list, and so we only released it to the folks who follow me and Robert on ExpatWisdom.com. People that regularly visit ExpatWisdom.com already know about it, but so you can get in on it too, just head over immediately to ExpatWisdom.com and get all the details. I promise you won’t be disappointed. -Now you can follow the link on the main page at www.expatwisdom.com to schedule a consultation with me. !!! IMPORTANT- UPCOMING SEMINAR ANNOUNCEMENT!!! I’ve been asked by many listeners if will ever do another Latin American “Expat Wisdom” seminar like the one I just held (off the gringo tourist trail) in Latin America. Seems that word has gotten around just how fun and successful that one was, and now there has been a surge of interest for another. Folks who are seriously interested, please send a very short email to theexpatfiles@gmail.com and I 'll put you on my private mailing list for updates. We are looking at January 15-21 so we can avoid the holiday rush and high holiday airfares (and of course the end of the world- according to the Mayan calendar). Just send me that email and I’ll fire off details as they come. And sure there will be a money back guarantee… and more. Get this… I’ll give you TRIPLE your money back and a brand new car if those Mayan 2012 prophesies do come true. How’s that for a deal? If the world ends you get a new car!