The Land and the Book show

The Land and the Book

Summary: Does the Middle East seem like a confusing, complex tapestry of people and events? For a unique biblical perspective, join Dr. Charlie Dyer and Jon Gauger for The Land and the Book. Every week this gifted team brings you terrific stories of God at work as they explore biblical, archaeological, and prophetic events. Enjoy great guests, intriguing listener questions, and more!

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 Best Kept Secret in Israel | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Imagine born again Jews and Arabs…studying the Bible at the same school…learning together…having fun together. It’s happening at Israel Bible College.  You’ll love hearing this story from Dr. Erez Soref, this week’s guest on The Land and the Book.  Plus, he’ll share how Christians are using Facebook, YouTube and online radio to share Messiah throughout Israel.  That’s this week on The Land and the Book.

 Most Difficult Place to be a Christian | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

It’s probably the most difficult part of the globe to be a Christian today. Where is that place? Anywhere in the Muslim world! This week on The Land and the Book, we’ll hear dramatic stories of God at work in unusual ways. These are first person accounts from a pastor who lives and works in the Muslim world. You’ll be encouraged—and challenged, we promise—when you join us for The Land and the Book.

 Jews Don’t Need Jesus—and Other Misconceptions | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

This week on The Land and the Book, it’s a report card on Anti-Semitism in Europe. Spoiler alert: the grades are not good. Avi Snyder who lives in Central Europe, brings us stats and stories. Plus, Charlie Dyer’s devotional takes us to the shores of the Mediterranean. We’ve got authentic waves from Caesarea we’ll play for you. Something different…. this week on The Land and the Book. Join us!

 A Pilgrimage to Israel | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

If you’ve ever traveled to Israel, you probably heard at least one local refer to you as a “pilgrim.” What was your reaction? This week on The Land and the Book, best-selling novelist Lynn Austin shares “Why I Believe in a Pilgrimage to Israel.” Then Charlie Dyer features an audio clip from the one and only Howard Hendricks in a devotional Charlie has based on Ecclesiastes 7. Join us for The Land and the Book.

 Israel in Bible Prophecy | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

So you've heard that Israel is mentioned in Bible prophecy. But did you know there are specific prophecies that you can actually track to recent history—as in your lifetime?  This is a fascinating discussion you’ll want to hear on The Land and the Book.  Plus, Charlie Dyer offers fresh encouragement in his devotional “The Good Shepherd.”  All this week on The Land and the Book

 An Unlikely Believer | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

In some ways, he is an “unlikely believer.”  Roy Schwarcz was born into a traditional Jewish home.  Yet he found the Messiah and his life has never been the same.  We’ll look at some snapshots from Roy’s journey of faith this week on The Land and the Book. Plan to join us for an unusual story of love and redemption.  And I hope you’ll tell a friend about The Land and the Book—The One-Hour Fly-Over of the Middle East. 

 Overcoming the Negative Narrative | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

This week on The Land and the Book, it’s “Trends and Troubles”—a fresh look at mega themes developing in Israel.  What are the hot button issues?  And what can Christians do to respond?  Our guest: Penny Young Nance of Concerned Women for America.  We’ll find out what Bible questions have been puzzling listeners lately in our weekly segment with Jim Coakley…and Charlie Dyer will update us on this week’s headlines from the Middle East…all on The Land and the Book.

 Jews Don’t Need Jesus—And Other Misconceptions | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Believe it or not, there are well-intentioned Christians who say that because Israel is specially favored by God, Jews don’t really need Jesus for salvation. Avi Snyder says otherwise. He sets the record straight this week on The Land and the Book. It’s a conversation we’ve titled “Jews Don’t Need Jesus—And Other Misconceptions,” based on the Moody Publishers book. Join us for The Land and the Book

 A Biblical Claim to the Land | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

In 1948, Israel was officially declared a state. But Michael Rydelnik says Israelis actually have a biblical claim to the land. He makes the case this week in a compelling conversation on The Land and the Book. Plus, Charlie Dyer keeps you current on everything that’s been happening in the Middle East and we’ll get caught up on all YOUR latest questions. Don’t miss a minute of The Land and the Book.

 Do Christians Worship Three Gods? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Do Christians worship three gods?  That’s how Muslims interpret our belief of the Trinity.  Why do they believe what they believe?  And why do YOU believe what YOU believe?  Could you support those beliefs with Scripture?  This week on The Land and the Book, we’ll help you address a common objection that Muslims have to the Christian faith.  It’s a discussion about the Trinity you shouldn’t miss.  So catch the conversation when you join us for The Land and the Book. 

 Pastoring a Flock in the Muslim World | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Being a pastor is hard enough in the United States.  But what about trying to lead a flock in the Muslim world?  On the next edition of The Land and the Book, we’ll talk with a pastor who’s doing just that.  And as always, we’ll set aside time to answer the questions you’ve sent in by email.  Questions about Bible prophecy….and the Middle East.  We think you’ll love this one-hour audio magazine we call The Land and the Book.  So join us!

 Israel's Right to Nationhood | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Does Israel truly have the right to be a sovereign nation?  Most of Israel’s neighbors say no.  This week on The Land and the Book: an animated conversation with former Israel Knesset member Einat Wilf. Then…Charlie Dyer takes us to the one of the greatest religious showdowns in all of history.  Elijah versus the prophets of Baal.  We’ll take you there…on The Land and the Book.  Join us!  And tell a friend about The Land and the Book. 

  Recent Archaeological Discoveries in Israel | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Israel’s historic right to the land

 Standing in the Fire | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Stories from around the world.

 Questions and Stories | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Bible Questions and stories from the Middle East


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