The Land and the Book show

The Land and the Book

Summary: Does the Middle East seem like a confusing, complex tapestry of people and events? For a unique biblical perspective, join Dr. Charlie Dyer and Jon Gauger for The Land and the Book. Every week this gifted team brings you terrific stories of God at work as they explore biblical, archaeological, and prophetic events. Enjoy great guests, intriguing listener questions, and more!

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 Finding Jesus in Israel | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

​Have you traveled to the Holy Land? If so, what’s the coolest thing you discovered in Israel? An ancient piece of pottery? Maybe you unearthed a Roman coin.  This week on The Land and the Book, it’s a refreshing conversation with a man who discovered something truly rare. Plus, Jim Coakley’s got your Bible questions, and Charlie Dyer tells a Tale of Two Cities—and Two Kings, and Two Prophets. Don’t miss​ The Land and the Book.

 Building Bridges into the Lives of Muslim Friends | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

​So…you’d like to build bridges into the life of a Muslim friend.  Maybe it’s a friend at work…or a neighbor near you.  You genuinely want to share Christ, but aren’t quite sure of what’s appropriate.  Or maybe you don’t know what to do or say first.  On The Land and the Book, you’ll get great insights from a woman who really knows.   Do’s and Don’ts…and much more.  Join us for a really great edition of The Land and the Book. ​

 Laodicean Lies | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

​At one time, it was a major banking center. But the abundance of money led to an abundance of problems—all connected with money.  This, in turn, affected the church.  What happened then?  Find out this week on The Land and the Book. Plus…answers to your Bible questions and Charlie Dyer’s devotional about The Man Who Needed a New Roof.  All on The Land and the Book. 

 Loving the People of Israel | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

​When most of us think about visiting the Holy Land, we think of the sights: the Sea of Galilee, the Mount of Olives, Bethlehem, and the Western Wall in Jerusalem.  But after a few trips to Israel, Ward Hodges became consumed not with the places in Israel…but the people. Where that has lead him is what our conversation is all about this week on The Land and the Book.  Join us!

 Bright Moments in a Dark War | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

​The bright side of a dark war in Syria. Believe it or not—there is one.  This week on The Land and the Book, hear some truly amazing stories of Muslim refugees accepting Christ as Savior.  We'll visit Jordan and Lebanon and meet people whose personal journeys will astound you.  Plus…get updated on Middle East current events and Bible questions and answers.  Don't miss The Land and the Book.  ​

 Thou Shalt Innovate | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

​Israel has certainly established itself as a “startup” nation.  The Kindle was developed in Israel as was the popular travel app, Waze.  Given its tiny size, Israel is playing a disproportionate role in helping solve some of the world’s biggest challenges.  We'll look at some of the best in Israeli innovation this week on The Land and the Book.  It’s a conversation we’ve titled, “Thou Shalt Innovate.”  Don’t miss…The Land and the Book. ​

 Israel’s 70th Anniversary | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

​The nation of Israel.  Recently, they celebrated their 70th anniversary.  What does it mean to the average Israeli citizen?  What does it mean for us?  We’ll get answers as we sit down with Aviv Ezra, Consul General of Israel to the Midwest. And later, Charlie Dyer takes us to II Kings 1 for a devotional he’s titled, “Lord of the Flies.”  Find out what’s buzzing…this week on The Land and the Book.  ​

 A Visit to the Everlasting Nation Museum | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

​You say you can’t travel to the Holy Land?  This week on The Land and the Book, we’ll take you to the Everlasting Nation Museum in Chattanooga.  We’ll encounter a 15 foot high section of the Western Wall…a tent made from the same material that Abraham would have used.  Plus…an exact reproduction of Corrie Ten Boom’s hiding place.  We’ll also update you on the latest news coming out of the Middle East. All this week on The Land and the Book. ​

 The Uncommon Life of Jacob Gartenhaus | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

​The very day he came to know Yeshua as his Messiah, Jacob shared his testimony—and was kicked, beaten and blooded.  Far from being discouraged, Jacob Gartenhaus went on to launch an amazing outreach to Jewish people.  Get the whole story when you join Jon Gauger and his guest this week on The Land and the Book. Listener questions?  We’ve got ‘em.  Plus Charlie's devotional.  The Land and the Book. ​

 Traveling to Israel as a Child | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

​It’s one thing to travel to Israel as an adult.  But what if you could visit Israel in your youth?  How might it shape your faith differently?  How does a kid see Israel—differently than an adult?  This week on The Land and the Book, we’ll find out as we talk with Bonnie Sala of Guidelines.   She was just 12 years old when she first visited the Holy Land and she shares some great impressions. Hope you can join us this week for The Land and the Book. ​

 Encountering the Love of Jesus | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

​With a program name like The Land and the Book, you can’t ignore the fact that Jesus is front and center in the land…AND the Book!  But what a difference it makes when you encounter the love of Jesus from Genesis to Revelation.  That’s our focus this week.  We think you'll be amazed—and encouraged. Plus…listener questions with Jim Coakley and a devotional from Charlie Dyer.  Make it a point to listen to …The Land and the Book. ​

 How Jennifer Met Messiah | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

​Everybody loves a story.  And what better story than hearing how someone meets Messiah?  This week on The Land and the Book, Jennifer Goetz shares her unusual story How I Met Messiah. And be sure to bring along your sunglasses and water canteen.  Because Charlie Dyer will take us to the “Back Side of the Desert” in his devotional segment.  Hope you can join us for The Land and the Book. ​

 Studying Israel Ferociously | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

​He’s made 16 trips to the Holy Land.  But he doesn't just visit a few sights, snap a few pictures and then leave.  Michael Easley studies it with a spiritual ferocity.  His insights make for a truly stimulating conversation.   Hear it this week on The Land and the Book.  And stick around for a special Q&A segment with questions from friends in Chattanooga, TN.  That’s this week on The Land and the Book. ​

 Whose Land Is It? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

​It's the question behind almost every major conflict in the Middle East: "Whose land is it?"  What exactly does the Bible say?  What do those who don't believe in the Bible say?  It's a no-holds-barred discussion this week on The Land and the Book. Then, we'll answer a bunch of great listener Bible questions before touring Galilee of the Gentiles.  All head on The Land and the Book. ​

 A Fresh Look at Lebanon | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

​Lebanon. What does the Bible say about its future? And what is the spiritual climate of Lebanon today? How can Christians make a difference? We’ll dig into these issues and more as we sit down with Lina Abujamra on the next edition of The Land and the Book. Plus, we’ll explore your puzzling Bible questions and get caught up on all this week’s news stories from the Middle East.  So join us for The Land and the Book.​


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