The Land and the Book show

The Land and the Book

Summary: Does the Middle East seem like a confusing, complex tapestry of people and events? For a unique biblical perspective, join Dr. Charlie Dyer and Jon Gauger for The Land and the Book. Every week this gifted team brings you terrific stories of God at work as they explore biblical, archaeological, and prophetic events. Enjoy great guests, intriguing listener questions, and more!

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 Meeting Jesus in Iraq | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Imagine accepting Jesus' sacrifice only to be told that you must deny Him to save your own life.  That's exactly what happened to Michael Paul. Born in Iraq, he came to know Christ.  But the moment he was baptized, he was a marked man.  Kidnapped and tortured, God spared his life.  His story is one you'll want to hear on The Land and the Book.  Don't miss…The Land and the Book. 

 Save the Persecuted Christians! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

​Christianity-dot-com reports that more Christians died for their faith in the last century than all the years combined since Christ was on earth.  This trend isn't slowing down! This week on The Land and the Book—New York Times best-selling author Eric Metaxas challenges you and me to stand with persecuted Christians.  Plus…Jon Gauger shares "Lessons from the school of Grief."   All on The Land and the Book.

 From Tradition to Eternity: One Man’s Journey to Yeshua | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

​Did you know that 75% of Jewish people who come to faith in Messiah come through the witness of Gentiles?  And did you know that more Jewish people believe in Jesus today than in the last 2000 years put together?  This week on The Land and the Book: the colorful (and sometimes comical) story of a man who came to know Messiah….through the witness of other Gentiles.  Join us!

 Fresh Lessons from Ancient Artifacts | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

​This week on The Land and the Book, we’re heading out to the Oriental Institute. You’ll see some astounding pieces of biblical history.  But every one of them asks a question—who are you going to trust?  Join us for fresh lessons from ancient artifacts.  Then…Charlie Dyer brings us to the city of Jerusalem and an intriguing look at Jeremiah 33:16…all this week on The Land and the Book. 

 Who Will We Trust? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

​International travel.  Most people love it.  But not many of us can afford it.  Good news:  You’re about to do some international travel during this week’s edition of The Land and the Book. Where are we headed?  A place called the Oriental Institute.  Inside, we’ll encounter ancient objects that help us answer one crucial question: who will we trust—ourselves our or God?  Don’t miss The Land and the Book. ​

 Helping Local Farmers in Israel | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

​They see themselves as helping fulfill prophecy in the biblical heartland of Israel.  Their goal is simple: to serve Israel’s farmers. Their vision is to strengthen and support the small independent farmer in Israel.  They are followers of Christ with a story to tell. Hear that story this week on The Land and the Book.​

 Forsaking My Father’s Religion | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

​After years in the Muslim faith, his ultimate goal was to be a martyr in Jihad, to defend Islam. But God had a different plan.  Mohamad encountered Messiah at the age of 23 in Tehran, Iran.  He was immediately persecuted and fled Iran for his life.  “Forsaking my Father’s Religion.”  Here is a story you don’t want to miss!​

 Christianity in Israel in the Fourth Century | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

​Most Christians are familiar with the book of Acts.  We understand how Christianity spread through Israel and the rest of the world in the first century.  But after that, we’re not so sure.  This week on The Land and the Book, it’s an unusual look at Christianity in Israel in the Fourth Century.   Plus, Charlie Dyer continues his devotional series, Eight Names for Jerusalem.​

 The Surprising History of Iran and Israel | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

​Iran and Israel.   Imagine them as allies.  Friends.  Believe it or not, there’s historical precedent for that. So what has changed?  How did we get to the tension that defines the relationship today?  This week on The Land and the Book, you’ll get an insider’s view of Iran from someone who was born, raised—and nearly killed there. Plus…Charlie Dyer’s devotional and your questions answered.  All on The Land and the Book. ​

 What Every Christian Should Know About Sukkot | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

​Are you an outdoor person? Do you like outdoor adventures?  If so, you'll especially connect with this week's edition of The Land and the Book.  Jacki Powell helps us understand what's really behind the Jewish Festival of Sukkot.  Also in the line-up…your Bible questions and Jim Coakley's answers…Charlie Dyer's devotional….and current events from the Middle East.  The Land and the Book.    

 What Every Christian Should Know About Yom Kippur | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

​Yom Kippur—it’s a major Jewish holiday soon to be here.  But what exactly is all about?  Why should non-Jewish believers care?  This week on The Land and the Book, Jacki Powell gives us a biblical backdrop—and much more.  As always, we’ll bring you an update on current events in the Middle East…answer your Bible questions and much more.  All ahead this week on The Land and the Book. ​

 Oldest Alphabet in the World | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

​What’s the oldest alphabet in the world?  If you Google that question, the answer suggested is… Phoenician.  But Dr. Douglas Petrovitch says…not so.  He offers amazing evidence that Hebrew is the oldest alphabet in the world.  Why should that matter to you?  There are lots of important reasons and we’ll explore them together this week on The Land and the Book​.

 From Ashes to Glory | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

​​Why do people spend extra money to put something on the license plate of their car? Friday on Chris Fabry Live, I want to hear your story about the message you’re sending everyone on the road with your creative license plate number. Is it a name? Is it a verse? Why did you go the extra mile and spend the extra cash to communicate this message to the world? Don’t miss the fun, Friday on Chris Fabry Live.​​

 When Muslim Believers Take a Stand | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

​You’ve heard that Muslims are coming to faith in Christ like never before.  But what happens to these new believers after they take such a courageous stand?  We’ll let you walk a mile in their footsteps as we journey to the Muslim world this week on The Land and the Book. You'll walk away profoundly touched. Then…Charlie Dyer’s devotional reminds us that bullying goes all the way back to the Bible! Don’t miss …The Land and the Book.​

 Israel Rising | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

​Thousands of years ago, the prophet, Ezekiel, told of a time when the land of Israel would come alive. What if you could look at photos that proved this prophecy is actually taking place—right now? We’ll do just that this week on The Land and the Book. A photography crew surmounts incredible obstacles to bring back stories, sights and photos we’ll share with you…on The Land and the Book.​


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