The Land and the Book show

The Land and the Book

Summary: Does the Middle East seem like a confusing, complex tapestry of people and events? For a unique biblical perspective, join Dr. Charlie Dyer and Jon Gauger for The Land and the Book. Every week this gifted team brings you terrific stories of God at work as they explore biblical, archaeological, and prophetic events. Enjoy great guests, intriguing listener questions, and more!

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 Building Bridges: Kesher Forum | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

​How can Christians build bridges into the Jewish Community?  This week on The Land and the Book, Justin Kron presents a great model.  He calls it the Kesher Forum—and you’ll love the honest, open stories he shares about things he’s learned along the way.  Plus, Charlie Dyer’s got a look at current events and we’ve got some really great listener questions all lined up.  Don’t miss The Land and the Book!​

 The Ark Encounter | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

​Pack your suitcase.  We’re going on a cruise…of sorts.  This week on The Land and the Book, we’re heading on board Noah’s ark!  The Ark Encounter is a full size replica of the boat built by Noah and his sons.  Fascinating facts…fresh perspectives.  And while we’re at sea, we’ll pull into the harbor of Caesarea, where Charlie Dyer will introduce us to the very first Gentile believers.  Don’t miss the sea faring thrills…on The Land and the Book!​

 Persecution—The Year in Review | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

​Persecution.  It’s happening today all over the Middle East. This week on The Land and the Book, Todd Nettleton of Voice of the Martyrs, gives us “the year in review.”  It’s a special look at the best and the worst of the stories coming out of the Middle East.  Plus…ways you can pray for persecuted Christians.  Join us for The Land and the Book. ​

 The Truth About Angels | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

​Angels—they’re at the heart of the Christmas story.  This week on The Land and the Book, Dr. Tony Evans helps us understand angels and their impact on us.  And he’ll offer unique insights on the role angels played in the Christmas story. Special guest Tony Evans joins us this week on The Land and the Book. Plus, Charlie Dyer’s devotional takes us to the Birth in Bethlehem.  All on The Land and the Book. ​

 Angels in the Sky | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

​1948—just three years after the revelations of the Holocaust.   The infant nation of Israel was under siege by the armies of five Arab nations, outnumbered sixty to one.  Angels in the Sky is the gripping story of how a band of volunteer pilots came to save a new nation in its darkest hour.  Don’t miss this remarkable account…on The Land and the Book. ​

 Preschool for Palestinians…in Israel! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

​Everybody knows there’s trouble between the Palestinians and the Israelis.  But not many know about a Christian preschool…in Israel—where Palestinian children are being taught!  Imagine Muslim children being taught at a Christian school!  Join us for a most unusual story this week on The Land and the Book…and stick around for Jim Coakley’s answers to your Bible questions!​

 Bible Customs and Curiosities | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

​Why did Bible people wash each other's feet?  And remember the story of Leah--what was wrong with Leah's "tender eyes"?   What exactly did Jesus mean about His "yoke" being "easy"?  This week on The Land and the Book, George Knight joins us for a stimulating conversation about Bible Customs and Curiosities. Plus…Charlie Dyer covers this week’s events in the Middle East.  All on The Land and the Book. ​

 Refugee from Iraq | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

​He was born and raised in Iraq.  But as that troubled nation prepared for yet another war, Jalil’s mother and father urged him to flee.  So he snuck out of the country, eventually ending up in the United States.  Today, he’s pastor of an Arab church in Dallas…but the journey he’s been on is a story worth hearing.  We’ll share it—and more—this week on The Land and the Book.   ​

 Ways We Can Minister to Israel’s Poor | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

​You’ve heard of praying when the chips are down….or praying in a foxhole.  What about praying in a cistern?  This week on The Land and the Book, we’ll meet a man who prayed in an empty water tank—an ancient cistern.  Why was Jeremiah stuck in that water hole?  And what must we learn from his prayer?  Charlie Dyer has insights this week on The Land and the Book.  Plus, Joel Rosenberg will be along with practical ways we can minister to the poor of Israel.

 What the Old Testament Prophets Can Teach Us Today | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

​What can you and I learn studying the Old Testament prophets?  Answer: Plenty!  Just ask Lynn Austin. This award-winning fiction writer traveled to Israel..studied the prophets…and came away with unique insights she shares with you and me this week on The Land and the Book.  Plus, Charlie Dyer’s devotional takes us to “The Best Fishing in all Israel.”  ​

 The Miracle of Israel | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

​You know the history of Israel…but do you know the MIRACLE of Israel?  Gary Frazier and Jim Fletcher say it’s not an exaggeration to call the founding of the modern nation of Israel, a miracle.  Dramatic stories are the proof—this week on The Land and the Book.  Plus… Charlie Dyer continues his devotional series, “Seven Stories with a Purpose.”  

 Ambassadors to Muslims | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

If the president of the United States appointed you as an ambassador to a distant country,  you’d need to learn a different language, a different culture.  This week’s guest on The Land and the Book says we need to do the same for our Muslim neighbors and co-workers.  He says followers of Jesus are “Ambassadors to Muslims.”  How to be a better ambassador—this week on The Land and the Book.

 ISIS - Fiction or Fact? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

The Story is fiction…but it feels frighteningly possible: ISIS blows up the United States capital building during a State of the Union address.  Are their lessons from Joel Rosenberg’s latest thriller?  We’ll sit down with this New York Times best-selling author this week on The Land and the Book. Plus, our time brings you up to date on current events in the Middle East and more. The Land and the Book.

  Inside the Classroom! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Continuing education. It’s never been bigger. Online, or in traditional classrooms. So what about a training for Jewish evangelism? What would that look like? We'll take you inside the classroom for a front row seat…this week on The Land and the Book. You’ll observe role-playing…get practical ideas….and laugh a little along the way. Join us for The Land and the Book.

 The Case for Zionism | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

This week on The Land and the Book, Thomas Ice presents…”The Case for Zionism.” You say….what’s that? And why should I care? Fair questions. And you’ll get the answers you’re looking for—and much more—when you join us for The Land and the Book. Then, Charlie Dyer has a special encouragement for anybody going through a tough loss in his devotional “Tears in a Bottle,” based on Psalms 56. That’s this week on The Land and the Book.


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