New Focus on Wealth with Chad Burton show

New Focus on Wealth with Chad Burton

Summary: Certified Financial Planner, Chad Burton discusses important financial planning and wealth management issues. If you want to learn how to plan for retirement and do a better job managing your investment portfolio... this is the show for you.

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 The SEC’s‘ best interest’ rule is making headlines. Can they do what the DOL was unable to do? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 37:43

The SEC ‘best interest’ rule has been a big issue in the world of financial planning and is starting to make mainstream headlines. What does this new rule entail and what does it mean for financial planners and the people they help? Other topics: • Why costs matter when it comes to the investments you choose • Retirement income and tax planning strategies • Why do annuities even exist?

 Your new grad will be leaving for college before you know it. Are you financially prepared for this next big step? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 40:33

The kids are home for the summer and while they’re kicking it with their friends, mom and dad are at work thinking about the next year of schooling. While you finalize your childs college plans, remember that 529 plans changed under the 2017 tax act. Today I explain what you need to know about funding your childs education. Also: • Dividend achiever ETF’s • Paying RMD taxes on non-IRA accounts • Frequently missed planning opportunities • Figuring out the best retirement income plan for anon

 The fear of missing out on returns can be devastating to retirees, but economic cycles have been part of history for as long as we can remember. Be smart and stick to your retirement plan! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 39:02

The stock market has been riding high for what feels like an impossibly long time. As a financial planner a common situation I deal with frequently is keeping your retirement plan on track when the market begs you to go all in or all out. Keeping a diversified portfolio just does better in the long run. Don’t let FOMO ruin your retirement! Other topics include: • Reasons why you shouldn’t be too aggressive right now if you’re close to retirement • Reviewing your insurance

 Money is cheap and equity is high. Should you refinance your mortgage? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 36:18

Two years ago we didn’t think we would be here, but interest rates have dropped once again. With real estate peaking and the stock market still performing close to all-time highs, many people are asking about refinancing their mortgages. Will refinancing make an impact on your wallet or will fees prevent you from breaking even? Other topics include: • Single stock risks • The changing world of annuities

 Trade wars are stirring up recession talks again. Keep your head on straight and resist the urge to let your emotions control your decisions. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 37:28

Recession questions have been popping up more lately. Not only are we seriously overdue for a market correction, but tough tariff talks with China could easily become its foundation. Should you go to cash or instead, take advantage of the opportunity to buy and forget about attending those shady investment seminars. Other topics: • The earnings recession • What to do with your emergency reserves • Calculating your safe money in retirement • Social Security 2100 Act • Are all annuities awful?

 The market has rallied all year, yet according to the news the economy should be in total chaos. How did we get here and what should you do if the market sees another slowdown? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 37:07

The news has been a little unsettling lately with another lackluster round of presidential candidates stepping forward, Teresa May stepping down after failing to Brexit, Chinese trade deals not going as planned and interest rates hitting a real low point. Despite all these negatives the market has rallied since the beginning of the year. What should you be concerned with as local bond markets call for another slowdown? Also: • Assets that provide passive income • The wealthy mindset • The emyth

 Dividend achiever stocks pay a dividend even when the stock price is down and will even increase their dividend during negative economic cycles and stock market pullbacks. Still think timing the market is a brilliant plan? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 39:52

You’ve heard me say it several times before, timing the market really is a terrible strategy no matter what age you are. Not only do you have to get out and back in at the right time, retirees also have to make up the money they lost from dividends and interest during those years. Topics: • Benefits of the passive income stock dividends provide • Estate planning for a special needs family member • How fancy do you need to get when it comes to your estate plan? • Caring for your aging parents

 Financial freedom can be gained through thoughtful asset accumulation, however, asset protection is just as important while building wealth as it is when living off your what you have accumulated. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 39:40

Asset protection is an important piece of financial planning, but too often I see seminars that try and sell you products that may not be right for you. Today I’m getting back the basics of asset protection which includes two main sections: building your wealth & protecting your wealth and ability to pull income. Also • Disability& term life insurance • Umbrella coverage for Carl • Asset protection from the courts • Identity theft & real estate protection • Creating income in retirement

 Interest rates are not going up as quickly as we all thought they would. How will low inflation rates affect your portfolio projections? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 39:40

Although most of America is enjoying low inflation on most items, low rates on bonds and CDs along with high healthcare costs are hurting retirees. Be careful with your projections! Traditional projections just don’t work well in today’s market. Do you need to adjust your retirement strategy to deal with low rates for the foreseeable future? · Monitoring withdrawals in retirement · Paying off your mortgage before retirement · What to do after paying off your mortgage

 The dark side of retirement is not one that many people like to discuss even as it becomes a growing problem. Plan out what you want to do and how you’ll fund it to make your golden years actually golden. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 38:05

Way back in 2017 I shared and article which stated that out of 35 million retirees, 7 million suffer from some sort of depression. Since then 10,000 baby boomers have turned 65 every day and without any real savings or mental preparation it’s easy to see why alcohol and prescription medicine dependency is on the rise amongst seniors. Having a retirement plan can help ensure a better future. Are you ready? Other topics include: • Dumb retirement mistakes

 The market goes from bottom left to top right. Is it possible that we already saw a bear market or are we at market all time highs? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 37:41

Whenever the market starts to hit high points people immediately begin to wonder if they should pull out of the market. My response: “Get used to it! You'll spend roughly 70% of your life at market highs”. While the S&P 500 returned to September highs small cap stocks have a ways to go. Also: • The value of having a retirement plan • How and why to donate out of your IRA after age 70 • Analyzing your retirement tax planning strategy • Mutual Funds vs. ETF’s –Which is better for taxes?

 You can start taking Social Security once you hit 62 years old, but is it a good strategy? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 38:24

Social Security can be taken as early as age 62 and many people choose to do so either out of necessity or because they choose to do so fearing the money won’t be there later. Taking early Social Security while working not only reduces your benefits, but it is counted as taxable income. Unless you need it to make ends meet, delay Social Security until your full retirement age or later! Other topics: • Creating a budget • Getting the most out of your credit cards • Retirement readiness testing

 Q1 numbers are rolling in. Are we seeing the earnings recession we expected? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 38:31

One of the things people were concerned about going into this quarter was an earnings recession. So far roughly 25% of S&P companies have reported earnings that averaged above expectations. Today it's the expected earnings recession, the struggling healthcare sector and ongoing talks of a rate cut: • Why most Americans do not have a written financial plan • The mechanics of Roth conversions • Pensions and your retirement number • Do you need to keep IRA’s and rollover IRA’s separate anymore?

 An aging population is quickly becoming a major strain on Social Security. Can we fix the system before it’s too late? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 38:24

For the next 19 years more than 10,000 people will reach the age of 65 and by 2050 the US will be home to 65.8 million retirees between the ages of 62-84; a whopping 113% increase! While we do not face the demographics issues similar to those of Japan, anyone currently under the age of 55 should be prepared to retire without Social Security. How do we fix the system before it fails? Other topics include: • Managing taxes on investments –Which funds are tax inefficient? • The power of dividends

 Opportunity Zone investing is getting a lot of attention in the Bay Area, but what issues has many investors keeping this capital gains deferral at arm’s length? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 36:16

Opportunity Zone investing may be an option for anyone with low basis stock to sell, defer capital gains tax and diversify into real estate. It may sound great, but investors wonder what will happen when the tax code reverts? • Correcting last weeks bit on inherited stocks • What to think about as the S&P closes in on last years high • What to do if you suspect someone is a victim of elder financial or physical abuse • Passive retirement income opportunities & reducing taxable retirement income


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