New Focus on Wealth with Chad Burton show

New Focus on Wealth with Chad Burton

Summary: Certified Financial Planner, Chad Burton discusses important financial planning and wealth management issues. If you want to learn how to plan for retirement and do a better job managing your investment portfolio... this is the show for you.

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 You’ve heard my reasons why you should consider giving charities appreciated stocks or mutual funds over cash. If your tax situation has changed you may want to consider a Donor Advised Fund to get your tax deduction back. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 40:21

Holiday feelings are among us and people are making an effort to give to the less fortunate. While cash is accepted by every charity, it may be best to gift appreciated stocks or mutual funds. You could deduct the value you donated plus you wipe out the future capital gain tax. Today I look at how this gifting strategy has affected people in the USA. Also: • Gaining exposure to dividend achievers • Donor Advised Fund to accelerate tax deductions • Money matters with your kids • Retirement health

 Families and friends will be gathering around the router this season. Be smart and look out for scammers looking to steal your information. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 39:56

Scammers are out in full force during this time of year and it is getting more difficult to decipher the difference between scammers and real people. Protect yourself and inspect your email before clicking on any files! Also: • Where is the market? • Managing ETF’s and mutual funds • Could strength training be the secret to longevity • Properly leveraging your equity • Are Americans in a better financial position this year?

 Happy retirees don’t spend their days in the doctor’s office. Staying healthy and active before you retire is your best defense from a miserable retirement. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 41:38

In my business you usually see two different types of retirees. Your first group is those that are busy, active, focus on their health and genuinely enjoy retirement. The other group misses working and attends doctor’s appointments. Today’s podcast starts off with a discussion on cellular health and staying healthy. Also: • The new Morningstar mutual fund rating system • Three steps to take given the temporary tax cuts • Reasons to review your trust yearly • Having the right estate plan

 2020 will be here before you know it. Are you prepared for the New Year? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 40:23

It’s the final month of 2019 and between all the holiday planning and there are year-end tax issues to deal with. Many self employed people will need to set up an individual 401k and there is also tax lost harvesting, RMD’s and gifting strategies to think about. Are you ready for 2020 or will you be scrambling when the New Year rings in? Other topics : • Legally avoiding capital gains on appreciated stock • Social Security’s 10 Most Confusing Rules • 10 Common Misconceptions About Retirement

 Dividend achievers stocks carry a great 5-10 year record of increasing dividend payouts. Today I cover several dividend achiever ETF’s. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 40:42

The only time my company picks individual stocks in when a company has a history of being a dividend achiever. There are ETF’s with similar approaches allowing you to own a basket of companies that love increasing their dividend. Other topics include: • Dividend achiever strategies • Money matters to discuss with your children over Thanksgiving • Major retirement concerns • Laymen discussion of eating and exercising to fight cancer

 Wondering about 401k’s or intermittent fasting? Today I answer your questions about retirement. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 40:28

Part of being a financial planner means answering any questions you have about retirement; ranging from managing your accounts to maintaining your health. Today I respond to several questions listeners have been asking as they prepare for retirement. Topics: • Why sell stocks for bonds as you near retirement? • Saving outside of a high-fee 401k • Mega Backdoor Roth 401k’s • The SECURE Act • Year-end tax planning • Intermittent fasting –Should you skip breakfast?

 Changes could be coming to RMD’s. Don’t take this as a reason to stop fighting the IRA tax trap! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 38:52

A lot of retirees delay pulling money from their retirement accounts believing the tax hit is much worse than other options. This is not necessarily the case. Spending down your cash and taxable accounts often creates a rolling tax problem after RMD’s kick in. Create a Roth Conversion plan before year-end. Don’t wait on the IRS to make changes! Other topics include: • Battling Alzheimer's and brain diseases • Long term care planning • Deferring more money from your paycheck in 2020

 Take a hands-on approach to your retirement planning. Discuss these issues with your financial planner before it’s too late. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 40:59

The year will be over before we know it and you have less than two months to make any major tax moves. There is not enough proactive planning by people these days to take advantage of the opportunities out there. Today I cover year-end tax planning strategies. Topics include: • The negative effects of historically low interest rates on retirees • The long term care disaster • How tax cuts changed planning

 Too many boomers are underprepared for retirement. What can you do to get yourself on track? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 40:20

The market has come pretty far in just one year and looking back at media headline proves that big corrections can come and go. New highs in the market are great if you have funds to invest, however, this can be incredibly difficult with a high cost of living. Here are a few things you can do to increase your savings and prepare yourself for a new retirement plan. Other topics: • Properly using ESPP and RSU plans • Market history • A correlation between sleeping, behavioral and dental issues?

 Tax cuts and trade wars can't stop the market making new highs. Will earnings bounce back in 2020 as predicted? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 38:40

A decline in earnings yet the market is up? Even though trade wars and manufacturing costs have ruled the headlines, 2020 earnings projections are still positive and analysts predict earnings growth will return once the New Year begins. Other topics include: • 10 scariest retirement statistics • When to do a Roth conversion • Sleeping your way to a healthy retirement

 Hackers can come up with some nasty tricks. Click listen to a spooky story of a $950,000 fraud! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 41:45

Halloween is coming up and there are scarier things out there than the IRS. Cyber security is a major issue plaguing real estate and misfortune can end up with you getting sucked dry and wanting your mummy. Hackers are getting smarter and it’s becoming more difficult to recognize who is your friend and who is wearing a mask. Other spooky tales include: • Family values and the family business • Estate planning nightmares • Controlling your digital afterlife

 Did you buy bonds to cushion your portfolio in tough markets? It may be time to take a deeper look at what you own. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 40:38

Strategic bond funds can have up to 15% exposure into stocks; so not only have bonds rallied, but now you may be exposed to stocks in your bond fund that are over bought due to investors chasing yield. Be aware of what you are holding, it might be time to change things up and take some gains. Other topics include: • Health and fitness –your next big retirement issue • End of year gifting strategies • Mega Backdoor Roth IRA’s and 401k's

 Q3 reports are looking sharp, but no growth is expected for last quarter. What’s going on with these numbers? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 42:39

The end of the year is coming up faster than we know it and Q3 earnings are starting to be reported. Even though many of the reported companies have beat on profits and revenue, but we are still not expecting growth. What’s going on with these numbers? Other topics include: • Home sales & interest rates • Is owning real estate in your IRA a good idea? • Prohibited transactions • Rebalancing issues

 Are you worried about creating a pension? Let’s find out if it’s a smooth move or a contract that’ll leave you with regret. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 41:59

There are many types of investors out there and right now conservative investors are experiencing tough times. Could creating your own pension could be the best solution for those that crave certainty in a market that is fluctuating? Other topics include: • Pros and cons of longevity contracts • Finding sources of income you can’t outlive • Cell phone and online security

 The trade war front is looking better after last week, but what will companies be saying about last quarter’s numbers? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 40:46

Earnings kick off this week and the market is expecting numbers to be flat or slightly negative due to comparables. While the numbers are less than desirable to investors, what is important is whether or not CEO’s will the cite trade war for causing issues. Other topics include: • What to do in today’s low rate environment • An urgency to take advantage of tax cuts • Should entrepreneurs fund a SEP IRA if they qualify for 20% business deduction? • Fixing Social Security • DIY pensions


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