Learn Norwegian | NorwegianClass101.com show

Learn Norwegian | NorwegianClass101.com

Summary: Learn Norwegian with Free Podcasts Whether you are student or a seasoned speaker, our lessons offer something for everyone. We incorporate culture and current issues into each episode to give the most informative, both linguistically and culturally, podcasts possible. For those of you with just the plane ride to prepare, check our survival phrase series at NorwegianClass101.com. One of these phrases just might turn your trip into the best one ever!

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 Learn with Video #16 - All the Joy of Learning Norwegian Begins Right Here! | File Type: video/x-m4v | Duration: 2:55

Learn Norwegian with NorwegianClass101.com! Today is an amazingly beautiful day. So what better way to spend the day than taking a stroll with your friends. As you walk along the streets, enjoying the cool breeze and the warm sun, you see a little girl run into the park chasing a puppy. She is obviously consumed by the happiness of this day as she catches the puppy and it licks her face enthusiastically. You turn to your friends laughing and say in Norwegian, "That little girl really likes the puppy!" Everyone watches her for a while before moving on to a store window where your friends start pointing and laughing hysterically. You make your way to the window, peering inside to find a statue of a little man dancing wildly...without any pants! Your friends giggle like school kids and say in Norwegian, "Look at the funny man dancing without pants!!" As you continue through the town, laughing, relaxing, and enjoying your time with your new friends, you realize none of these happy moments would have been possible today without first learning Norwegian! NorwegianClass101.com is the most fun and effective way to learn Norwegian! This Norwegian Video Vocabulary lesson will teach you how to talk about positive emotions in Norwegian. In this Norwegian vocabulary video, you will learn Norwegian by watching the video, seeing the Norwegian text describing the video, and all while listening to the Norwegian translations being read aloud by our native Norwegian speakers. Visit us at NorwegianClass101.com where you will find many more great Norwegian lessons and learning materials! Leave us a message while you are there!

 Beginner #20 - See the Signs in Norway | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 13:42

Learn Norwegian with NorwegianClass101! Don't forget to stop by NorwegianClass101.com for more great Norwegian Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- ----Formal ---- Kjersti: Hva?! "Stengt til og med tredje Januar"? Lars: Hmm, kjedelig. Kjersti: Jeg får sende administrasjonen en email da. Lars: Ja la oss gå og finne gaver i stedet. ----Formal English---- Kjersti: What?! Closed until the third of January? Lars: Oh, how unfortunate. Kjersti: I will have to email the administration then. Lars: Yeah, let's go find presents instead. --------------------------- Learn Norwegian with NorwegianClass101! Don't forget to stop by NorwegianClass101.com for more great Norwegian Language Learning Resources!

 News #50 - New! All 31 Languages including NorwegianClass101 now on iPhone/iPad! And Android? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4:39

Learn Norwegian with NorwegianClass101! Don't forget to stop by NorwegianClass101.com for more great Norwegian Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- --------------------------- Learn Norwegian with NorwegianClass101! Don't forget to stop by NorwegianClass101.com for more great Norwegian Language Learning Resources!

 Absolute Beginner #13 - Talking About Your Feelings and Opinions in Norwegian | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 8:59

Learn Norwegian with NorwegianClass101! Don't forget to stop by NorwegianClass101.com for more great Norwegian Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- ----Formal ---- Mark: Jeg er litt sulten, hva med deg? Espen: Jeg er også sulten. La oss gå å spise et sted. Mark: Supert, jeg er sliten av å gå. ----Formal English---- Mark: I'm a bit hungry, what about you? Espen: I'm hungry too. Let's go eat somewhere. Mark: Great, I'm tired of walking. --------------------------- Learn Norwegian with NorwegianClass101! Don't forget to stop by NorwegianClass101.com for more great Norwegian Language Learning Resources!

 Learn Norwegian in Three Minutes #22 - Asking “Where” in Norwegian | File Type: video/x-m4v | Duration: 3:12

Learn common Norwegian question words with our Norwegian in Three Minutes series! In Norway, knowing how to ask questions is important, and this step-by-step video teaches you some of the basics you need while speaking Norwegian. A native Norwegian teacher will explain the simple phrases necessary. In this lesson, you'll learn how to ask "where" in Norwegian. Visit us at NorwegianClass101.com, where you will find many more fantastic Norwegian lessons and learning resources! Leave us a message while you are there!

 Absolute Beginner #7 - First Encounters in Norwegian, Part 2 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 10:28

Learn Norwegian with NorwegianClass101! Don't forget to stop by NorwegianClass101.com for more great Norwegian Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- ----Formal ---- Espen: Så Mark, Hva driver du med? Mark: Jeg jobber for Mercedes i New York. Espen: Ja, jeg jobber også for Mercedes. Har du en hobby? Mark: Åja, ja jeg liker å fiske. Hva med deg? Espen: Jeg liker å se på fotball. ----Formal English---- Espen: So, Mark, what do you do? Mark: I work for Mercedes in New York. Espen: Yes, I work for Mercedes too. Do you have a hobby? Mark: Oh, right. Yeah, I enjoy fishing. What about you? Espen: I like watching football. --------------------------- Learn Norwegian with NorwegianClass101! Don't forget to stop by NorwegianClass101.com for more great Norwegian Language Learning Resources!

 Beginner #18 - How Long Until You Arrive in Norway? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 16:01

Learn Norwegian with NorwegianClass101! Don't forget to stop by NorwegianClass101.com for more great Norwegian Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- ----Formal ---- Lars: Kjersti, du er vel ikke i Oslo allerede? Kjersti: Jeg har ikke ankommet enda. Jeg er der om en time. Lars: Åja, fortell meg når du er her da. Kjersti: Det skal jeg. ----Formal English---- Lars: Kjersti, you have not arrived in Oslo already? Kjersti: I have not arrived yet. I will be there in an hour. Lars: Oh, tell me when you are here then. Kjersti: I will. --------------------------- Learn Norwegian with NorwegianClass101! Don't forget to stop by NorwegianClass101.com for more great Norwegian Language Learning Resources!

 News #49 - 8 New Languages! Take our Language Learning System Anywhere with your iPhone or iPad | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4:43

Learn Norwegian with NorwegianClass101! Don't forget to stop by NorwegianClass101.com for more great Norwegian Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- --------------------------- Learn Norwegian with NorwegianClass101! Don't forget to stop by NorwegianClass101.com for more great Norwegian Language Learning Resources!

 Advanced Audio Blog S2 #23 - Top 10 Norwegian Writers: Sigrid Undset | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2:42

Learn Norwegian with NorwegianClass101! Don't forget to stop by NorwegianClass101.com for more great Norwegian Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- ----Formal ---- Sigrid Undset Den norske forfatteren Sigrid Undset ble født i 1882 i Kalundborg i Danmark. Da hun var bare to år gammel flyttet familien hennes til Norge. Undset har åtte forskjellige verker, mange av dem inneholder mer enn ett volum, i repertoaret sitt. Hennes mest kjente verk er "Kristin Lavransdatter", som er en trilogi om hvordan livet var i middelalderen i Skandinavia. Hun var kjent for å eksperimentere med bevissthet og samvittighet, og også modernistiske troper i romanene sine. Undset mottok Nobelprisen i litteratur i 1928. Undset tilbrakte mesteparten av barndommen i Oslo, som da var kjent som Kristiania. Hennes far ble syk og døde da hun var 11 år gammel, dermed kunne hun ikke gå på universitetet fordi familien ikke hadde råd til å betale for det. Da hun var 16 år gammel fikk hun sin første jobb som sekretær og hun hadde denne stillingen i 10 år. Jobben som sekretær ga Undset muligheten til å skrive i fritiden. Hennes første historiske roman, som hun var ferdig med da hun var 22 år gammel, ble avvist av utgiveren. Hennes andre bok ble også avvist i utgangspunktet, men en utgiver godtok den senere. De fleste av hennes historier er fokusert på kvinner og kjærlighet. Hun reiste i Europa gjennom mye av hennes liv og til slutt flyktet hun til USA etter Tysklands invasjon av Norge i 1940. Bøkene hennes ble forbudt i Tyskland fordi hun hadde skrevet sterk kritikk av Adolf Hitler før invasjonen. Hun kom hjem til Norge på slutten av krigen, men hennes evne til å skrive var over og hun døde noen få år senere. ----Formal English---- Sigrid Undset Norwegian novelist Sigrid Undset was born in 1882 in Kalundborg, Denmark. When she was just two years old, her family moved to Norway. Undset is credited with more than eight different works, many of which span more than one volume. Her most well-known work is Kristin Lavransdatter, which is a trilogy about what life was like during the Middle Ages in Scandinavia. She was known for experimenting with streams of consciousness and also modernist tropes in her novels. Undset received the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1928. Undset spent most of her childhood in Oslo, which was then known as Kristiania. Her father became ill and died when she was eleven years old, so she could not go to the university because the family could not afford to pay for it. When she was sixteen years old, she got her first job working as a secretary, and she stayed in that position for ten years. Working as a secretary also gave Undset the opportunity to write in her spare time. Her first historical novel, which she had finished writing by the time she was twenty-two years old, was rejected by the publisher. Her second book was also initially rejected, but a publisher accepted it later. Most of her stories focus on women and love. She traveled Europe for much of her life, eventually fleeing to the United States after Germany’s invasion of Norway in 1940. Her books had been banned in Germany because she had written strong criticisms of Adolf Hitler before the invasion. She returned home to Norway at the end of the war, but her writing ability was spent and she died just a few years later. --------------------------- Learn Norwegian with NorwegianClass101! Don't forget to stop by NorwegianClass101.com for more great Norwegian Language Learning Resources!

 Beginner #17 - Getting from A to B in Norway | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 13:52

Learn Norwegian with NorwegianClass101! Don't forget to stop by NorwegianClass101.com for more great Norwegian Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- ----Formal ---- Concierge: Hva kan jeg hjelpe med? Scott: Jeg tenkte meg til Skagen, men jeg er ikke helt sikker på hvordan jeg skal komme meg dit. Concierge: Det går bra. Tog eller fly er nok kjappest. Scott: Takk. Kan du booke et fly for meg? ----Formal English---- Concierge: What can I help you with? Scott: I am planning to go to Skagen, but I am not entirely sure how to get there. Concierge: That is fine. Going by train or air is probably fastest. Scott: Thanks. Could you book me a flight? --------------------------- Learn Norwegian with NorwegianClass101! Don't forget to stop by NorwegianClass101.com for more great Norwegian Language Learning Resources!

 Learn Norwegian in Three Minutes #21 - Asking “What” in Norwegian | File Type: video/x-m4v | Duration: 3:29

Learn common Norwegian question words with our Norwegian in Three Minutes series! In Norway, knowing how to ask questions is important, and this step-by-step video teaches you some of the basics you need while speaking Norwegian. A native Norwegian teacher will explain the simple phrases necessary. In this lesson, you'll learn how to ask "what" in Norwegian. Visit us at NorwegianClass101.com, where you will find many more fantastic Norwegian lessons and learning resources! Leave us a message while you are there!

 Learn with Pictures #24 - Going on Holiday | File Type: video/x-m4v | Duration: 3:20

Learn Norwegian with NorwegianClass101.com! Here at NorwegianClass101.com, we've discovered the easiest way for you to learn Norwegian vocabulary words. Put us to the test with this video tutorial designed to teach you about something that you can't live without. In this Norwegian video tutorial, you'll learn all sorts of words for travelling. The video shows the Norwegian characters for each travel word, and there's a fun self-test at the end to see just how much you learned.

 Beginner #16 - What Do You Think of This Norwegian Proposal? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 12:20

Learn Norwegian with NorwegianClass101! Don't forget to stop by NorwegianClass101.com for more great Norwegian Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- ----Formal ---- Tore: Hva syns du om Anna sitt forslag da, Espen? Espen: Jeg syns hun hadde et sterkt bidrag. Tore: Nemlig. Espen: Forslaget hadde en seriøs vinkel som var bra. ----Formal English---- Tore: What do you think about Anna's proposal then, Espen? Espen: I think she made a great contribution. Tore: Exactly. Espen: It had a serious tone that worked well. --------------------------- Learn Norwegian with NorwegianClass101! Don't forget to stop by NorwegianClass101.com for more great Norwegian Language Learning Resources!

 Beginner #14 - Talking About Your Job in Norwegian | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 14:07

Learn Norwegian with NorwegianClass101! Don't forget to stop by NorwegianClass101.com for more great Norwegian Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- ----Formal ---- Espen: Hvordan går det på jobben Kjersti? Kjersti: Det går bra. Jeg liker hvor fleksibel jeg kan være, men jeg er lei av stresset. Espen: Det er nok mye stress ja. Kjersti: Men det går bra. ----Formal English---- Espen: How is your job, Kjersti? Kjersti: It's nice. I like how flexible I can be, but I am tired of the stress. Espen: Yeah, it's probably a lot of stress. Kjersti: But it's fine. --------------------------- Learn Norwegian with NorwegianClass101! Don't forget to stop by NorwegianClass101.com for more great Norwegian Language Learning Resources!

 News #47 - Our Favorite Ways to Remember Norwegian Vocab PLUS A New Premium Feature | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 5:54

Learn Norwegian with NorwegianClass101! Don't forget to stop by NorwegianClass101.com for more great Norwegian Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- --------------------------- Learn Norwegian with NorwegianClass101! Don't forget to stop by NorwegianClass101.com for more great Norwegian Language Learning Resources!


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