Learn Norwegian | NorwegianClass101.com show

Learn Norwegian | NorwegianClass101.com

Summary: Learn Norwegian with Free Podcasts Whether you are student or a seasoned speaker, our lessons offer something for everyone. We incorporate culture and current issues into each episode to give the most informative, both linguistically and culturally, podcasts possible. For those of you with just the plane ride to prepare, check our survival phrase series at NorwegianClass101.com. One of these phrases just might turn your trip into the best one ever!

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 News #3 - Get Your Norwegian Answers at the Norwegian Resources Corner, Save 20% | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4:21

Learn Norwegian with NorwegianClass101! Don't forget to stop by NorwegianClass101.com for more great Norwegian Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- --------------------------- Learn Norwegian with NorwegianClass101! Don't forget to stop by NorwegianClass101.com for more great Norwegian Language Learning Resources!

 Learn with Video #8 - If This Norwegian Video Lesson Makes You Feel Froggy, Then JUMP! | File Type: video/x-m4v | Duration: 2:55

Learn Norwegian with NorwegianClass101.com! You are enjoying what was a quiet picnic lunch in a quiet park, when suddenly, your children come barreling towards you screaming! It seems like it takes ten minutes to calm them and their friends down enough so that you can concentrate on one voice at a time! Your son yells in Norwegian, "Mom, mom!!! We were at the pond and we saw something moving in the water!!" His friend, equally excited, continues in Norwegian, "Come see, come see!! Pleeeease! What IS it?" Laughing, both out of relief and because they are adorable, you agree to go explore the depths of the pond with them. As you reach the edge of the water, both boys are tugging at you and screaming in Norwegian, "See it? There it is!! What is that???" You move a little closer to get a better look, almost stumbling into the water (which you are SURE they would have enjoyed tremendously), when you realize what it is they are talking about. You point to the little swimmer in the water and tell the boys in Norwegian, "That is a frog...and that one there, that is a newt." The boys stare into the water with a newfound fascination; you can almost hear the wheels spinning in their heads, when they turn and look at you and both reply in Norwegian, "Can we keep him, can we keep him? PLEEEEEAAAASE???" Well, NorwegianClass101.comcan't prepare you for everything, you know? NorwegianClass101.com is the most fun and effective way to learn Norwegian! This Norwegian Video Vocabulary lesson will teach you how to talk about amphibians and reptiles in Norwegian. In this Norwegian vocabulary video, you will learn Norwegian by watching the video, seeing both Norwegian and Norwegian translations describing the video, and all while listening to the Norwegian translations being read aloud by our native Norwegian speakers. Visit us at NorwegianClass101.com where you will find many more great Norwegian lessons and learning materials! Leave us a message while you are there!

 Advanced Audio Blog S2 #8 - Top 10 Norwegian Musicians: deLillos | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2:28

Learn Norwegian with NorwegianClass101! Don't forget to stop by NorwegianClass101.com for more great Norwegian Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- ----Formal ---- deLillos Den norske rockegruppen deLillos først kom sammen i 1984 og i dag regnes de som en av de fire store gruppene som ble dannet på 1980-tallet og som forandret norges rock tradisjon for alltid. De tre andre i grupperingen er Jokke og Valentinerne, Raga Rockers og DumDum Boys. Bandet inkluderte Lars Lillo-Stenberg, som spiller gitar, piano, orgel og synger. Lars Fredrik Beckstrøm som spiller bassgitar og synger, og Rune Lindstrøm på trommer. Øystein Paasche ble med i bandet på gitar og trommer i 1988 i stedet for Lindstrøm da han var ute av bandet fra 1986 til 2005. Lars Lundevall synger og spiller gitar. Sven Arne Gloslie var med i bandet i en kort periode i 1984 for å spille bass og gitar, og Øystein Jevanord spilte også trommer under Lindstrøms fravær, og var også vokalist for noen av sangene mellom 1986 og 1988. De Lillos ble dannet i løpet av de dagene da de fleste rockeband i Norge fremførte sanger skrevet på engelsk. Som å svømme mot strømmen, utførte bandet sangene sine på norsk. Lindstrøm sluttet i bandet på høyden av sin popularitet slik at han kunne vie seg til hinduismen. Gjennom sin 20-årige historie har de Lillos fortsatt å gi ut album som har i stor grad påvirket den norske rockescenen. Bandet var kjent for å bruke kunsten til å ikke bare lage bra musikk, men også uttale seg om saker som foregikk i verden rundt dem. ----Formal English---- deLillos The Norwegian rock group deLillos first got together in 1984, and today the industry considers them one of the Four Greats, which were the four groups formed during the 1980s that changed the tradition of Norwegian rock music forever. The other four in this group are Jokke and Valentinerne, Raga Rockers, and DumDum Boys. The band included Lars Lillo-Stenberg, who plays guitar, piano, and organ, and also sings. Lars Fredrik Beckstron plays the bass guitar and sings, while Rune Lindstrom plays drums. Oystein Paasche joined the band on guitar and drums in 1988, filling in for Lindstrom when he was out of the band from 1986 until 2005. Lars Lundevall sings and plays guitar. Sven Arne Gloslie joined the band briefly in 1984 to play bass and guitar, and Oystein Jevanord also filled in on drums during Lindstrom’s absence and, additionally, provided some of the vocals between 1986 and 1988. deLillos was formed in the days when most rock bands in Norway performed songs written in English. Going against the grain, the band performed its songs in Norwegian. Lindstrom actually quit the band at the height of its popularity so that he could devote himself to Hinduism. Throughout its twenty-year history, deLillos has continued to turn out milestone records that have greatly impacted the Norwegian rock scene. The band was known for using its art not just to create great music, but also make a statement about affairs going on in the world all around them. --------------------------- Learn Norwegian with NorwegianClass101! Don't forget to stop by NorwegianClass101.com for more great Norwegian Language Learning Resources!

 Survival Phrases #33 - May I Take Your Picture in Norway | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4:57

Learn Norwegian with NorwegianClass101! Don't forget to stop by NorwegianClass101.com for more great Norwegian Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- ----Formal ---- Kan jeg ta bilde av deg? Er det greit jeg tar bilde av deg? Kan jeg ta bilde her? ----Formal English---- Can I take your picture? (informal) Can I take your picture? (formal) Can I take a picture here? --------------------------- Learn Norwegian with NorwegianClass101! Don't forget to stop by NorwegianClass101.com for more great Norwegian Language Learning Resources!

 Learn with Video #7 - This Norwegian Lesson Proves That Curiosity Doesn’t Always Kill the Cat! | File Type: video/x-m4v | Duration: 2:55

Learn Norwegian with NorwegianClass101.com! Today, your daughter is going on a field trip to the zoo. When she left this morning, she was so excited! She has been to zoos back home, but you haven't had the time since you moved here. You can't wait to hear how things went! However, as she walks through the door, you instantly know something is wrong. Attempting to comfort her, you ask why she's so sad. She bursts into tears and replies, "The kids at school called me a baby because I don't know the words for tigers and lions in Norwegian!" Oh! Kids can be so cruel! And knowing that not just any Norwegian lesson will keep the attention of a five year old, you have to think of something clever... You turn on the computer, pull up the NorwegianClass101.com video lessons, and within minutes, your daughter is repeating the Norwegian words for her favorite big cats! A little curiosity and some clever Norwegian lessons, and even a child will be purring like a kitten! NorwegianClass101.com is the most fun and effective way to learn Norwegian! This Norwegian Video lesson will teach you the Norwegian vocabulary you need to talk about big cats, not the kind in your house, we mean the REALLY big cats! In this Norwegian vocabulary video, you will learn by watching the video, seeing both Norwegian and Norwegian translations describing the video, and all while listening to the Norwegian translations being read aloud by our native Norwegian speakers. Visit us at NorwegianClass101.com where you will find many more great Norwegian lessons and learning materials! Leave us a message while you are there!

 Advanced Audio Blog S2 #7 - Top 10 Norwegian Musicians: Immortal | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2:21

Learn Norwegian with NorwegianClass101! Don't forget to stop by NorwegianClass101.com for more great Norwegian Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- ----Formal ---- Immortal Immortal er et norsk black metal band som ble startet i 1990 av Harald Nævdal, også kjent som Demonaz Doom Occulta, på gitar, og Olve Eikemo, også kjent som Abbath Doom Occulta, som gitarist og frontfigur. I de tidlige årene jobbet de med en rekke forskjellige trommeslagere, men i 1996 ble Reidar Horghagen, kjent som Horgh, med i bandet som trommeslager og har vært et medlem av bandet siden den gang. Gjennom årene har det vært minst 13 ulike medlemmer i bandet, selv om kjernemedlemmene alltid var de samme etter Horgh ble med i bandet som trommeslager. Ett tema som synes gjennom tekstene til Immortal er hva de kaller Blashyrkh, et rike som de opprettet og modellerte etter hjembyen Bergen. Tilsynelatende er riket fylt med demoniske kriger og de to grunnleggerne av bandet sa at å skrive om dette stedet de kalte Blashyrkh var et uttrykk på følelsene sine om Bergen. Musikkvideoer med riket viser isdekkede landskap, tåke og mørke. Noen fans vil si at bandet har skapt sin egen nisje i black metal-scenen ved å skape Blashyrkh. Bandet har gitt ut vellykkede black metal album siden det først startet, selv om de tok en pause fra 2007 til 2009. Deres siste album ble utgitt i 2010. I alt har de sju fulle album, en EP, en split, en demo og en DVD i repertoaret sitt. ----Formal English---- Immortal Immortal is a Norwegian black metal band that was started in 1990 by Herald Naevdal, also known as Demonaz Doom Occulta, who played guitar, and Olve Eikemo, also known as Abbath Doom Occulta, who is the current lead guitarist and front man. In the early years of the band, they worked with a variety of drummers, but in 1996 Reidar Horghagen, known now simply as Horgh, joined the band as their drummer and has been with them ever since. Over the years, the band has had at least thirteen different members, although the core members were always the same after Horgh joined the band as the drummer. One theme that seems to run through Immortal's lyrics is what they call Blashyrkh, a realm that they created and modeled after their hometown of Bergen, Norway. Supposedly the realm is filled with demonic wars, and the two founding members of the band said that they were expressing their feelings about Bergen by writing about this place they called Blashyrkh. Music videos featuring the realm show ice-covered landscapes, fog, and darkness. Some fans would say that the band created its own niche in the black metal scene by creating Blashyrkh. The band has been turning out successful black metal albums since it first started, although they took a break from 2009 until 2007. Their latest album was released in 2010. In all, they have seven full-length albums, one EP, one split, one demo, and one DVD to their credit. --------------------------- Learn Norwegian with NorwegianClass101! Don't forget to stop by NorwegianClass101.com for more great Norwegian Language Learning Resources!

 Survival Phrases #32 - Can You Take My Picture in Norway? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4:52

Learn Norwegian with NorwegianClass101! Don't forget to stop by NorwegianClass101.com for more great Norwegian Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- ----Formal ---- Kan du ta bildet vårt? Kan vi ta bilde sammen? Kan du ta Bildet mitt? ----Formal English---- Can you take our picture? Can we take a picture together? Can you take my picture? --------------------------- Learn Norwegian with NorwegianClass101! Don't forget to stop by NorwegianClass101.com for more great Norwegian Language Learning Resources!

 News #2 - How far will your Norwegian go with this new feature? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3:34

Learn Norwegian with NorwegianClass101! Don't forget to stop by NorwegianClass101.com for more great Norwegian Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- --------------------------- Learn Norwegian with NorwegianClass101! Don't forget to stop by NorwegianClass101.com for more great Norwegian Language Learning Resources!

 Learn with Video #6 - This Norwegian Lesson Is NOT Just for the Birds!! | File Type: video/x-m4v | Duration: 2:55

Learn Norwegian with NorwegianClass101.com! There absolutely could not be a more beautiful day than today. The weather is perfect, the sun is shining! Even the birds seem to notice what a great day you are having! As you casually stroll around a park on your way to meet a friend, the beauty of the day overwhelms you. As you reach the café in your dreamy state, your friend looks at you questioningly as you approach and asks in Norwegian, "Are you okay?" Bursting with the excitement of the day, you begin to tell her in Norwegian all about how beautiful the day has been. However, when you get to the part about the birds singing, you stop abruptly at a complete loss for the appropriate Norwegian words. Again, noticing the sudden disappointment on your face, your friend asks in Norwegian, "You still okay?" Deeply saddened by your inability to express the beauty of the swans in the pond or the beautiful peacock with its colorful display that you experienced today, you drop your head and answer in Norwegian, "Well, there were these birds, and they were pretty." Your friend looks at you as if you have lost your mind, replying in Norwegian, "Oh, that's nice." Another lost opportunity... NorwegianClass101.com is the most fun and effective way to learn Norwegian! This Norwegian Video lesson will teach you the Norwegian vocabulary you need to talk about some beautiful birds and their actions in Norwegian. Don't miss the opportunity to share your beautiful day with your friends in Norwegian! In this Norwegian vocabulary video, you will learn by watching the video, seeing both Norwegian and Norwegian translations describing the video, and all while listening to the Norwegian translations being read aloud by our native Norwegian speakers. Visit us at NorwegianClass101.com where you will find many more great Norwegian lessons and learning materials! Leave us a message while you are there!


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