Horroretc Podcast show

Horroretc Podcast

Summary: WWW.HORRORETC.COM The Horroretc Podcast is an open discussion about all things horror. The show covers film topics by theme and genre with attention paid to the filmmakers, directors and the state of the horror industry. We also enjoy discussing the darkened corners of pop culture in schlock corner. Please join in with your thoughts and comments to allow the show to become a community. Visit us at www.horroretc.com or send us a comment at horroretc@gmail.com This Podcast was created using www.talkshoe.com

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 EPISODE 71 - Nature vs Man 2: 8 Legged Crocs | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:30:13

It's Nature vs Man Round 2...on the card are Deadly Spider and Killer Croc films. Compromise is the order of the day as we had trouble picking the topic so we'll throw 'em both out this week. Anthony pushes through his arachnophobia to discuss the film of the same name, Kingdom of the Spiders, Tarantula and 8 Legged Freaks while Ted gets to toss out some picks from a favorite sub-genre: Lake Placid, Black Water and Rogue. It's long overdue so we spend some time going through the 'ol mailbag again. A thank you again to all for corresponding and sending in great comments and suggestions. Last but not least we take a moment to reflect on just what the hell is going on with Joaquin Phoenix (Link to the Joaquin Rap). Please send us your comments to: horroretc@gmail.com WWW.HORRORETC.COM

 EPISODE 70 - Dexter (Season 2) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:46:35

"No matter what you try, no matter how hard you work, I'll always be one step ahead of you for one simple reason..............I own you." -- Dexter to Sgt Doakes Another week, another season of Dexter. Season 1 was so much fun to revisit that your hosts felt compelled to tackle Season 2 without delay. For those who have watched the second season of this fantastic show please join us on a trip back to revisit the plot threads and character evolutions including a stunning final four episode run. For those who may not yet have experienced Dexter, we recommend returning to the main segment after watching as the entire discussion is one big spoiler. However, we do have another installment of the Horroretc Theatre for all to enjoy in the second half of the show this week... The True Story of Dracula. This is the third in a series of live to tape radio plays presented on the program. The Dexter talk ends at 1 hour 22 minutes, so please give it a listen. Please send us your comments to: horroretc@gmail.com WWW.HORRORETC.COM

 EPISODE 69 - Dexter (Season 1) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:43:28

DEXTER. A serialized cable series concerning a serial killer working within the Miami Metro Police Department and all of the complexities and motivations that drive him. Sounds simple enough but the fact is this series has been an addiction of your hosts and is one of the most engaging and well written shows we've seen. In this weeks episode we split our main discussion into non-spoiler and spoiler sections as we first explain why the show is a must see and our thoughts on the characters and story structure, then get into our comments on the season 1 story and how it played out. NOTE - The spoiler timeframe where key elements of season 1 are discussed is: 29:20 to 53:20 We highly recommend exploring this acclaimed series as for once we agree with the critics. Stay tuned for further installments devoted to season 2 and 3. Movie talk includes comments on My Bloody Valentine 3D, Repo: The Genetic Opera, The Wrestler and The Poughkeepsie Tapes, as well as thoughts on a few new trailers. Finally, we have an exciting new contest to announce. Thanks to Abaddon Books for providing a great prize pack for giveaway. Please send us your comments to: horroretc@gmail.com

 EPISODE 68 - Guilty Pleasures | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:40:37

"DON'T JUDGE MEEEEEEEEE" Guilty Pleasures. Those film choices which you love in spite of yourself and in opposition to your established appreciation of quality filmmaking. We discuss the concept of the guilty pleasure film and offer up some of our dirty little secrets. A huge thank you to all the listeners who participated by sending in their picks making this an interactive episode. We received in advance of this show many comments arguing the validity of the guilty pleasure film by expressing a lack of 'guilt' in the movie choices of a genre fan. We happen to agree with those comments but used this scenario to describe the concept: A friend randomly shows up at your door while this film is on...do you turn it off or leave it playing? Lots of fun was had despite the imminent death by flu of one of your hosts. Please send us your comments to: horroretc@gmail.com WWW.HORRORETC.COM

 EPISODE 67 - Q & A (Part 2) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:25:23

It's Question and Answer time. This week your hosts tackle some of the burning questions keeping horror fans up at night. Topics discussed include: the importance of nudity in horror, the criteria to make a film rewatchable, the current lack of quality Hollywood is offering, our greatest fears and most frightening real life experience, our movie picks for introducing the uninitiated to horror, films to strike from existance, and many more. The format may appear unfocused but we needed an excuse to address some of the issues weighing on our minds as fans of the genre. We welcome your input on the topics raised and invite any additional questions you would like to have posed on the show. We close out the show with a tribute to the late Ricardo (Khan Noonien Soong) Montalban. Please send us your comments to: horroretc@gmail.com WWW.HORRORETC.COM

 EPISODE 66 - Subway Horror | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:43:43

Please prepare to present your token and board the Horroretc Podcast as we take you on a trip underground to cover horror films set in the subway. A selection of four titles were chosen including a couple of potentially underlooked gems. We cover the 1972 'classic' Deathline (or Raw Meat depending on which continent you reside in) starring Donald Pleasance, move on to a recent Canadian indie film End of the Line from 2006, get to 2004's Creep (to see how a horror director cuts his teeth) and round things out with a recent entry 2008's Midnight Meat Train. It's definately a niche category but fun nonetheless. We would like to acknowledge in advance that the excellent opening scene from Suicide Club (2002) was not mentioned in the episode although in hindsight it absolutely should have been! We round things out with come thoughts on a few non-horror films Valkyrie and Curious Case of Benjamin Button, as well we have some audio feedback and spend some time responding to a great discussion point raised in an email. Please send us your comments to: horroretc@gmail.com WWW.HORRORETC.COM

 EPISODE 65 - Terror in Monochrome | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:56:09

It's another trip back to yesteryear as the Horroretc Podcast pays tribute to the films of the Black and White era. There is still something special about the photography and atmosphere of a black and white film, a depth to the shadows and tension generated through strategic placment of lighting. This show is not a list of all time great titles (no mention of Psycho or any Universal monster), but rather a sampling of recommendations from your hosts to seek out and experience. We hope to speak to why some of the key titles earn their reputation as greats, as well as mention a few that you may not yet have heard about. The topic did provide an opportunity to discuss The Innocents (1961) which somehow had not yet come up in a previous podcast (?) as well as personal favorites such as Night of the Demon (1957) and Repulsion (1965) to name only a few (it's a pretty long list). So sit back, kill the lights and get immersed into a visit to the classic terror of black and white. We round out the show with some relaxed banter catching up on news, boxing day finds, recent watches, audio feedback and the death of a beloved podcast. Special thanks to Niki, Nick and Travis for your support! Please send us your comments to: horroretc@gmail.com WWW.HORRORETC.COM

 EPISODE 64 - 2008 The Year in Review | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:48:26

2008. Ah what a year it was. So many highs, so many lows...well, mostly lows. For the end of the year episode your hosts decided to take a look back to the year that was and recap a selection of horror films. The output from Hollywood was subpar by most standards but several indie and foreign entries helped to keep us entertained and properly 'horrorfied'. Without films such as Let the Right One In and Jack Brooks: Monster Slayer, the landscape would have been bleak indeed. That's not to say we weren't treated to the occassional winner (The Ruins and Quarantine come to mind). The retrospective theme also allowed us to cover off some of the films we didn't get to during the year such as Teeth, Stuck, Funny Games, Blindness, Shrooms and many more. We wrap the show up with a look ahead to some of the scheduled releases for 2009, stopping along the way to check out a few trailers. Other than entries like the Friday remake, Raimi's return to horror Drag Me to Hell and The Wolfman remake it looks to be another slate of disappointment coming our way. We continue to look to the filmmakers outside of North America and the talented indie directors struggling to be seen for original and uncomprising work. Please send us your comments to: horroretc@gmail.com WWW.HORRORETC.COM

 EPISODE 63 - X-mas '08 (The Day the Earth Stood Still) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:20:00

Merry Christmas, happy holidays and all that. It's the second annual Horroretc Christmas 'Spectacular'. As was the case last year, the show is a little unstructured but highlights include the praising of Black Santa's Revenge (2007) starring Ken Foree and the trashing of The Day the Earth Stood Still (2008) starring Keanu Reeves...slightly different films. Some forum questions are thrown around, a contest winner is announced, a gift exchange is thrown in somewhere along the way...all we can say is we hope you just sit back, relax and visit with us for a time this week. Finally, in an effort to give Christmas horror films some attention, we revisit some trailers for some lowlights of yesteryear. Glass Eye Production's Creepy Christmas Short Film Festival Black Santa's Revenge Official Site Please send us your comments to: horroretc@gmail.com WWW.HORRORETC.COM

 EPISODE 62 - The Mummy, The Invisible Man & Creature From the Black Lagoon | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:47:20

Another trip into yesteryear this week as some previously overlooked Universal horror classics are given their due. The Mummy (1932), The Invisible Man (1933) and Creature From the Black Lagoon (1954) round out Horroretc's Universal era retrospectives. Exaggerated acting styles, stagebound settings, crude editing....and some of the most memorable moments in screen history. If you appreciate the beauty of black and white cinematography, the campy fun of movie monsters and everything in between, we hope you enjoy looking back on a truly groundbreaking time of not only horror film but filmmaking in general. After a long absence, the random scenes game returns in Schlock Corner with some jumping around in Peter Jackson's Brain Dead. We round out the show with thoughts on spoilers in movie discussion (it's tricky business), more Watchmen excitement and a quick take on Ravenous (1999). Please don't forget to send in your choices for guilty pleasure films to participate in an upcoming episode and submit your entries for the X-mas contest. Please send us your comments to: horroretc@gmail.com WWW.HORRORETC.COM

 EPISODE 61 - British Horror Comedy | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:53:56

This weeks topic of British Horror Comedy represents the common thread joining the films we wanted to talk about. Recently, horror fans have been offered a new brand of horror comedy coming out of the UK which carries its own unique flavour that we have to say has really worked for us. Tonight we specifically talk about Shaun of the Dead, Botched, Severance and The Cottage as examples of this horror film niche. Reflecting on the discussion we had, the question was raised of how many spoilers were given. It's our contention that the main plot elements of all the films were not spoiled and regardless of the many quotable lines each film offers, the whole is so much more than the sum of their parts. The show was recorded on location at a local pub so be prepared for the sound quality to be a little different this week, we wanted to capture a feel to bring all of you into the conversation. We also announce an exciting new contest just in time for the holiday season so we hope many of you participate. Finally, to round things out there are thoughts on Hellboy 2, Jack Ketchum's The Lost, and some audio feedback. Thanks to everyone for listening. Please send us your comments to: horroretc@gmail.com WWW.HORRORETC.COM

 EPISODE 60 - Zombies 2 Return to the Living Dead | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:47:34

The Horroretc Podcast returns to a favorite subject for discussion: The Living Dead. It took 56 episodes to tackle zombies again but the topic is given the attention it deserves covering a number of titles including Let Sleeping Corpses Lie, Brain Dead, I Walked With a Zombie, Zombie Diaries and the highly recommended UK program Dead Set. The highlight of the program though is a serious examination of the shambling versus running zombie debate. The issues include the metaphoric meaning as well as the visceral impact and budgetary considerations of each. Will the matter be resolved at long last? Tune in to find out. We round out the show with a top 25 all-time zombie film list and take on a 15 question zombie trivia challenge to test our zombie knowledge. We encourage all to try the game out at the link below (and also give the choose your own adventure zombie film Survive The Outbreak a try). Zombie Challenge Trivia Game Survive The Outbreak - Choose Your Own Adventure Zombie Film Please send us your comments to: horroretc@gmail.com WWW.HORRORETC.COM

 EPISODE 59 - Horror Documentaries | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:36:25

Do you know that feeling of wanting to know more about a certain film of filmmaker right after watching something? How about the desire to hear about genre topics or issues discussed intelligently with insight from industry greats? What about when you want to revisit an era of horror or genre of films you've been reminiscing about and just want to have some great clips to enjoy all over again? Nothing satisfies these wishes better than the documentary film. As we discuss, there is a huge variety of categories and focus when it comes to the horror documentary but there is no arguing that they can be as entertaining as any horror film. Your hosts cover the major groupings of categories with a multitude of suggestions thrown out for exploration. We all know about the Star or E! produced fluff pieces, but there are just as many in-depth examinations of horror filmmaking available. As this weeks discussion was a long one, we close out in short order with a tribute the musical stylings of Kevin Costner (Link). Enjoy, and thanks again go out to Chris! Please send us your comments to: horroretc@gmail.com WWW.HORRORETC.COM

 EPISODE 58 - The James Bond Show | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:33:28

Genital torture... a beloved hero being torn to pieces by flesh-eating sharks... a scarred madman hatches his revenge on an unsuspecting world... a villain who cries tears of blood... Voodoo rites and summoned spirits... Christopher Lee. And you don't think the Bond franchise is perfect fodder for horror fans? Well, the answer is maybe not. That's fair but this week we deviate from horror proper to chat in detail about Quantum of Solace and the Bond films in general. We hope this weeks episode leaves you shaken...and stirred as we celebrate the James Bond series. A word of warning for those who have not yet had the chance to see Quantum: we don't spoil every detail of the film but there may be spoilers. Please send us your comments to: horroretc@gmail.com WWW.HORRORETC.COM

 EPISODE 57 - Not The James Bond Show | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:37:56

Our apologies everyone. Despite our best intentions the original show planned when we sat down fell apart in a matter of minutes. Why, you ask? Numerous events transpired to send this weeks show into a tailspin of what we watched topics and general housekeeping. To be fair to all, be prepared for our planned James Bond episode next week (hopefully) to coincide with Quantum of Solace (consider it the Etc part of Horror Etc). In the meantime we hope you enjoy our takes on season 1 of Lost, Dexter, Saw 5, Let the Right One In, and a few others. We also announce the logo contest winners, put out a request for help in identifying a very vague story description, share some listener feedback and......unleash our first tirade against a fellow podcast! It takes a lot for your hosts to go off as we did but you be the judge on whether it was deserved. We managed to slip in a fun Shlock Corner featuring Lance Henrickson to make it clear we do in fact respect the man. We will return to our usual themed episodes next week. Please send us your comments to: horroretc@gmail.com WWW.HORRORETC.COM


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