EPISODE 62 - The Mummy, The Invisible Man & Creature From the Black Lagoon

Horroretc Podcast show

Summary: Another trip into yesteryear this week as some previously overlooked Universal horror classics are given their due. The Mummy (1932), The Invisible Man (1933) and Creature From the Black Lagoon (1954) round out Horroretc's Universal era retrospectives. Exaggerated acting styles, stagebound settings, crude editing....and some of the most memorable moments in screen history. If you appreciate the beauty of black and white cinematography, the campy fun of movie monsters and everything in between, we hope you enjoy looking back on a truly groundbreaking time of not only horror film but filmmaking in general. After a long absence, the random scenes game returns in Schlock Corner with some jumping around in Peter Jackson's Brain Dead. We round out the show with thoughts on spoilers in movie discussion (it's tricky business), more Watchmen excitement and a quick take on Ravenous (1999). Please don't forget to send in your choices for guilty pleasure films to participate in an upcoming episode and submit your entries for the X-mas contest. Please send us your comments to: horroretc@gmail.com WWW.HORRORETC.COM