EPISODE 57 - Not The James Bond Show

Horroretc Podcast show

Summary: Our apologies everyone. Despite our best intentions the original show planned when we sat down fell apart in a matter of minutes. Why, you ask? Numerous events transpired to send this weeks show into a tailspin of what we watched topics and general housekeeping. To be fair to all, be prepared for our planned James Bond episode next week (hopefully) to coincide with Quantum of Solace (consider it the Etc part of Horror Etc). In the meantime we hope you enjoy our takes on season 1 of Lost, Dexter, Saw 5, Let the Right One In, and a few others. We also announce the logo contest winners, put out a request for help in identifying a very vague story description, share some listener feedback and......unleash our first tirade against a fellow podcast! It takes a lot for your hosts to go off as we did but you be the judge on whether it was deserved. We managed to slip in a fun Shlock Corner featuring Lance Henrickson to make it clear we do in fact respect the man. We will return to our usual themed episodes next week. Please send us your comments to: horroretc@gmail.com WWW.HORRORETC.COM