Horroretc Podcast show

Horroretc Podcast

Summary: WWW.HORRORETC.COM The Horroretc Podcast is an open discussion about all things horror. The show covers film topics by theme and genre with attention paid to the filmmakers, directors and the state of the horror industry. We also enjoy discussing the darkened corners of pop culture in schlock corner. Please join in with your thoughts and comments to allow the show to become a community. Visit us at www.horroretc.com or send us a comment at horroretc@gmail.com This Podcast was created using www.talkshoe.com

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  • Artist: KingsTownTed
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 EPISODE 85 - John Carpenter Retrospective (1983 - 1993) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:43:17

The John Carpenter retrospective rolls on. This week we take a look at the continuing quality of Carpenter's output. With some of the greatest genre films we have behind us and some unsteady films to come, the period of 1983 through 1993 bridges the gap. Picking up from the masterwork of the Thing we take on the Stephen King adaptation Christine (1983), JC's answer to ET - the multiple Oscar nominated Starman (1984), the craziness of Big Trouble in Little China (1986), the creeping atmosphere of Prince of Darkness (1987), the all-time 80's time capsule that still manages to remain timely They Live (1988), a Chevy Chase misstep Memoirs of an Invisible Man (1991) and the precursor to Masters of Horror Body Bags (1993). Going over the roll call of titles proves yet again that Carpenter's work has so often simply been ahead of its time resulting in appreciation of his films years after their release. What began as a two part spotlight on the career of JC turned into a trilogy of episodes so please join us again next week as we wrap up our Carpenter retrospective (controversy is on the menu). They Live gets the schlock corner treatment again as we have a plot for world domination revealed to us through the eyes of Rowdy Roddy Piper. Please send us your comments to: horroretc@gmail.com WWW.HORRORETC.COM

 EPISODE 84 - John Carpenter Retrospective (1974-1982) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:45:34

A director's spotlight that is long overdue...John Carpenter. A career spanning over 35 years with a list of titles as varied as they are impressive. Long regarded as an icon of genre filmmaking, Carpenter's work defines range: from the extreme imagery of In the Mouth of Madness and The Thing to the family friendly entertainment of Starman. We present this week the first chapter of a three episode arc revisiting a film catalogue of 22 titles. This week we tackle Darkstar, Assault on Precinct 13, Halloween, Somone's Watching Me, Elvis, The Fog, Escape From New York and The Thing. A very impressive start for a visionary director. In this first chapter we also spend time defining the trademarks of a Carpenter film, the techniques and style that define an auteur. While it may be true that several areas of Carpenter's filmmaking are of the blemishes and all variety, there's little argument that a his work is always...enjoyable. Check out the Thing in 7 minutes with us in Schlock Corner. Please send us your comments to: horroretc@gmail.com WWW.HORRORETC.COM

 EPISODE 83 - The Trouble With Trekkies | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:55:23

Trek. The final frontier. These are the ramblings of podcast hosts who's purpose is to seek out new levels of geekdom, to boldly go where no horror podcast has gone before....... Well, we gave you fair warning and the time has finally arrived to dedicate an episode of the show to Star Trek. Don't worry it's not that bad - we cover the new JJ Abrams films which well deserves the praise we heap on it (spoiler free), and run through the previous ten feature films in a very casual manner. If you have been a fan of the franchise we hope you enjoy the quick spin we give each of the installments and if you are a casual viewer or perhaps are comlpetely uninitiated hopefully you will get a sense of what makes these films what they are. Worrying about canon and continuity is out the window because as we say when nitpicking over irrelevant details that do not influence a plot, concern over canon has gone too far. So whatever your familiarity with the series may be, please take a walk with us through the highs and lows of what is unquestionably one of the most influencial and beloved sci-fi franchises of all time. In keeping with the theme of the opening piece from The Onion ( Link), we take a look back at that infamous saturday night live skit featuring the Shat finally tearing into those stinking trekkies for all they're worth ( Link). Please send us your comments to: horroretc@gmail.com WWW.HORRORETC.COM

 EPISODE 82 - The Listener Appreciation Show | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:35:06

This week we attempt to accomplish to things: complete an unofficial 3-part arc of kid themed episodes and show our appreciation for the continued support and participation of you the listeners. Following our call out for childhood horror experiences we received so many well written reminiscences, we decided we had to create an episode of first horror memories entirely comprised of listener feedback. This is our first time focusing entirely on feedback so we hope you enjoy the variety of anecdotes and titles thrown out. At the same time we'd like to take the opportunity to send out a big thank you for the continued support and interaction. We may be light on content this week but rest assured there are plans in the works for a subject we're sure everyone will enjoy so please stay tuned. Continuing with the listener appreciation theme, we have comments on 3 parcels received at Horroretc HQ this week. Special thanks to the following: David Doub - creator of Dusk the graphic novel (LINK) Ken at Heroictimes for awarding Horroretc the 2008 Welles Award for podcasting (LINK) Jon at Old Time Radio Catalogue for the terrific CD collection (otrcat.com) Yes you read that correctly, Horroretc is now an official award winning podcast! One last thing, we tossed out a reference to a review of Return To Oz along the way...check it out (LINK). Please send us your comments to: horroretc@gmail.com WWW.HORRORETC.COM

 EPISODE 81 - Those Evil Little Kids | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:18:11

On the day I was born....the nurses all gathered 'round. To gaze at the wild wonder....at the the joy they had found. The one nurse spoke up....said leave this one alone. I can tell by the way....he's Bad To The Bone. Evil kids. The kneejerk reaction may be to dismiss this subgenre of horror as played out but your hosts are committed to overcome this stereotype by discussing examples where the theme of true darkness hiding behind the eyes of innocence worked perfectly. Of the many titles covered, there are specific recommendations for The Bad Seed (1956), The Children (2008) and Joshua (2007). We take time to debate the issue of environment vs heredity and whether there is in fact a profound effectiveness of the subject on those viewers who are raising children of their own. We hope you enjoy our sister episode to last week's topic kid-friendly horror by delving into the nightmare of evil kids. Schlock Corner continues the theme as we remember back to one of the highlight's of (the oft maligned) Robocop 2 - Hob! (Link to Hob Goes Wild). A random assortment of topics to close out the show including H2 (buckle up), contest winners, Tales of the Black Frieghter and more. Thank you Bill for the very generous contribution to the show. Please send us your comments to: horroretc@gmail.com WWW.HORRORETC.COM

 EPISODE 80 - Kid Friendly Horror | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:20:00

Ahhhh, the films that serve to twist us into the deviant horror nerds we are today. Those early gateway horror films that opened our eyes to the genre and all the fun that could be had. It would be later before we encountered that first blood curdling shot of terror or be faced with visceral gore that our young brains would be forced to contend with...for now let's look at the the films of yesteryear that we remember fondly and consider the impact the content may or may not have had on us since. Rather than focus entirely on the mid-eighties films of our youth, we touch on a variety of the material out there now and consider what age appropriate means today. So whether it be pure nostalgia or interest in the questions that horror and young minds thrown together raise. please join us in a look at Kid Friendly Horror Films. The podcast continues with some (new) listener emails, thoughts on recent watches (watch out, they are eclectic), Ong Bak 2, Crank 2, Observe & Report, Fear(s) of the Dark (2007) and Frightmare (1974). Some links thrown out: Dave's zombie play featuring 2 geeks riding out the zombie apocalypse playing video games Shana's extended Drag Me To Hell scene Schlock Corner - Uncle Buck Horror Trailer (this one's a must see) Please send us your comments to: horroretc@gmail.com WWW.HORRORETC.COM

 EPISODE 79 - Nosferatu | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:26:11

NOSFERATU: A Symphony of Terror. Time again to step into the way-back machine and travel through the mists of time to revisit a timeless piece of cinema history, Nosferatu from 1922. A film of unsettling and sinister mood, it captured a true representation of the oft-used term German expressionism and terrified audiences for generations to come. The history of the film is covered including a brief recap of the legal entanglements but what is really focused on are the various successes accomplished with such rudimentary technology and the lasting impact the product has held in the genre. Continuing the theme, we cover in great detail the 1979 Werner Herzog retelling starring the one and only Klaus Kinski. A masterpiece of dread inducing atmosphere and a show stopping performance by Kinski elevated this project to the status it enjoys. Rounding things out we also discuss Vampyr (1932), another classic German (surrealism this time) vampire piece, Nosferatu in Venice (1988), an absolutely dreadful sequel of sorts which at least serves to demonstrate the madness of Kinski. Finally, and naturally, we end things with Shadow of the Vampire (2000), the psuedo retelling of Murnau's creation of the '22 film with a scenery chewing performance by Willem Dafoe as 'real-life' vampire Max Schreck. A double shot of schlock this week. First, to demonstrate why we refer to Kinski as mad, check out: Klaus Kinski - Fitzcarraldo fight (with subtitles). Then join us as we watch an excellent fan-made Nightmare on Elm Street remake trailer: Remake Trailer. Random topics closing out the show include thoughts on Nightmare casting, recent watches (including a short take on The Tribe), Monsters vs Aliens, and a lot more Star Trek talk than we ever intended. Please send us your comments to: horroretc@gmail.com WWW.HORRORETC.COM

 EPISODE 78 - Indie Horror | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:30:11

This week we take a step off the beaten path to discuss independent film. The corporate conglomerate in North America represents over 83% of the total film industry, so what gems are out there on the fringe and what challenges do indie filmmakers face to get noticed? In what may be our most thought provoking discussion to date many elements which define a movie as indie are discussed including defining the difference between an indie and an amateur filmmaker. The topic would not be complete without at least a few titles to kick around so to name a few we cover: May, Hard Candy, The Signal, Scarce, Kill Theory, Blair Witch, Splinter and many more. Benny Hill, Dr. Who and Eminem. Must be Schlock Corner LINK. Random topics: We have purchased a combined total of over 500 movies this week (?), Ted's thoughts on BSG, and some lingering Let The Right One In comments. Thanks Chris for your kind donation. Please send us your comments to: horroretc@gmail.com WWW.HORRORETC.COM

 EPISODE 77 - From The Hip 5 (Watchmen Edition) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 55:17

We are comin' atcha from the hip once again friends. It was a fun Nightmare retrospective capped off with a visit from Robert Englund and this week we are just relaxing in an informal format. Of course we had to kick around Watchmen (as always, a few weeks late), but we also spend some time with Last House on the Left and a Top 10 best remakes list: Bloody Disgusting's Top 10 Horror Remakes The new Drag me to Hell trailer has us thinking about Raimi's return to horror, and we take care of a bit of housekeeping - the question is posed: how long is to long. The podcast running time has varied from 40 minutes to 2.5 hours and we use this shorter show to ask for feedback on listener preference. Finally, this weeks schlock corner vid is the youtube hit Watchmen Saturday Morning Cartoon. Please send us your comments to: horroretc@gmail.com WWW.HORRORETC.COM

 EPISODE 76 - An evening with Robert Englund | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:11:02

Yes it's true, this weeks episode is dedicated to an extended interview with Mr. Robert Englund....well its more like a conversation than an interview really. Robert was so generous with his time that we may have been able to keep things rolling along for a full two hours. In pulling the curtain closed on our Nightmare retrospective we figured there could be no better cap than to deliver a one on one (on one) with the man himself. We hope you enjoy the conversation as much as we did having it. Please send us your comments to: horroretc@gmail.com WWW.HORRORETC.COM

 EPISODE 75 - A Nightmare on Elm Street Retrospective (pt.3) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:41:22

The third chapter of our Nightmare on Elm Street retrospective.... Continuing on with our in-depth discussion of each installment of the series, this week we cover the highs and lows that came with Part 5: The Dream Child, Part 6: Freddy's Dead and Part 7: New Nightmare...not to worry, the ultimate franchise sequel Freddy vs Jason is covered (again). And of course what over-exposed horror franchise conversation would be complete without reflecting on its short lived television adaptation. And so our very enjoyable series of episodes dedicated to the Nightmare films comes to a close....sort of. Yes, we have a special treat lined up for episode 76 which may of interest to fans of the series. Please stay tuned. We close out this weeks episode with a cool little flash animated clip in schlock corner called Kill Fill, check out the link. Special thanks to Dave Bryant for the excellent Freddy artwork, check out more of his work at DaveBryantGo.blogspot.com. Please send us your comments to: horroretc@gmail.com WWW.HORRORETC.COM

 EPISODE 74 - A Nightmare on Elm Street Retrospective (Pt.2) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:47:35

Part 2 of our Nightmare on Elm Street retrospective series... It was a great experience to revisit this classic franchise again with a fresh perspective. The argument may be made that the series of sequels which followed the 1984 original failed to reach the same heights in terms of quality and effectiveness. With that in mind however we give fair consideration to Part 2: Freddy's Revenge, Part 3: Dream Warriors and Part 4: The Dream Master. It may have been a void few wanted filled but we spend a solid 30 minutes dissecting Part 2 and theorizing over the potential subtexts to be found. So this week we offer an in-depth look at the first 3 sequels. We approached this retrospective from the viewpoint that all listeners have seen this series of films but....please be aware the films are discussed in their entirety and as such the plots are thoroughly spoiled. Stay tuned through to the end to harken back to yesteryear in a special themed instalment of Schlock Corner featuring the Fresh Prince & DJ Jazzy Jeff. Please send us your comments to: horroretc@gmail.com WWW.HORRORETC.COM

 EPISODE 73 - A Nightmare on Elm Street Retrospective (Pt.1) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:32:24

You are ALL our children now... At long last, we have arrived at our Nightmare on Elm Street Retrospective. The plan is to deliver a 3 episode arc revisiting the classic series through all its highs and lows. The Nightmare films represent a a significant phase in our development as horror fans and there is no doubt the original film played a huge role in getting us hooked into the genre. And so with that we begin the retrospective by dedicating this episode to our first feature length commentary track to 1984's A Nightmare on Elm Street. Sync up your copy and watch along with us or listen and reminisce about this modern day classic. Stay tuned for our next installment coming soon. Please send us your comments to: horroretc@gmail.com WWW.HORRORETC.COM

 EPISODE 72.5 - Odds & Ends | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 34:01

An episode of odds and ends. A couple big thanks to giveout, a contest winner to announce, some Friday follow up talk, some great email submissions...this, that and the other. We're sending out this mini-sode to tide you over until the arrival of Episode 73 later this week. Please send us your comments to: horroretc@gmail.com Take a moment to vote for the show on podcast alley, toss us a review on iTunes...we appreciate all the support you can give. WWW.HORRORETC.COM

 EPISODE 72 - The Horror Oscars | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2:00:25

Another year, another snub by the Academy of Arts and Science to the genre of horror. In response to the 'grand dame' of awards shows, we devoted this weeks episode to an overview of the history of horror cinema. The oversights that occurred, the relation of each category to the genre of horror (perhaps none more reliant upon costume design or makeup), and some of our own selections which could comprise historic nominees. Perhaps the Academy will never be willing to bestow the honor of Best Actor upon Anthony Perkins for portraying Norman Bates but we certainly are. So if the bloated self congratulatory over-indulgence that is the Oscars is not doing it for you then spend some time with us honouring the best of the genre throughout history. Of course we discuss Friday the 13th '09 but try to stick to the main points, some exciting Nightmare on Elm Street news (concerning Horroretc, not casting rumours), Coraline and more. The show caps off with a trip down memory lane: the They Live Fight Scene between Roddy Piper and Keith David. Don't forget to enter the Abaddon Books zombie book collection contest! Please send us your comments to: horroretc@gmail.com WWW.HORRORETC.COM


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