EPISODE 82 - The Listener Appreciation Show

Horroretc Podcast show

Summary: This week we attempt to accomplish to things: complete an unofficial 3-part arc of kid themed episodes and show our appreciation for the continued support and participation of you the listeners. Following our call out for childhood horror experiences we received so many well written reminiscences, we decided we had to create an episode of first horror memories entirely comprised of listener feedback. This is our first time focusing entirely on feedback so we hope you enjoy the variety of anecdotes and titles thrown out. At the same time we'd like to take the opportunity to send out a big thank you for the continued support and interaction. We may be light on content this week but rest assured there are plans in the works for a subject we're sure everyone will enjoy so please stay tuned. Continuing with the listener appreciation theme, we have comments on 3 parcels received at Horroretc HQ this week. Special thanks to the following: David Doub - creator of Dusk the graphic novel (LINK) Ken at Heroictimes for awarding Horroretc the 2008 Welles Award for podcasting (LINK) Jon at Old Time Radio Catalogue for the terrific CD collection (otrcat.com) Yes you read that correctly, Horroretc is now an official award winning podcast! One last thing, we tossed out a reference to a review of Return To Oz along the way...check it out (LINK). Please send us your comments to: horroretc@gmail.com WWW.HORRORETC.COM