Today's Survival Show show

Today's Survival Show

Summary: Today's Survival Show, modern survival and self sufficiency ideas and discussion.

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  • Artist: Bob Mayne
  • Copyright: Copyright 2011 Today's Survival Show


 Episode 99 – The 16 Year Old Survivalist. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

The 16 year old survivalist is about Alexander M, one of our newest members of our Forum and Today's Survival Show.  I have a message for young people, listen to this podcast! Parents, let your young people listen to this show...please!  Oh, if only we had more young men and women like this.  Never did I imagine I could learn so much from someone only 16, but it proves that we need to listen to Young people.  Sometimes their wisdom is golden.  Mike Marlow of Mike Marlow's Survival Blog has introduced us all to Alexander.  Check out Mike' Blog too, it's great. Tune in and enjoy. Highlights: What really will fix the world economy. How American's lack the survival intellect. Why our young people truly are the future. A story about one of my son's comments regarding survival. Where do we go from here...according to a 16 year old. Personal responsibility from a young perspective.

 Episode 98 – You Get What You Negotiate | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Negotiation is one of the more important skills you can learn.  I rarely see or hear this discussed in survival circles but I think it's quite important.  Your interpersonal people skills are just as important NOW, before something bad happens and even more important AFTER something bad happens, wouldn't you agree?  Tune in and I'll give you some valuable tips on creating win win negotiations. Highlights: The THREE most important things to know about negotiation. Pre planning your barter or negotiation. Basic negotiation tips. How to plan in advance the outcome of the negotiation. The impact of timing, style and delivery. How to take emotion out of it. Negotiation killers. How to properly compromise and trade your skills or products. P.S.  Don't forget to join our forum and help the show with your contribution if you can.

 Episode 97 – Doctor Prepper Show, my guest appearance re: common sense preparedness, hosted by James Talmage Stevens. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

The Doctor Prepper show is on Blog Talk Radio and hosted by best sellling author James Talmage Stevens, author of the book, "Making the Best of Basics.) I had the pleasure of being a guest on his show.  Listen in to the interview. Highlights: Why getting out of debt is important and probably the first step you should take to improving your survivability. The use of Bug Out Bags. Home Security. Fire Protection for your home. Dehydrating food. Why bugging in is the more likely path if there's a disaster. Remember to join our forum and don't forget about the upcoming Freedom Raffle beginning on July 15th. Enjoy the show!

 Episode 96 – Bug Out Bags and Bug Out Plans, how often are they needed? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Bug out bags and bug out plans are a survival prep but how often are they needed?  Some say they are essential and could be needed a lot but I will give you a different view on this subject. The simple answer : In case something happened that was so devastating that you have to quickly and without warning leave their home and travel in such a way you could only bring what you could carry on your person.  That seems simple and straight forward, right?  But consider something…what type of a natural or man made disaster can happen so suddenly that you wouldn’t even have time to pack a bag or a trunk or something?  Now, you might thinking….what about a natural disaster? Highlights: Tornados Hurricanes Civil Unrest Pandemics Nuclear or biological attack Hittin' the Road? Improvements or tweeks in your plans and supplies. Final preps if you do have to bug out. Bugging out is your last resort. Pre planning your evacuation. Resource:

 Episode 95 – Survival Clothing and Hot Weather Survival | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Clothing to pack for survival needs requires some careful planning.  Now that summer is here and the heat is in full swing, I wanted to take some time to discuss how to prepare for activity in the heat and what to pack in your bug out bags and BOL's.  Tune in,  I will discuss heat stroke,  sun glasses, UV rays, salt intake, water intake, hats, gloves, cotton vs. linen or wool, beach survival, the need to stay fit and more. Thanks for listening. Bob Mayne Today's Survival Show

 Episode 94 – Why the world NEEDS survivalists. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Some consider survivalists as throwbacks to a lost era.  In this episode I will discuss some character traits of survivalists and why I think that we are one of the last hopes this world has, to survive long term.  I discuss things like confidence, skill building, relationships, what happens when people loose their "dependency lifeline." Highlights: Why people are wired for self preservation. Survival is instinctive. Why people are prejudice against survivalists. Why balance in your preparations is critical. The anti-gun sentiment. How non survivalists put everything they have into a sinking ship. Thanks for listening, if you have not yet joined the forum or the Youtube channel, please check them out.

 Episode 93 – Long Term Food Storage Options | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Interview with Suzanne who is the President of All In One Preparedness.  We talked briefly about her dehydrated food products meant to save space, taste good and store for up to 27 years!  After the interview, I also discuss some common mistakes people make when storing food. Tune in and enjoy the podcast and remember to support Today's Survival Show with a kind donation if you can and join our Forum too. Thanks for tuning in!

 Episode 92 – Become a Jack of All Trades and Survive. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Become a Jack of All Trades and Survive.  This Episode is Dedicated to Mike Marlow for giving me the idea.  You've heard the phrase "Jack of All Trades, Master of None" I'm sure.  For survival, I think that's a goo d thing.  Tune in to hear what I mean. Highlights: Building skills and Building Relationships Share what you know. Try something new at least one a week. Apply the skills you’re learning in your own life. To be self-reliant one must master a basic set of skills. 29 Skills all survivalists should learn to do….. Remember to join our Forum and get your last minute S.A.C. Club responses in!

 Episode 91- Stereotypes and Myths about Preppers and Survivalists | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Stereotypes and Myths about Preppers.  Some are true and some are not.  In this episode I'll cover 10 myths and stereotypes about survivalists and why they exist.  It’s  interesting to note that the survey’s of people who call themselves survivalists are much more likely to spend money on books as they were on weapons and ammunition.  Furthermore, that spending is mostly on what  are considered basic supplies.  This show is inspired by the posted written by Dan B on The Survival Blog. Please remember to join our forum and don't forget about the S.A.C. Contest.  Time is running out!

 Episode 90 – Interview with The Survival Mom! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

The Survival Mom also known as Lisa Bedford joined me for a real nice interview.  This doesn't need much of an introduction because her blog is very popular and she's been interviewed recently by Newsweek and The Arizona Republic.  She's a huge influence to all who aspire to becoming more self sufficient, not only Mom's. Highlights: Why she started her blog? What got her interested in survival? Concealed Carry. The Shooting Sports as a family activity. What is her view of the greatest threat we face today? Her thoughts on women and concealed carry. A preview of her upcoming book! Tune in, this interview is great and I had a tremendous amount of fun discussing common sense survival with her.  Thanks Lisa! Please remember to join our forum and the YouTube Channel.  Also, if you enjoy practical firearms talk, listen to my show at the Handgun World Show. Bob Mayne Today's Survival Show

 Episode 89- When you pick up your sword, put down your anger. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Interview with Jackpine Savage from our forum.  He's a deputy sheriff in Minnesota.  We discussed a variance of topics including unarmed defense, armed defense and how to handle conflicts.  Now you will hear from an expert besides me. Highlights: When you pick up your sword, put down your anger. How to avoid escalation of a conflict. How your words can affect the situation. Analyzing how body language tells you what the aggressor will do. What's the first rule of a gunfight?  (answer may surprise you.) The legal aspects of physical conflicts. Thanks for listening and don't forget to join our forum. Bob Mayne Today's Survival Show

 Episode 88 – Learning to live without and to be content. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

In this show I discuss some of the sacrifices many people all over the world make each day in order to survive.  This show is not meant to tell you want to do or give a lecture, but rather...some helpful suggestions to improve your standard of living. Highlights: What do you really need? Simplification often means relief. Examples of cutting back that don't impact your life much at all. The sad but true stories of how people sacrifice. The positive benefits of "trimming the fat." Redefining Success. Don't forget to join our forum and check out our YouTube Channel. 

 Episode 87 – Survival is like a game of chess…and neo-survivalism concepts | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Survival is like a game of chess that forces you to constantly think 3 - 4 moves ahead of your opponent.  Many of the strategies in the game of chess apply directly to your ability to survive.  Inspired by a forum post by Kev at The Survivalist Boards, I decided to expand on this subject and also give you some information from Gerald Celente on Neo Survivalism. Highlights: Strategy and focus of the chess game applied to survivalism. Each piece has a role to play, just like a family or community trying to survive. As long as you have your King, you're still in the game. Having a plan and sticking to it. Critical thinking for survival. 2010 predictions by Gerald Celente. The bogus economic recovery. Thanks for listening.  Don't forget to join the forum and check out my YouTube Channel.

 Episode 86 – Burden of Proof and the 4 Boundaries of Self Defense | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Part 2 of self defense and situational awareness.  In this episode I follow up Episode 85 with some more information from No Nonsense Self Defense's website. Highlights: Who has the burden of proof? The 4 Boundaries of Self Defense. What happens if you cross those boundaries? Can you take a picture of the harm being done to you? Can you fit it into a wheelbarrow? How our Monkey Brain can sometimes get us into trouble. Reacting only when "The Danger is Now!" Thanks for listening.  Don't forget to join our forum and check out the new knife review on my YouTube Channel!

 Episode 85 – What is self defense and situational awareness? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

What is self defense and situational awareness?  It's an answer that has plagued a lot of people, law enforcement and investigators, but I'll give you my thoughts on this subject in this episode.  I've been reading an excellent website called No Nonsense Self Defense.  I suggest you take a look at it after listening. Highlights: How not to cross the line from self defense to being the aggressor. Violence isn't what you may think it is. Violence doesn't start in the way you may think it does. The Judicious Use of Force, Massad Ayoob. Common misconceptions about how to stay safe. Common misconceptions about how to fight off your attacker. Self-defense is not about  being able to hit someone, nor what weapons you carry, nor is it about having an attitude the size of Texas.  It's a whole lot bigger and complex than that. It is a matter of life skills. Tune in and enjoy the show, don't forget to comment and join our forum and participate the S.A.C. Contest to win survival books and CD's. Bob Mayne Today's Survival Show


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