Episode 98 – You Get What You Negotiate

Today's Survival Show show

Summary: Negotiation is one of the more important skills you can learn.  I rarely see or hear this discussed in survival circles but I think it's quite important.  Your interpersonal people skills are just as important NOW, before something bad happens and even more important AFTER something bad happens, wouldn't you agree?  Tune in and I'll give you some valuable tips on creating win win negotiations. Highlights: The THREE most important things to know about negotiation. Pre planning your barter or negotiation. Basic negotiation tips. How to plan in advance the outcome of the negotiation. The impact of timing, style and delivery. How to take emotion out of it. Negotiation killers. How to properly compromise and trade your skills or products. P.S.  Don't forget to join our forum and help the show with your contribution if you can.