ESL Podcast - Previous Episodes show

ESL Podcast - Previous Episodes

Summary: ESL Podcast is brought to you by Dr. Lucy Tse and Dr. Jeff McQuillan of the Center for Educational Development.

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 730 - Waiting For Exam Results | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 20:36

Are you waiting to hear if you passed an exam or test? Find out how to describe your misery in this episode. Slow dialogue: 1:21 Explanations: 3:46 Fast dialogue: 18:30 Joel: Did it come? Susanne: No, it’s not in today’s mail. Why do I bother, anyway? I know it’s a foregone conclusion. I’ve failed. Joel: That’s bull! I know you passed. You’re just on tenterhooks waiting around for the results to arrive and you’re psyching yourself out. Susanne: No, I’m not. Joel: Don’t you remember that when you came home after taking the exam, you thought you had aced it? Susanne: I did, but that was before I started thinking about all of the questions I got wrong. Then, I thought it was a toss up whether I passed or not. Now that I’ve had even more time to think about it, I’m sure I biffed it. Joel: See what I mean? You’ve been psyching yourself out for weeks. You studied really hard and I have no doubt that you passed with flying colors. All right, you’re not going to hear today, so let’s get your mind off of the exam, okay? Susanne: All right. How? Joel: You can help me study for the exam. I’m taking it at the next administration. I have no intention of bombing it or even squeaking by by the skin of my teeth – like some people. Susanne: Very funny. Okay, so maybe I'm psyching myself out – a little bit. Okay, I’m game. Where do we begin? Joel: With all of the ones you thought you got wrong. Susanne: What?! Joel: There’s no sense wasting all that worrying. And if you did fail it, you’ll need to get ready to take it again. Susanne: Gee, thanks! Script by Dr. Lucy Tse

 729 - Being Blunt and Stubborn | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 19:21

Say what you mean and mean what you say. Find out about how to talk about blunt people in this episode. Slow dialog: 1:15 Explanations: 2:56 Fast dialog: 17:43 Simone: So, what did you think of Bruce? Isn’t he great? Dirk: Well, he’s certainly direct and forthright with his opinions. I don’t think I’ve ever met anyone who speaks his mind the way he does. Simone: Yeah, isn’t that great? I’ve never liked a guy who straddles the fence or has namby-pamby opinions. I’ve always liked guys with strong opinions. Dirk: Well, there’s strong and there’s pigheadedness*. Don’t you think? Simone: What?! You think Bruce is pigheaded, just because he doesn’t budge when other people try to sway him? I think that’s an admirable trait. Dirk: I think being blunt can be admirable under the right circumstances, but being stubborn as a mule can make it hard on other people, don’t you think? Simone: No, I don’t. Other people can pull their punches if they want to, but a man who’ll speak up about what he believes in and stand by it is a real man to me. Dirk: I can see why you two make a perfect couple. I hope never to be on the wrong side of an argument with either one of you. Script by Dr. Lucy Tse

 English Cafe #315 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 32:36

Topics: American Presidents: John F. Kennedy; Great Britain versus Britain versus England versus United Kingdom; hot shot Words: to become embroiled to ram war hero convalescence stillborn retrospect close inaugural address to depose abrupt assassination fondly Great Britain Britain England United Kingdom hotshot

 728 - Describing One's Skill Level | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 16:41

Are you terrible at writing descriptions? Me, too! Learn how to describe my low skill level in this episode. Slow dialog: 1:21 Explanations: 3:15 Fast dialog: 14:58 Elaine: Welcome to your first day as an intern in our company office. Let me show you around. This is the main office area with a cubicle for each employee. Are you pretty good with computers? Tony: Actually, my computer knowledge is pretty basic. The only thing I’m adept at is video games. I’m not up to snuff on actually doing work on one. Elaine: Okay, well you should be proficient by the end of your internship. Over there is where we keep the photocopier and fax machine. Have you used them before? Tony: I’m an expert on the copier. I can use it with one hand tied behind my back. I’m particularly good at photocopying body parts. Elaine: Uh, great. Tony: But the fax…I’ve only used one once and I never quite mastered it. Elaine: I’m sure you’ll get the hang of it pretty quickly. And this is the break room. You have your standard refrigerator and vending machines. Tony: Hey, I’m really good with vending machines. That’s one machine I know inside and out. Elaine: How could I have guessed that the one thing you really excel at is working the vending machine? Script by Dr. Lucy Tse

 727 - Home Architectural Styles | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 21:20

Sometimes bigger is not always better when it comes to houses. Learn about different architectural styles in this episode. Slow dialogue: 1:19 Explanations: 3:03 Fast dialogue: 19:45 Ralph: I just talked to our new real estate agent and she’s going to show us some houses tomorrow. I told her that the bigger the better and that we’re looking for a large Cape Cod or Georgian-style house. Nina: You did? I’ve been thinking that we’d try to find something more modest, a bungalow or a cottage. Ralph: What?! You think I’m going to live in a house that’s a step up from a mobile home? No way. We’ve come into some money and we’re going to buy a big house – maybe a colonial or a Greek revival. Nina: If you want something bigger than a bungalow, how about a split-level modern house or maybe a ranch-style house? Ralph: You’re still thinking too small. The sky’s the limit. We can afford something big, something really big. Nina: That’s what the nouveau riche would do. Ralph: So what? Our money is new and we have a lot of it, and I want a big house. We’re not being ostentatious. If anyone criticizes us for that, I’d say, “Deal with it!” Script by Dr. Lucy Tse

 English Cafe #314 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 32:16

Topics: Famous Songs: “Kumbaya”; Crater Lake National Park; free time versus spare time; at the end versus in the end; booking versus reservation Words: spiritual to pass down campfire calming effect to sway crater volcano lodge rim trail indigenous picturesque impassable free time spare time at the end in the end booking reservation

 726 - Taking the Driving Test | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 20:07

Learning to drive can be scary – for you, and the teacher. Learn about taking a driving test in this episode. Slow dialogue: 1:12 Explanations: 3:27 Fast dialogue: 18:12 Cesar: I just took the driving test. See this? That’s my new license. May: You have to give me the play-by-play. I’m taking the test next week and I’m freaking out. Cesar: There’s nothing to worry about. It was easy. May: I’m not worried about the written test. It’s the driving test I’m worried about. I haven’t had a lot of practice. What did you have to do? Cesar: Well, we got into the car and I fastened my seat belt. The examiner had me drive around the block, checking to see that I stopped at the stop signs and traffic signals. May: That sounds okay. Did you have to drive on the freeway? Cesar: Yeah, I went on the onramp and merged into traffic. She had me change lanes and accelerate to pass another driver. Just don’t forget to signal and don’t go over the speed limit. May: Did you have to parallel park? That’s what I’m most worried about. Cesar: Yeah, I parallel parked, but it was easy. Why are you so worried about the test? May: I told you. I haven’t had very much practice. Cesar: Exactly how many times have you been behind the wheel? May: Well, a few times...maybe two times, and that was around a parking lot. Cesar: Wow, you’d better get more practice if you’re going to take the test next week. May: Could you...? Cesar: Uh, sorry, but I’ve got someplace to be. Script by Dr. Lucy Tse

 725 - Childhood Illnesses and Diseases | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 17:38

Kids come down with all sorts of illnesses. Learn how to talk about some of them in this episode. Slow dialogue: 1:19 Explanations: 3:05 Fast dialogue: 15:55 Rebecca: You look exhausted! Another tough day at the daycare center? Puneet: Yeah, it was. This is a record year for the kids getting sick. The chicken pox is going around. Last year, it was the measles. The year before that, it was the mumps. This year, it’s the chicken pox. Rebecca: You sent the kids home, right? Puneet: Yeah, but today, a couple of the kids looked like they have pink eye, and I had to call their parents to let them know. Rebecca: What happened to simple nosebleeds and earaches? Puneet: Oh, we have kids with those, too, but it’s the contagious diseases that really take its toll. I’m not sure, but I think one of the little kids has strep throat, and a couple of the really little kids have croup. I wish there were a way to immunize all of them from every illness and disease out there. Rebecca: Are you sure you’re working in a daycare center? Puneet: Yeah, why? Rebecca: Because it just sounds like you’re working at the Center for Disease Control. Tomorrow, I suggest wearing a gas mask to work. Script by Dr. Lucy Tse

 English Cafe #313 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:15

Topics: Salem Witch Trials; National Endowment for the Arts; in fact versus as a matter of fact; even versus even though; to look at Words: witch supernatural trial fit to afflict outcast to hang mass hysteria endowment grant subjective to abolish in fact as a matter of fact even even though to look at

 724 - Being Impolite in Conversation | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 19:22

Can’t we all just get along? Learn what not to do to be polite in conversation. Slow dialogue: 1:24 Explanations: 3:17 Fast dialogue: 17:35 Angela: Ugh! I hate talking to Rebecca. Every time I ask her a question, she ignores me or sneers at me. Ronny: Are you sure it’s not your imagination? She’s perfectly nice to me. Angela: It’s not my imagination. When I try to tell her something, she cuts me off. When I try to explain something to her, she’s short with me or talks over me. I always get the feeling that she’s looking down her nose at me. Ronny: Maybe she feels threatened by you. Angela: How so? Ronny: You’re younger, smarter, and better educated. She might feel like you’re after her job. Angela: But I’m not! I just started here and I don’t have any designs on replacing her. Ronny: And you’re prettier than she is. Angela: What does that have to do with anything, even if it were true? Ronny: Well, she’s had a thing for me for a while and… Angela: And she thinks I’m her competition. No wonder she’s so standoffish with me. I’ll just make it clear that I won’t stand in her way. Ronny: You won’t? Angela: Huh? Ronny: Never mind. Script by Dr. Lucy Tse

 723 - Things Associated with Autumn | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 20:37

It’s time to change seasons again. Get ready for autumn by listening to this episode. Slow dialogue: 1:17 Explanations: 3:22 Fast dialogue: 18:43 Erin: Smell that! Sean: Smell what? Erin: Can’t you smell the changing of the seasons? I love autumn. The fall colors are out and there’s a chill is in the air. Sean: That means I’ll be raking leaves every weekend when I should be watching football. Erin: How can you be so grumpy when you see cute little squirrels squirreling away their nuts for the winter? Sean: That just means they’re running across the roof even more often, waking me up every morning. Erin: Not even you can put a damper on my good mood. I can’t wait for homecoming games and especially the harvest festivals. They’ll be hayrides, bonfires, and s’mores! Sean: As you know, I have hay allergies and those bonfires are a danger to the environment. And I don’t like s’mores, in the summer or in the fall. Erin: How can you be such a party-pooper? Sean: The only good thing about the fall is that it’s right before winter when bears go into hibernation, so I won’t have to worry about running into one. Hey, what’s this? Erin: This is a cup of hot chocolate to put you in the fall mood. Drink up and we’ll go for a walk outside. It’s a beautiful day and a walk will help you see all that you’re missing. Sean: I’ll drink the hot chocolate, but don’t expect any epiphanies. Script by Dr. Lucy Tse

 English Cafe #312 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 31:16

Topics: Jimmy Hoffa and the Teamsters; The National Geographic Society; shade versus shadow; rarely versus seldom; every cloud has a silver lining Words: union management Teamsters mob to convict fraud bribery sentence to follow up on a lead to diffuse atlas dying language shade shadow rarely seldom every cloud has a silver lining

 722 - Talking About Television Shows | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 18:19

Don’t change the channel! It’s time for the new television shows to eat away at your time and soul. Slow dialogue: 1:09 Explanations: 2:58 Fast dialogue: 16:32 Cleo: The new TV season is starting this week and I can’t wait. I’ve been watching reruns all summer and I’m ready for the premiers of my favorite shows. Victor: You watch Madwomen, right? Cleo: Yes, it’s my favorite show. Victor: Then I’ve got some bad news for you. It’s been cancelled. Cleo: How is that possible? The show was on hiatus last season because of contract negotiations, but I heard that it had been renewed for another season. The season finale was a cliffhanger! Victor: I know, but something must have gone wrong. They filmed two episodes, which they’ll air, but then there’ll be a mid-season replacement. Cleo: This is outrageous! I’ve been waiting nearly two years for its return. Oh well, at least I can watch my other favorite show tonight, Reviver. Victor: Sorry, but it’s been preempted. The President is giving a televised speech tonight. Cleo: Are you kidding me?! Victor: Nope, sorry. Cleo: The world is conspiring against me. I’ve had enough. I’m giving up TV watching! Victor: You? That I’ve got to see! Script by Dr. Lucy Tse

 721 - A Widespread Epidemic | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 15:11

Some diseases can move very quickly from one person to another. Learn more about how to describe epidemics in this episode. Slow dialogue: 1:18 Explanations: 2:55 Fast dialogue: 13:37 Alan: Did you see today’s news? There’s been an outbreak of Podcaster’s Disease in the city. Katja: Oh, my God, not Podcaster’s Disease! I would not want to come down with that. Alan: The first outbreak was at the local high school, and the health authorities thought it was localized. But a second, more widespread, outbreak has been reported at the city’s government offices. Katja: That’s terrible! I thought Podcaster’s Disease was very rare. Alan: It is, and that’s why the authorities are so alarmed. It’s highly communicable, so they’re hoping it won’t turn into an epidemic, or worse, a pandemic. Katja: I’ve heard that this disease is horrible, but I’m not sure what the symptoms are. Do you know? Alan: From what I’ve read, sufferers of Podcaster’s Disease can’t stop talking and they speak in an announcer’s voice all the time. Katja: Oh, my God, what a terrible fate! Script by Dr. Lucy Tse

 English Cafe #311 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:52

Topics: Ask an American: Concussions Affect U.S. Teen Athletes; customer versus client; overwhelming; exciting; discussion on/about Words: ref time out trainer concussion face down to work (someone) match whistle fogginess to think straight nausea dizziness off balance customer client overwhelming exciting discussion


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