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ESL Podcast - Previous Episodes

Summary: ESL Podcast is brought to you by Dr. Lucy Tse and Dr. Jeff McQuillan of the Center for Educational Development.

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 760 - Paycheck Deductions | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 19:22

The only two things we can be certain of in this life are death and taxes. Learn about one of them in this episode. Slow dialogue: 1:11 Explanations: 3:12 Fast dialogue: 17:32 Bill: It’s about time! I’ve been waiting for my first paycheck and now it’s finally here. I’m ready to party this weekend! Whoa! Carol: What’s the matter? Bill: What happened to all my money? The amount of this check is a lot less than I expected it to be. Carol: Yeah, my first paycheck was an eye-opener for me, too. Look at the pay stub and you’ll see all of the deductions. After federal income taxes, state income taxes, and FICA, you’re not left with a lot of money. Bill: You’re right, but what’s FICA? Carol: Those are taxes for Social Security and Medicare. Did you sign up for a retirement plan? If you did, those retirement contributions are deducted, too. Bill: Thank God, I didn’t. But you know what? That still doesn’t account for all of the deductions. Carol: Let me take a look. Oh, it looks like your wages are being garnished. Bill: They’re garnishing my wages? What for? Carol: Uh, do you have to pay child support or something like that? Bill: Oh, yeah, I guess I do. I’d forgotten about that. I guess I’d better change my weekend plans. Carol: I guess so. Script by Dr. Lucy Tse

 759 - Worrying About Your Children | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 18:06

Will your children grow up to be responsible adults or the kind of people you don’t want living next to you? Learn how to worry about this and more in this episode. Slow dialogue: 1:01 Explanations: 3:05 Fast dialogue: 16:10 Pavel: I’m really worried about Hanna. She’s been hanging around with that girl Carla, and Carla runs with the wrong crowd. Hillary: Hanna is rebelling a little. That’s natural at her age. When I was her age, I thought I knew more than my parents or any adult, and that I should be able to make all of my own decisions. Pavel: I’m not talking about being stricter on her, but she’s become so secretive. I’m really worried that she might get exposed to things that should be off-limits at her age. Hillary: There’s no way we can keep her from seeing her friends short of locking her in her room. We have to trust her and let her come to us if she runs into problems. We raised her right and she can handle herself. Pavel: I wish I had your confidence. She’s a girl, remember? All kinds of things can happen to girls. Hillary: We’ve talked to her a lot about those things and what we feel are right and wrong. A lot of things can happen to boys, too, or don’t you remember? Hanna takes after you and she has your brains and resourcefulness. Like father, like daughter, so stop worrying so much, Pavel: Do you really think she’ll be okay? Hillary: Yes, I do. Take comfort in knowing that she’s just exactly like you. When she has a daughter of her own, she’ll stay up nights worrying, just like you. Pavel: That’s small comfort! Script by Dr. Lucy Tse

 English Cafe #330 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 27:04

Topics: American Authors: Toni Morrison; Homeboy/Homegirl Industries and Father Greg Boyle; screw versus bolt versus nut; to kidnap versus to abduct; to sharpen (one’s) axe Words: African American experience to long social convention homeboy gang priest gang intervention rival budget counseling domestic violence tattoo screw bolt nut to kidnap to abduct to sharpen (one’s) axe

 758 - Showing Off a New Purchase | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 17:41

If you’ve got it, you might as well let everyone see it. That’s the philosophy of the people in this dialogue, but you can decide whether you agree or not. Slow dialogue: 1:08 Explanations: 2:51 Fast dialogue: 15:58 Monica: Wow, check you out! When did you buy a new car? Kevin: This isn’t just any new car. It’s a Ferrari. Monica: I can see that. It must have set you back a few. Kevin: Yeah, but it was worth it. You should see the looks I get riding around in this baby. My brother is green with envy. Monica: Then you’ve been showing it off around town. Kevin: No, I’ve just been showing it off to a few friends and family members. There’s no sense owning a fine machine like this and not bragging a little, right? Monica: Especially since your brother has been gloating about his new boat, you mean. Kevin: There is that. I don’t want to toot my own horn, but I think a new Ferrari trumps a measly new boat, don’t you? Monica: Do you and your brother always whip it out like this? Kevin: Like what? I’m just sharing my new toy with my brother. I’m sure he’s just as happy for me as I was for him when he bought his new boat. Monica: Truer words were never spoken. Script by Dr. Lucy Tse

 757 - Getting Political Support | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 17:56

Politicians don’t get their money for nothing or their votes for free. Learn all about the world of getting political support in this episode. Slow dialogue: 1:21 Explanations: 2:55 Fast dialogue: 16:14 Helen: Okay, your schedule today is very busy. First, you’re meeting with a group of constituents concerned about the environment. Then, you’re speaking to a group of factory workers. At noon, you’ll be having lunch with a group of high-power donors. Mikhail: When I signed on as a candidate, I had no idea I’d have to pander to every group out there to gain their support. Helen: Don’t think of it as pandering. Think of it as rallying the troops. People in this state need a leader and you’re their great white hope. Mikhail: I decided to run because I wanted to be a voice of reason in the partisan bickering. I didn’t sign on to be a poster boy for my political party. Helen: You can make a difference when you get elected, but first things first: you need to get elected. Ready to go? Mikhail: What happened to the good old days when all you had to do was a little gerrymandering to get elected? Helen: I’m glad you brought that up. Your meeting with the committee on redistricting is this afternoon at 2:00. Mikhail: I’m sorry I asked! Script by Dr. Lucy Tse

 English Cafe #329 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 33:08

Topics: American Presidents: Jimmy Carter; The Lost Ship of the Desert Legend; phrases used to ask for status updates; to start off for; likely versus probable Words: peanut board name recognition stagflation to be taken hostage inept accord diplomat legend desert ship treasure to start off for likely probable

 756 - Holding Structured and Unstructured Meetings | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 16:12

Success in business isn’t always about following the rules. Learn how to have a more open, informal meeting by listening to this episode. Slow dialogue: 1:15 Explanations: 3:16 Fast dialogue: 14:20 Diego: Okay, why don’t you brief me on what you’ve planned for the meeting tomorrow? Maya: Sure. At the meeting of the managers tomorrow, we’ll begin with introductions. Since you’re the most senior manager, the job falls to you. Diego: I don’t think we need to stand on ceremony. Have Alexi do the introductions. Maya: All right. Then, we’ll follow the agenda and discuss each item of business. I have you down to lead the discussions. Diego: I don’t think we need the meeting to be so structured. If we follow the agenda point-by-point, we’ll never find out what’s really on the minds of the managers, what issues they think are of paramount importance. I think I’ll open the floor to anyone who wants to raise an issue. Maya: Wouldn’t that turn into a free for all? I’m not sure we’ll get much accomplished. Diego: Sometimes, it’s not as important to accomplish something as it is to take the pulse of the group. If we want to know what issues are on the managers’ minds, we first need to let the managers speak freely. Agreed? Maya: Uh, sure. You’re the boss. Should I also cancel the lunch I’ve ordered so you can make up your minds about food later? Diego: Absolutely not! The one thing that’s not open for discussion is what I’m eating for lunch. Script by Dr. Lucy Tse

 755 - Rejecting Newer Technology | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 18:32

Put away that Commodore 64 computer you’re using long enough to listen to this episode on new technology. Slow dialogue: 1:15 Explanations: 3:17 Fast dialogue: 16:30 Darlene: Thanks for agreeing to take a look at my computer. It’s been acting up lately. Chris: Sure, I don’t mind. Is this it? Darlene: Yeah. Chris: How long have you had this computer? It looks like it belongs in the ice age. Darlene: I admit it’s a little dated. I must be one of the last holdouts in switching to a newer model. Chris: What are you waiting for? It seems to me that all of your computer problems would be solved if you spring for a new one. Darlene: I have a lot of old programs on this computer that aren’t compatible with the newer models. I’m kind of attached to them. Chris: They probably aren’t compatible because there are now better, more efficient programs that have overtaken the ones you currently use. Your programs are probably obsolete. Which programs are they? Maybe I can show you how to use the newer versions. Darlene: Well, there’s one particular program... Chris: Yes? Darlene: It’s a game I like to play. Chris: You’re refusing to buy a newer, better computer just because you’d have to give up a game? Darlene: It’s a really fun game and I’m keeping this computer until they make a version for the newer computers. Chris: Okay, but you know what they say: live by the sword, die by the sword. Darlene: So you won’t help me fix my computer? Chris: I’ll try, but I’m telling you now. It’s a lost cause. Script by Dr. Lucy Tse

 English Cafe #328 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 33:16

Topics: The Scopes Trial; American Cities: Aspen and Vail, Colorado; The City of New York versus New York City; verge versus brink; to compliment versus to complement Words: trial v. prosecutor defendant merit to deliberate to appeal technicality to overturn resort to ski upscale verge brink to compliment to complement

 754 - Being in a Flood | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 16:18

Don’t get caught in a flood, but if you do, learn how to talk about it in English in this episode. Slow dialogue: 1:07 Explanations: 2:34 Fast dialogue: 14:48 Cherise: Well, that was a rude awakening at 2:00 in the morning! Don: At least we got out of our room before it flooded. It serves us right for planning a vacation here during the rainy season. Our luggage is probably soaked. Cherise: Oh, no, I’d forgotten about our clothes. If the water doesn’t recede soon, everything will have mold and mildew on it. Don: The sump pumps are working as we speak. Hopefully, we can retrieve our stuff soon. Cherise: Maybe I should go downstairs and try to salvage what I can, before things get washed away. Don: What?! You could drown in all that water. Forget it! Cherise: Drown in three feet of water? Don’t be silly. Don: I’ve seen you swim. Come on, let’s just wait until we get the go-ahead. Cherise: I still think I should try. Don: I have one word for you: snakes. Cherise: Enough said! Script by Dr. Lucy Tse

 753 - Enduring Hazing | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 19:08

Sometimes joining a club is not worth it. Learn about one example of that in this episode. Slow dialogue: 1:23 Explanations: 3:38 Fast dialogue: 17:06 Rafael: Go away and stop following us. Our club is for boys only. Hannah: But I want to join. Rafael: You do, huh? Did you know that to join our club, you have to go through an initiation? Hannah: Okay, I’ll do that. What do I have to do? Rafael: You have to endure weeks of hazing. We’ll be putting you through your paces to make sure you’re club material. Hannah: I’m willing to do that. I can do anything you boys can do. Watch me! Rafael: I’m not so sure. If you want to be one of the guys, you’ll have to do everything we tell you to do, even if you don’t want to. Hannah: Everything? Rafael: Yeah, everything. If we tell you to eat dirt, you have to eat dirt. If we tell you to stand outside in the rain, you have to do that, too. Get the picture? Hannah: Yeah, I’ve got the picture. Rafael: If we tell you to pull a prank, you have to do it. If we tell you to streak, you have to do that, too. Hannah: You can’t be serious. That really crosses the line. Rafael: We decide what crosses the line and what doesn’t. See? I knew you’d be too chicken to join our club. Hannah: You’re right. I don’t want to join any club where the members are stupid enough to do all of those things. I’m starting my own club – one where you don’t have to humiliate yourself to get in. Rafael: Suit yourself. I knew you weren’t club material. Hannah: Thank goodness for that! Script by Dr. Lucy Tse

 English Cafe #327 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:39

Topics: Famous Americans: Lucille Ball; The Great Depression; hermit versus loner versus introvert; other than versus rather than; Et tu, Brute? Words: to have no future as B-movie stardom rerun pioneering fondly look-alike depression crash to stimulate drought manual labor hermit loner introvert other than rather than Et tu, Brute?

 752 - Working With Unreliable People | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 18:13

Working together is great until someone doesn’t do her job. Find out how to talk about working with unreliable people in this episode. Slow dialogue: 1:10 Explanations: 3:16 Fast dialogue: 16:18 Paul: What time is it? Jackie: It’s 2:30. The Cleveland office report should have been emailed to us by the end of the workday yesterday. What are we supposed to do now? Paul: If we don’t get their report, we’ll have to hold up the production of the annual report and if that happens, somebody’s head is going to roll. This really leaves us in a lurch. Who’s responsible for the report in Cleveland? Jackie: Noel Simmons. Paul: Oh, no. I know Noel. I used to work with him in the Columbus office. He was always dropping the ball on his responsibilities and I was always having to cover for him. Jackie: You must have had the patience of a saint! If he’s such a flake, why is he still working for this company? Paul: Beats me, but I know we’re in for a long wait if he’s in charge. We have to do something. Get on the phone and see if you can light a fire under him. Unless we keep on him, we’ll never see that report. Jackie: Okay, I’ll call the Cleveland office right now. Paul: And Jackie? Jackie: Yes? Paul: If he gives you a line or some kind of excuse, let me talk to him. Jackie: What’ll you do? Paul: I’ll take him on a trip down memory lane. When I used to work with him, I wasn’t always so patient – or polite. Script by Dr. Lucy Tse

 751 - Describing One’s Taste in Music | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 18:21

People have different likes and dislikes when it comes to music. Learn how to talk about them in English in this episode. Slow dialogue: 1:31 Explanations: 3:15 Fast dialogue: 16:38 Arturo: What are you listening to? Ling: Some new music. You want to hear it? Arturo: All right. That’s pretty mellow, kinda bluesy, isn’t it? It’s got an interesting indie feel. Ling: Do you like it? Arturo: It’s all right. I like more funky, dance music myself, but this is okay. It’s not too depressing. Ling: That’s faint praise. Arturo: No, no, I do like it. I guess I’m usually in the mood for more up-tempo music, something with a driving beat. I’m a hard-core MC-Quillan fan, if that’s any indication. Ling: Oh, I see, so you don’t really like acoustic music much. Arturo: It’s just not my thing, you know? Ling: Yeah, that’s too bad. Arturo: Why? Ling: That was a track I recorded last week. Arturo: This is your music? In that case, I love it. Ling: You’re just saying that. Arturo: No, really, it’s growing on me. In fact, I want to hear more. How about if I bring over some dinner on Saturday and you can play me a few more tracks? Ling: You don’t mind? Arturo: Believe me, I’ll be all ears. Script by Dr. Lucy Tse

 English Cafe #326 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:36

Topics: Ask an American: U.S. Families Adjust to Life Overseas; outpatient; to gulp versus to gobble; swell Words: corporate culture to behave workplace personal space area of concern consultant adjustment far and away in excess of to mitigate productive outpatient to gulp to gobble to swell


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