ESL Podcast - Previous Episodes show

ESL Podcast - Previous Episodes

Summary: ESL Podcast is brought to you by Dr. Lucy Tse and Dr. Jeff McQuillan of the Center for Educational Development.

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 740 - Corporate Gift-Giving | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 20:24

Companies have feelings, too, you know, so don’t forget to give a holiday gift to your clients this year. Learn all about corporate gifts in this episode. Slow dialogue: 1:03 Explanations: 3:57 Fast dialogue: 18:03 Michelle: Why did I get stuck with buying corporate gifts for our clients this year? Just because I’m a woaen doesn’t mean I’m good at buying gifts. Rafiq: It’s not because you’re a woman. It’s because you’re the most junior employee of the company. I had the job three years ago when I started working here. Michelle: Oh, so you know the drill. I was thinking of sending food baskets to McQ Corp. Rafiq: I wouldn’t advise doing that. We’re bidding on a new contract with their company and the gift could be misconstrued as a bribe. You’ll want to avoid any appearance of impropriety. Michelle: Then I shouldn’t send anything at all? Rafiq: You could send a charitable donation in the company’s name. This way, we show our appreciation for their business, and they get recognition for the contribution to a worthy cause, without seeming like we’re trying to influence their decision. Michelle: That seems like a good way to go. What about the other companies we’re doing business with? Rafiq: A food basket would be fine for those companies. Just make sure there’s nothing perishable in them and send a handwritten note. That adds a nice touch. Michelle: I was also thinking of sending our smaller clients calendars and t-shirts with our company logo. What do you think? Rafiq: I think they’d like gift certificates to stores or restaurants better. Michelle: What about a bottle of wine? Wouldn’t that be a good gift? Rafiq: You never know how a client feels about alcohol, so stick to something safer, like the food baskets or gift certificates. Michelle: You have all the answers. You’re an expert at corporate gift-giving! Rafiq: Shh, don’t say that too loudly. If the powers that be hear about it, I might get stuck with the job – permanently! Michelle: Your secret is safe with me. Script by Dr. Lucy Tse

 739 - Performing an Intervention | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 18:39

Addiction to anything can cause problems in your life. Learn how to help someone in this situation in this episode. Slow dialogue: 1:15 Explanations: 3:26 Fast dialogue: 16:38 Petra: Hey, what’s going on here? Why are all of you here in my apartment? Johann: Your family and close friends are here to perform an intervention. We feel that you have a problem that is negatively affecting your life and the lives of the people around you. Petra: An intervention?! I don’t need an intervention. What am I supposed to be addicted to? Johann: I think you know. Each of us can attest to your obsession and the consequences of that addiction. It is interfering with your work and your personal relationships. Petra: No, it’s not. I can’t believe this. I feel cornered! Johann: We just want to help you. We all agree that you need to see a therapist and maybe go into treatment. Petra: You guys are all crazy. Is that an ultimatum? Johann: Yes, I’m afraid it is. If you don’t stop your obsessive behavior, we’ll take that away. Petra: What?! Take away my MP3 player? If you take away my MP3 player, how am I supposed to listen to ESL Podcast? Johann: That’s the idea. Listening to ESL Podcast 14 hours a day is not healthy. Petra: Okay, I know I’ve gone overboard, but I’ll stop. I promise. Johann: You’ll stop cold turkey? Petra: Well...I need to be weaned off, I think. How about if I cut back to 10 hours a day to start? Script by Dr. Lucy Tse

 English Cafe #320 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 31:10

Topics: American Cities: Columbus, Ohio; Wallis Simpson and King Edward VIII; limit versus limitation; for X person to undercut set targets; to sponge off (someone) Words: to thrive arch diversified to make it to to touch on allegedly mistress besotted scandalous to abdicate the throne to discharge recluse limit limitation to undercut set target to sponge off (someone)

 738 - Talking to a Mechanic | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 17:36

Getting your car fixed is one of the necessary evils in life. Learn how to talk to a mechanic in English in this episode. Slow dialogue: 1:03 Explanations: 3:13 Fast dialogue: 15:32 Mechanic: Hi, I’m the mechanic. What can I do for you? Amy: My car is making a very weird noise. It sounds like this: gulug, gulug, gulug... Mechanic: Hm, that doesn’t sound good. Where is it coming from? Amy: I’m not sure. When I’m in the car, it sounds like it’s coming from the engine, but when I get out of the car, it sounds like it’s coming from directly under the trunk, maybe the muffler? Mechanic: That’s not a noise a muffler would make. Let me take a look. Can you start the car and pop the hood? Amy: Sure. Mechanic: Well, I don’t hear the sound right now, but your battery needs replacing, you have a coolant leak, your carburetor needs adjusting, and your spark plugs are shot. I need to look under the car. Amy: Okay, go ahead. Mechanic: Your brake pads need replacing and your tires need balancing. Amy: But are any of those problems causing that horrible noise? Mechanic: I don’t know. I don’t hear the noise right now, so it’s hard to tell. But that’s all work you need to have done on this car anyway for it to run right. It’s only a matter of time before your car stops working if you don’t take care of those problems. Amy: I come in with one problem and you find 10 others. I guess you should go ahead. What else can I do? Mechanic: Um, buy a bus pass? Script by Dr. Lucy Tse

 737 - Kitchen Appliances | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 18:27

If you like to cook, you want to have the right equipment in your kitchen. Learn how to talk about kitchen appliances in this episode. Slow dialogue: 1:15 Explanations: 2:55 Fast dialogue: 16:42 Victoria: As you can see, this executive apartment is fully equipped. When you called and asked for the best available apartment, I thought of this one immediately. Just look at this kitchen! All of the appliances are top of the line. Justin: Do you mind if I take a closer look? I like to cook. Victoria: No problem. The refrigerator has a high capacity, with the freezer on the bottom. Justin: But there’s no ice maker. Victoria: No, that’s one of the few things it doesn’t have. Justin: Hmm…Is this range gas or electric? Victoria: It’s gas, and it has a broiler on the bottom, see? Justin: Is the stove self-cleaning? Victoria: I’m afraid not, but it’s stainless steel, as you can see. Justin: That’s too bad. Is the dishwasher new? Victoria: It’s not brand new, but it’s in very good condition. The microwave, toaster, and coffee maker also come with the apartment. What do you think? Do you think it’ll suit your needs? Justin: When I asked for your best, I expected the Cadillac of apartments. You’ve shown me a Pinto! Script by Dr. Lucy Tse

 English Cafe #319 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 31:05

Topics: T.S. Eliot; log and log in/log on; explanation versus interpretation; pronouncing consonant clusters Words: distinguished disillusionment New England to break from pedantic vulgar erudite to breed essay critic a product of (something) insane log to log in / to log on explanation interpretation

 736 - Following One’s Dream | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 16:37

Find out how to follow your dreams and still have time for a coffee break on this episode. Slow dialogue: 1:22 Explanations: 2:53 Fast dialogue: 15:05 Cassandra: I’ve had it! I’m quitting and I’m not coming back. I was meant for greater things than working in this pathetic place. Life is passing me by. Lazlo: You can’t quit. You need the money and you have responsibilities, remember? Cassandra: I’ve sacrificed enough for security. I want to make a difference. I want to do big things. I want to have an impact on the world. Lazlo: That’s very admirable. Most people want to make a difference in the world, but don’t have the guts to try. Cassandra: You are so right! But I’m going to make it happen. I aspire to do great things and I won’t rest until I do. I want to follow my dream. Lazlo: What is your dream? Cassandra: Um, well, I’m not quite sure what I’m destined to do yet, but as soon as I figure out my true vocation, I’m following my heart. Lazlo: That’s great. Until then, lunch break is over. Could we get back to work? Script by Dr. Lucy Tse

 735 - Getting a Visa to Travel | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 20:11

Traveling to another country sometimes requires getting a visa. Find out more in this episode. Slow dialogue: 1:17 Explanations: 3:52 Fast dialogue: 18:06 Yesenia: I have a great idea. Let’s plan a big party for your mother’s 70th birthday. We’ll invite all of your relatives from all over the world. Julian: I don’t think very many of them can afford to travel half way around the world for a party. Yesenia: I’ve already spoken with your rich brother and he’s already offered to pay for your family’s airfare and hotel. If we plan it, he’ll pay for it. Julian: Julio offered to do that? Well, if he’s on board than we can give it a shot. But here’s another hitch. My extended family lives in a lot of different countries and I’m not sure they’ll get visas to visit the U.S., especially on short notice. Yesenia: Let’s try, anyway. Your cousins in Canada don’t need a visa because most Canadian citizens don’t need one to cross the border. What about your uncle in Korea? Julian: He’s already in the U.S. on an exchange visitor visa until June. He should be able to come. Yesenia: What about your aunt in Greece? Julian: She won’t need a visa because Greece is one of the countries in the Visa Waiver Program. Yesenia: Do you think your nephews in South Africa will want to come? Julian: I’m not sure what the visa situation is there. We’ll have to check with the State Department. Yesenia: I’ll get on the horn first thing in the morning to see what I can find out. I might email them and ask them to check with the embassy or consulate there to be sure. This party is really shaping up. Julian: You seem to have it all under control. Yesenia: Haven’t you always said that party planning is my middle name? Script by Dr. Lucy Tse

 English Cafe #318 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 31:01

Topics: Famous Americans: Warren Buffet; The Chicken Soup book series; few versus little; only so many; to be due Words: share partnership sage to endorse philanthropy inspirational chicken soup soul to nourish compilation motivational speaker few little only so many to be due

 734 - Believing in Scary Things | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 17:51

Do you believe in ghosts? Listen to this episodes and find out if there is something scary waiting for you today. Slow dialogue: 1:23 Explanations: 3:05 Fast dialogue: 16:08 Ella: No matter what you say, I am not going out tonight. It’s Halloween and evil things are lurking everywhere. Jimmy: Come on, it’s Halloween! It’s the holiday when kids get dressed up and ask for candy. There is nothing evil or creepy about this day. If you’re scared stiff, it’s your own doing. Ella: Don’t kid yourself. This is the day when ghosts, witches, zombies, and vampires come out and have a field day. I’ve got goosebumps just thinking about it. Jimmy: Do you mean you actually believe in all of that stuff? You are too old to be so gullible. I’m going out. Ella: Look! Hurry up and close that door! There’s a black cat. Oh my God. If you walk out that door, the next time I see you, it might be in a graveyard. Jimmy: You’re crazy and I’m leaving. Ella: If you have to go, take these with you. Jimmy: What are they? Ella: It’s a cross and some garlic. You’ll thank me later. Jimmy: Ugh! Script by Dr. Lucy Tse

 733 - Voting in an Election | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 18:29

Vote early and vote often in this episode that’s all about elections. Slow dialogue: 1:18 Explanations: 3:27 Fast dialogue: 16:37 Khaled: Are you going to the polling place or are you voting by absentee ballot again? Bernice: I always vote with an absentee ballot so I can vote in the comfort of my own home and in my own time. In fact, I’ve already mailed in my ballot. Khaled: Good for you. Which candidate did you vote for in the governor’s race? Bernice: I didn’t vote for either of the bozos that are running. I voted for a write-in candidate. Khaled: A write-in candidate? There isn’t a snowball’s chance in hell that a write-in candidate is going to win this election. Bernice: That may be so, but I have to vote with my conscience, and I can’t bring myself to vote for either of those people. Have you voted? Khaled: Not yet. I’m going to vote at the polls on Election Day. I want more time to think about whom to vote for and to read up on the ballot measures. There are a lot of them this time. Bernice: Yeah, but the governor’s race is the only thing I care about. I can’t stand the thought of having either of those bozos as the next governor. Khaled: Just out of curiosity, who did you write in as a candidate? Bernice: You. Khaled: Me?! You’re crazy. I don’t want to be governor. Bernice: It was either you or me, and I’d rather not be a candidate and have to be in the company of those bozos. Script by Dr. Lucy Tse

 English Cafe #317 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:55

Topics: Movie: Mr. Smith Goes to Washington; Detroit and the Rust Belt; to knead versus to mash; the infinitive versus gerund form of a verb (to look for versus looking for); bona fide Words: to name a replacement naive to manipulate to propose a bill dam corrupt to turn against to faint Rust Belt rust racial tension labor to knead to mash to look for/looking for bona fide

 732 - Preferring Different Work Styles | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 17:20

Do you like to work with others or by yourself? Find out about different work styles in this episode. Slow dialogue: 1:40 Explanations: 3:31 Fast dialogue: 15:39 Hugo: How do you like working with Leo? Is it working out? Melissa: No, it’s not. Our work styles completely clash and we butt heads at every turn. Hugo: Really? I thought you were partnered up because you complemented each other’s strengths. Melissa: Yeah, but that doesn’t mean we can work well together. I’m collaborative and like to talk things out. Leo likes to go solo. He goes off on his own and comes back with a finished product, without consulting with me at all. Hugo: Yeah, I’ve worked with Leo before and he likes having autonomy, but he has to realize that the point of collaboration is that the sum is greater than the parts. Two people pooling ideas will make the product better. Melissa: That’s the idea, anyway. Hey, I have a better idea. What do you think of you and me teaming up? We’re both collaborative. We’d make a great team. Hugo: Yeah, but we also have the same skills. That’s why you’re working with Leo and I’m working with Lamar, remember? Melissa: Yeah, I remember. I’m starting to think that collaboration is overrated. Script by Dr. Lucy Tse

 731 - Hints and Innuendo | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 17:06

I love eating chocolate. Did you know that Christmas is coming up soon? Yeah, I LOVE chocolate. If you don’t get the hint, listen to this episode. (Did I mention Christmas will soon be here?) Slow dialogue: 1:09 Explanations: 3:07 Fast dialogue: 15:12 Roberta: You know, my birthday is coming up. John: Yeah, I know. What are you getting at? Roberta: Nothing. I was just thinking that it’s kind of an important birthday, a major birthday. John: Yes, I know. Spit it out. What are you driving at? Roberta: I was just thinking that some people might not know what to get me for such an important birthday, since some people don’t like to put a lot of thought into presents. John: What are you implying? Are you insinuating that I don’t get you good presents for your birthdays? Roberta: No, of course not. I just don’t want you to have to rack your brain to think of the perfect gift, that’s all. John: Just tell me. What should I get you for your very important birthday? Roberta: What? Just blurt it out? I can’t do that. I can give you a hint, but since you love me so much, I’m sure you can read my mind. John: That’s where you’re wrong. If I had a nickel for every time a woman thought I should be able to read her mind, I’d be the richest man in the world! I don’t have an inkling of what you have on your mind. Roberta: All right, I’ll make it more than a hint. I’ll give you three clues. John: Great. That’ll make things crystal clear. Script by Dr. Lucy Tse

 English Cafe #316 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 35:01

Topics: Ask an American: Libraries Using Ad Campaigns to Improve Image and Funding; making introductions; stack versus stock Words: to light up to click deficit geek mental synapse to get (one’s) geek on billboard poster reaction hip to hit to introduce stack stock


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